Frustrated, armed with ropes, activist group plans to pull down Andrew Jackson monument

Andrew Jackson was a genocidal maniac who openly defied the Supreme Court in our grand "nation of laws".
Yeah, he was an a***hole, towards native-americans. As far as blacks were concerned, slavery existed prior to and after his being in office. Each president, good and bad alike should be allowed their own statue. If we give in to this, how long before they go after Mount Rushmore and others. Our history is what made us the nation we are today and each president regardless of how we may feel about him, headed the nation.

They should go after Mount Rushmore.
By the same token, we can therefore go after any statues of Martin Luther King, Jr. and also rip down any street signs with his name on it.

Fine with me, go ahead.
I just figured it out, Fenton Lum, you're an Islamist. Islamists don't want any graven images at all.

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