Fresno CA: McDonald's employee attacks cop, beats him w own baton & goes for gun bc "I hate cops"

well some do,but most dont....i think we have a lot of stupid cops,they know that there is a camera out there filming them somewhere and yet they will still beat a guy who is already down or do some other dumbass thing to the person....i bet many cops hate the advent of the video camera and cell phones...
I don't think it's stupidity so much as conditioning and in some examples the effect of personality disorders.

Cops often critique their activities in locker-room style bull-sessions. Rookies pay attention to what more seasoned veterans say and over time impressions are formed. More often than not those impressions are based on exaggerations, individual interpretations of the rules, personal opinions of what the job is about and the real level of police authority.

Some cops are more inclined than others to perform according to their own rules and the wrongful impressions they've acquired. The behavior of still others is influenced by sadistic tendency and/or extreme authoritarian/dominant disposition. For this latter category the police occupation is a source of perverse satisfaction on a daily basis. For them, arresting someone, regardless of circumstances, is a gratifying experience and the more unpleasant they can make it the more they enjoy it. This category is largely responsible for the anti-police atmosphere we are seeing today.

Authorities say Escareno was talking to Deel, when he suddenly attacked the officer because he "hates cops." Escareno managed to get control of the suspect until backup arrived and took him into custody. Deel was later booked into the Fresno County Jail on felony charges.


"Authorities say. . . "

If what the "authorities" have said is true, i.e., Deel attacked the cop, seized his baton and struck him in the head with it, the cop had every right and reason to shoot Deel. But if what we know about this incident is based on what the "authorities say" I will reserve judgment until both sides of the story are told.

Authorities say Escareno was talking to Deel, when he suddenly attacked the officer because he "hates cops." Escareno managed to get control of the suspect until backup arrived and took him into custody. Deel was later booked into the Fresno County Jail on felony charges.


"Authorities say. . . "

If what the "authorities" have said is true, i.e., Deel attacked the cop, seized his baton and struck him in the head with it, the cop had every right and reason to shoot Deel. But if what we know about this incident is based on what the "authorities say" I will reserve judgment until both sides of the story are told.

And THAT IS the raw, pure fundamental backbone of our domestic law enforcement system.

Authorities say this.
Suspect says that.

Without proof otherwise....which side do we believe? Video and evidence is very necessary. For both sides. Because many people claim police abuse....without proof.

Our society's morals have tanked so much....that a man's word is no longer trusted. Anywhere....ANY profession. But in law enforcement...sometimes a man's word is the only evidence available. Some issues come when some cops have been caught lying. Clearly. But FAR more that our society as a whole has become more dishonest and immoral. Our police are nothing but a sample of citizens plucked from the general population to do a job.
Cops will get respect when they learn to give respect. It's a two-way street.
With it being a two way street, such a thing can be said for everyone else too. Once they show cops some respect, they will get respect in return.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Yes, I know that there are dirty cops out there, but that doesn't mean that the rest have to pay for what the dirty cops do.
FYI - Cops do NOT give respect. We see it often in video, and read about it on the news. Cops are bullies, they abuse their authority, and in most cases walk free. They are NOT held to the same standards as you and I. Just a fact.

Are BS quota tickets showing respect? Is police brutality showing respect? Is shooting 9 year old kids showing respect? Is shooting 92 year old women showing respect? Is raping women showing respect? Is stealing showing respect? Is take bribes from drug dealers showing respect?

And, why don't good cops clean up their own profession instead of covering for them, lying for them, protecting them, and turning a blind eye to the wrong they do?...... Think about it ...
I am thinking about it. I am thinking about those who have sadly been outnumbered. Think about it. Not every cop in the world is written about and those who are not written about are most likely the ones who are actually doing the job the way that it should be done.

God bless you and the good guys always!!! :) :) :)

Cops will get respect when they learn to give respect. It's a two-way street.
With it being a two way street, such a thing can be said for everyone else too. Once they show cops some respect, they will get respect in return.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Yes, I know that there are dirty cops out there, but that doesn't mean that the rest have to pay for what the dirty cops do.
FYI - Cops do NOT give respect. We see it often in video, and read about it on the news. Cops are bullies, they abuse their authority, and in most cases walk free. They are NOT held to the same standards as you and I. Just a fact.

Are BS quota tickets showing respect? Is police brutality showing respect? Is shooting 9 year old kids showing respect? Is shooting 92 year old women showing respect? Is raping women showing respect? Is stealing showing respect? Is take bribes from drug dealers showing respect?

And, why don't good cops clean up their own profession instead of covering for them, lying for them, protecting them, and turning a blind eye to the wrong they do?...... Think about it ...
I am thinking about it. I am thinking about those who have sadly been outnumbered. Think about it. Not every cop in the world is written about and those who are not written about are most likely the ones who are actually doing the job the way that it should be done.

God bless you and the good guys always!!! :) :) :)


Yep. Hundreds of thousands of cops go to work, catch bad guys, use reasonable leniency for petty stuff, and do good deeds on shift daily without recognition...and most wouldn't want recognition.

But....the media and the lefts fanaticism over that 0.5% of bad ones...smears them all.

And they'll say "well all those good ones cover for them" which is absurd. That's like saying I'm responsible for covering for my coworker or neighbor being a pedophile....when I never know about it. Criminals COVER their crimes...cops included. Criminal cops do their dirt when no one is watching.'s making good cops quit, and good recruits never apply.

Authorities say Escareno was talking to Deel, when he suddenly attacked the officer because he "hates cops." Escareno managed to get control of the suspect until backup arrived and took him into custody. Deel was later booked into the Fresno County Jail on felony charges.


"Authorities say. . . "

If what the "authorities" have said is true, i.e., Deel attacked the cop, seized his baton and struck him in the head with it, the cop had every right and reason to shoot Deel. But if what we know about this incident is based on what the "authorities say" I will reserve judgment until both sides of the story are told.

And THAT IS the raw, pure fundamental backbone of our domestic law enforcement system.

Authorities say this.
Suspect says that.

Without proof otherwise....which side do we believe? Video and evidence is very necessary. For both sides. Because many people claim police abuse....without proof.

Our society's morals have tanked so much....that a man's word is no longer trusted. Anywhere....ANY profession. But in law enforcement...sometimes a man's word is the only evidence available. Some issues come when some cops have been caught lying. Clearly. But FAR more that our society as a whole has become more dishonest and immoral. Our police are nothing but a sample of citizens plucked from the general population to do a job.
That was the situation back in the '50s and beyond. But one outcome of the social upheaval of the early 1960s in New York City was the creation of the CCRB (Civilian Complaint Review Board) which answered directly to the Mayor and held investigative and punitive authority above and beyond that of the Police Commissioner.

During its first year of operation this agency brought about the criminal conviction of dozens of cops, the firing of dozens more and it ultimately transformed the nature of the NYPD. I expect the current atmosphere of protest will achieve a similar outcome.
This is a war. The cops better start acting like it.
And cops started the war.
Have you been to Fresno? it is a wasteland of illegal aliens and crack, heroin, and meth dealers with a whole bunch of gang and prostitution rings, with most on public assistance to pay for the basic apartments and the bare minimum of food, the rest of the day and night is spent hustling and dealing and fighting and killing. This is Jerry Browns utopia. go there and see. This is the entire Valley in central California. most of the Midwest is next, hope all you progressives like what you have created, Chicago, Baltimore, DC, go on YouTube an look up the hoodrat videos, look what the urban liberal paradise really looks like.
Bakersfield was the armpit of Calif but it lost it's nasty problem to a new armpit even nastier...Fresno.

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