Freedom of Religious Opinion? Not If You're Phil Robertson

Yes, there is. If they fired him for answering questions about his faith....the faith that is a cornerstone of his shows and his books and which they have been perfectly aware of all along...then that is discrimination.

But they didn't fire him. Because they know that they would be in deep doo doo if they did.

They still could be over the suspension. It isn't wrongful termination, to be sure, but they did a disciplinary based on what was a statement of his religious belief. And your earlier post was correct, they had ample opportunity to know where he stood far earlier.
I know some of you watch Duck Dynasty and probably heard that Phil Robertson was suspended by A&E for his opinion on homosexuality. He had the gall to quote 1 Corinthians 6:9 and express himself openly about his opposition to gay marriage. Groups like GLAAD came out in support of the suspension. Don't you find it odd that people like Martin Bashir get a pass for their intolerance toward conservative women, but people like Phil Robertson are being targeted for their beliefs?

Should TV Networks silence religious speech for the political sensibilities of others? As most of you were aware, Chick-Fil-A came under similar scrutiny by gay rights organizations for its views on homosexuality last year. The response from the public was overwhelming, as the restaurant experienced booming profits from the ordeal. Suffice it to say, ratings for the show may experience similar results.

Should Phil Robertson be suspended for his comments in GQ? Or should he be allowed to express himself as he is allowed to by the the First Amendment? My personal opinion here is that no TV network should be allowed to censor a man for expressing his religious beliefs.

There have been many instances of people or businesses being targeted for their religious beliefs, all for being "intolerant." Isn't it strange that you can be allowed to be homosexual, but not a person of faith? The real intolerance here, is of those who cannot accept that others aren't forced to tolerate their way of life or their practices. If you are any freedom loving American; Democrat, Republican or Libertarian, you should be disturbed by this recent turn of events.

Why all the shock ? I just don't get it. I mean, how is what this man said such a surprise and outrage ? I mean, on the topic at hand, you know what he is going to say. Are we surprised that he speaks out as he does on homosexuality, and gay marrage ? If you don't like what he is going to say, yhen change the channel. Don't watch it, don't listen, and just don't ask if you know you are not going to like the answer. Meh.
You cannot fire a person for voicing his faith in answer to a question...particularly if you HIRED him knowing he held those views.

A&E didn't fire Robertson.

Robertson does not work for A&E.

a&E has a business arrangement with the production company that makes the show.

In short, if they say "We don't want episodes with that bigot on it", it's kind of like me as a customer saying, "I don't want a hamburger with catsup on it!"
The point being, he isn't suspended, he wasn't fired.

The point is, he is suspended from any new production, if there is new production.

I think they are waiting to see what the reaction to the new season is, and if this will blow over.

But the Robertson's have had their "jump the shark" moment when the show stopped being a cute show about duck hunters and started being about bigotry.
The point being, he isn't suspended, he wasn't fired.

The point is, he is suspended from any new production, if there is new production.

I think they are waiting to see what the reaction to the new season is, and if this will blow over.

But the Robertson's have had their "jump the shark" moment when the show stopped being a cute show about duck hunters and started being about bigotry.
You're retarded.
The point being, he isn't suspended, he wasn't fired.

The point is, he is suspended from any new production, if there is new production.

I think they are waiting to see what the reaction to the new season is, and if this will blow over.

But the Robertson's have had their "jump the shark" moment when the show stopped being a cute show about duck hunters and started being about bigotry.

No, he's not, you creepy liar.

And the show is just what it has always been, and what it has always been is why A&E wanted it in the first place. A huge money maker for them.
The point being, he isn't suspended, he wasn't fired.

The point is, he is suspended from any new production, if there is new production.

I think they are waiting to see what the reaction to the new season is, and if this will blow over.

But the Robertson's have had their "jump the shark" moment when the show stopped being a cute show about duck hunters and started being about bigotry.

No, he's not, you creepy liar.

And the show is just what it has always been, and what it has always been is why A&E wanted it in the first place. A huge money maker for them.

Actually, it's what all other reality shows are... let's film people like they really are and laugh at them.

But much like the bigots at the Big Brother house making racist comments, once you cross certain lines, it just isn't funny anymore.
People love it.

And not because it's funny. Because they represent what Americans truly admire. A solid work ethic and faith driven quest for honor.
People love it.

And not because it's funny. Because they represent what Americans truly admire. A solid work ethic and faith driven quest for honor.

You know what, since I don't actually follow the drivel other than the few clips I see on shows like "the Soup", I'm not going to get deep into a critical analysis of the show.

The fact that people love Reality TV doesn't make it good. The fact millions love American Idol doesn't make the singers on it any good. The fact that millions of people love The Bachelor doesn't make it less creepy.

But really, people watch it because they have weird beards and they are a bunch of dysfunctional rednecks to laugh at.
You'll have to look those phrases up, joe.

Well, I did look up the word honor, and nowhere did it say anything about "Hating people because you don't like the kind of sex they are having".

So maybe you need to trade in your dictionary for a better model.
Robertson never said he hated anyone. He said homosexuality, along with all other sex outside of marriage, is a sin.

Exactly what the bible fact, he said that his (our) job was to love everybody.

Duck Dynasty isn’t just another of the homespun reality TV shows about swamp people, trailer park people, pickers, hoarders, storage-locker openers, and coupon clippers that litter the TV landscape these days – it’s a religious parable, our pundits noted. “This is a show where, somewhere in every episode they’re saying grace,” noted one. “These people have a certain genuineness to them, even if they did agree to do a reality show.”

'Duck Dynasty' Debacle Has TV Industry Abuzz As A&E Charts New Territory -
People love it.

And not because it's funny. Because they represent what Americans truly admire. A solid work ethic and faith driven quest for honor.

You know what, since I don't actually follow the drivel other than the few clips I see on shows like "the Soup", I'm not going to get deep into a critical analysis of the show.

The fact that people love Reality TV doesn't make it good. The fact millions love American Idol doesn't make the singers on it any good. The fact that millions of people love The Bachelor doesn't make it less creepy.

But really, people watch it because they have weird beards and they are a bunch of dysfunctional rednecks to laugh at.

And you call others bigots!
Redneck, hillbilly, fundie, Bible thumper, cracker, split tails, geezer, and homophobe are not words of tolerance.
People don't tune into the show to laugh. That's the most laughable lie out there, perpetuated by the extremist, anti-Christian, anti-American leftists who apparently still think they're the majority.

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