Freedom of Religious Opinion? Not If You're Phil Robertson

I've only seen the show once, and the premise seemed to be an argment as whether or not his wife should have sex with him before he took a shower or not.

Holy crap.

I'm glad I've never seen it.


He was arguing from the Bible that man is master of the wife in all things. She countered by arguing that "Clenleness is next to Godlyness".
You guys are just bigots

tapatalk post
Ayup bigots against christians... no different than christians against gays... or catholics against muslims... or pro-lifers vs abortionists... Difference being if you fire someone for being gay or muslim or aborting a child they will shut your business down.
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One of these days I'll understand the draw of the seemingly thousands of reality shows.

Probably not soon, but one of these days.

I won't. And if I do, just shoot me.

"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

Still stupefying that we have six hundred threads worrying about the disposition of a fucking television show.
I must make a correction. Regarding the swamp folks on Duck Dynasty, I am NOT a bigot. I have been told by my republican friends that I am actually an elitist.

..and all because I root for the ducks instead of the swamp criitters that hunt them....
I must make a correction. Regarding the swamp folks on Duck Dynasty, I am NOT a bigot. I have been told by my republican friends that I am actually an elitist.

..and all because I root for the ducks instead of the swamp criitters that hunt them....

The Duckers should be jealous, since we've shot town uncountable canards in this hyar thread.

One of these days I'll understand the draw of the seemingly thousands of reality shows.

Probably not soon, but one of these days.

I won't. And if I do, just shoot me.

"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

Still stupefying that we have six hundred threads worrying about the disposition of a fucking television show.

The main question is if it is such stupid show, why did the faggots throw a bitch fit over it? Makes the Gay Lobby look pretty stupid huh?

One of these days I'll understand the draw of the seemingly thousands of reality shows.

Probably not soon, but one of these days.

I won't. And if I do, just shoot me.

"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

Still stupefying that we have six hundred threads worrying about the disposition of a fucking television show.

The main question is if it is such stupid show, why did the faggots throw a bitch fit over it? Makes the Gay Lobby look pretty stupid huh?

Perhaps, but my faith in the Right has been restored, now that Bristol Palin has taken time off from getting back on TV to stand up for the swamp people....

Birds of a feather?
People keep saying this isn't a free speech issue. Except you must understand that a small Political Action Group is silencing somebody just for his views on homosexuality that he learned from his Bible. For crying out loud this goes against the very damn things this country was founded on. Yes A&E has a right to fire Phil. but does GLAA d have the right to intimidate and silence another person's speech just because they don't find a politically expedient?

tapatalk post

Does the "Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation" have a right to criticize someone who defames gays and uses hate speech against them.

Um... Yes.

and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is actually involved in advancing the interests of colored people.

And the United Negro College Fund actually works to send black kids to college.

I know, these things will all come as shocks to you.
I won't. And if I do, just shoot me.

"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

Still stupefying that we have six hundred threads worrying about the disposition of a fucking television show.

The main question is if it is such stupid show, why did the faggots throw a bitch fit over it? Makes the Gay Lobby look pretty stupid huh?

Perhaps, but my faith in the Right has been restored, now that Bristol Palin has taken time off from getting back on TV to stand up for the swamp people....

Birds of a feather?
I feel sorry for people that keep tabs on Bristol Palin, or any of the Palins, lol.
The FCC did not send investigators into the A & E Networks and he FBI did not intervene with an interview or following arrest of Robertson. IRS never threatened to step in a freeze Robertson's bank accounts.
That is what the 1st Amendment protects us from, laws being made or actions that restrict the freedom OF RELIGION.
It does not protect anyone from how society responds to the expression of one's religion, the press or free speech.
Now you good folks can believe what you want but the above is THE LAW in this country.
Sad that ideology these days be in anything and everything religion takes front seat to what the law has said here for 247 years.
The facts are sports fans: Robertson's BOSS punished him for his remarks, THE GOVERNMENT DID NOT.
So suffer in your ignorance if you do not now know that as I have posted it 100 times.
That is undisputed fact. NO case can be made for a civil rights violation for what A & E did as they are not bound by that with SPEECH.
Merry Christmas and you are welcome for this informative gift I have given all of you.

Well. That's true. But the conversation has, or at least should have, gone beyond that. Does the public and the advertisers have the right to punish A&E for being stupid? Of course they do.

Totally agree. Good that someone else here acknowledges that Robertson's free speech or civil rights were not violated.
This is all about consumers and those that believe they should voice their displeasure with A & E should definitely do so and I have no problem whatsoever with that.
People keep saying this isn't a free speech issue. Except you must understand that a small Political Action Group is silencing somebody just for his views on homosexuality that he learned from his Bible. For crying out loud this goes against the very damn things this country was founded on. Yes A&E has a right to fire Phil. but does GLAA d have the right to intimidate and silence another person's speech just because they don't find a politically expedient?

tapatalk post

No one has silenced Robertson.
Where do you come up with this nonsense?
No one can and no one will. Fine with me.
But your claims that someone has are 100% false.
People keep saying this isn't a free speech issue. Except you must understand that a small Political Action Group is silencing somebody just for his views on homosexuality that he learned from his Bible. For crying out loud this goes against the very damn things this country was founded on. Yes A&E has a right to fire Phil. but does GLAA d have the right to intimidate and silence another person's speech just because they don't find a politically expedient?

tapatalk post

Does the "Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation" have a right to criticize someone who defames gays and uses hate speech against them.

Um... Yes.

and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is actually involved in advancing the interests of colored people.

And the United Negro College Fund actually works to send black kids to college.

I know, these things will all come as shocks to you.

You mean the National Association for the Advancement of LIBERAL Colored People as they openly try to hold down conservative "colored people".
Kind of hard to advance self-loathing Uncle Toms...

You would not know what a real Uncle Tom is if they lived next to you.
Clarence Thomas and Herman Cain Uncle Toms?
I was a luncheon recently and Cain was there. Many a southern civil rights guys there along with black Atlanta power politicians.
Cain is no Uncle Tom but the NAACP is envious and jealous of him.
Same with Clarence Thomas as your claim that a black man that has worked himself to the top of his field is an Uncle Tom is preposterous.
But if you are a former crack addict Democrat the NAACP puts you on their Board of Directors.
Bet that Robertson will be back on the show when the season starts in 3 weeks.
This will die down and go away and all the looney tune Phil Robertson for President crazies that claim his free speech rights were violated and he was forced to shut up will be wiping egg off your face.
How much do any of you want to bet?
"Firepower on how Mass Media machine is losing it's soft power, losing it's influence over the culture: Half the country may have already tuned Pajama Boy nation out. Millions more or less don’t watch TV other than older movies and a few episodes of some serial like The Sopranos or Breaking Bad. Most expect just three things of today’s Hollywood celebrities: they are mostly spoiled and uneducated; they are very rich; and in their boredom they will find a way to annoy those without their money. We also find the grating nasal-twanged voices of our young talking heads on the news shows a tip-off that all their over-clever rhetoric is never grounded in reality. We have no idea whom MTV is awarding, or why, and couldn’t care less. We are sick of slick slightly pornographic commercials, and sicker still of the crude left-wing Victorians who push sex down our throats, but can’t handle a caricatured hick talking just as graphically as they do — but about sodomy in a way they don’t appreciate. Which is the cruder: to see a three-quarters naked Miley Cyrus on national television stick a huge foam finger toward the anus of one of her performers or to read that a bearded reality star in overalls finds vaginal sex preferable to anal sex — and then tells us why? Most don’t watch Oprah. Rap is a sort of occasional bothersome grate overheard at the service station or parking lot. No one goes to the movies to watch another tired Hollywood script of a courageous liberal maverick who fights the cancer-causing, stream-polluting, CIA-intriguing [fill in the blanks] corporation — as the actor is paid millions by the corporation producing the movie for his few hours of mediocre work. Company men and women don’t play renegades well anymore."

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