Frustrated, armed with ropes, activist group plans to pull down Andrew Jackson monument

I suspect Fenton is an outsider. Our president and his wife are very much American, to your everlasting dismay.
"All this for a damn flag?" quote from Michelle
"For the FIRST TIME in my life, I am proud of this country" (and Iget 23 assistants to take care of my every need, who wouldn't love that?)
All monuments are public property and should reflect our history of America. How would you like some dopes to tear down a statue of Martin Luther King just because they didn't agree with his legacy. It's part of America and we should not remove the monuments that reflect that history.
The statue of Martin Luther King should be torn down. He was nothing but an alcoholic whoremaster who plagiarized his best speech and may very well have financed his blonde whore habit by embezzling from the Ebenezer church.
All monuments are public property and should reflect our history of America. How would you like some dopes to tear down a statue of Martin Luther King just because they didn't agree with his legacy. It's part of America and we should not remove the monuments that reflect that history.
The statue of Martin Luther King should be torn down. He was nothing but an alcoholic whoremaster who plagiarized his best speech and may very well have financed his blonde whore habit by embezzling from the Ebenezer church.

I don't agree. He was part of our history and eliminating him because of some of his private dalliances would mean the same for many of our presidents.
All monuments are public property and should reflect our history of America. How would you like some dopes to tear down a statue of Martin Luther King just because they didn't agree with his legacy. It's part of America and we should not remove the monuments that reflect that history.
The statue of Martin Luther King should be torn down. He was nothing but an alcoholic whoremaster who plagiarized his best speech and may very well have financed his blonde whore habit by embezzling from the Ebenezer church.

I don't agree. He was part of our history and eliminating him because of some of his private dalliances would mean the same for many of our presidents.
We do not have every historical figure memorialized. Just the important ones.
Andrew Jackson was a genocidal maniac who openly defied the Supreme Court in our grand "nation of laws".
Yeah, he was an a***hole, towards native-americans. As far as blacks were concerned, slavery existed prior to and after his being in office. Each president, good and bad alike should be allowed their own statue. If we give in to this, how long before they go after Mount Rushmore and others. Our history is what made us the nation we are today and each president regardless of how we may feel about him, headed the nation.

They should go after Mount Rushmore.
By the same token, we can therefore go after any statues of Martin Luther King, Jr. and also rip down any street signs with his name on it.
Andrew Jackson was a genocidal maniac who openly defied the Supreme Court in our grand "nation of laws".
Yeah, he was an a***hole, towards native-americans. As far as blacks were concerned, slavery existed prior to and after his being in office. Each president, good and bad alike should be allowed their own statue. If we give in to this, how long before they go after Mount Rushmore and others. Our history is what made us the nation we are today and each president regardless of how we may feel about him, headed the nation.

They should go after Mount Rushmore.
By the same token, we can therefore go after any statues of Martin Luther King, Jr. and also rip down any street signs with his name on it.

Fine with me, go ahead.
I suspect Fenton is an outsider. Our president and his wife are very much American, to your everlasting dismay.

Actually mam, I was born and raised in the same county as Rush Limbaugh, and I'm roughly of the same age cohort.
They should go after Mount Rushmore.

And there it is folks. Fenton Lum - the hater of America.

So Lumie, now that we know you HATE America, we'll know exactly why you say what you say. Pretty neat huh?
Perhaps he is. If monuments that reflect our history bother Fentum Lum so much, he should move to a country that does not have monuments honoring our history. How about Venezuela, Fentum? I'll pay for you one way flight.

Another of these folks always touting we're all free in america - to agree with them of course.
Taliban and ISIS do the same thing.

View attachment 89979 View attachment 89980

Yes, that's the point, all power structures do, and americans have been indoctrinated to either never question or to morally equivocate their own power structure.

I see the point of my post went right over your stupid head.

You see what you want to see because you reject reality.

Post #28 Lumie - still waiting - chop chop.

Man yelling "allah" stabs people in Minnesota Mall
Taliban and ISIS do the same thing.

View attachment 89979 View attachment 89980

Yes, that's the point, all power structures do, and americans have been indoctrinated to either never question or to morally equivocate their own power structure.

I see the point of my post went right over your stupid head.

You see what you want to see because you reject reality.

Post #28 Lumie - still waiting - chop chop.

Man yelling "allah" stabs people in Minnesota Mall

I like you waiting on me so much I'm gonna letcha pard.
Again, anyone with a different view is a hater of america, pfffffffffffft, hollow and meaningless.

sigh, lumie lumie lumie..... one can have a different view and still love America. George W and I never agreed on hardly anything but at least he loved America.
I suspect Fenton is an outsider. Our president and his wife are very much American, to your everlasting dismay.
"All this for a damn flag?" quote from Michelle
"For the FIRST TIME in my life, I am proud of this country" (and Iget 23 assistants to take care of my every need, who wouldn't love that?)

Poor thing, and damn black woman is more improtant to your nation than you are, ever were, or ever will be.
Taliban and ISIS do the same thing.

View attachment 89979 View attachment 89980

Yes, that's the point, all power structures do, and americans have been indoctrinated to either never question or to morally equivocate their own power structure.

I see the point of my post went right over your stupid head.

You see what you want to see because you reject reality.

Post #28 Lumie - still waiting - chop chop.

Man yelling "allah" stabs people in Minnesota Mall

I like you waiting on me so much I'm gonna letcha pard.

Oh come on. You're scared I'll kick your ass. And I will, chickenman.

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