Friday Is Reinstatement day!!

This is a lie.

“A majority of Americans in a new poll think it would be bad for the country if former President Trump runs for office in 2024.

The survey, conducted by Quinnipiac University, found that 60 percent of respondents said it would be bad for the country if Trump were to launch a bid for president in 2024.”

The last thing Americans want is another disastrous, failed Trump ‘presidency.’

The Biden presidency is already a hot flaming disaster.

Imagine the Fall of Saigon seven months in.

Here we are.
I'm absolutely giddy with anticipation!!

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, a pro-Trump businessman who spread misinformation that the 2020 election was a fraud, has claimed that Trump would be back by Aug. 13, 2021 here. Trump has been telling a number of people he’s in contact with that he expects he will get reinstated by August. Of course supporters have unsuccessfully claimed several dates that Trump would be back in office, such as on inauguration day (Jan. 20) and March 4.

But - If you can't believe the Mypillow guy, who can you believe?! :laughing0301:

Christ almighty. Give me strength.
Where do I start with these idiots.
If I'm being completely honest I would like to see them try. Only this time it wouldn't be the capitol police trying not to hurt them and refusing to fire upon them. it would be the Secret Service and the National Guard with full auto weapons shooting every single one of them in the face.

I personally like seeing stupid people die because they're stupid
I don't care who you are, wishing death to your political enemies is pretty bad....
I don't care who you are, wishing death to your political enemies is pretty bad....
I didn't wish death on political enemies I stated that I hope that a bunch of terrorists and traitors try to take over the country again like they did on January 6th only this time they're all going to be shot because law enforcement will be ready for them..

They've already made it clear that they are willing to use violence to try to take over this country.

There is a major difference between wishing death on political enemies and wishing death on traders who attacked this country.
OK, so Lindell said in an interview that he expected everything he was working on to eventually go before the SCOTUS (no date given) and for Trump to be reinstated (again, no date given). How does that lead to a "reinstatement day" of the 13th?

Can you agree he said that Trump would be reinstated in August?
Can you agree he said that Trump would be reinstated in August?

That is what he said, that he expected Trump to be reinstated in August. Well, August has a couple weeks to go still but Lindell may have overestimated the rate of success and progress of his challenges in a world very much not looking for any reason at all to consider Trump's claim to the Oval Office.

The democrats made such a daily scandal out of Trump whether it be just how he combed his hair or whether he held hands with his wife on every outing that the world may still be overlooking all the insane harm Biddum is actually doing in his replacement.
That is what he said, that he expected Trump to be reinstated in August. Well, August has a couple weeks to go still but Lindell may have overestimated the rate of success and progress of his challenges…

He MAY have overestimated his rate of success???

He most certainly did. Trump wasn’t reinstated on August 13, he won’t be reinstated in August, and he won’t be reinstated during Biden’s 4-year term.
Instead of trump being reenstated in August, a federal judge (a conservative one, appointed by Trump) ruled that the lawsuits against Lindell and others could move forward. So instead Lindale is going to remember August as the month that is bankruptcy began. saying goodbye to my pillow because he's going to have to file bankruptcy on his businesses to pay the lawsuits.
OK, so Lindell said in an interview that he expected everything he was working on to eventually go before the SCOTUS (no date given) and for Trump to be reinstated (again, no date given). How does that lead to a "reinstatement day" of the 13th?
August 13th was Lindell's date...

COULD??? You actually believe that Trump is going to be reinstated????

Damn you are one triggered SOB! Forget to take a pill? You're triggered even when someone concedes to you! Yes, "could," in that I can't, you can't and no one can know what the future holds for sure. But go right ahead and say that Trump will NEVER be reinstated ever if that makes you feel better.

But I'll remember and laugh if 2 years from now you are proven wrong.
Damn you are one triggered SOB! Forget to take a pill? You're triggered even when someone concedes to you! Yes, "could," in that I can't, you can't and no one can know what the future holds for sure. But go right ahead and say that Trump will NEVER be reinstated ever if that makes you feel better.

But I'll remember and laugh if 2 years from now you are proven wrong.
I just asked a question.

Do you actually believe that Trump is going to be reinstated during Biden's term?
Damn you are one triggered SOB! Forget to take a pill? You're triggered even when someone concedes to you! Yes, "could," in that I can't, you can't and no one can know what the future holds for sure. But go right ahead and say that Trump will NEVER be reinstated ever if that makes you feel better.

But I'll remember and laugh if 2 years from now you are proven wrong.

So, being reelected is not the same as being reinstated. At least tell me you "could" have the ability to understand the difference.

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