From a man with experience


Platinum Member
Apr 1, 2020
Peter Grant is an author and blogger who immigrated to the US from South Africa. He was in the military there and has seen with his own eyes what a civil war is like.
He has a post on his blog I'd like to share;
From the link;
"US "street politics": building up a deadly head of racial steam

I've tried to be general in my warnings about unrest and difficult times ahead. I don't like to demonize anybody or any group, because I've been the victim of that, and I've seen others become the victim of that. It's never easy to deal with (sometimes it's impossible), and it can literally lead to bloodshed. However, it's becoming very clear that it's a tactic being deliberately used by the radical left in US politics against anyone with constitutional or conservative leanings. They aren't afraid to demonize anyone and everyone, because they think they can get away with it.

In particular, they're demonizing the white population right now. From social media to news media to street thugs, if you're white, that almost automatically puts you on the wrong side of the past, the present and the future. That even extends to official, politically correct "sensitivity training". It may even lead to direct threats against your safety - and if you dare try to defend yourself against them, you may be demonized as a racist, violent thug, even though that appellation more properly applies to your accusers."

More at the link.

People who mob cars, threaten homeowners, or accost and threaten people minding their own business at a Chipotle are not getting arrested, at least not that I've heard, but the victims of this behavior are if they defend themselves.
People on this board complain about mayors, governors, and cops but the people with the discretion to decide who gets charged and prosecuted are DAs and State's Attorneys...... and there are a lot of agendas in those positions. If you come to their attention, and can be exploited in order for them to further their agenda, they will do so. And they won't give a damn if it ruins you, jails, or even kills you.
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This is an article Peter linked to in the above post;
From the link;

"Who is not impressed by the mindlessness of this vicious rabble? There’s no evidence at the core of their complaint that police nationwide are “hunting down black men.” If anything, black men are hunting each other down — and are oblivious to the collateral damage of infants and children blown away in their shoot-ups. Defund the police and tie their hands behind their backs? Well, the results are already in for that: huge increases in homicide rates in Chicago, New York, Houston, Baltimore, Kansas City, Newark, Nashville, et cetera, overwhelmingly black-on-black crime.

Leading, naturally, to the linchpin of Wokesterism: it’s Whitey’s fault. Whitey is racism incarnate. White Fragility makes redemption impossible. No amount of penance, apology, or remediation can fix it. Which raises another question: why even bother entertaining reparations for slavery? It will never be enough. Which may be exactly why the Woke Inquisition’s real aim is to undermine all of America’s institutions and then bust up the republic.
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Another link from the OP;
From the link;

"American whites are having a difficult time wrapping their brains around this reality. And indeed, the new apartheid is an odd beast because, unlike previous segregationist systems, unlike Jim Crow, unlike South Africa’s apartheid or Nazi Germany’s Nuremberg Laws, this new American apartheid is de facto. It’s off the books. It’s built to breathe and function comfortably within the confines of our Constitution.

It’s a 21st-century apartheid tailor-made for the internet age. We’ve already surrendered the “public square” of free speech to the private sector; you absolutely can be silenced online just for being white, while the “mainstream” media is totally within its rights to clog the airwaves and internet with antiwhite propaganda. This one-sided marketplace of ideas is completely constitutional.

Scientists who make the mistake of accurately reporting findings that anger blacks are totally free to withdraw their papers. Nothing illegal about that! Dummies like Stalin used to have the state censor scientists. Good thing we have a Constitution, which ensures that scientists are free to self-censor once they “see the light.” In the Soviet Union, criticism of Lysenkoism was banned by government decree. The advantage of de facto over de jure is that with no formal ban, there’s nothing concrete to fight.

Employment? An employer might not technically be able to fire you just for being white, but once the Twitter mob sets its sights on not just you but your place of employment, you can be let go because your presence is impeding the functioning of the company. You’re not being fired for your views, but for your baggage, which has become a “distraction.” This is a trick perfected by my old nemesis Irv Rubin of the Jewish Defense League. If a bunch of “antee-Semites” were holding a conference, Rubin knew that it wasn’t always possible to persuade the venue owner to evict the group based on the views of its members (public venues couldn’t exercise viewpoint discrimination, and private ones were afraid of being sued).

So, just phone in a bomb threat. Now it’s a “safety” matter, and the venue can cancel for reasons other than viewpoint.

Speaking of public gatherings, whites can totally be confined to their homes for “COVID lockdowns” while blacks get to rampage freely through the streets, because the BLM riots are not technically state-approved. We all know that mayors and governors have allowed the riots, but they retain the plausible deniability that they never officially “sanctioned” them. Again, de facto. No city, no state passed a law saying “whites must stay home; blacks can go outside.” Such a law would be unconstitutional! No, the double standard “just happened.” It was “out of our hands.”

How can people fight back when there are no laws or official policies to challenge? That was always the fatal flaw with legally codified, racially tiered systems. Laws give people something to target.

Sure, blacks can storm through white neighborhoods, terrorizing residents by marching around at 1 a.m. blasting music from bullhorns (as happened in my neighborhood last month). But hey—it’s the right of free assembly! Whites can do it too…in theory. But in reality, whites know that if they try to march through, say, South Central at 1 a.m. chanting like lunatics, they’ll get shot. And DAs would not seize those guns, even as they charged the white protesters with “hate crimes.”

That’s why a monster like George Soros has targeted district attorneys in every state; that’s why he spends so much money to install his own people in that position. The law gives DAs prosecutorial discretion, and again, it’s perfectly legal. White couple paints over graffiti? Felony hate crime. Black thugs beat white child senseless? Misdemeanor assault.

DA discretion is a great tool for enforcing de facto apartheid, and Soros picked up on that long before we did.

The news for whites is grim. Politicians in both parties have already decided to either go along with de facto apartheid, or at least not overtly oppose it. Whites have no advocates left. The closest thing whites have to an advocate with a major national platform is Tucker Carlson, and he won’t say the word “white”:

We’re witnessing a broad and powerful attack on the principle of equality. Daily, we are told that all people are not in fact created equal. Some were born with moral stain, others were not…. People in favored groups must be held to one standard. Those in disfavored groups, the morally tainted ones, must be held to another standard. The country retains one set of laws mostly for the sake of formality. But we must apply those laws in very different ways, according to the DNA and the background of the accused.
On the face of it, that monologue is fine. But not once in the piece does he specifically name whites as the “disfavored, tainted group.” He uses the same generalized terms that people like Kendi have already redefined. Antiwhite apartheid can’t be countered if you can’t be specific, a point I made last year in “Can the Right Fight Without Saying White?” Carlson knows that even with his strong ratings, appearing to advocate too stridently for whites would be a fireable offense.

You know Carlson’s talking about whites, he knows he’s talking about whites, leftists know he’s talking about whites, and everyone’s doing the Know Nothing dance because naming the victims is forbidden.

When your No. 1 advocate can’t say your name, you are in trouble.

And white America is in trouble."
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Another link;
From the link;

"If we don’t end up in a shooting war before President Trump’s 2020 election win (see what I did there) we probably will be as soon as that win is announced. I believe when groups like Antifa, BLM and NFAC (Not Fucking Around Coalition-No, I’m not kidding, they are that crass and full of ignorance) to name a few, blow their wad and open the “Pandora’s Box” of their hatred of America and White people specifically, it will be “Weapons Free” for those who have been patient and tolerated their abuse. At that point, I believe they will get their asses handed to them.


NFACer trying to intimidate a visitor to Stone Mountain on July 4th, 2020
At that point, I believe President Trump will have to make a choice. He will have to purge the Federal Government of the Communists and their supporters who have been undermining him his whole first term, while simultaneously rallying his base to physically fight off (good Ol’ Second Amendment territory) the threat that has manifest itself in our country. His other choice is to ignore what is going on and probably lose the Country if he exercises that level of ignorance.

I believe that, regardless, it will be a bloodbath not unlike those we’ve seen in “real time” across the world in places like Bosnia and Rwanda (a good friend saw this in person and his stories are just….DAMN!). Any person that want’s a “Black Nation” (or anything else based on skin color as the prerequisite for citizenship) is the antithesis to what this Nation was founded on and obviously has not done their historical “Due diligence”, regarding how that will obviously turn out.

No, you’re not gonna make a “Wakanda”, you realize that’s “fiction”, right? Don’t give me some BS about the Founders being a bunch of racists. You and your BS won’t even get published in the comment stream. “Reparations”? Kiss my ass. I can actually prove none of my ancestry ever had a slave (not that I need to), can you prove yours were slaves in this country?

These groups are using “Racism” as their stated purpose because that is a method historically used by Communists to tear down a nation internally. Tearing down statues and destroying that Nation’s history is another Communist tactic. Understand, in the end, Communists don’t give two Damns about your perceived racial equality or inequality or how you are treated. You and your “Cause” are just a means to an end for them.

Prepare yourself for what’s to come. I don’t believe it will be pleasant. Organize your friends, family and neighborhood to defend itself against events like we’ve seen acted out recently in placed like Minneapolis and Atlanta. Defense, First Aid, Shelter, Water and Food are your “Order of Priorities” list in these situations. If it starts at the time of the election, we’ll be fighting in the Winter. Are you prepared to fight in cold weather?

Make sure you are keeping a eye on who is supporting whom and who the sell outs and shills are. This will be important info when things start to pop. As an example I’ve seen recently, the last thing you want is to be associated with a so called “Constitutional” militia leader who has ties and affiliations with groups like “The John Brown Gun Club” (they roll with Antifa). Someone like that is a snake in your midst and will screw you when it’s convenient for his well being or bottom line.

It’s come to the time to choose a side. Today’s “Going along to get along” and “Tolerance” are tag-lines used by those who are cowards and and afraid to speak their mind about what is right and fair. We’ve all been guilty of it, but you can only take so much before you tell a blathering, idiot activist to go pound sand with his convenient “facts” all the while waiting for him to call you a “Racist” or one of the other “ists” we’re being accused of these days.

Racism may be a factor that is "holding the Black Man back," but it is very low on the list. At the top is cultural anomie, followed by genetic inferiority.

Equality (of outcomes)? Gimmeafukkinbreak. Never ever happen.
You poor little victim. Black people want what you take for granted: the expectation of fairness from the criminal justice system. Why do you think equality for them means you lose something?
You poor little victim. Black people want what you take for granted: the expectation of fairness from the criminal justice system. Why do you think equality for them means you lose something?
Ask any cop doing his job who has to treat belligerent Africans with kid gloves
You poor little victim. Black people want what you take for granted: the expectation of fairness from the criminal justice system. Why do you think equality for them means you lose something?
Ask any cop doing his job who has to treat belligerent Africans with kid gloves
How do you expect to be treated doing the same thing? How would you expect your children to be treated?
You poor little victim. Black people want what you take for granted: the expectation of fairness from the criminal justice system. Why do you think equality for them means you lose something?
The ones who want equality and fairness aren't doing this shit, and the ones who are are blatantly maneuvering for a position of advantage for themselves.
If you get attacked by someone darker skinned than you, even multiple people, and beaten or stomped, there will be no arrests most likely, and no prosecution if there are.
If you are attacked, menaced, or threatened by someone darker than you and you stand up for yourself in any way...... you will be labeled a racist piece of shit and probably lose your job. If you physically defend yourself, you will be arrested and you will at a minimum, spend tens of thousands of dollars to stay out of prison, maybe successfully, maybe not.
This is what is happening, this different treatment based on skin color....... and as usual, it is exactly the opposite of what the MSM, progressives, and commies are claiming is happening.

But we all see it..... and then we turn on the TV or log onto the 'net, and we hear all about how "privileged" we are. :45:

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction........ brace yourself fucktards, I think it's gonna hurt.
Racism may be a factor that is "holding the Black Man back," but it is very low on the list. At the top is cultural anomie, followed by genetic inferiority.

Equality (of outcomes)? Gimmeafukkinbreak. Never ever happen.
Are you trying to suggest that black men are "genetically inferior"? Are you really saying that publicly?

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