Freedom of speech!


Aug 15, 2017
Let me start by saying hate is wrong in all its forms. We must do better at respecting others and we must give equality to all. That said we live in a country where each person has the write to think as they choose. Even if others say the exact opposite of what I think and say, they have that right. If we silence any group we silence all. I am a firm believer in rights and justice for all and we need to make sure this is what happens.
Let me start by saying hate is wrong in all its forms. We must do better at respecting others and we must give equality to all. That said we live in a country where each person has the write to think as they choose. Even if others say the exact opposite of what I think and say, they have that right. If we silence any group we silence all. I am a firm believer in rights and justice for all and we need to make sure this is what happens.
Sadly, this is simply no longer the case.

We have to stop the march in the opposite direction before we can get back to where we should be.
Let me start by saying hate is wrong in all its forms. We must do better at respecting others and we must give equality to all. That said we live in a country where each person has the write to think as they choose. Even if others say the exact opposite of what I think and say, they have that right. If we silence any group we silence all. I am a firm believer in rights and justice for all and we need to make sure this is what happens.
I question whether humans have that ability... well without a major catastrophic event bringing everyone together at least. But even then, i question it.
Let me start by saying hate is wrong in all its forms. We must do better at respecting others and we must give equality to all. That said we live in a country where each person has the write to think as they choose. Even if others say the exact opposite of what I think and say, they have that right. If we silence any group we silence all. I am a firm believer in rights and justice for all and we need to make sure this is what happens.
Well then you must be an enemy of the left, as they don't respect your speech or your ways. Why else would many of them vote for a guy who wanted to silence free speech by using the IRS to shut it down?
Let me start by saying hate is wrong in all its forms. We must do better at respecting others and we must give equality to all. That said we live in a country where each person has the write to think as they choose. Even if others say the exact opposite of what I think and say, they have that right. If we silence any group we silence all. I am a firm believer in rights and justice for all and we need to make sure this is what happens.
I thought you said you were a physics teacher not a fantasy writer........ :eusa_whistle:
Why does everyone say shit like "hate is wrong in all forms"?

It's perfectly natural and get angry and even hate certain things or people.

I hate Islamists that are trying to kill all infidels around the world.
I hate pedophiles and anyone that abuses children.
I hate progressives and globalists that wish to destroy Western civilization.
I hate thugs that don't do anything but rob people, steal, cheat, rape, and/or murder people.

There is nothing wrong with hating despicable acts and the people that do them. We won't ever eradicate these things unless you get angry and do something about it. Anger and "hate" motivate people to act and make change, change for the better.
Why does everyone say shit like "hate is wrong in all forms"?

It's perfectly natural and get angry and even hate certain things or people.

I hate Islamists that are trying to kill all infidels around the world.
I hate pedophiles and anyone that abuses children.
I hate progressives and globalists that wish to destroy Western civilization.
I hate thugs that don't do anything but rob people, steal, cheat, rape, and/or murder people.

There is nothing wrong with hating despicable acts and the people that do them. We won't ever eradicate these things unless you get angry and do something about it. Anger and "hate" motivate people to act and make change, change for the better.
But you just describe the whole liberal Democrat Party. Your hate towards them, just infuriates them, and must be punished.

Let me start by saying hate is wrong in all its forms. We must do better at respecting others and we must give equality to all.

Actually, I have to take issue with this position. We have become so enamoured with the delusion that all sides of any argument have validity. They don't. Now, should the government disallow ignorant people from spouting ignorance? No. And I don't think anyone with reason is suggesting that it should. However, this does not mean that anyone should be able to say anything without challenge. There are some arguments that simply should not be considered "equally valid".

  • Women get what they deserve if they dress the wrong way.
  • Homosexuals should be shunned, shamed, and discriminated against, based on alleged religious beliefs.
  • White Nationalism.
  • Racism.
These are all positions that do not deserve the presumption of equal validity. Period. You (the generic hypothetical "you", not you specifically) have every right to stand on a street corner, and scream that Liberals are baby-killing, freedom-hating monsters. And the government has absolutely no authority to stop you. However, this does not mean that you have the "right" to do this unchallenged. I also have the right to stand right in front of you, and scream that you are a hate-filled, fascist bully. And, guess what? While I'm doing this, you do not get to punch me in the face, and then insist that I "incited" violence. That's not how freedom of speech works.

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