Frustrated, armed with ropes, activist group plans to pull down Andrew Jackson monument

Andrew Jackson was a genocidal maniac who openly defied the Supreme Court in our grand "nation of laws".
Yeah, he was an a***hole, towards native-americans. As far as blacks were concerned, slavery existed prior to and after his being in office. Each president, good and bad alike should be allowed their own statue. If we give in to this, how long before they go after Mount Rushmore and others. Our history is what made us the nation we are today and each president regardless of how we may feel about him, headed the nation.

Common practice among their kind

ISIS destroy 2,000-year-old artefacts in ancient Iraqi city
Did the activists bring many extra shoes with them? :lol:

They wear shoes?

Doesn't that hamper their tree-climbing?

Sooner or later, one of them will hug a tree. A few others will see it, of course, and the group can jump up on the treehugger's shoulders, and they can pile up one on top of another, until they find good thick branches to hang out on. They probably always have a spare net at these meetings, with all the acid passing around. After hanging up there and after sufficiently rubbing themselves on the tree or whatever they do up there, they can all jump out of the tree into the net.
I feel like we have too many folks in this country with too much time.

It's a dame statue. Fine don't like Andrew Jackson. But getting ropes together and your buddies planning to take it down yourselves is just ridiculous. Is the statue's presence bothering you that much?

Yea, they were stupid. They should have brought along a couple of bazookas. :lol:
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Taliban and ISIS do the same thing.

Andrew Jackson was a genocidal maniac who openly defied the Supreme Court in our grand "nation of laws".
Yeah, he was an a***hole, towards native-americans. As far as blacks were concerned, slavery existed prior to and after his being in office. Each president, good and bad alike should be allowed their own statue. If we give in to this, how long before they go after Mount Rushmore and others. Our history is what made us the nation we are today and each president regardless of how we may feel about him, headed the nation.

They should go after Mount Rushmore.
Anyone caught carrying rope, tie them to Andrew 6 hours.

Put up another one, Andrew Brietbart.
All monuments are public property and should reflect our history of America. How would you like some dopes to tear down a statue of Martin Luther King just because they didn't agree with his legacy. It's part of America and we should not remove the monuments that reflect that history.
They should go after Mount Rushmore.

And there it is folks. Fenton Lum - the hater of America.

So Lumie, now that we know you HATE America, we'll know exactly why you say what you say. Pretty neat huh?
Perhaps he is. If monuments that reflect our history bother Fentum Lum so much, he should move to a country that does not have monuments honoring our history. How about Venezuela, Fentum? I'll pay for you one way flight.
Taliban and ISIS do the same thing.

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That is a crying shame how they are destroying ancient treasures. Although, the karma for doing that must be very great, so maybe it is a good thing for the U.S., anyhow. And it might rally ancient art lovers over there against ISIS. lol

There's only one solution and that's for the 3%ers to continuously KILL Moslem terrorists then remove the Islamic ideology from our free soil.
They should go after Mount Rushmore.

And there it is folks. Fenton Lum - the hater of America.

So Lumie, now that we know you HATE America, we'll know exactly why you say what you say. Pretty neat huh?
Perhaps he is. If monuments that reflect our history bother Fentum Lum so much, he should move to a country that does not have monuments honoring our history. How about Venezuela, Fentum? I'll pay for you one way flight.

All power structures do the same son, you've just been indoctrinated to be blind to your own.
They should go after Mount Rushmore.

And there it is folks. Fenton Lum - the hater of America.

So Lumie, now that we know you HATE America, we'll know exactly why you say what you say. Pretty neat huh?
Perhaps he is. If monuments that reflect our history bother Fentum Lum so much, he should move to a country that does not have monuments honoring our history. How about Venezuela, Fentum? I'll pay for you one way flight.

Ah yes, the love-it-or-leave it argument. No one is alowed to question america in the land of the free and home of the brave.
I suspect Fenton is an outsider. Our president and his wife are very much American, to your everlasting dismay.

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