Freedom on display at a Kentucky school today

It's sad that these people died. But I don't get outraged anymore. Because of the conservatives in this country, we'll never have real change made to our gun laws and gun culture.

Mass shootings are to continue to happen unless some real changes are made.

Conservative America has a strange obsession with guns which is just downright unhealthy.
So what is your fix to stop gun crimes? What Gun laws would of prevented this shooting?

When you ask a liberal this question, they run off and hide, come back in a while, then call me a racist.....
Why is it okay for children to be executed before or after birth by abortion, yet a liberal gets all up tight when a liberal aborts children in a public school?

Why don't you come back when you've got something sensible to say?
Real men would want to save children’s lives. There isn’t a school shooting problem in countries with strong gun control...
Liberals don't give a rats ass about babies in or out of the womb, they just follow lock step willingly wanting their freedoms taken away so they wont have to think for themselves. This is why when 4 Us citizens were left for dead in Benghazi, the leftards allowed Hitlery and Susan Rice to walk even after they perjured themselves, which if they did it, would be 5 years in jail. Liberals love the 2 tier justice system, that is why the liberal elites get away with murder and the libtards love it...
There aren’t school shootings when there is strong gun control. It is clear you don’t care about the lives of children. We could stop the slaughter.
I guess you didn't see the list where schools with the most strict gun control laws were in effect. Egad you are now the stupidest liberal yet not to be put on ignore, but will be soon.
Criminals and Liberals don't follow the law, why should they listen to gun control laws?
You know....there is a difference between "strict gun control laws" and "gun free zones". Just sayin'
Violent crime in this country is in progressive controlled areas with high minority populations ant the strictest gun control laws.
People kill people not firearms, you anti-gun nutters are barking up the wrong tree... lol

School shootings are not a problem where there is strong gun control.
Liberals don't give a rats ass about babies in or out of the womb, they just follow lock step willingly wanting their freedoms taken away so they wont have to think for themselves. This is why when 4 Us citizens were left for dead in Benghazi, the leftards allowed Hitlery and Susan Rice to walk even after they perjured themselves, which if they did it, would be 5 years in jail. Liberals love the 2 tier justice system, that is why the liberal elites get away with murder and the libtards love it...
There aren’t school shootings when there is strong gun control. It is clear you don’t care about the lives of children. We could stop the slaughter.
In rural areas where firearms out number people many, many times over there are no mass shootings and violent crime is almost unheard of. So your theory is shit - get back your basement fuck face. Lol

You seem low on facts. That Texas church was aweful rural....
Only urban progressive would call that area rural... lol

So where you can’t find a mass of people to shoot, mass shootings are rare? Go figure.
Urban areas are a hotbed for criminal behavior because they’re populated with progressives
There aren’t school shootings when there is strong gun control. It is clear you don’t care about the lives of children. We could stop the slaughter.
I guess you didn't see the list where schools with the most strict gun control laws were in effect. Egad you are now the stupidest liberal yet not to be put on ignore, but will be soon.
Criminals and Liberals don't follow the law, why should they listen to gun control laws?
You know....there is a difference between "strict gun control laws" and "gun free zones". Just sayin'
And real criminals are all about strict gun control, right? And gun free zones are nothing more than soft targets.
I doubt real criminals care that much about "strict gun control laws"
Violent criminals love strict gun laws because they know law-abiding people won’t be able to protect themselves. Dumbass

Violent crime is increasing with concealed carry...
Liberals don't give a rats ass about babies in or out of the womb, they just follow lock step willingly wanting their freedoms taken away so they wont have to think for themselves. This is why when 4 Us citizens were left for dead in Benghazi, the leftards allowed Hitlery and Susan Rice to walk even after they perjured themselves, which if they did it, would be 5 years in jail. Liberals love the 2 tier justice system, that is why the liberal elites get away with murder and the libtards love it...
There aren’t school shootings when there is strong gun control. It is clear you don’t care about the lives of children. We could stop the slaughter.

There aren’t school shootings when there is strong gun control.

fairly sure every school in America has 'strong gun control'.

and yet, shootings still happen.

That’s because it is extremely easy to get a gun. That isn’t strong gun control obviously.

Well, Lessee: Anyone choosing to moniker themselves after a Brain tells me you are actually probably dumber than a box of shoes. Most smug people are. So -100 synapse just for the arrogance.

"Extremely easy to get a gun." FACT: It is harder to get a gun now than ever in the history of the country. There are now over TWENTY-THOUSAND GUN LAWS in the USA. When I was a kid, we took our guns to school! Had them in the gun rack of our rear window! No problems then! Now you get expelled just for SAYING the word gun. Deduct another 20,000 synapse.

SO I DID A LITTLE DIGGING across a number of websites to uncover some facts:

View attachment 173589

At the bottom, you can see the history of major gun legislation or actions taken to restrict gun ownership. The 19th century had triple that of the 18th century, restrictions in the 20th century went up by another 830%, and so far just 18 years into the new century, we have already had another 56% restrictions added on!

Meantime, gun shooting deaths in schools in the USA (I counted them) went from only 10 in the 18th century to 34 in the 19th century, then jumped to 282 deaths in the 20th century, and already, only into the 18th year of the new century, we are up to 255 deaths from guns shot in schools. That is over 90% the total for the 20th century.


School shootings and deaths have risen proportional to gun laws. One could almost argue that the gun laws are related to the killings! So obviously it isn't a lack of gun laws, restrictions or ease of access. Subtract another 25 million synapse for the Brain. If anything, there is most likely a direct or indirect link between school shootings and *population
*number of people in big cities
*degree of overcrowding
*size of classrooms
*preponderance of public school influence in child's life
*dwindling degree of parental / family influence in child's home life.

So subtract another 65 billion synapse. The Brain is comatose.

Put another way, lead pencils are far more available than guns, yet you don't see everyone grabbing a lead pencil and writing something with one, much less stabbing someone in the neck. Indeed, gun deaths have risen sharply proportional to the lack of familiarity, exposure, comfort and training in firearms, NOT their availability. Indeed, as we go back the centuries, years ago a gun was FAR MORE LIKELY to be a standard item on a person or in the household. And STILL, there weren't the killings of today.

There is no basis to blame school shootings on the availability of guns, lack of gun laws and regulations, except among the most imbecilic among us, and every reason to associate it with increased societal pressures living in large crowded cities combined with lack of training. Citing statistics from other countries is MEANINGLESS. It is a fool's errand to assume that what seems to have worked a certain way in another country with a completely different set of historical and cultural factors should work similar here. Considering that the top ten causes of death are:
Suicide: 43,000
Kidney Disease: 48,000
Flu and Pneumonia: 55,000
Diabetes: 76,000
Alzheimer's: 94,000
Stroke: 133,000
Accidents: 136,000
COPD: 147,000
Cancer: 592,000
Heart Disease: 614,000

In fact, I cannot even find a statistic for where school shooting deaths at 282 for all of the 20th century would even fit in as a stat! Maybe right below number of deaths caused by paper cut or stubbing ones toe?

View attachment 173593

Firearms OVERALL of ALL KINDS doesn't even amount to more than a blip on the chart. WHICH MAKES IT ALL THE MORE TRAGIC THAT:
A). The Schools still can't seem to prevent them!
B). That so much media hyper-attention is focused on the matter as if this was even in the top 1,000 issues that we should be worried about as a NATIONAL CONCERN.

CONCLUSIONS: Those that make such a deal about guns and gun crimes in the USA as a function of the NRA, availability or lack of gun laws CLEARLY do so mainly out of total ignorance of the facts combined with a dislike and fear of guns and an untold desire just to see them totally banned from the law-biding populous.

School shootings are not a problem where there is strong gun control.

Like I said, we already have massively strong gun control, so you are saying that school shootings are not a problem!

Or maybe you just want total gun confiscation, and banning. News blip: if you don't like the USA and our freedoms, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
There aren’t school shootings when there is strong gun control. It is clear you don’t care about the lives of children. We could stop the slaughter.
In rural areas where firearms out number people many, many times over there are no mass shootings and violent crime is almost unheard of. So your theory is shit - get back your basement fuck face. Lol

You seem low on facts. That Texas church was aweful rural....
Only urban progressive would call that area rural... lol

So where you can’t find a mass of people to shoot, mass shootings are rare? Go figure.
Urban areas are a hotbed for criminal behavior because they’re populated with progressives

Yes criminals like areas where it isn’t hard to find somebody to rob. Go figure.
I guess you didn't see the list where schools with the most strict gun control laws were in effect. Egad you are now the stupidest liberal yet not to be put on ignore, but will be soon.
Criminals and Liberals don't follow the law, why should they listen to gun control laws?
You know....there is a difference between "strict gun control laws" and "gun free zones". Just sayin'
And real criminals are all about strict gun control, right? And gun free zones are nothing more than soft targets.
I doubt real criminals care that much about "strict gun control laws"
Violent criminals love strict gun laws because they know law-abiding people won’t be able to protect themselves. Dumbass

Violent crime is increasing with concealed carry...
It’s impossible to tell, and because with concealed carry how do you know someone is carrying?
And if someone wants to conceal carry it’s none of your fucking business. Control freak
There aren’t school shootings when there is strong gun control. It is clear you don’t care about the lives of children. We could stop the slaughter.

There aren’t school shootings when there is strong gun control.

fairly sure every school in America has 'strong gun control'.

and yet, shootings still happen.

That’s because it is extremely easy to get a gun. That isn’t strong gun control obviously.

Well, Lessee: Anyone choosing to moniker themselves after a Brain tells me you are actually probably dumber than a box of shoes. Most smug people are. So -100 synapse just for the arrogance.

"Extremely easy to get a gun." FACT: It is harder to get a gun now than ever in the history of the country. There are now over TWENTY-THOUSAND GUN LAWS in the USA. When I was a kid, we took our guns to school! Had them in the gun rack of our rear window! No problems then! Now you get expelled just for SAYING the word gun. Deduct another 20,000 synapse.

SO I DID A LITTLE DIGGING across a number of websites to uncover some facts:

View attachment 173589

At the bottom, you can see the history of major gun legislation or actions taken to restrict gun ownership. The 19th century had triple that of the 18th century, restrictions in the 20th century went up by another 830%, and so far just 18 years into the new century, we have already had another 56% restrictions added on!

Meantime, gun shooting deaths in schools in the USA (I counted them) went from only 10 in the 18th century to 34 in the 19th century, then jumped to 282 deaths in the 20th century, and already, only into the 18th year of the new century, we are up to 255 deaths from guns shot in schools. That is over 90% the total for the 20th century.


School shootings and deaths have risen proportional to gun laws. One could almost argue that the gun laws are related to the killings! So obviously it isn't a lack of gun laws, restrictions or ease of access. Subtract another 25 million synapse for the Brain. If anything, there is most likely a direct or indirect link between school shootings and *population
*number of people in big cities
*degree of overcrowding
*size of classrooms
*preponderance of public school influence in child's life
*dwindling degree of parental / family influence in child's home life.

So subtract another 65 billion synapse. The Brain is comatose.

Put another way, lead pencils are far more available than guns, yet you don't see everyone grabbing a lead pencil and writing something with one, much less stabbing someone in the neck. Indeed, gun deaths have risen sharply proportional to the lack of familiarity, exposure, comfort and training in firearms, NOT their availability. Indeed, as we go back the centuries, years ago a gun was FAR MORE LIKELY to be a standard item on a person or in the household. And STILL, there weren't the killings of today.

There is no basis to blame school shootings on the availability of guns, lack of gun laws and regulations, except among the most imbecilic among us, and every reason to associate it with increased societal pressures living in large crowded cities combined with lack of training. Citing statistics from other countries is MEANINGLESS. It is a fool's errand to assume that what seems to have worked a certain way in another country with a completely different set of historical and cultural factors should work similar here. Considering that the top ten causes of death are:
Suicide: 43,000
Kidney Disease: 48,000
Flu and Pneumonia: 55,000
Diabetes: 76,000
Alzheimer's: 94,000
Stroke: 133,000
Accidents: 136,000
COPD: 147,000
Cancer: 592,000
Heart Disease: 614,000

In fact, I cannot even find a statistic for where school shooting deaths at 282 for all of the 20th century would even fit in as a stat! Maybe right below number of deaths caused by paper cut or stubbing ones toe?

View attachment 173593

Firearms OVERALL of ALL KINDS doesn't even amount to more than a blip on the chart. WHICH MAKES IT ALL THE MORE TRAGIC THAT:
A). The Schools still can't seem to prevent them!
B). That so much media hyper-attention is focused on the matter as if this was even in the top 1,000 issues that we should be worried about as a NATIONAL CONCERN.

CONCLUSIONS: Those that make such a deal about guns and gun crimes in the USA as a function of the NRA, availability or lack of gun laws CLEARLY do so mainly out of total ignorance of the facts combined with a dislike and fear of guns and an untold desire just to see them totally banned from the law-biding populous.

School shootings are not a problem where there is strong gun control.

Like I said, we already have massively strong gun control, so you are saying that school shootings are not a problem!

Or maybe you just want total gun confiscation, and banning. News blip: if you don't like the USA and our freedoms, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

If we did it wouldn’t be easy for kids to get guns. Our gun control is obviously weak.
You know....there is a difference between "strict gun control laws" and "gun free zones". Just sayin'
And real criminals are all about strict gun control, right? And gun free zones are nothing more than soft targets.
I doubt real criminals care that much about "strict gun control laws"
Violent criminals love strict gun laws because they know law-abiding people won’t be able to protect themselves. Dumbass

Violent crime is increasing with concealed carry...
It’s impossible to tell, and because with concealed carry how do you know someone is carrying?
And if someone wants to conceal carry it’s none of your fucking business. Control freak

Violent crime is increasing. Concealed carry is increasing. It’s pretty clear really.
In rural areas where firearms out number people many, many times over there are no mass shootings and violent crime is almost unheard of. So your theory is shit - get back your basement fuck face. Lol

You seem low on facts. That Texas church was aweful rural....
Only urban progressive would call that area rural... lol

So where you can’t find a mass of people to shoot, mass shootings are rare? Go figure.
Urban areas are a hotbed for criminal behavior because they’re populated with progressives

Yes criminals like areas where it isn’t hard to find somebody to rob. Go figure.
Progressives love robbing their own
They sure don’t have a problem getting a gun.

So do criminals.

and all the background checks in the world arent' going to stop them.

all the signs stating Gun Free Zone aren't going to stop them.

and the only option seem to be, take away the rights of the 99%, because of the 1%.

But then, you seem to be good with that.

Yeah I guess I don’t like innocent kids dying because some cowards feel they need a gun.

99 guns out of 100....


999 out of 1,000 guns have never killed, or even shot, a human.

You want to punish those that have NEVER used a firearm to hurt another.

I've said it before, I'll say it again.

your handle is totally inappropriate.

you dont' have a brain

Yes what a horrible punishment. Guns nuts get some gun control and innocent kids get to live. Some of our police would get to live too.

and you dont' realize, it doesn't work...

what a shame.
I don't see how you can say that when it is working in every other civilized nation in the world. You are right, it's not the only problem, but all these guns floating about are begging to be stolen or transferred illegally to folks who shouldn't have them. With rights come responsibilities. Gun owners have a certain responsibility to society same as drivers do. We can't drive drunk because we might hit someone else on the road. Limiting guns in this country is like that. Less access to guns means less gun deaths. That shouldn't surprise anyone.
Violent crime is increasing. Concealed carry is increasing. It’s pretty clear really.

Criminals do not get concealed carry do they? There is no correlation.
Violence became normalized when no one cared about 1st grade children being mowed down at Sandy Hook. I'm not ecstatic. I'm numb to it now.

Why do you think no one cared? Do we have to give up our Constitutional rights because some mental case killed his mother, stole her guns, and then looked for a gun free zone to kill children and then his own demons?

Real men would want to save children’s lives. There isn’t a school shooting problem in countries with strong gun control...
A kid has more of a chance of dying fromfalling out of bed or getting struck by lightning then being killed by some Killer using a firearm in this country. Fact

And far more likely to die here from a gun than countries with strong gun control. Fact
Far more likely of getting a fair trial
I doubt real criminals care that much about "strict gun control laws"
Violent criminals love strict gun laws because they know law-abiding people won’t be able to protect themselves. Dumbass

Violent crime is increasing with concealed carry...
It’s impossible to tell, and because with concealed carry how do you know someone is carrying?
And if someone wants to conceal carry it’s none of your fucking business. Control freak

Violent crime is increasing. Concealed carry is increasing. It’s pretty clear really.

Criminals do not get concealed carry do they? There is no correlation.

Yes criminals don’t seem to care if people are armed. In fact it seems to be an incentive for
criminals to be armed.
fairly sure every school in America has 'strong gun control'.

and yet, shootings still happen.

That’s because it is extremely easy to get a gun. That isn’t strong gun control obviously.

Well, Lessee: Anyone choosing to moniker themselves after a Brain tells me you are actually probably dumber than a box of shoes. Most smug people are. So -100 synapse just for the arrogance.

"Extremely easy to get a gun." FACT: It is harder to get a gun now than ever in the history of the country. There are now over TWENTY-THOUSAND GUN LAWS in the USA. When I was a kid, we took our guns to school! Had them in the gun rack of our rear window! No problems then! Now you get expelled just for SAYING the word gun. Deduct another 20,000 synapse.

SO I DID A LITTLE DIGGING across a number of websites to uncover some facts:

View attachment 173589

At the bottom, you can see the history of major gun legislation or actions taken to restrict gun ownership. The 19th century had triple that of the 18th century, restrictions in the 20th century went up by another 830%, and so far just 18 years into the new century, we have already had another 56% restrictions added on!

Meantime, gun shooting deaths in schools in the USA (I counted them) went from only 10 in the 18th century to 34 in the 19th century, then jumped to 282 deaths in the 20th century, and already, only into the 18th year of the new century, we are up to 255 deaths from guns shot in schools. That is over 90% the total for the 20th century.


School shootings and deaths have risen proportional to gun laws. One could almost argue that the gun laws are related to the killings! So obviously it isn't a lack of gun laws, restrictions or ease of access. Subtract another 25 million synapse for the Brain. If anything, there is most likely a direct or indirect link between school shootings and *population
*number of people in big cities
*degree of overcrowding
*size of classrooms
*preponderance of public school influence in child's life
*dwindling degree of parental / family influence in child's home life.

So subtract another 65 billion synapse. The Brain is comatose.

Put another way, lead pencils are far more available than guns, yet you don't see everyone grabbing a lead pencil and writing something with one, much less stabbing someone in the neck. Indeed, gun deaths have risen sharply proportional to the lack of familiarity, exposure, comfort and training in firearms, NOT their availability. Indeed, as we go back the centuries, years ago a gun was FAR MORE LIKELY to be a standard item on a person or in the household. And STILL, there weren't the killings of today.

There is no basis to blame school shootings on the availability of guns, lack of gun laws and regulations, except among the most imbecilic among us, and every reason to associate it with increased societal pressures living in large crowded cities combined with lack of training. Citing statistics from other countries is MEANINGLESS. It is a fool's errand to assume that what seems to have worked a certain way in another country with a completely different set of historical and cultural factors should work similar here. Considering that the top ten causes of death are:
Suicide: 43,000
Kidney Disease: 48,000
Flu and Pneumonia: 55,000
Diabetes: 76,000
Alzheimer's: 94,000
Stroke: 133,000
Accidents: 136,000
COPD: 147,000
Cancer: 592,000
Heart Disease: 614,000

In fact, I cannot even find a statistic for where school shooting deaths at 282 for all of the 20th century would even fit in as a stat! Maybe right below number of deaths caused by paper cut or stubbing ones toe?

View attachment 173593

Firearms OVERALL of ALL KINDS doesn't even amount to more than a blip on the chart. WHICH MAKES IT ALL THE MORE TRAGIC THAT:
A). The Schools still can't seem to prevent them!
B). That so much media hyper-attention is focused on the matter as if this was even in the top 1,000 issues that we should be worried about as a NATIONAL CONCERN.

CONCLUSIONS: Those that make such a deal about guns and gun crimes in the USA as a function of the NRA, availability or lack of gun laws CLEARLY do so mainly out of total ignorance of the facts combined with a dislike and fear of guns and an untold desire just to see them totally banned from the law-biding populous.

School shootings are not a problem where there is strong gun control.

Like I said, we already have massively strong gun control, so you are saying that school shootings are not a problem!

Or maybe you just want total gun confiscation, and banning. News blip: if you don't like the USA and our freedoms, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

If we did it wouldn’t be easy for kids to get guns. Our gun control is obviously weak.

I see it as nature's way of just eliminating some of those among us too dumb to live. More than 40,000 died in accidental motor vehicle accidents just last year! Bottom line: maybe you just need to go play with a gun or out in front of a speeding car. Nature calls. ;)
Why do you think no one cared? Do we have to give up our Constitutional rights because some mental case killed his mother, stole her guns, and then looked for a gun free zone to kill children and then his own demons?

Real men would want to save children’s lives. There isn’t a school shooting problem in countries with strong gun control...
A kid has more of a chance of dying fromfalling out of bed or getting struck by lightning then being killed by some Killer using a firearm in this country. Fact

And far more likely to die here from a gun than countries with strong gun control. Fact
Far more likely of getting a fair trial
Violent criminals love strict gun laws because they know law-abiding people won’t be able to protect themselves. Dumbass

Violent crime is increasing with concealed carry...
It’s impossible to tell, and because with concealed carry how do you know someone is carrying?
And if someone wants to conceal carry it’s none of your fucking business. Control freak

Violent crime is increasing. Concealed carry is increasing. It’s pretty clear really.

Criminals do not get concealed carry do they? There is no correlation.

Yes criminals don’t seem to care if people are armed. In fact it seems to be an incentive for
criminals to be armed.
I see, most criminals will just ask politely for your money or your ass.
That’s because it is extremely easy to get a gun. That isn’t strong gun control obviously.

Well, Lessee: Anyone choosing to moniker themselves after a Brain tells me you are actually probably dumber than a box of shoes. Most smug people are. So -100 synapse just for the arrogance.

"Extremely easy to get a gun." FACT: It is harder to get a gun now than ever in the history of the country. There are now over TWENTY-THOUSAND GUN LAWS in the USA. When I was a kid, we took our guns to school! Had them in the gun rack of our rear window! No problems then! Now you get expelled just for SAYING the word gun. Deduct another 20,000 synapse.

SO I DID A LITTLE DIGGING across a number of websites to uncover some facts:

View attachment 173589

At the bottom, you can see the history of major gun legislation or actions taken to restrict gun ownership. The 19th century had triple that of the 18th century, restrictions in the 20th century went up by another 830%, and so far just 18 years into the new century, we have already had another 56% restrictions added on!

Meantime, gun shooting deaths in schools in the USA (I counted them) went from only 10 in the 18th century to 34 in the 19th century, then jumped to 282 deaths in the 20th century, and already, only into the 18th year of the new century, we are up to 255 deaths from guns shot in schools. That is over 90% the total for the 20th century.


School shootings and deaths have risen proportional to gun laws. One could almost argue that the gun laws are related to the killings! So obviously it isn't a lack of gun laws, restrictions or ease of access. Subtract another 25 million synapse for the Brain. If anything, there is most likely a direct or indirect link between school shootings and *population
*number of people in big cities
*degree of overcrowding
*size of classrooms
*preponderance of public school influence in child's life
*dwindling degree of parental / family influence in child's home life.

So subtract another 65 billion synapse. The Brain is comatose.

Put another way, lead pencils are far more available than guns, yet you don't see everyone grabbing a lead pencil and writing something with one, much less stabbing someone in the neck. Indeed, gun deaths have risen sharply proportional to the lack of familiarity, exposure, comfort and training in firearms, NOT their availability. Indeed, as we go back the centuries, years ago a gun was FAR MORE LIKELY to be a standard item on a person or in the household. And STILL, there weren't the killings of today.

There is no basis to blame school shootings on the availability of guns, lack of gun laws and regulations, except among the most imbecilic among us, and every reason to associate it with increased societal pressures living in large crowded cities combined with lack of training. Citing statistics from other countries is MEANINGLESS. It is a fool's errand to assume that what seems to have worked a certain way in another country with a completely different set of historical and cultural factors should work similar here. Considering that the top ten causes of death are:
Suicide: 43,000
Kidney Disease: 48,000
Flu and Pneumonia: 55,000
Diabetes: 76,000
Alzheimer's: 94,000
Stroke: 133,000
Accidents: 136,000
COPD: 147,000
Cancer: 592,000
Heart Disease: 614,000

In fact, I cannot even find a statistic for where school shooting deaths at 282 for all of the 20th century would even fit in as a stat! Maybe right below number of deaths caused by paper cut or stubbing ones toe?

View attachment 173593

Firearms OVERALL of ALL KINDS doesn't even amount to more than a blip on the chart. WHICH MAKES IT ALL THE MORE TRAGIC THAT:
A). The Schools still can't seem to prevent them!
B). That so much media hyper-attention is focused on the matter as if this was even in the top 1,000 issues that we should be worried about as a NATIONAL CONCERN.

CONCLUSIONS: Those that make such a deal about guns and gun crimes in the USA as a function of the NRA, availability or lack of gun laws CLEARLY do so mainly out of total ignorance of the facts combined with a dislike and fear of guns and an untold desire just to see them totally banned from the law-biding populous.

School shootings are not a problem where there is strong gun control.

Like I said, we already have massively strong gun control, so you are saying that school shootings are not a problem!

Or maybe you just want total gun confiscation, and banning. News blip: if you don't like the USA and our freedoms, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

If we did it wouldn’t be easy for kids to get guns. Our gun control is obviously weak.

I see it as nature's way of just eliminating some of those among us too dumb to live. More than 40,000 died in accidental motor vehicle accidents just last year! Bottom line: maybe you just need to go play with a gun or out in front of a speeding car. Nature calls. ;)

You are an idiot.
Real men would want to save children’s lives. There isn’t a school shooting problem in countries with strong gun control...
A kid has more of a chance of dying fromfalling out of bed or getting struck by lightning then being killed by some Killer using a firearm in this country. Fact

And far more likely to die here from a gun than countries with strong gun control. Fact
Far more likely of getting a fair trial
Violent crime is increasing with concealed carry...
It’s impossible to tell, and because with concealed carry how do you know someone is carrying?
And if someone wants to conceal carry it’s none of your fucking business. Control freak

Violent crime is increasing. Concealed carry is increasing. It’s pretty clear really.

Criminals do not get concealed carry do they? There is no correlation.

Yes criminals don’t seem to care if people are armed. In fact it seems to be an incentive for
criminals to be armed.
I see, most criminals will just ask politely for your money or your ass.

You have a point?
A kid has more of a chance of dying fromfalling out of bed or getting struck by lightning then being killed by some Killer using a firearm in this country. Fact

And far more likely to die here from a gun than countries with strong gun control. Fact
Far more likely of getting a fair trial
It’s impossible to tell, and because with concealed carry how do you know someone is carrying?
And if someone wants to conceal carry it’s none of your fucking business. Control freak

Violent crime is increasing. Concealed carry is increasing. It’s pretty clear really.

Criminals do not get concealed carry do they? There is no correlation.

Yes criminals don’t seem to care if people are armed. In fact it seems to be an incentive for
criminals to be armed.
I see, most criminals will just ask politely for your money or your ass.

You have a point?

How do you connect concealed carry to violent crime? People vetted for that permit are not criminals, at least not on paper or data bank. What violent crime has one concealed carry person committed?
And far more likely to die here from a gun than countries with strong gun control. Fact
Far more likely of getting a fair trial
Violent crime is increasing. Concealed carry is increasing. It’s pretty clear really.

Criminals do not get concealed carry do they? There is no correlation.

Yes criminals don’t seem to care if people are armed. In fact it seems to be an incentive for
criminals to be armed.
I see, most criminals will just ask politely for your money or your ass.

You have a point?

How do you connect concealed carry to violent crime? People vetted for that permit are not criminals, at least not on paper or data bank. What violent crime has one concealed carry person committed?

Many violent crimes.
VPC: Concealed Carry Killers
fairly sure every school in America has 'strong gun control'.

and yet, shootings still happen.

That’s because it is extremely easy to get a gun. That isn’t strong gun control obviously.

Well, Lessee: Anyone choosing to moniker themselves after a Brain tells me you are actually probably dumber than a box of shoes. Most smug people are. So -100 synapse just for the arrogance.

"Extremely easy to get a gun." FACT: It is harder to get a gun now than ever in the history of the country. There are now over TWENTY-THOUSAND GUN LAWS in the USA. When I was a kid, we took our guns to school! Had them in the gun rack of our rear window! No problems then! Now you get expelled just for SAYING the word gun. Deduct another 20,000 synapse.

SO I DID A LITTLE DIGGING across a number of websites to uncover some facts:

View attachment 173589

At the bottom, you can see the history of major gun legislation or actions taken to restrict gun ownership. The 19th century had triple that of the 18th century, restrictions in the 20th century went up by another 830%, and so far just 18 years into the new century, we have already had another 56% restrictions added on!

Meantime, gun shooting deaths in schools in the USA (I counted them) went from only 10 in the 18th century to 34 in the 19th century, then jumped to 282 deaths in the 20th century, and already, only into the 18th year of the new century, we are up to 255 deaths from guns shot in schools. That is over 90% the total for the 20th century.


School shootings and deaths have risen proportional to gun laws. One could almost argue that the gun laws are related to the killings! So obviously it isn't a lack of gun laws, restrictions or ease of access. Subtract another 25 million synapse for the Brain. If anything, there is most likely a direct or indirect link between school shootings and *population
*number of people in big cities
*degree of overcrowding
*size of classrooms
*preponderance of public school influence in child's life
*dwindling degree of parental / family influence in child's home life.

So subtract another 65 billion synapse. The Brain is comatose.

Put another way, lead pencils are far more available than guns, yet you don't see everyone grabbing a lead pencil and writing something with one, much less stabbing someone in the neck. Indeed, gun deaths have risen sharply proportional to the lack of familiarity, exposure, comfort and training in firearms, NOT their availability. Indeed, as we go back the centuries, years ago a gun was FAR MORE LIKELY to be a standard item on a person or in the household. And STILL, there weren't the killings of today.

There is no basis to blame school shootings on the availability of guns, lack of gun laws and regulations, except among the most imbecilic among us, and every reason to associate it with increased societal pressures living in large crowded cities combined with lack of training. Citing statistics from other countries is MEANINGLESS. It is a fool's errand to assume that what seems to have worked a certain way in another country with a completely different set of historical and cultural factors should work similar here. Considering that the top ten causes of death are:
Suicide: 43,000
Kidney Disease: 48,000
Flu and Pneumonia: 55,000
Diabetes: 76,000
Alzheimer's: 94,000
Stroke: 133,000
Accidents: 136,000
COPD: 147,000
Cancer: 592,000
Heart Disease: 614,000

In fact, I cannot even find a statistic for where school shooting deaths at 282 for all of the 20th century would even fit in as a stat! Maybe right below number of deaths caused by paper cut or stubbing ones toe?

View attachment 173593

Firearms OVERALL of ALL KINDS doesn't even amount to more than a blip on the chart. WHICH MAKES IT ALL THE MORE TRAGIC THAT:
A). The Schools still can't seem to prevent them!
B). That so much media hyper-attention is focused on the matter as if this was even in the top 1,000 issues that we should be worried about as a NATIONAL CONCERN.

CONCLUSIONS: Those that make such a deal about guns and gun crimes in the USA as a function of the NRA, availability or lack of gun laws CLEARLY do so mainly out of total ignorance of the facts combined with a dislike and fear of guns and an untold desire just to see them totally banned from the law-biding populous.

School shootings are not a problem where there is strong gun control.

Like I said, we already have massively strong gun control, so you are saying that school shootings are not a problem!

Or maybe you just want total gun confiscation, and banning. News blip: if you don't like the USA and our freedoms, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

If we did it wouldn’t be easy for kids to get guns. Our gun control is obviously weak.
Criminals do not obey laws shit for brains

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