From “no collusion” to “collusion is not a crime.” What next?

Next, we patiently wait while Mueller's investigation wraps up and we all find out, without spending our days chasing every last possible theory in a desperate attempt to gain some weird perceived political advantage in one direction or the other, like a dog chasing a car down the street. Aw, just kidding.
Yeah better to just sit out every fight. Go pollute a different thread with your sanctimonious nonsense.
So true. I can see how much you're accomplishing here.

well damn it man, he's part of the investigation. He's using words like "We're showing all......"
The latest talking point from the White House is that collusion is not a crime.

Sorry Derp you missed the first 10,000 times it was discussed here that collusion is not a crime in and of itself. If you think it is, tell me which statue it is under! Collusion is at worst, political malfeasance in the presidential sense-- -- -- -- the only place where it becomes criminal is when money changes hands in the process of attempting to deprive another of their rights, otherwise, it is merely a secret agreement reached between two parties, usually to limit competition.
well again, someone will have to prove a vote was changed. That is why this entire exercise has been meaningless.
The latest talking point from the White House is that collusion is not a crime.

Sorry Derp you missed the first 10,000 times it was discussed here that collusion is not a crime in and of itself. If you think it is, tell me which statue it is under! Collusion is at worst, political malfeasance in the presidential sense-- -- -- -- the only place where it becomes criminal is when money changes hands in the process of attempting to deprive another of their rights, otherwise, it is merely a secret agreement reached between two parties, usually to limit competition.
I said White House, you crackhead. At USMB you people praise Russia for their sabotage. The White House is now waking back “no collusion”
This is the expected progression we've seen with this orange cheeto and the trumpanzees ever since the beginning......Next up....approval of collusion....and I've already seen some go there.
The progression is:

1. "Four legs good, two legs bad."

2. "There was no collusion."

3. "Collusion is not a crime."

4. "I'd rather have Stalin as President than Clinton. Therefore, collusion is good."

5. "Four legs good, two legs better!"
The latest talking point from the White House is that collusion is not a crime.

Sorry Derp you missed the first 10,000 times it was discussed here that collusion is not a crime in and of itself. If you think it is, tell me which statue it is under! Collusion is at worst, political malfeasance in the presidential sense-- -- -- -- the only place where it becomes criminal is when money changes hands in the process of attempting to deprive another of their rights, otherwise, it is merely a secret agreement reached between two parties, usually to limit competition.
I said White House, you crackhead. At USMB you people praise Russia for their sabotage. The White House is now waking back “no collusion”
what was the sabatoge and why can't you provide the voters who's votes were changed?
The latest talking point from the White House is that collusion is not a crime.

Sorry Derp you missed the first 10,000 times it was discussed here that collusion is not a crime in and of itself. If you think it is, tell me which statue it is under! Collusion is at worst, political malfeasance in the presidential sense-- -- -- -- the only place where it becomes criminal is when money changes hands in the process of attempting to deprive another of their rights, otherwise, it is merely a secret agreement reached between two parties, usually to limit competition.
I said White House, you crackhead. At USMB you people praise Russia for their sabotage. The White House is now waking back “no collusion”

Show me where anyone praised Russia for sabotage. Right now. Do it.

Then show me where a single vote was changed.

No vote change, no sabotage. Hillary would have lost had Putin never even been born, because SHE SUCKED.

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Trump is guilty of conspiring to collude with the Russians in order to obstruct St. Hillary the Inevitable's ascension to the White House Throne. Now if that were a real crime Progressive would have something
I thought the liberal loons had drop the word "collusion" and now say Trump is guilty of "meddling"?

What ever that means?? ... :dunno:
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This is the expected progression we've seen with this orange cheeto and the trumpanzees ever since the beginning......Next up....approval of collusion....and I've already seen some go there.
As the witch hunt starts to collapse so does the narratives yet the spinning intensifies.

The OP title is a lie.

'No ILLEGAL Collusion' has been the point made from day one, as well as the point that 'collusion' is not illegal.

Kushner attending a meeting where Putin's Lawyer - only in the country because it was part of a Barry set-up that required him to override his own Dept of Immigration who had banned her from entering the country - was supposed to be interested in handing over opposition research on Hillary....which, oh by the way, never happened...was not illegal.

Hillary colluding with and paying foreign spies and Russians then using the foreign-generated propaganda they sold her in a US election was illegal...a fact the snowflakes and Special Counsel continues to avoid to the best of their ability.

Trump is guilty of conspiring to collude with the Russians in order to obstruct St. Hillary the Inevitable's ascension to the White House Throne. Now if that were a real crime Progressive would have something
Trump is guilty of conspiring to collude with the Russians in order to obstruct St. Hillary the Inevitable's ascension to the White House Throne. Now if that were a real crime Progressive would have something

That's the evidence-LESS narrative they keep repeating like a mantra.....

...while trying to keep everyone from remembering 'Saint' Hillary and HER DNC rigged primaries cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, violated election law, broke campaign finance laws, colluded with foreign spies and Russians, and used their report illegally in her campaign.

Putin is green with jealousy because he never came that close to actually alter the election.
The FACT is Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, Obama's Cabinet, the DNC, and the liberal media DID alter the election.
Trump is guilty of conspiring to collude with the Russians in order to obstruct St. Hillary the Inevitable's ascension to the White House Throne. Now if that were a real crime Progressive would have something

That's the evidence-LESS narrative they keep repeating like a mantra.....

...while trying to keep everyone from remembering 'Saint' Hillary and HER DNC rigged primaries cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, violated election law, broke campaign finance laws, colluded with foreign spies and Russians, and used their report illegally in her campaign.

Putin is green with jealousy because he never came that close to actually alter the election.

Not only did she have the debate questions in advance, she had wireless communication to feed her the answers -- and Trump still schlonged her
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The latest talking point from the White House is that collusion is not a crime. They’re preparing for what they know is coming. I expect in a couple weeks for the new orders to Faux and other conservative MSM sources to be to start arguing that treason is okay if committed by the President. Then worse and worse as it snowballs.

Rudy Giuliani says 'collusion is not a crime' – after months of Trump denying he colluded with the Russians


Good lord, you need to have a deep breath.

There is no treason. Trump is serving the American people better than almost any president. He did collude with millions of American patriots, and THAT my not-a-friend, is not a crime.
The latest talking point from the White House is that collusion is not a crime. They’re preparing for what they know is coming. I expect in a couple weeks for the new orders to Faux and other conservative MSM sources to be to start arguing that treason is okay if committed by the President. Then worse and worse as it snowballs.

Rudy Giuliani says 'collusion is not a crime' – after months of Trump denying he colluded with the Russians

Actual legal experts have been saying this from the beginning you moron. They said even if you could prove they talked to the Russians it does' matter....and you still can't show they had any ties to Russia...Hilary did, Trump didn't.

Keep guys will be the lone Japanese soldier waiting for the island to be invaded.


Honest to God, what the FUCK is wrong with you people? Seriously, you're that stupid, THAT uninformed and you still spend half your day on a Political Discussion Message Board.

From the very beginning of this SHIT, it has been noted by all concerned(with a room-temperature or better IQ) that 'collusion' is NOT a crime.


dimocrap scum tried this shit with GW, too. How'd Fitzgerald work out for you?

Remember the 'Merry Fitzmas' meme that went around back in '05?

Of course not, you're too stupid.

All that scumbag did was guarantee Bush a 2nd term and make us a present of the House and Senate.

A liberal's carol: We wish you a merry Fitzmas

You people just don't learn.
'Colluding' is not a crime.

Talking is not a crime.

Obtaining opposition research is not a crime.

Paying foreign spies and Russians for an unverified report and using that report in a US election, which is what Hillary did, IS a crime.
This is the expected progression we've seen with this orange cheeto and the trumpanzees ever since the beginning......Next up....approval of collusion....and I've already seen some go there.
As the witch hunt starts to collapse so does the narratives yet the spinning intensifies.

The OP title is a lie.

'No ILLEGAL Collusion' has been the point made from day one, as well as the point that 'collusion' is not illegal.

Kushner attending a meeting where Putin's Lawyer - only in the country because it was part of a Barry set-up that required him to override his own Dept of Immigration who had banned her from entering the country - was supposed to be interested in handing over opposition research on Hillary....which, oh by the way, never happened...was not illegal.

Hillary colluding with and paying foreign spies and Russians then using the foreign-generated propaganda they sold her in a US election was illegal...a fact the snowflakes and Special Counsel continues to avoid to the best of their ability.


If Hillary had colluded with Russia , she would of won and Putin said it himself, he wanted Trump.
Try to find the word "collusion" in the penal law, state and local or federal statutes. Better still don't bother because it ain't there. If there was any interference by the Russians it's on Barry Hussein's skinny shoulders.
I can find the words "conspiracy to defraud"!

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