"Freedom of speech advocate" Jordan Peterson is suing a university for comparing him to Hitler

freedom of speech? FREEDOM OF SPEECH? Oh the hypocrisy!

Jordan Peterson is suing a unversity that compared him to Hitler

You can yell fire in a crowded theater if there really is a fire. You can’t yell fire in a crowded theater if their is no fire and you did so to harm others.

What exactly is the point you are trying to make?

i think i made my point clearly and conscisely.

That you don’t understand what freedom of speech is?

Then, yes you did.
freedom of speech? FREEDOM OF SPEECH? Oh the hypocrisy!

Jordan Peterson is suing a unversity that compared him to Hitler

You can yell fire in a crowded theater if there really is a fire. You can’t yell fire in a crowded theater if their is no fire and you did so to harm others.

What exactly is the point you are trying to make?

i think i made my point clearly and conscisely.

That you don’t understand what freedom of speech is?

Then, yes you did.

Apparently you don't understand the meaning of free speech. Yelling fire in a crowded theater and comparing someone to someone else are no where near the same thing. One is inherently dangerous and the other is simply a comparison. I'm sure you will claim the comparison is dangerous to the compared, but it is not the same thing and that excuse is only a ploy to misdirect the question. Regardless of the stance the ACLU is taking currently free speech belongs to all not just to those using leftspeak.
freedom of speech? FREEDOM OF SPEECH? Oh the hypocrisy!

Jordan Peterson is suing a unversity that compared him to Hitler

You can yell fire in a crowded theater if there really is a fire. You can’t yell fire in a crowded theater if their is no fire and you did so to harm others.

What exactly is the point you are trying to make?

i think i made my point clearly and conscisely.

That you don’t understand what freedom of speech is?

Then, yes you did.

Does this surprise anyone...he is a fascist, democrat hater....they don't understand the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.....they just understand how to use and take power...
"happiness is a pointless goal. we must search for meaning, not for its own sake, but as a defense against the suffering that is intrinsic to our very existence" - Adolf Petersen
freedom of speech? FREEDOM OF SPEECH? Oh the hypocrisy!

Jordan Peterson is suing a unversity that compared him to Hitler

You can yell fire in a crowded theater if there really is a fire. You can’t yell fire in a crowded theater if their is no fire and you did so to harm others.

What exactly is the point you are trying to make?
The moral of this story is "if you don't want to be called hitkeH, don't be a Nazi."

The point you are trying to make is......

You must be a Nazi if you express opinion different than yours.

And that pretty much sums up what a Nazi actually is
freedom of speech? FREEDOM OF SPEECH? Oh the hypocrisy!

Jordan Peterson is suing a unversity that compared him to Hitler

You can yell fire in a crowded theater if there really is a fire. You can’t yell fire in a crowded theater if their is no fire and you did so to harm others.

What exactly is the point you are trying to make?
The moral of this story is "if you don't want to be called hitkeH, don't be a Nazi."

No....since you are an idiot you don't understand the story..... he is not a nazi or a fascist....the socialists/fascists want to silence him so they have committed slander and libel against him...those are crimes....something that you and the other facsists do to your enemies...
Isn’t he Canadian?
Regardless, speech has consequences. You can say what you want but you must deal with consequences. Pretty simple.
freedom of speech? FREEDOM OF SPEECH? Oh the hypocrisy!

Jordan Peterson is suing a unversity that compared him to Hitler

You can yell fire in a crowded theater if there really is a fire. You can’t yell fire in a crowded theater if their is no fire and you did so to harm others.

What exactly is the point you are trying to make?
The moral of this story is "if you don't want to be called hitkeH, don't be a Nazi."

The point you are trying to make is......

You must be a Nazi if you express opinion different than yours.

And that pretty much sums up what a Nazi actually is

I mean yes, I happen to disagree with his Nazi ideals but so do lost reasonable folks.
"with a family history like mine, one develops not only a radar, but an underwater sonar for right-wing bigotry, and one learns the tools to combat it. I, Jordan Peterson, am that person"

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