Freedom of Religious Opinion? Not If You're Phil Robertson

A&E really doesn't need Duck Dynasty any more. They've been lowering the bar for the last ten years with silly crap like this, and America is desensitized to it.

So it's time for them to lower the bar yet again.

You want a 'reality' show built around a family that hunts together with religious overtones that you can film doing their thing?

Opportunity knocks!

A&E really doesn't need Duck Dynasty any more. They've been lowering the bar for the last ten years with silly crap like this, and America is desensitized to it.

So it's time for them to lower the bar yet again.

You want a 'reality' show built around a family that hunts together with religious overtones that you can film doing their thing?

Opportunity knocks!
If you don't watch A&E, why do you care that they are bringing back DD?

You care a lot for someone that pretends not to...
I have never met a redneck who didn't wear that label proudly!

Well you have now. That doesn't make it less bigoted to call someone a redneck.

I worked my ass off to get a bachelor's, master's and JD. Just because I am from Kentucky and have a southern accent, I will not allow anyone to speak to me like I am beneath them. I have made a greater effort to develop myself than most people on this planet.

Oh, wait, now you're a JD? I thought you were a nurse?

I get it, you're BARBIE!

Oh, the reason why people associate the "Southern" accent with ignorance and stupidity is because people with that accent tried to break up the country so a few rich assholes could own other people, and then spent the next 150 years acting like they didn't do anything wrong.

I'm sorry that my education bothers you. I am a nurse of 25 years and I have a JD. This is America. There is no limit on the amount of education a person gets.

And FYI, I have never owned a single person and neither has anyone I, or you, have ever known. So you should stop acting like the petulant child and bigot that you are.

You are nothing but a bigot and THAT is the reason for you are abject failure in life. You are the perpetual victim who hates anyone who has managed to attain more than you because you didn't try as you always thought wealth and success were owed to you. Until you shed your victimhood, which I suspect will never happen you will continue to be an abject failure. I don't see any hope for you.

As for my accent, well I'm sure you sound funny too, but I have enough manners not to mention it.
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Kind of hard to advance self-loathing Uncle Toms...

It must really suck to be you. This post really shows how utterly self limited you are. You can't succeed. To succeed, you would have to get along with all kinds of people which means you would have to give up your hatred for whites. But if you did that it would make you an Uncle Tom. So, you don't DARE do anything to make yourself a success in life. It would be disloyal to your prejudices. I truly feel sorry for you.
Kind of hard to advance self-loathing Uncle Toms...

It must really suck to be you. This post really shows how utterly self limited you are. You can't succeed. To succeed, you would have to get along with all kinds of people which means you would have to give up your hatred for whites. But if you did that it would make you an Uncle Tom. So, you don't DARE do anything to make yourself a success in life. It would be disloyal to your prejudices. I truly feel sorry for you.

Wild, huh?

This is a guy who twice called me a bigot today (he couldn't provide any examples of who I'm bigoted against, of course), yet he's perfectly comfy saying horrific stuff like this, and much more.

Amazing to watch.

A&E really doesn't need Duck Dynasty any more. They've been lowering the bar for the last ten years with silly crap like this, and America is desensitized to it.

So it's time for them to lower the bar yet again.

You want a 'reality' show built around a family that hunts together with religious overtones that you can film doing their thing?

Opportunity knocks!
If you don't watch A&E, why do you care that they are bringing back DD?

You care a lot for someone that pretends not to...

::::: wwwwhhhhoooooossssshhhhh :::::
A&E really doesn't need Duck Dynasty any more. They've been lowering the bar for the last ten years with silly crap like this, and America is desensitized to it.

So it's time for them to lower the bar yet again.

You want a 'reality' show built around a family that hunts together with religious overtones that you can film doing their thing?

Opportunity knocks!

A & E LOVES Duck Dynasty and their stockholders love them even more.
I wish I would have invested a bundle in their stock. Duck Dynasty is the highest rated show in cable network right now.
Ad revenues for that show are out the roof and sold for all next year a year ago.
A & E most certainly needs Duck Dynasty as if they lost them that would be a serious hurt on their revenues.
Called business.
A&E really doesn't need Duck Dynasty any more. They've been lowering the bar for the last ten years with silly crap like this, and America is desensitized to it.

So it's time for them to lower the bar yet again.

You want a 'reality' show built around a family that hunts together with religious overtones that you can film doing their thing?

Opportunity knocks!

A & E LOVES Duck Dynasty and their stockholders love them even more.
I wish I would have invested a bundle in their stock. Duck Dynasty is the highest rated show in cable network right now.
Ad revenues for that show are out the roof and sold for all next year a year ago.
A & E most certainly needs Duck Dynasty as if they lost them that would be a serious hurt on their revenues.
Called business.

Did that post actually sail over two heads? :lol:
Kind of hard to advance self-loathing Uncle Toms...

You would not know what a real Uncle Tom is if they lived next to you.
Clarence Thomas and Herman Cain Uncle Toms?
I was a luncheon recently and Cain was there. Many a southern civil rights guys there along with black Atlanta power politicians.
Cain is no Uncle Tom but the NAACP is envious and jealous of him.
Same with Clarence Thomas as your claim that a black man that has worked himself to the top of his field is an Uncle Tom is preposterous.
But if you are a former crack addict Democrat the NAACP puts you on their Board of Directors.

Clarance Thomas got to the top of his field because he was a black guy who was willing to sell out his own with a straight face. Honestly, the guy has been on SCOTUS for 20 years, and you'd probably have to use Wiki and a Hunting Dog to find any really important decision he wrote. His big accomplishment was shining Scalia's shoes for 20 years.

And Herman "Where's the White Women" Cain? You mean the guy who talked a lot of shit in 2011 until we all found out he couldn't keep his hands to himself.

Come to think of it, Uncle Tom is kind of harsh term. In the Novel, Uncle Tom was a Christ like character who sacrificed himself for others.

"Stepandfetchit" might be a better description.
Kind of hard to advance self-loathing Uncle Toms...

It must really suck to be you. This post really shows how utterly self limited you are. You can't succeed. To succeed, you would have to get along with all kinds of people which means you would have to give up your hatred for whites. But if you did that it would make you an Uncle Tom. So, you don't DARE do anything to make yourself a success in life. It would be disloyal to your prejudices. I truly feel sorry for you.

Wild, huh?

This is a guy who twice called me a bigot today (he couldn't provide any examples of who I'm bigoted against, of course), yet he's perfectly comfy saying horrific stuff like this, and much more.

Amazing to watch.

Both of these guys were PROVEN sexual harrassers.

Cain was a guy who went into companies and looted them, just lie Mitt Romney did, and I pretty much read Romney the riot act for doing the same thing.

And Thomas was a guy who fought against Affirmative Action when his whole career was Affirmative Action, including being appointed to SCOTUS with almost no qualifications.

So to review, the way you get "respect" as a black man. Harrass women and sell out your own.
Kind of hard to advance self-loathing Uncle Toms...

You would not know what a real Uncle Tom is if they lived next to you.
Clarence Thomas and Herman Cain Uncle Toms?
I was a luncheon recently and Cain was there. Many a southern civil rights guys there along with black Atlanta power politicians.
Cain is no Uncle Tom but the NAACP is envious and jealous of him.
Same with Clarence Thomas as your claim that a black man that has worked himself to the top of his field is an Uncle Tom is preposterous.
But if you are a former crack addict Democrat the NAACP puts you on their Board of Directors.

Clarance Thomas got to the top of his field because he was a black guy who was willing to sell out his own with a straight face. Honestly, the guy has been on SCOTUS for 20 years, and you'd probably have to use Wiki and a Hunting Dog to find any really important decision he wrote. His big accomplishment was shining Scalia's shoes for 20 years.

And Herman "Where's the White Women" Cain? You mean the guy who talked a lot of shit in 2011 until we all found out he couldn't keep his hands to himself.

Come to think of it, Uncle Tom is kind of harsh term. In the Novel, Uncle Tom was a Christ like character who sacrificed himself for others.

"Stepandfetchit" might be a better description.

You don't get it at all?

Christ never got up on that cross willingly. His dad AKA JEHOVAH nailed him to it.

Does just one liberal or progressive well holy toledo any so called Christian out there get it?

Oh, wait, now you're a JD? I thought you were a nurse?

I get it, you're BARBIE!

Oh, the reason why people associate the "Southern" accent with ignorance and stupidity is because people with that accent tried to break up the country so a few rich assholes could own other people, and then spent the next 150 years acting like they didn't do anything wrong.

I'm sorry that my education bothers you. I am a nurse of 25 years and I have a JD. This is America. There is no limit on the amount of education a person gets.

Again, sorry, seeing your posts, I really can't believe you have that much education....

You certainly have little impulse control.

Next you'll be telling us you were an astronaut.


And FYI, I have never owned a single person and neither has anyone I, or you, have ever known. So you should stop acting like the petulant child and bigot that you are.

You are nothing but a bigot and THAT is the reason for you are abject failure in life. You are the perpetual victim who hates anyone who has managed to attain more than you because you didn't try as you always thought wealth and success were owed to you. Until you shed your victimhood, which I suspect will never happen you will continue to be an abject failure. I don't see any hope for you.

As for my accent, well I'm sure you sound funny too, but I have enough manners not to mention it.

Ah, the cry of the racist, "I didn't own me no slaves, what are those coloreds complaining about."

Incidently, I'm fairly successful in my chosen feild, and I don't have to lie about my education in a laughable way like you do....

You don't get it at all?

Christ never got up on that cross willingly. His dad AKA JEHOVAH nailed him to it.

Does just one liberal or progressive well holy toledo any so called Christian out there get it?

You're right, I don't get it.

The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.

Yup. Makes sense to me.
Kind of hard to advance self-loathing Uncle Toms...

You would not know what a real Uncle Tom is if they lived next to you.
Clarence Thomas and Herman Cain Uncle Toms?
I was a luncheon recently and Cain was there. Many a southern civil rights guys there along with black Atlanta power politicians.
Cain is no Uncle Tom but the NAACP is envious and jealous of him.
Same with Clarence Thomas as your claim that a black man that has worked himself to the top of his field is an Uncle Tom is preposterous.
But if you are a former crack addict Democrat the NAACP puts you on their Board of Directors.

Clarance Thomas got to the top of his field because he was a black guy who was willing to sell out his own with a straight face. Honestly, the guy has been on SCOTUS for 20 years, and you'd probably have to use Wiki and a Hunting Dog to find any really important decision he wrote. His big accomplishment was shining Scalia's shoes for 20 years.

And Herman "Where's the White Women" Cain? You mean the guy who talked a lot of shit in 2011 until we all found out he couldn't keep his hands to himself.

Come to think of it, Uncle Tom is kind of harsh term. In the Novel, Uncle Tom was a Christ like character who sacrificed himself for others.

"Stepandfetchit" might be a better description.

Yeah right, Thomas went to Yale Law School and did well.
Before that he went to Holy Cross and started the Black Student Union there.
Where did you get your law degree and what year did you pass the bar?
Or should I ask what time yesterday you passed A bar reading your stupid comments about Thomas.
Born to a farm worker in a town with no paved roads or a sewer system and he makes it through Yale Law School and you claim he is a "stepandfetchit".
As usual Joe, you believe you know everything when in reality you know very little.
Thomas was raised in the low country as a poor southern black which to this day still speak with a Gullah dialect.
And ignorant fools like you look down on him because of his poor upbringing as an African American that grew up not dependent on you and your government that has oppressed them for centuries.
Shame on you.
It must really suck to be you. This post really shows how utterly self limited you are. You can't succeed. To succeed, you would have to get along with all kinds of people which means you would have to give up your hatred for whites. But if you did that it would make you an Uncle Tom. So, you don't DARE do anything to make yourself a success in life. It would be disloyal to your prejudices. I truly feel sorry for you.

Wild, huh?

This is a guy who twice called me a bigot today (he couldn't provide any examples of who I'm bigoted against, of course), yet he's perfectly comfy saying horrific stuff like this, and much more.

Amazing to watch.

Both of these guys were PROVEN sexual harrassers.

Cain was a guy who went into companies and looted them, just lie Mitt Romney did, and I pretty much read Romney the riot act for doing the same thing.

And Thomas was a guy who fought against Affirmative Action when his whole career was Affirmative Action, including being appointed to SCOTUS with almost no qualifications.

So to review, the way you get "respect" as a black man. Harrass women and sell out your own.

Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton were sexual "harrassers".
And you remained silent with them.
We have a sitting President in Clinton who flashed state employees with his Johnson and you loved him.
Clinton increased the prison population during his term with his increasing the war on drugs and you loved him.
The left are ignorant.

Yeah right, Thomas went to Yale Law School and did well.
Before that he went to Holy Cross and started the Black Student Union there.
Where did you get your law degree and what year did you pass the bar?
Or should I ask what time yesterday you passed A bar reading your stupid comments about Thomas.
Born to a farm worker in a town with no paved roads or a sewer system and he makes it through Yale Law School and you claim he is a "stepandfetchit".
As usual Joe, you believe you know everything when in reality you know very little.
Thomas was raised in the low country as a poor southern black which to this day still speak with a Gullah dialect.
And ignorant fools like you look down on him because of his poor upbringing as an African American that grew up not dependent on you and your government that has oppressed them for centuries.
Shame on you.

No, guy, I look down on him because he was perfectly happy take government handouts and then try to pull up the ladder behind him to sell out to the Conservative machine. He got into Yale because of an affirmative action mandate, not because he was particularly bright.

Oh, yeah, and sexually harrass the women in his office. Let's not forget about that. Because that's like totally awesome.

Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton were sexual "harrassers".
And you remained silent with them.
We have a sitting President in Clinton who flashed state employees with his Johnson and you loved him.
Clinton increased the prison population during his term with his increasing the war on drugs and you loved him.
The left are ignorant.

Actually, at the time, I was firmly in the "Impeach HIm" camp.

Then I realized that a guy who got a blow job from an intern wasn't nearly as bad as a president who lies us into a war so his corporate buddies can loot the treasury selling soldiers $20.00 hamburgers and feces laced water...

Not seeing how Clinton was responsible for the "Prison Industrial Complex", which really took off under Bush and Reagan... but that's okay, I know you are grasping for straws now that your two best examples of "acceptable" black men are ass-grabbing creeps.
Kind of hard to advance self-loathing Uncle Toms...

You would not know what a real Uncle Tom is if they lived next to you.
Clarence Thomas and Herman Cain Uncle Toms?
I was a luncheon recently and Cain was there. Many a southern civil rights guys there along with black Atlanta power politicians.
Cain is no Uncle Tom but the NAACP is envious and jealous of him.
Same with Clarence Thomas as your claim that a black man that has worked himself to the top of his field is an Uncle Tom is preposterous.
But if you are a former crack addict Democrat the NAACP puts you on their Board of Directors.

Clarance Thomas got to the top of his field because he was a black guy who was willing to sell out his own with a straight face. Honestly, the guy has been on SCOTUS for 20 years, and you'd probably have to use Wiki and a Hunting Dog to find any really important decision he wrote. His big accomplishment was shining Scalia's shoes for 20 years.

And Herman "Where's the White Women" Cain? You mean the guy who talked a lot of shit in 2011 until we all found out he couldn't keep his hands to himself.

Come to think of it, Uncle Tom is kind of harsh term. In the Novel, Uncle Tom was a Christ like character who sacrificed himself for others.

"Stepandfetchit" might be a better description.

And Bill Clinton kept his hands to himself, right.
Cain is an African American self made man, a highly educated man with BBA Morehouse College, Master of Science in Computer Science which is now labeled IT from Perdue University while he worked full time as a ballistics analyst for The Department of Defense.
His background is in computer systems analyst and that is what got him where he is as he started with Coca Cola here in Atlanta.
Every business he touched he brought back to making a profit with his math and computer and math skills.
Something you socialists do not understand.
You are not worthy of carrying his jock strap.

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