Front page and above the crease, yesterday's march makes history

Both the Washington Post and New York Times.

And if you're going to tell me it wasn't that big a deal, then kindly explain to me why you spent all day yesterday, not to mention the preceding days, bitching about it.

This is a Very Big Deal. I get that you're slamming the survivors like nobody's business, because it's very important to you that they not get to where they are going. But you can armchair warrior until your fingers fall off, and you can't negate a child having to use a classmate's dead body as a shield to save her life.

View attachment 184577

One of the best things I heard some of them say is their age bracket's voting has been non-existent pretty much and that that is now going to change. All those 18 year olds are uber motivated to change things. I heard the last time there were crowds that large was during the Vietnam war.

The genie is out of the bottle.

We'll have to wait and see if there's an actual spike in voter participation this November from this age group.

Certainly if they do show up, they'll be voting for the nanny-state party.
David Hogg posts trigger them bigly - nice work! :D


he does piss them off, doesn't he? :rofl:
Holler if you need a list! :D

Ryan Knight #BlueWave2018 ‏ @ProudResister
#MarchForOurLives and the Women’s March were both bigger than Donald Trump’s inauguration. More people care about ending gun violence and fighting for women’s rights than a fake billionaire who conspired with Russia. There is hope for America, after all.

12:56 PM - 25 Mar 2018

That crowd is what will cause Trump’s head to explode.
This will cause the heads of gun fetishists to explode. The majority of both parties favor increased gun restrictions.
Poll: Majorities Of Both Parties Favor Increased Gun Restrictions
Lip service. Even most democrats won't vote against the NRA.

Cuban nationals and underaged high schoolers will, though.

And those are the darling voting bloc of the left.

Last edited:
Bad news for youse:

March For Our Lives: Disappointing Turnout

Not enough kids playing officially-blessed hookey, I suppose. They got about a third of what they expected.

quoth the link:
“Around 200,000 people attended the March For Our Lives gun control event in Washington, D.C. Saturday afternoon, CBS News reported.”

“The number is well below the 500,000 number organizers of the event expected and 600,000 less than initially reported by many news outlets…”

Aba Icieni says:
Disappointing. And wildly over-hyped by the MSM.
@brycetache, Twitter

Just rewatched @Emma4Change ‘s brilliant speech and I’m certain - absolutely certain - that she and every young adult who marched yesterday are going to do more than change gun law. They will change everything. Everything.

I hope you are right!
Bad news for youse:

March For Our Lives: Disappointing Turnout

Not enough kids playing officially-blessed hookey, I suppose. They got about a third of what they expected.

quoth the link:
“Around 200,000 people attended the March For Our Lives gun control event in Washington, D.C. Saturday afternoon, CBS News reported.”

“The number is well below the 500,000 number organizers of the event expected and 600,000 less than initially reported by many news outlets…”

Aba Icieni says:
Disappointing. And wildly over-hyped by the MSM.

Try somewhere between 600,000 and 800,000 Goober

Here's the Size of the March For Our Lives Crowd in Washington

DailyCaller? LoL :D
@brycetache, Twitter

Just rewatched @Emma4Change ‘s brilliant speech and I’m certain - absolutely certain - that she and every young adult who marched yesterday are going to do more than change gun law. They will change everything. Everything.

Yep - I love Emma .. following her now on the Twit along with several others.

Parkland survivor Emma Gonzalez says being openly bisexual powers her fight against guns

Gonzalez listed off the names of those who died in the mass shooting last month with actions – like joking, smiling and playing basketball – that the young victims “would never” do again.

The teenage activist, whose impact has seen her gain more fans than the National Rifle Association, then fell silent for minutes on end.

When she broke the silence, Gonzalez told the crowd: “Since the time that I came out here, it has been six minutes and 20 seconds. The shooter has ceased shooting, and will soon abandon his rifle”.

She ended the speech with the message: “Fight for your lives, before it’s someone else’s job.”

Hmmm, considering her look, she better stick to girls.
Bad news for youse:

March For Our Lives: Disappointing Turnout

Not enough kids playing officially-blessed hookey, I suppose. They got about a third of what they expected.

quoth the link:
“Around 200,000 people attended the March For Our Lives gun control event in Washington, D.C. Saturday afternoon, CBS News reported.”

“The number is well below the 500,000 number organizers of the event expected and 600,000 less than initially reported by many news outlets…”

Aba Icieni says:
Disappointing. And wildly over-hyped by the MSM.

Try somewhere between 600,000 and 800,000 Goober

Here's the Size of the March For Our Lives Crowd in Washington

DailyCaller? LoL :D
Versus Time? haha.
Holler if you need a list! :D

Ryan Knight #BlueWave2018 ‏ @ProudResister
#MarchForOurLives and the Women’s March were both bigger than Donald Trump’s inauguration. More people care about ending gun violence and fighting for women’s rights than a fake billionaire who conspired with Russia. There is hope for America, after all.

12:56 PM - 25 Mar 2018

That crowd is what will cause Trump’s head to explode.
This will cause the heads of gun fetishists to explode. The majority of both parties favor increased gun restrictions.
Poll: Majorities Of Both Parties Favor Increased Gun Restrictions
Lip service. Even most democrats won't vote against the NRA.

Cuban nationals and underaged high schoolers will, though.

And those are the darling voting bloc of the left.

The top photo looks a lot like your neo-Nazi friends marching in Charlottesville to protest the removal of a statue. Hitler only lacked a tiki torch.
This is a moment in history that will absolutely embody "Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way."

As this generation matures into adulthood, we are going to see changes as great as we saw from the '60's. I welcome it.
That count of people showing up was just for those able to live or get to DC. check out the numbers of people who showed up in other city's think maybe the total will be in the 500/600 thousand. what ever the count glad to see young people getting involved in events that effect our whole country.
That count of people showing up was just for those able to live or get to DC. check out the numbers of people who showed up in other city's think maybe the total will be in the 500/600 thousand. what ever the count glad to see young people getting involved in events that effect our whole country.
I like to see the left exploiting children. They need to do it more.
@brycetache, Twitter

Just rewatched @Emma4Change ‘s brilliant speech and I’m certain - absolutely certain - that she and every young adult who marched yesterday are going to do more than change gun law. They will change everything. Everything.

Yep - I love Emma .. following her now on the Twit along with several others.
The NRA and trumpazees prefer their teens to be silent and hiding under desks.
That count of people showing up was just for those able to live or get to DC. check out the numbers of people who showed up in other city's think maybe the total will be in the 500/600 thousand. what ever the count glad to see young people getting involved in events that effect our whole country.
I like to see the left exploiting children. They need to do it more.
And another thing that irks my tater. Getting all pissy and claiming kids are being indoctrinated and used.

Well what the actual fuck do you think Sunday School is about!?

They are. What the true problem is the kids themselves. It is they that are doing the killing. It is they that bully and make others outcasts.

The march is just a "look, there's a rabbit" moment.

They control the whole thing, but don't want to take the blame.
That count of people showing up was just for those able to live or get to DC. check out the numbers of people who showed up in other city's think maybe the total will be in the 500/600 thousand. what ever the count glad to see young people getting involved in events that effect our whole country.
I like to see the left exploiting children. They need to do it more.
How was American Spring?
@brycetache, Twitter

Just rewatched @Emma4Change ‘s brilliant speech and I’m certain - absolutely certain - that she and every young adult who marched yesterday are going to do more than change gun law. They will change everything. Everything.

Yep - I love Emma .. following her now on the Twit along with several others.
The NRA and trumpazees prefer their teens to be silent and hiding under desks.

Progressives all want them in a drug induced haze.

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