Freedom of Religious Opinion? Not If You're Phil Robertson

Well, no, they haven't. We pulled out of Iraq... in case you missed it.

Total Obama has spent far more in Iraq, BEFORE WE "pulled out" and in Afghanistan for 5 years than Bush/ Cheney did in 8.
When will you ever learn Joe?
Put brain in gear before mouth in motion.
Measure twice, saw once.
Check your facts before you post.

How about posting a link to back up your bullshit...

Ever heard of The Surge?
Tell us how much that cost to deploy those extra 37,000 troops.
And to date for Bush through 2008 = $700 billion
For Obama we have to date and funded through 2014 = $800 billion
Total Obama has spent far more in Iraq, BEFORE WE "pulled out" and in Afghanistan for 5 years than Bush/ Cheney did in 8.
When will you ever learn Joe?
Put brain in gear before mouth in motion.
Measure twice, saw once.
Check your facts before you post.

How about posting a link to back up your bullshit...

Ever heard of The Surge?
Tell us how much that cost to deploy those extra 37,000 troops.
And to date for Bush through 2008 = $700 billion
For Obama we have to date and funded through 2014 = $800 billion

Again- LINK!!!!!
TV Ratings: 'Duck Dynasty' Drops to 16-Month Low Ahead of Finale

Good to see the "Real Houswives of who-gives-a-fuck" is beating them now.....

The Righties heaped praise of bigot and sure enough when given a chance to ignore this brain bigot, the American do.

Never watched that program.

Good riddance and may the door hit him where his hateful, bigoted, homophobic god split him.
I know some of you watch Duck Dynasty and probably heard that Phil Robertson was suspended by A&E for his opinion on homosexuality. He had the gall to quote 1 Corinthians 6:9 and express himself openly about his opposition to gay marriage. Groups like GLAAD came out in support of the suspension. Don't you find it odd that people like Martin Bashir get a pass for their intolerance toward conservative women, but people like Phil Robertson are being targeted for their beliefs?

Should TV Networks silence religious speech for the political sensibilities of others? As most of you were aware, Chick-Fil-A came under similar scrutiny by gay rights organizations for its views on homosexuality last year. The response from the public was overwhelming, as the restaurant experienced booming profits from the ordeal. Suffice it to say, ratings for the show may experience similar results.

Should Phil Robertson be suspended for his comments in GQ? Or should he be allowed to express himself as he is allowed to by the the First Amendment? My personal opinion here is that no TV network should be allowed to censor a man for expressing his religious beliefs.

There have been many instances of people or businesses being targeted for their religious beliefs, all for being "intolerant." Isn't it strange that you can be allowed to be homosexual, but not a person of faith? The real intolerance here, is of those who cannot accept that others aren't forced to tolerate their way of life or their practices. If you are any freedom loving American; Democrat, Republican or Libertarian, you should be disturbed by this recent turn of events.

hatred in the name of religion is still hatred.

get over it

Let me guess.

The article is about how gays should be thanking Phelps ( and by extension, Robertson) for being such a hateful bigot. Because.....hey....the rest of the world got to see what a horrible person he was and ended up thinking gay people ain't so bad after all!

You are a useful turns out.

Why didn't Robertson get the memo? Surely he is well aware of Phelps. Shouldn't he have had a change of heart as well? of your "things" is giving bigots the stamp of long as they are open and honest about it.....right? If someone is announcing the fact that they despise gay people or think black people are inferior to white think that is all good and they should be left alone. No loss of job, etc.

That way "we" get to see who they are rather than face a hidden bigot. And that is preferred.

Question....why are you hiding?

Let me guess.

The article is about how gays should be thanking Phelps ( and by extension, Robertson) for being such a hateful bigot. Because.....hey....the rest of the world got to see what a horrible person he was and ended up thinking gay people ain't so bad after all!

You are a useful turns out.

Why didn't Robertson get the memo? Surely he is well aware of Phelps. Shouldn't he have had a change of heart as well? of your "things" is giving bigots the stamp of long as they are open and honest about it.....right? If someone is announcing the fact that they despise gay people or think black people are inferior to white think that is all good and they should be left alone. No loss of job, etc.

That way "we" get to see who they are rather than face a hidden bigot. And that is preferred.

Question....why are you hiding?

backwards, yes….. but i suppose in some circles that passes for logic… no matter how bigoted.
142 pages of responses on this topic? You people are funny.

Who is Phil Robertson? And why should anyone give a fuck at all about what he has to say about anything?

Let me guess.

The article is about how gays should be thanking Phelps ( and by extension, Robertson) for being such a hateful bigot. Because.....hey....the rest of the world got to see what a horrible person he was and ended up thinking gay people ain't so bad after all!

You are a useful turns out.

Why didn't Robertson get the memo? Surely he is well aware of Phelps. Shouldn't he have had a change of heart as well? of your "things" is giving bigots the stamp of long as they are open and honest about it.....right? If someone is announcing the fact that they despise gay people or think black people are inferior to white think that is all good and they should be left alone. No loss of job, etc.

That way "we" get to see who they are rather than face a hidden bigot. And that is preferred.

Question....why are you hiding?

backwards, yes….. but i suppose in some circles that passes for logic… no matter how bigoted.

Only the most committed of partisan ideologues would look at my post and that link and conclude I'm against gay rights. That's what hardcore ideology does, it makes people completely incurious and unable to see outside their tight little intellectual cocoon. It creates a narcissism that closes both the eyes and the mind. Binary. Black & White. Either/Or. Absolutely paralyzed.

And LL continues to post to directly to me, asking me questions, even though he knows I've had him on ignore for a long time. He posts to me in desperate hope that someone will quote his post and I'll see it. I suppose I should be flattered in some way, but I must admit I truly don't understand the behavior.

How comfy your little ideological cocoons must be, huh?

Let me guess.

The article is about how gays should be thanking Phelps ( and by extension, Robertson) for being such a hateful bigot. Because.....hey....the rest of the world got to see what a horrible person he was and ended up thinking gay people ain't so bad after all!

You are a useful turns out.

Why didn't Robertson get the memo? Surely he is well aware of Phelps. Shouldn't he have had a change of heart as well? of your "things" is giving bigots the stamp of long as they are open and honest about it.....right? If someone is announcing the fact that they despise gay people or think black people are inferior to white think that is all good and they should be left alone. No loss of job, etc.

That way "we" get to see who they are rather than face a hidden bigot. And that is preferred.

Question....why are you hiding?

backwards, yes….. but i suppose in some circles that passes for logic… no matter how bigoted.

Only the most committed of partisan ideologues would look at my post and that link and conclude I'm against gay rights. That's what hardcore ideology does, it makes people completely incurious and unable to see outside their tight little intellectual cocoon. It creates a narcissism that closes both the eyes and the mind. Binary. Black & White. Either/Or. Absolutely paralyzed.

And LL continues to post to directly to me, asking me questions, even though he knows I've had him on ignore for a long time. He posts to me in desperate hope that someone will quote his post and I'll see it. I suppose I should be flattered in some way, but I must admit I truly don't understand the behavior.

How comfy your little ideological cocoons must be, huh?


I think it is funny that you accuse others of having closed minds and eyes. Don't you?
To date no one has stopped Robertson from expressing his religious opinions any way he wants to.
Christian victim is a made up club.
To date no one has stopped Robertson from expressing his religious opinions any way he wants to.
Christian victim is a made up club.
To date no one has stopped Robertson from expressing his religious opinions any way he wants to.
Christian victim is a made up club.

Just because their efforts failed does not mean the desire to silence him was not there, silly one.
TV Ratings: 'Duck Dynasty' Drops to 16-Month Low Ahead of Finale

Good to see the "Real Houswives of who-gives-a-fuck" is beating them now.....

The Righties heaped praise of bigot and sure enough when given a chance to ignore this brain bigot, the American do.

Never watched that program.

Good riddance and may the door hit him where his hateful, bigoted, homophobic god split him.

Phil's not homophobic. He just said he prefers vaginas and doesn't understand why some men find an asshole so alluring.

How on earth does professing a preference make him homophobic? Come to think of it, Ellen prefers vaginas too. Does that make her a bigot?

To date no one has stopped Robertson from expressing his religious opinions any way he wants to.
Christian victim is a made up club.

What are you blind?

No, he’s just not ignorant of the law as are you and many other conservatives.

Restrictions on interfering with religious liberty apply only to government and other public sector entities, not private sector entities such as cable networks.

Consequently it is a fact that no one has stopped Robertson from expressing his religious opinions any way he wishes, as no lawmaking body has enacted legislation with the provision that Robertson be subject to punitive measures should he express his religious views.

Christian ‘victimhood’ is indeed a partisan contrivance and myth propagated by the right.
To date no one has stopped Robertson from expressing his religious opinions any way he wants to.
Christian victim is a made up club.

Just because their efforts failed does not mean the desire to silence him was not there, silly one.

Unless “their” constituted a government entity, there were no ‘efforts’ to silence anyone, and no religious liberty potentially violated.

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