free the people free the herb

Maybe you should reassess your small gov't conservative credentials :lol:
Ah the attempt to misconstrue previous statements into expansion of the state with no evidence. I recognize that fallacy.

Boy, you're not very good at this are you?

Please explain how I am misconstruing the below statement by saying you are for the death penalty if someone steals a pack of gum while high:

2. If you commit a crime in which you are stealing to support your addiction or under the influence of a drug, the punishment should be incredibly severe, to fatal.

3. Since I believe that life in prison without parole is cruel and unusual punishment, those sentences should be commuted to death.

I agree with that. Marijuana isn't a narcotic and it shouldn't apply. Maryjane should be legalized, taxed, etc.
Maybe you should reassess your small gov't conservative credentials :lol:
Ah the attempt to misconstrue previous statements into expansion of the state with no evidence. I recognize that fallacy.

Boy, you're not very good at this are you?

Please explain how I am misconstruing the below statement by saying you are for the death penalty if someone steals a pack of gum while high:

2. If you commit a crime in which you are stealing to support your addiction or under the influence of a drug, the punishment should be incredibly severe, to fatal.

3. Since I believe that life in prison without parole is cruel and unusual punishment, those sentences should be commuted to death.
Sorry, I'm not going to engage in your idiotic hypothetical regardless of how often you post it. Tardtard posts his silly prison statistics. Ole Crocks post the same global warmist chicken little links. RDean squawks 6% all the time.

If you want this to be your new calling card, so be it.
Pot should be legal. Legal but regulated like alcohol. It will take some of the burden off the war on drugs but it's only a minor component in the big picture.

If you want it legalized, make it so that I don't pick up the tab for it. So, no welfare, no medical assistance, no nothing. Then I'm not funding other peoples lifestyle choices. That's fair.

People on welfare can drinkand still recieve assitance.

If the herb were legal they could do it too and still get assitance.

I think you truely do not understand the herb.

When you smoke you feel a sense of calm and get thoughty.

People get introspective and feel a connection to the world arround them.

It in fact will help many people in the world become more thougthful unlike the effects of alcohol.

Alcohol blots out your senses and make you NOT think.

Alcohols effects last for many hours and usually requires a nights sleep to end most of its effects.

The Herb can be inbibed in many ways and its effects last a couple of hours.

Then you are good to go and back to your normal senses.

I truely think its legalization will HELP the addiction problems we have in this country.

people can use it instead of many of the other much more harmful substances people use to date.

Do you know this due to personal experience?
Ah the attempt to misconstrue previous statements into expansion of the state with no evidence. I recognize that fallacy.

Boy, you're not very good at this are you?

Please explain how I am misconstruing the below statement by saying you are for the death penalty if someone steals a pack of gum while high:

2. If you commit a crime in which you are stealing to support your addiction or under the influence of a drug, the punishment should be incredibly severe, to fatal.

3. Since I believe that life in prison without parole is cruel and unusual punishment, those sentences should be commuted to death.
Sorry, I'm not going to engage in your idiotic hypothetical regardless of how often you post it. Tardtard posts his silly prison statistics. Ole Crocks post the same global warmist chicken little links. RDean squawks 6% all the time.

If you want this to be your new calling card, so be it.


What's the matter, Fitz?

Ashamed of your own words?
We didn't have the serious problems with drugs until we made them illegal.
The same argument was made with alchohol. So where is the destruction ending prohibition was supposed to cause?
Bull fucking shit. Do some historical research on the Temperance movement and what they fought against.
a lot of the Temperance movement Fitz was carried out by Religious groups....that says a lot right far as i am concerned.....
That's true. Many in the churches got behind the temperance movement the same way they got behind the emancipation movement pre-civil war. Although they favored prohibition as a solution, it didn't make many of the blue laws that came out of the period post-prohibition bad things. Like I said before, many of our quality of life laws came from that period when there were necessary regulations put out there to prevent the creations of hells-on-wheels as Jack Casement coined the term.

My problem stems from the fact that our society is too irresponsible, immature, and immoral to handle legalized drug use a this time. We're too often willing to give in to the desires of the reprobate and rabble-rousing troublemaker than we are protect the responsible citizenry. We are incapable of doing a morally correct thing and setting hard boundaries for the use of, an lifestyle choices of drug addicts like Lulu here (you admitted you use in 2 threads I've seen so far, so proudly own up to it).

Lastly, it's a state issue, not federal. I've no problem seeing the DEA and all other federal law enforcement agencies devoted to the war on drugs broken up to the states accordingly and let them decide the issue.

But regardless, if drugs are legalized, I want to make DAMN SURE that I am neither obligated, required or forced to associate, or support anyone who takes drugs by law or statute or regulation or taxcode. Nor should they be allowed the same rights as any responsible citizen who DOESN'T use them. Why? because they are by nature irresponsible and cannot be trusted to fulfill their obligations as a citizen. If you want to do drugs, you're on your own, completely and will not have the power to fuck up the lives of others by your irresponsible behavior.

Like I said, the temperance movement, for all its flaws, and there were quite a few, had the right idea that citizens should be allowed to demand a nicer place to live and at least on the local and state level, create laws accordingly in which provide the style of life they wish to have. But it seems this wisdom has been lost on current society so we must suffer more because of it till we remember why we did such things.
Please explain how I am misconstruing the below statement by saying you are for the death penalty if someone steals a pack of gum while high:
Sorry, I'm not going to engage in your idiotic hypothetical regardless of how often you post it. Tardtard posts his silly prison statistics. Ole Crocks post the same global warmist chicken little links. RDean squawks 6% all the time.

If you want this to be your new calling card, so be it.


What's the matter, Fitz?

Ashamed of your own words?
about as ashamed as your own use.

This is about as advanced a mocking as saying "If you love carrots, why don't you marry one!"

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Sorry, I'm not going to engage in your idiotic hypothetical regardless of how often you post it. Tardtard posts his silly prison statistics. Ole Crocks post the same global warmist chicken little links. RDean squawks 6% all the time.

If you want this to be your new calling card, so be it.


What's the matter, Fitz?

Ashamed of your own words?
about as ashamed as your own use.

So why are you so afraid to own that you would have someone killed for stealing a pack of gum while high?
Yea, why don't we legalize cocaine and acid while we are at it.

why not? i won't do it anyway. Isn't this the quickest way to eliminate the weak?

I agree, just making sure you are consistent and your argument is based on an objective premise, such as freedom of choice stemming from self-ownership. Some want to just legalize pot because they subjectively view pot equal to or less harmful than alcohol. I am for legalizing every drug, not because I want to use every drug or would recommend it, because because I believe in self-ownership.
Yea, why don't we legalize cocaine and acid while we are at it.

why not? i won't do it anyway. Isn't this the quickest way to eliminate the weak?

I agree, just making sure you are consistent and your argument is based on an objective premise, such as freedom of choice stemming from self-ownership. Some want to just legalize pot because they subjectively view pot equal to or less harmful than alcohol. I am for legalizing every drug, not because I want to use every drug or would recommend it, because because I believe in self-ownership.

So I passed your test? :lol: I say smoke 'em if you got 'em.

ETA: everything in moderation.
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Now whoever would have thought YOU were a pot head.

I'm willing to concede this point if I have it codified into law that it is permitted to discriminate against druggies, and bar them from ALL public assistance, financial or material.

You wanna wreck your life, you don't get to do it at my expense OR in my proximity. I want the right to bar you from my property, access to my children, tax money, neigborhood, driving, workplace and government. You can avoid this by choosing to NOT be a dope....head.

Oh, and automatic death penalty for crimes committed for or while on drugs.

Do that and it fucks over all the right people. Drug growers, traffickers and foreign powers while protecting our rights and culls these assholes out of society.

Man...I was wrong about you Conservatives... You ARE all about freedom, aren't you?
Bull fucking shit. Do some historical research on the Temperance movement and what they fought against.
a lot of the Temperance movement Fitz was carried out by Religious groups....that says a lot right far as i am concerned.....
That's true. Many in the churches got behind the temperance movement the same way they got behind the emancipation movement pre-civil war. Although they favored prohibition as a solution, it didn't make many of the blue laws that came out of the period post-prohibition bad things. Like I said before, many of our quality of life laws came from that period when there were necessary regulations put out there to prevent the creations of hells-on-wheels as Jack Casement coined the term.

My problem stems from the fact that our society is too irresponsible, immature, and immoral to handle legalized drug use a this time. We're too often willing to give in to the desires of the reprobate and rabble-rousing troublemaker than we are protect the responsible citizenry. We are incapable of doing a morally correct thing and setting hard boundaries for the use of, an lifestyle choices of drug addicts like Lulu here (you admitted you use in 2 threads I've seen so far, so proudly own up to it).

Lastly, it's a state issue, not federal. I've no problem seeing the DEA and all other federal law enforcement agencies devoted to the war on drugs broken up to the states accordingly and let them decide the issue.

But regardless, if drugs are legalized, I want to make DAMN SURE that I am neither obligated, required or forced to associate, or support anyone who takes drugs by law or statute or regulation or taxcode. Nor should they be allowed the same rights as any responsible citizen who DOESN'T use them. Why? because they are by nature irresponsible and cannot be trusted to fulfill their obligations as a citizen. If you want to do drugs, you're on your own, completely and will not have the power to fuck up the lives of others by your irresponsible behavior.

Like I said, the temperance movement, for all its flaws, and there were quite a few, had the right idea that citizens should be allowed to demand a nicer place to live and at least on the local and state level, create laws accordingly in which provide the style of life they wish to have. But it seems this wisdom has been lost on current society so we must suffer more because of it till we remember why we did such things.

your saying DRUGS seems most here are just saying Pot.....i certainly do not want harder stuff i have said many a all for Pot until they make Alcohol and Cigs illegal.....until then......

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