From “no collusion” to “collusion is not a crime.” What next?

This is the expected progression we've seen with this orange cheeto and the trumpanzees ever since the beginning......Next up....approval of collusion....and I've already seen some go there.
As the witch hunt starts to collapse so does the narratives yet the spinning intensifies.

The OP title is a lie.

'No ILLEGAL Collusion' has been the point made from day one, as well as the point that 'collusion' is not illegal.

Kushner attending a meeting where Putin's Lawyer - only in the country because it was part of a Barry set-up that required him to override his own Dept of Immigration who had banned her from entering the country - was supposed to be interested in handing over opposition research on Hillary....which, oh by the way, never happened...was not illegal.

Hillary colluding with and paying foreign spies and Russians then using the foreign-generated propaganda they sold her in a US election was illegal...a fact the snowflakes and Special Counsel continues to avoid to the best of their ability.


If Hillary had colluded with Russia , she would of won and Putin said it himself, he wanted Trump.

Hillary was insane and was told to start a war with Russia
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If Hillary had colluded with Russia , she would of won......

You give that incompetent felon too much credit.

EVIDENCE shows she rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, violated election laws, broke campaign finance laws and still could not beat Bernie for the DNC nomination and still lost the WH despite the prediction of a 'landslide victory'!

Definition of collusion
: secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose
  • acting in collusion with the enemy
noun: collusion
  1. secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.
    "the armed forces were working in collusion with drug traffickers"
    synonyms: conspiracy, connivance, complicity, intrigue, plotting, secret understanding, collaboration, scheming
    "there had been collusion between the security forces and paramilitary groups"
    • Law
      illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially between ostensible opponents in a lawsuit.

I mean look it up and look up.

synonyms: conspiracy, connivance, complicity, intrigue, plotting, secret understanding, collaboration, scheming

how can the right wing nuts be so darn stupid.
Please ask yourself why the FBI never analyzed the DNC server. Please ask yourself why Hillary was allowed to destroy 30k government emails. Please ask yourself why the NSA, who would have evidence of collusion if it existed and possess Hillary’s emails, has offered nothing.
'Colluding' is not a crime.

Talking is not a crime.

Obtaining opposition research is not a crime.

Paying foreign spies and Russians for an unverified report and using that report in a US election, which is what Hillary did, IS a crime.
You say obtaining opposition research is not a crime, and then you immediately contradict yourself by coming up with that mess of spin you put on Hillary's campaign LEGALLY obtaining opposition research.

I believe it is probably illegal to willingly work with the Russian government to win an American election and accept their assistance via hacking and large campaign contributions. I think Trump's only hope is that they can't prove he knew. Of course, he did. We all know Trump has no ethics. To him, why not?
You say obtaining opposition research is not a crime, and then you immediately contradict yourself by coming up with that mess of spin you put on Hillary's campaign LEGALLY obtaining opposition research.
OL. WORDS MEAN SOMETHING. Try to pay attention....

Obtaining opposition research is not a crime.

Paying foreign spies and Russians for an unverified report and using that report in a US election, which is what Hillary did, IS a crime
Definition of collusion
: secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose
  • acting in collusion with the enemy
noun: collusion
  1. secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.
    "the armed forces were working in collusion with drug traffickers"
    synonyms: conspiracy, connivance, complicity, intrigue, plotting, secret understanding, collaboration, scheming
    "there had been collusion between the security forces and paramilitary groups"
    • Law
      illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially between ostensible opponents in a lawsuit.

I mean look it up and look up.

synonyms: conspiracy, connivance, complicity, intrigue, plotting, secret understanding, collaboration, scheming

how can the right wing nuts be so darn stupid.
Please ask yourself why the FBI never analyzed the DNC server. Please ask yourself why Hillary was allowed to destroy 30k government emails. Please ask yourself why the NSA, who would have evidence of collusion if it existed and possess Hillary’s emails, has offered nothing.

They'll never ask themselves that. Never.
This is the expected progression we've seen with this orange cheeto and the trumpanzees ever since the beginning......Next up....approval of collusion....and I've already seen some go there.
As the witch hunt starts to collapse so does the narratives yet the spinning intensifies.

The OP title is a lie.

'No ILLEGAL Collusion' has been the point made from day one, as well as the point that 'collusion' is not illegal.

Kushner attending a meeting where Putin's Lawyer - only in the country because it was part of a Barry set-up that required him to override his own Dept of Immigration who had banned her from entering the country - was supposed to be interested in handing over opposition research on Hillary....which, oh by the way, never happened...was not illegal.

Hillary colluding with and paying foreign spies and Russians then using the foreign-generated propaganda they sold her in a US election was illegal...a fact the snowflakes and Special Counsel continues to avoid to the best of their ability.


If Hillary had colluded with Russia , she would of won and Putin said it himself, he wanted Trump.

Hillary was insane and was told to start a war with Russia

The neocons, hillary types, mic, shadow govt, are all seething with rage that ww3 hasn't kicked off yet.
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Try to find the word "collusion" in the penal law, state and local or federal statutes. Better still don't bother because it ain't there. If there was any interference by the Russians it's on Barry Hussein's skinny shoulders.

Collusion by itself is not a crime
Collusion in a a crime
The neocons, hillary types, mic, shadow govt, are all seething with white rage that ww3 hasn't kicked off yet.

The violent intolerant snowflakes are in the minority. A recent poll showed 53% of Americans think the Democrats are out of touch, 33% think what the Democrats are doing to the nation right now is wrong, and 11% weren't sure.

This isn't a 'white; thing. Latinos already began turning their backs on the DNC because the party proved it would rather have the Dreamer act and other issues important to them as EMOTIONALLY-MANIPULATING CAMPAIGN fodder than to actually get any of these items resolved / passed.

Black and Latino unemployment is the lowest in US recorded history right now....and they have Trump to thank. They are seeing that the Liberal/DNC shtick is crap, that the Democrats have been using and manipulating them.

The Democrats are promising to take all the advancements, the jobs, thr higher pay, the bonuses, etc away from them and send them back to the shackles of unemployment, welfare, and food stamps if they re-take the govt.

The Democrats have managed to piss off a lot more people than just WHITES!
The neocons, hillary types, mic, shadow govt, are all seething with white rage that ww3 hasn't kicked off yet.

The violent intolerant snowflakes are in the minority. A recent poll showed 53% of Americans think the Democrats are out of touch, 33% think what the Democrats are doing to the nation right now is wrong, and 11% weren't sure.

This isn't a 'white; thing. Latinos already began turning their backs on the DNC because the party proved it would rather have the Dreamer act and other issues important to them as EMOTIONALLY-MANIPULATING CAMPAIGN fodder than to actually get any of these items resolved / passed.

Black and Latino unemployment is the lowest in US recorded history right now....and they have Trump to thank. They are seeing that the Liberal/DNC shtick is crap, that the Democrats have been using and manipulating them.

The Democrats are promising to take all the advancements, the jobs, thr higher pay, the bonuses, etc away from them and send them back to the shackles of unemployment, welfare, and food stamps if they re-take the govt.

The Democrats have managed to piss off a lot more people than just WHITES!

Lol, it was a typo. My stupid phone just finishes words. It was seething with rage.
Collusion may not be a crime - but "criminal" collusion to influence a presidential election certainly is!


Hillary took over $100 million from the KGB Bank.

Bill Clinton took $500k from the KGB Bank
-- Slick Willy met with Putin after failing to meet with Russia nuclear agency officials

John Podesta took thousands of shares of Unreported Russian stocks
-- 1/3rd of his company's board of directors were prominent Russian Businessmen with direct ties to the Kremlin and Putin himself.

Fat Tony Podesta worked for the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy Agency
-- He was partners with Manafort, laundering money, but hw has been given Immunity

Hillary colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians, paid them for an unverified report, and she used that report illegally in a US election to try to change the outcome of the election

I am glad we agree on all that.
The neocons, hillary types, mic, shadow govt, are all seething with white rage that ww3 hasn't kicked off yet.

The violent intolerant snowflakes are in the minority. A recent poll showed 53% of Americans think the Democrats are out of touch, 33% think what the Democrats are doing to the nation right now is wrong, and 11% weren't sure.

This isn't a 'white; thing. Latinos already began turning their backs on the DNC because the party proved it would rather have the Dreamer act and other issues important to them as EMOTIONALLY-MANIPULATING CAMPAIGN fodder than to actually get any of these items resolved / passed.

Black and Latino unemployment is the lowest in US recorded history right now....and they have Trump to thank. They are seeing that the Liberal/DNC shtick is crap, that the Democrats have been using and manipulating them.

The Democrats are promising to take all the advancements, the jobs, thr higher pay, the bonuses, etc away from them and send them back to the shackles of unemployment, welfare, and food stamps if they re-take the govt.

The Democrats have managed to piss off a lot more people than just WHITES!

Lol, it was a typo. My stupid phone just finishes words. It was seething with rage.
No worries...
Collusion may not be a crime - but "criminal" collusion to influence a presidential election certainly is!

And yet there was none. Lol.

The latest talking point from the White House is that collusion is not a crime. They’re preparing for what they know is coming. I expect in a couple weeks for the new orders to Faux and other conservative MSM sources to be to start arguing that treason is okay if committed by the President. Then worse and worse as it snowballs.

Rudy Giuliani says 'collusion is not a crime' – after months of Trump denying he colluded with the Russians

And the "COLLUSION DELUSION" continues. What's next? Just the same old regressive commiecrat lies and msm spin.

And stop pretending this is something new, here's an article form more than a year ago saying collusion isn't a crime.

What Is Collusion? Is It Even a Crime?


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