Freedom of Religious Opinion? Not If You're Phil Robertson

This is not a free speech issue. This is a contract dispute issue. This is not an employment issue. It is a contract dispute issue. From the circumstances, it might be assumed that whatever speech or actions Phil engaged in while in his Church was not specifically limited by the terms of the contract or he would never have signed it. Contracts can only go so far. While it is possible to sign a contract that prohibits attending a particular church, that contract would be void as to public policy.
Never tried it. Not into dudes, and never met a chick who wanted to do that.

But here's the thing. 38% of straight couples HAVE tried anal sex. 99% of straight couples have engaged fellatio and cunnilingus. So as much as you all think those things are icky...

What you really have a problem with is people of the same sex doing them.

Not so sure about that Joe. Seems to me that the biggest haters of gay people are those "straight" people that are actually attracted to the same sex. And they use their hatred to convince themselves that they don't REALLY want to have sex with someone of the same sex.

They actually HATE themselves for the way they feel much more than they hate the gay people.

Right edge? You hates you some gay people. Right? Wildman, want to comment?

So you are saying that Phil is a closet gay? Rut-roh.

Disapproval is not hate. It is disapproval.
Redneck, hillbilly, fundie, Bible thumper, cracker, split tails, geezer, and homophobe are not words of tolerance.

NO, but they are accurate descriptions of the dumber end of white America.

The kind that cling to their guns and their bibles as they watch their middle class lifestyle taken away from them.

You see, here's the thing. I used to work with this hispanic girl who was a lesbian. And you know what, she was in the same boat I was in. Just trying to make ends meet and get by and do all the little things you do in life.

The problem with the rednecks, Bible thumpers and homophobes is that they've been tricked into thinking that the guys in the silk suits and corner offices who are constantly plotting ways to suck the last dollar out of them are really on the same side they are on.

Merry Christmas, bigot.
Redneck, hillbilly, fundie, Bible thumper, cracker, split tails, geezer, and homophobe are not words of tolerance.

I have never met a redneck who didn't wear that label proudly!

Well you have now. That doesn't make it less bigoted to call someone a redneck.

I worked my ass off to get a bachelor's, master's and JD. Just because I am from Kentucky and have a southern accent, I will not allow anyone to speak to me like I am beneath them. I have made a greater effort to develop myself than most people on this planet.
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We know who the bigots are, and it's not the Robertsons, or the huge number of people who identify with them.

It's weirdoes like joeb.

I'm going to put this in a term even a retard redneck like you can understand.

You can live in one of two societies.

One where everyone has menial jobs, and you can't put food on the table, and you'll be eating dog food in your old age, but them queers can't get married.

Or one where everyone has a good paying renumerative job, we look out for the old and sick, but gays can get married and people who say homophobic nonsense are treated like the assholes who say racist nonsense.

You only get to pick one, and then you have to live with it.

So which one would you pick.

Well, I won't speak for you, but if you put the choice in that way, most people pick the latter.

Now, when did we get to make this choice for real. Well, it was 2004. Bush had pretty much messed up everything, turning peace and prosperity into war and destitution, but gosh darn it, he was going to totally save marriage from them homos, just like Jesus would.

And he won. Shit, I even voted for him, to my eternal shame. (But mostly because I though Kerry was a twit.)

Did he rush out and save marriage from the SOdomites? Nope. His first action was to try to let Wall Street loot the Social Security Trust fund, an idea so God-awful bad even republicans didn't go along with it. And then this idiot crashed the economy.

So now you've got a crashed economy and the gays are getting married anyway. Good work, wingnuts.

Please note, I do not expect a rational rebuttal from Koshergirl. What I expect is a bunch of name calling and baseless accusations about pornography.

Yeah...the Robertsons are such "dumb rednecks" that they have run a successful business for decades and made millions! Dude...envy is an ugly thing!

You'd think they could afford a decent shave and some nice clothes, then, and wouldn't have to go around the swamps eating the frogs, then.

Maybe some deodorant would be nice, too.
Redneck, hillbilly, fundie, Bible thumper, cracker, split tails, geezer, and homophobe are not words of tolerance.

I have never met a redneck who didn't wear that label proudly!

Well you have now. That doesn't make it less bigoted to call someone a redneck.

I worked my ass off to get a bachelor's, master's and JD. Just because I am from Kentucky and have a southern accent, I will not allow anyone to speak to me like I am beneath them. I have made a greater effort to develop myself than most people on this planet.

Oh, wait, now you're a JD? I thought you were a nurse?

I get it, you're BARBIE!

Oh, the reason why people associate the "Southern" accent with ignorance and stupidity is because people with that accent tried to break up the country so a few rich assholes could own other people, and then spent the next 150 years acting like they didn't do anything wrong.
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I have never met a redneck who didn't wear that label proudly!

To me, the funniest thing is how the Left wants to vilify "Rednecks" when they have always been supporters of the Democratic Party.

In the beginning, the term meant farmers having a red neck caused by sunburn from hours working in the fields. These people typically supported the Democratic Party as the party of the common man. By 1900, "rednecks" was in common use to designate the political factions inside the Democratic Party comprising poor white farmers in the South. THEN, the United Mine Workers of America appropriated both the term redneck and its literal manifestation, the red bandana, in order to build multiracial unions of white, black, and immigrant miners in the strike-ridden coalfields of northern and central Appalachia between 1912 and 1936.

Of course, being elitists, the Democrats have now turned their backs on these poor folks and now paint them as uneducated, crass and bigoted people. Of course some might say that would still make them typical Democrats, but that's not nice!

But here's the key difference... When the Rednecks supported the Democrats, the Democrats actually worked to make their lives better.

Which is why you got farm policies that kept them from going bust if there was a drought and rural electrification and price supports and all the other things that made living in a rural area somewhat tolerable.

As to who turned their backs on who, the real problem was that when the Democrats built that multi-racial coalition, and finally grew a pair and said, "Racial discrimination is unacceptable!" those "rednecks" forgot how much they hated Lincoln and became Republicans.

The real shame is the REpublicans didn't demand they leave their Confederate Flags and Burning crosses at the door. They just embraced the suck, which is why the GOP has become a regional party.
Oh, the reason why people associate the "Southern" accent with ignorance and stupidity is because people with that accent tried to break up the country so a few rich assholes could own other people, and then spent the next 150 years acting like they didn't do anything wrong.
That's the most juvenile synopsis on the Civil War I've ever seen. You're oblivious to the monopolistic barons that ran industrial north well afterwards.

People don't associate a southern accent with ignorance, smug self righteous people do. And vote for him if he's a liberal.

We know who the bigots are, and it's not the Robertsons, or the huge number of people who identify with them.

It's weirdoes like joeb.

I'm going to put this in a term even a retard redneck like you can understand.

You can live in one of two societies.

One where everyone has menial jobs, and you can't put food on the table, and you'll be eating dog food in your old age, but them queers can't get married.

Or one where everyone has a good paying renumerative job, we look out for the old and sick, but gays can get married and people who say homophobic nonsense are treated like the assholes who say racist nonsense.

You only get to pick one, and then you have to live with it.

So which one would you pick.

Well, I won't speak for you, but if you put the choice in that way, most people pick the latter.

Now, when did we get to make this choice for real. Well, it was 2004. Bush had pretty much messed up everything, turning peace and prosperity into war and destitution, but gosh darn it, he was going to totally save marriage from them homos, just like Jesus would.

And he won. Shit, I even voted for him, to my eternal shame. (But mostly because I though Kerry was a twit.)

Did he rush out and save marriage from the SOdomites? Nope. His first action was to try to let Wall Street loot the Social Security Trust fund, an idea so God-awful bad even republicans didn't go along with it. And then this idiot crashed the economy.

So now you've got a crashed economy and the gays are getting married anyway. Good work, wingnuts.

Please note, I do not expect a rational rebuttal from Koshergirl. What I expect is a bunch of name calling and baseless accusations about pornography.

Oh, the reason why people associate the "Southern" accent with ignorance and stupidity is because people with that accent tried to break up the country so a few rich assholes could own other people, and then spent the next 150 years acting like they didn't do anything wrong.
That's the most juvenile synopsis on the Civil War I've ever seen. You're oblivious to the monopolistic barons that ran industrial north well afterwards.

People don't associate a southern accent with ignorance, smug self righteous people do. And vote for him if he's a liberal.

Actually, people all over the world equal "Drawl" with "Stupid".

Watch any foriegn film or TV series. When they want to portray the "Ugly American", he's always got the drawl.
The FCC did not send investigators into the A & E Networks and he FBI did not intervene with an interview or following arrest of Robertson. IRS never threatened to step in a freeze Robertson's bank accounts.
That is what the 1st Amendment protects us from, laws being made or actions that restrict the freedom OF RELIGION.
It does not protect anyone from how society responds to the expression of one's religion, the press or free speech.
Now you good folks can believe what you want but the above is THE LAW in this country.
Sad that ideology these days be in anything and everything religion takes front seat to what the law has said here for 247 years.
The facts are sports fans: Robertson's BOSS punished him for his remarks, THE GOVERNMENT DID NOT.
So suffer in your ignorance if you do not now know that as I have posted it 100 times.
That is undisputed fact. NO case can be made for a civil rights violation for what A & E did as they are not bound by that with SPEECH.
Merry Christmas and you are welcome for this informative gift I have given all of you.

Yeah...the Robertsons are such "dumb rednecks" that they have run a successful business for decades and made millions! Dude...envy is an ugly thing!

You'd think they could afford a decent shave and some nice clothes, then, and wouldn't have to go around the swamps eating the frogs, then.

Maybe some deodorant would be nice, too.

They can afford it...but they see no reason to shave. You don't like their beards, feel free to piss off! The envy is eating you up, Joey! They are successful, while you are a perpetual failure and you cannot handle it!

Yeah...the Robertsons are such "dumb rednecks" that they have run a successful business for decades and made millions! Dude...envy is an ugly thing!

You'd think they could afford a decent shave and some nice clothes, then, and wouldn't have to go around the swamps eating the frogs, then.

Maybe some deodorant would be nice, too.

They can afford whatever they want. They just CHOOSE to live the way they do. I know that in the lib world no one should have that choice, but they are taking it whether libs like it or not. And if you can smell them through your television set you have an entirely new kind of television set.
The FCC did not send investigators into the A & E Networks and he FBI did not intervene with an interview or following arrest of Robertson. IRS never threatened to step in a freeze Robertson's bank accounts.
That is what the 1st Amendment protects us from, laws being made or actions that restrict the freedom OF RELIGION.
It does not protect anyone from how society responds to the expression of one's religion, the press or free speech.
Now you good folks can believe what you want but the above is THE LAW in this country.
Sad that ideology these days be in anything and everything religion takes front seat to what the law has said here for 247 years.
The facts are sports fans: Robertson's BOSS punished him for his remarks, THE GOVERNMENT DID NOT.
So suffer in your ignorance if you do not now know that as I have posted it 100 times.
That is undisputed fact. NO case can be made for a civil rights violation for what A & E did as they are not bound by that with SPEECH.
Merry Christmas and you are welcome for this informative gift I have given all of you.

Well. That's true. But the conversation has, or at least should have, gone beyond that. Does the public and the advertisers have the right to punish A&E for being stupid? Of course they do.
The FCC did not send investigators into the A & E Networks and he FBI did not intervene with an interview or following arrest of Robertson. IRS never threatened to step in a freeze Robertson's bank accounts.
That is what the 1st Amendment protects us from, laws being made or actions that restrict the freedom OF RELIGION.
It does not protect anyone from how society responds to the expression of one's religion, the press or free speech.
Now you good folks can believe what you want but the above is THE LAW in this country.
Sad that ideology these days be in anything and everything religion takes front seat to what the law has said here for 247 years.
The facts are sports fans: Robertson's BOSS punished him for his remarks, THE GOVERNMENT DID NOT.
So suffer in your ignorance if you do not now know that as I have posted it 100 times.
That is undisputed fact. NO case can be made for a civil rights violation for what A & E did as they are not bound by that with SPEECH.
Merry Christmas and you are welcome for this informative gift I have given all of you.

Well. That's true. But the conversation has, or at least should have, gone beyond that. Does the public and the advertisers have the right to punish A&E for being stupid? Of course they do.

Translation: "OK I know I'm full of shit, that's why we should be talking about something else". :rolleyes:

Advertisers have a right to put their business where they think it's effective; declining to do that is not "punishing" unless you think they're entitled to some sort of corporate welfare.

Anyway, that same advertiser concern would also be what prompted A&E to take its action in the first place to protect its investment.

Works both ways. :eek: Who knew.
People keep saying this isn't a free speech issue. Except you must understand that a small Political Action Group is silencing somebody just for his views on homosexuality that he learned from his Bible. For crying out loud this goes against the very damn things this country was founded on. Yes A&E has a right to fire Phil. but does GLAA d have the right to intimidate and silence another person's speech just because they don't find a politically expedient?

tapatalk post
I've only seen the show once, and the premise seemed to be an argment as whether or not his wife should have sex with him before he took a shower or not. As I recall, he lost that argument, too.

Yes, it is hard to understand how A&E is going to be able to continue their mission of providing us with arts and entertainment without such an uplifting and informative show, complete with all the clowns in the cast.

A wise man once said that nobody ever went broke by underestimating the taste of the average American.
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