Freedom of Religious Opinion? Not If You're Phil Robertson

Joe only "cares" for the blacks if the situation means he can use them to meet as his political ends.

No, I just realize that blacks and I and the rest of us are in the same boat.

Just trying to get by while the 1%ers find new ways to screw us.

And I have nothing but contempt for people of any color who through greed or stupidity help them do it.

Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton were sexual "harrassers".
And you remained silent with them.
We have a sitting President in Clinton who flashed state employees with his Johnson and you loved him.
Clinton increased the prison population during his term with his increasing the war on drugs and you loved him.
The left are ignorant.

Actually, at the time, I was firmly in the "Impeach HIm" camp.

Then I realized that a guy who got a blow job from an intern wasn't nearly as bad as a president who lies us into a war so his corporate buddies can loot the treasury selling soldiers $20.00 hamburgers and feces laced water...

Not seeing how Clinton was responsible for the "Prison Industrial Complex", which really took off under Bush and Reagan... but that's okay, I know you are grasping for straws now that your two best examples of "acceptable" black men are ass-grabbing creeps.

So you also were stupid enough to believe the lie that soldiers were having to buy their own bottled water and hamburgers.
Sorry you were lied to on that one also by media just like you bought hook, line and sinker that Trayvon Martin was a 6th grade choir boy that was being stalked while he was eating Skittles.
But I have some beach front property in Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. For Sale for you.
Give you a good deal.
Wild, huh?

This is a guy who twice called me a bigot today (he couldn't provide any examples of who I'm bigoted against, of course), yet he's perfectly comfy saying horrific stuff like this, and much more.

Amazing to watch.

Both of these guys were PROVEN sexual harrassers.

Cain was a guy who went into companies and looted them, just lie Mitt Romney did, and I pretty much read Romney the riot act for doing the same thing.

And Thomas was a guy who fought against Affirmative Action when his whole career was Affirmative Action, including being appointed to SCOTUS with almost no qualifications.

So to review, the way you get "respect" as a black man. Harrass women and sell out your own.

Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton were sexual "harrassers".
And you remained silent with them.
We have a sitting President in Clinton who flashed state employees with his Johnson and you loved him.
Clinton increased the prison population during his term with his increasing the war on drugs and you loved him.
The left are ignorant.

No. Ignorance can be corrected. Joey is, inarguably, STUPID.

Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton were sexual "harrassers".
And you remained silent with them.
We have a sitting President in Clinton who flashed state employees with his Johnson and you loved him.
Clinton increased the prison population during his term with his increasing the war on drugs and you loved him.
The left are ignorant.

Actually, at the time, I was firmly in the "Impeach HIm" camp.

Then I realized that a guy who got a blow job from an intern wasn't nearly as bad as a president who lies us into a war so his corporate buddies can loot the treasury selling soldiers $20.00 hamburgers and feces laced water...

Not seeing how Clinton was responsible for the "Prison Industrial Complex", which really took off under Bush and Reagan... but that's okay, I know you are grasping for straws now that your two best examples of "acceptable" black men are ass-grabbing creeps.

So you also were stupid enough to believe the lie that soldiers were having to buy their own bottled water and hamburgers.
Sorry you were lied to on that one also by media just like you bought hook, line and sinker that Trayvon Martin was a 6th grade choir boy that was being stalked while he was eating Skittles.
But I have some beach front property in Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. For Sale for you.
Give you a good deal.

Guy, I was in military logistics for 6 years. If you want to talk about the worst of government waste, fraud and abuse, it's the military. BUt it was worse under Bush, where he let Cheney's company loot the treasury.

And, yeah, shit like this upsets me.

Halliburton Watch

WASHINGTON, April 7 ( -- The Senate Democratic Policy Committee (DPC) held a hearing today on allegations that Halliburton and its KBR subsidiary have knowingly exposed thousands of U.S. troops in Iraq to hazardous levels of unhealthy water from the Euphrates River, including human fecal matter. The allegations, made by current and former Halliburton employees involved in water quality maintenance, were first disclosed by HalliburtonWatch last September. Visit this link to read the HalliburtonWatch report.

"Everyone knows that drinking, or washing with poop is bad for you," Jeffrey K. Griffiths, MD, Professor of Public Health and Medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine, told the committee. "The reasons are so obvious we consider them common sense," he said.

But "common sense" is not always a virtue at Halliburton, if whistleblowers and military personnel in Iraq are to be believed.

Capt. Michelle Callahan, MD, a U.S. army surgeon in Iraq with the 101st Sustainment Brigade, told the committee in an email that water containing human fecal matter and other human waste was being re-circulated by Halliburton back into the non-potable water supply used by the troops for showering, brushing teeth, shaving, washing clothes, and preparing food and coffee. According to Callahan, "concentrate reject was being used to fill the water tanks."

But, hey, here's the important thing.

A big fucking corporation made money on the deal.
Hey, dope.

The DPC is a TOTALLY, completely and absolutely partisan organization whose job it is to make themselves look good while making Republicans look bad.

Their 'investigations' carry about as much weight as your ignorant fucking opinions.

You can't even run your own life, you constantly complain about what a loser you are, you constantly complain about being taken advantage of -- Because you're stupid -- But you want to tell us how to run the Country?

Typical dimocrap
Actually, at the time, I was firmly in the "Impeach HIm" camp.

Then I realized that a guy who got a blow job from an intern wasn't nearly as bad as a president who lies us into a war so his corporate buddies can loot the treasury selling soldiers $20.00 hamburgers and feces laced water...

Not seeing how Clinton was responsible for the "Prison Industrial Complex", which really took off under Bush and Reagan... but that's okay, I know you are grasping for straws now that your two best examples of "acceptable" black men are ass-grabbing creeps.

So you also were stupid enough to believe the lie that soldiers were having to buy their own bottled water and hamburgers.
Sorry you were lied to on that one also by media just like you bought hook, line and sinker that Trayvon Martin was a 6th grade choir boy that was being stalked while he was eating Skittles.
But I have some beach front property in Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. For Sale for you.
Give you a good deal.

Guy, I was in military logistics for 6 years. If you want to talk about the worst of government waste, fraud and abuse, it's the military. BUt it was worse under Bush, where he let Cheney's company loot the treasury.

And, yeah, shit like this upsets me.

Halliburton Watch

WASHINGTON, April 7 ( -- The Senate Democratic Policy Committee (DPC) held a hearing today on allegations that Halliburton and its KBR subsidiary have knowingly exposed thousands of U.S. troops in Iraq to hazardous levels of unhealthy water from the Euphrates River, including human fecal matter. The allegations, made by current and former Halliburton employees involved in water quality maintenance, were first disclosed by HalliburtonWatch last September. Visit this link to read the HalliburtonWatch report.

"Everyone knows that drinking, or washing with poop is bad for you," Jeffrey K. Griffiths, MD, Professor of Public Health and Medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine, told the committee. "The reasons are so obvious we consider them common sense," he said.

But "common sense" is not always a virtue at Halliburton, if whistleblowers and military personnel in Iraq are to be believed.

Capt. Michelle Callahan, MD, a U.S. army surgeon in Iraq with the 101st Sustainment Brigade, told the committee in an email that water containing human fecal matter and other human waste was being re-circulated by Halliburton back into the non-potable water supply used by the troops for showering, brushing teeth, shaving, washing clothes, and preparing food and coffee. According to Callahan, "concentrate reject was being used to fill the water tanks."

But, hey, here's the important thing.

A big fucking corporation made money on the deal.

And Obama administration has not INCREASED the business government does with private contractors in Iraq and Afthanistan, far far more than Bush/Cheney ever did?
On my worst day I can still cross the lines, line up on the edge and bull rush you.
Hey, dope.

The DPC is a TOTALLY, completely and absolutely partisan organization whose job it is to make themselves look good while making Republicans look bad.

Their 'investigations' carry about as much weight as your ignorant fucking opinions.

You can't even run your own life, you constantly complain about what a loser you are, you constantly complain about being taken advantage of -- Because you're stupid -- But you want to tell us how to run the Country?

Typical dimocrap

Just for people keeping score at home. We invaded a country that didn't attack us over weapons that didn't exist. We spent a TRILLION dollars fighting this war, and tens of billions went to the Vice-President's company.

There was crappy service, such as soldiers getting sick from water that was no propery decontaminated.

Again, you are the ones who got voted out in 2006 and 2008 for your incompetence.

And Obama administration has not INCREASED the business government does with private contractors in Iraq and Afthanistan, far far more than Bush/Cheney ever did?
On my worst day I can still cross the lines, line up on the edge and bull rush you.

Well, no, they haven't. We pulled out of Iraq... in case you missed it.

Total Obama has spent far more in Iraq, BEFORE WE "pulled out" and in Afghanistan for 5 years than Bush/ Cheney did in 8.
When will you ever learn Joe?
Put brain in gear before mouth in motion.
Measure twice, saw once.
Check your facts before you post.
I know some of you watch Duck,,,

Freedom doesn't mean protection against reaction

Nor does it mean using intimidation to silence a man's religious speech

tapatalk post

The cast member didn’t engage in ‘religious speech,’ he merely exhibited his hate and ignorance concerning gay Americans.

Which he’s at liberty to do.

And where private society is also at liberty to admonish speech and actions it considers inappropriate – just as it should be. If that’s perceived as ‘intimidation’ on the part of the speaker, then it’s incumbent solely on the speaker to determine how he’ll respond to the rebuke, but private society has done nothing ‘wrong’ to object to the inappropriate speech.
"...The cast member didn’t engage in ‘religious speech,’ he merely exhibited his hate and ignorance concerning gay Americans..."

The cast member didn't engage in 'religious speech'. He exercised his First Amendment freedom of speech, to express his perception of homosexuality in the framework of his religious beliefs, and exhibited his perception that Americans who practice homosexuality are perverse, unnatural, detrimental and unhealthy for society at large, and condemned to everlasting damnation.

All fixed.
Last edited:
"...The cast member didn’t engage in ‘religious speech,’ he merely exhibited his hate and ignorance concerning gay Americans..."

The cast member didn't engage in 'religious speech'. He exercised his First Amendment freedom of speech, to express his perception of homosexuality in the framework of his religious beliefs, and exhibited his perception that Americans who practice homosexuality are perverse, unnatural, detrimental and unhealthy for society at large, and condemned to everlasting damnation.

All fixed.


The First Amendment restricts what the government can do against free speech or religion. That has nothing to do with what a production company working under a contract with a morality clause can do.

NOW it's fixed. And this is where we first started this silly soap opera. Full circle.

Does this mean we can drop it now?

Nor does it mean using intimidation to silence a man's religious speech

tapatalk post

Nor does it mean pretending any such intimidation was done in the first place

actual break-a-brain-sweat real computer post

Lmao don't take me to be as ignorant of the truth as you

tapatalk post

-- says the troll who's so invested in the topic he takes the time to tapatalk in a friggin' telephone

And Obama administration has not INCREASED the business government does with private contractors in Iraq and Afthanistan, far far more than Bush/Cheney ever did?
On my worst day I can still cross the lines, line up on the edge and bull rush you.

Well, no, they haven't. We pulled out of Iraq... in case you missed it.

Total Obama has spent far more in Iraq, BEFORE WE "pulled out" and in Afghanistan for 5 years than Bush/ Cheney did in 8.
When will you ever learn Joe?
Put brain in gear before mouth in motion.
Measure twice, saw once.
Check your facts before you post.

How about posting a link to back up your bullshit...

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