Free? That Is A Laugh.

I dont have a problem with people living off grid,in fact I'm considering it myself,but not in urban areas where there is a problem with disposing of waste.
You want to move to the boonies and put in a septic system and a well and run it all off renewable resources? Good on ya...

The lady in the link has sewer. She uses rainwater to flush.
Because of water charges being put into effect, we put in a system to catch rain water. We are being told that we are going to have to pay a certain amount no matter how little water we use from the system.

It's kinda like gas prices. The gov insists on more efficient cars then they lose tax dollars so they jack up the tax on it,effectively raising gas prices.
Same with water. Everyone is told to conserve,water company cant afford to maintain the water system so they charge a flat rate to make money.
So who's to blame?

Like I said,if you want to be free of gov intervention and control on these issues move out to the boonies. If you cant do that,I dont know what to tell you.
"Her sewer remains capped since earlier this year. She goes to the bathroom in a bucket and disposes of the waste in the trash. No air conditioning, no running water, no electricity, just open windows, a slight breeze and the sound of her Chihuahua, Suzie, yapping incessantly."
Off-the-grid Florida woman remains defiant

A little more to the story than the original link. I don't see how one can be charged with not using city water or electric, but this woman is a public health hazard.
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  • #23
"Her sewer remains capped since earlier this year. She goes to the bathroom in a bucket and disposes of the waste in the trash. No air conditioning, no running water, no electricity, just open windows, a slight breeze and the sound of her Chihuahua, Suzie, yapping incessantly."
Off-the-grid Florida woman remains defiant

A little more to the story than the original link. I don't see how one can be charged with not using city water or electric, but this woman is a public health hazard.

I have no problem requiring certain health related standards. But that is not what they have done. They have required that she be connected to the water system.

As for the yapping chihuahua, that doesn't seem to be relevant.
"Her sewer remains capped since earlier this year. She goes to the bathroom in a bucket and disposes of the waste in the trash. No air conditioning, no running water, no electricity, just open windows, a slight breeze and the sound of her Chihuahua, Suzie, yapping incessantly."
Off-the-grid Florida woman remains defiant

A little more to the story than the original link. I don't see how one can be charged with not using city water or electric, but this woman is a public health hazard.

I have no problem requiring certain health related standards. But that is not what they have done. They have required that she be connected to the water system.

As for the yapping chihuahua, that doesn't seem to be relevant.
I'd like to see the actual charges that she was found guilty of as they don't appear in your article.

According to the one I linked:

"Florida state statute specifies that if a sewer system is available near a home, the property is required to connect."

It sounds more to me that this is a public health issue than Florida targeting off the grid people. But then again, this IS Florida and Florida politicians hate renewable energy.
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  • #25
"Her sewer remains capped since earlier this year. She goes to the bathroom in a bucket and disposes of the waste in the trash. No air conditioning, no running water, no electricity, just open windows, a slight breeze and the sound of her Chihuahua, Suzie, yapping incessantly."
Off-the-grid Florida woman remains defiant

A little more to the story than the original link. I don't see how one can be charged with not using city water or electric, but this woman is a public health hazard.

I have no problem requiring certain health related standards. But that is not what they have done. They have required that she be connected to the water system.

As for the yapping chihuahua, that doesn't seem to be relevant.
I'd like to see the actual charges that she was found guilty of as they don't appear in your article.

According to the one I linked:

"Florida state statute specifies that if a sewer system is available near a home, the property is required to connect."

It sounds more to me that this is a public health issue than Florida targeting off the grid people. But then again, this IS Florida and Florida politicians hate renewable energy.

From the link:

"In the end, she was found not guilty of not having a proper sewer or electrical system; but was guilty of not being hooked up to an approved water supply."

Approved water supply? How many water supply lines run thru her neighborhood?
"Her sewer remains capped since earlier this year. She goes to the bathroom in a bucket and disposes of the waste in the trash. No air conditioning, no running water, no electricity, just open windows, a slight breeze and the sound of her Chihuahua, Suzie, yapping incessantly."
Off-the-grid Florida woman remains defiant

A little more to the story than the original link. I don't see how one can be charged with not using city water or electric, but this woman is a public health hazard.

I have no problem requiring certain health related standards. But that is not what they have done. They have required that she be connected to the water system.

As for the yapping chihuahua, that doesn't seem to be relevant.
I'd like to see the actual charges that she was found guilty of as they don't appear in your article.

According to the one I linked:

"Florida state statute specifies that if a sewer system is available near a home, the property is required to connect."

It sounds more to me that this is a public health issue than Florida targeting off the grid people. But then again, this IS Florida and Florida politicians hate renewable energy.

From the link:

"In the end, she was found not guilty of not having a proper sewer or electrical system; but was guilty of not being hooked up to an approved water supply."

Approved water supply? How many water supply lines run thru her neighborhood?
I know that is what the article says but I don't know if the article is representing the actual truth as according to the other article the Florida law only says you must hook up to a sewer system if one is available.

I don't understand your last question. If the city has water lines running into her neighborhood, that would be an approved water supply as opposed to someone selling her water out of a dirty truck.
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  • #27
"Her sewer remains capped since earlier this year. She goes to the bathroom in a bucket and disposes of the waste in the trash. No air conditioning, no running water, no electricity, just open windows, a slight breeze and the sound of her Chihuahua, Suzie, yapping incessantly."
Off-the-grid Florida woman remains defiant

A little more to the story than the original link. I don't see how one can be charged with not using city water or electric, but this woman is a public health hazard.

I have no problem requiring certain health related standards. But that is not what they have done. They have required that she be connected to the water system.

As for the yapping chihuahua, that doesn't seem to be relevant.
I'd like to see the actual charges that she was found guilty of as they don't appear in your article.

According to the one I linked:

"Florida state statute specifies that if a sewer system is available near a home, the property is required to connect."

It sounds more to me that this is a public health issue than Florida targeting off the grid people. But then again, this IS Florida and Florida politicians hate renewable energy.

From the link:

"In the end, she was found not guilty of not having a proper sewer or electrical system; but was guilty of not being hooked up to an approved water supply."

Approved water supply? How many water supply lines run thru her neighborhood?
I know that is what the article says but I don't know if the article is representing the actual truth as according to the other article the Florida law only says you must hook up to a sewer system if one is available.

I don't understand your last question. If the city has water lines running into her neighborhood, that would be an approved water supply as opposed to someone selling her water out of a dirty truck.

My point is that by requiring everyone to be hooked up to an approved water supply, they are, in reality, requiring that they be hooked up to the city water. And, as has been stated, there are often minimum charges associated with such utilities.

If she had a composting toilet the health hazards would be taken care of, but she would still have to pay to hookup to the water and pay their minimum monthly fees (if any). It is a monopoly that we are forced to use.
Okay, I researched it a bit more and it does appear she was found guilty of not being hooked up to the water supply. It also appears that the city capped her sewer service because she had been using it but not paying her bills.
"Her sewer remains capped since earlier this year. She goes to the bathroom in a bucket and disposes of the waste in the trash. No air conditioning, no running water, no electricity, just open windows, a slight breeze and the sound of her Chihuahua, Suzie, yapping incessantly."
Off-the-grid Florida woman remains defiant

A little more to the story than the original link. I don't see how one can be charged with not using city water or electric, but this woman is a public health hazard.

I have no problem requiring certain health related standards. But that is not what they have done. They have required that she be connected to the water system.

As for the yapping chihuahua, that doesn't seem to be relevant.
I'd like to see the actual charges that she was found guilty of as they don't appear in your article.

According to the one I linked:

"Florida state statute specifies that if a sewer system is available near a home, the property is required to connect."

It sounds more to me that this is a public health issue than Florida targeting off the grid people. But then again, this IS Florida and Florida politicians hate renewable energy.

From the link:

"In the end, she was found not guilty of not having a proper sewer or electrical system; but was guilty of not being hooked up to an approved water supply."

Approved water supply? How many water supply lines run thru her neighborhood?
I know that is what the article says but I don't know if the article is representing the actual truth as according to the other article the Florida law only says you must hook up to a sewer system if one is available.

I don't understand your last question. If the city has water lines running into her neighborhood, that would be an approved water supply as opposed to someone selling her water out of a dirty truck.

My point is that by requiring everyone to be hooked up to an approved water supply, they are, in reality, requiring that they be hooked up to the city water. And, as has been stated, there are often minimum charges associated with such utilities.

If she had a composting toilet the health hazards would be taken care of, but she would still have to pay to hookup to the water and pay their minimum monthly fees (if any). It is a monopoly that we are forced to use.

No one is forcing her to live there. If she wants to live off the grid she needs to move.
The only problem that I can find with what this woman is doing is her using the system and refusing to pay.

Also discussed at the special hearing was the fact that Speronis had been using the sewer system for the past year yet not paying for the service amassing a past due bill in the thousands. After her testimony admitting that she had used the service without paying for it, the city decided to cap the sewer line. Connie Barron, Cape Coral spokesperson told The News-Press, “She also gave clear indications she does not intend to pay for this service but intends to continue to use the system. We really had no choice but to cap the sewer.”
Pure evil City caps sewer of woman fighting to live off the grid Odd News - Yahoo News

I hope that she appeals it.

I think it was last year, or maybe year before last, there were two write ups in the papers. One dealt with the inability to have a home garden in the back of one's house and the other had a woman with diabetes that had an herb garden with vegetables in the front of the house. The second write up included information that the city came into her front yard and mowed it down. This is what she was living on.

If it doesn't impact the neighbors and doesn't pose a health risk then there should be no problem.
Last edited:
Florida is also well known for developing sink holes. That's a possible reason for not wanting people sucking water out of the ground.
[URL='']Florida Makes Off-Grid Living Illegal 8211 Mandates All Homes Must Be Connected To An Electricity Grid Collective-Evolution
"It’s no secret that an opposition to sustainable living exists. Earlier this year, Texas state brought several SWAT teams to a sustainable community and threatened to shut it down. Each one of the community members were initially handcuffed at gunpoint. It was called “The Garden of Eden Community,” and was totally self sustainable. You can read more about that here.

This time, it’s Robin Speronis that’s come under fire. She lives off the grid in Florida, completely independent of the city’s water and electric system. A few weeks ago, officials ruled her off-grid home illegal. Officials cited the International Property Maintenance Code, which mandates that homes be connected to an electricity grid and a running water source. That’s just like saying our dependency on corporations isn’t even a choice. The battle to live without most utilities has been ongoing for Robin, the self-sufficient woman has lived for more than a year and a half using solar energy, a propane camping stove and rain water.

In the end, she was found not guilty of not having a proper sewer or electrical system; but was guilty of not being hooked up to an approved water supply."

Winterborn, I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I believe any of that. Please cite the U.S. law, state law or subsequent city ordinances that prohibit living free off of private property. While we are on that slippery slope, I'm not sure we have gotten there yet. There are many, many thousands of people living off the grid, and an entire industry that is supporting such wise and sustainable efforts.

Winterborn, I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I believe any of that. Please cite the U.S. law, state law or subsequent city ordinances that prohibit living free off of private property. While we are on that slippery slope, I'm not sure we have gotten there yet. There are many, many thousands of people living off the grid, and an entire industry that is supporting such wise and sustainable efforts.

He's absolutely right in that they wont allow you to live off the grid in a subdivision,and rightfully so. To many health hazards.
I'm sure Florida wouldnt have a problem if you wanted to live off grid in the boonies.
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  • #35
Maybe she could move into the shack the Weaver family abandoned in Idaho.

Awww, is the little liar still butthurt? lmao

Naw, man, I thought it was hilarious the way you coddled Nazis in that thread. It shows that the best argument for gun control is to let the gun nuts show how nuts they really are.

Coddled? lmao Objecting to a 14 year old being shot in the back by agents who have no visible ID or isignia and who have not identified themselves? If you consider that "coddling", your ideas of what we can allow LEOs to do is very warped.
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  • #36

Winterborn, I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I believe any of that. Please cite the U.S. law, state law or subsequent city ordinances that prohibit living free off of private property. While we are on that slippery slope, I'm not sure we have gotten there yet. There are many, many thousands of people living off the grid, and an entire industry that is supporting such wise and sustainable efforts.

The woman in the linked article was not fined for her waste disposal. She was not told she had to find a proper way to do so. She was fined for nopt being connected to the local water line.

Coddled? lmao Objecting to a 14 year old being shot in the back by agents who have no visible ID or isignia and who have not identified themselves? If you consider that "coddling", your ideas of what we can allow LEOs to do is very warped.

Well, maybe his dad should have gotten a lawyer and gone to court, which is what he did anyway...

Oh, wait. Um, er "Freedom".
I read about this a few months back... she wasn't harming any of her neighbors in any manner....they are just old laws on the books that were meant for the good of all, but are now old and need revisions to accommodate those who go off the grid....her house is not without electricity, her house is not without water...those with other means to get these things should be allowed to do such....

these are OUT DATED laws on Florida's books and can easily be rewritten, if the Florida Republican Congress would do so, and then the local communities to follow....
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  • #39

Coddled? lmao Objecting to a 14 year old being shot in the back by agents who have no visible ID or isignia and who have not identified themselves? If you consider that "coddling", your ideas of what we can allow LEOs to do is very warped.

Well, maybe his dad should have gotten a lawyer and gone to court, which is what he did anyway...

Oh, wait. Um, er "Freedom".

Yes, he did. Should he have simply accepted that his son was murdered by federal agents?

There are numerous problems with the assault the feds mounted against the Weavers. That you dismiss any problems, simply because you claim they are Nazis, says far more about you than about me.
Free? That Is A Laugh.


There is no 'Constitutional right' to not have electricity or clean water.

Citizens are subject to all manner of necessary, proper, and appropriate regulatory policies, including having access to an approved water supply.

It's therefore ridiculous and ignorant to maintain that such requirements somehow 'undermine' freedom.

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