FUCK Comcast digital cable...

Maybe you have to type in "002"?
:redface: you are a freaking genius.

That's too much work though...can we get the government to fix it.

Did that work?

It may be a lot of work, but less work that if you had to type "0002" or "00002" (like a zip code).

Just think of how fortunate we are that we need three digits for our TVs. In Russia, they have one button.
Maybe you have to type in "002"?
:redface: you are a freaking genius.

That's too much work though...can we get the government to fix it.

Did that work?

It may be a lot of work, but less work that if you had to type "0002" or "00002" (like a zip code).

Just think of how fortunate we are that we need three digits for our TVs. In Russia, they have one button.
Yep, it worked. :clap2:

I have a friend whose father claimed he used a fishing pole for his remote so I guess this is an improvement.
:redface: you are a freaking genius.

That's too much work though...can we get the government to fix it.

Did that work?

It may be a lot of work, but less work that if you had to type "0002" or "00002" (like a zip code).

Just think of how fortunate we are that we need three digits for our TVs. In Russia, they have one button.
Yep, it worked. :clap2:

I have a friend whose father claimed he used a fishing pole for his remote so I guess this is an improvement.

my father had a kid he used as his remote. :lol:
:redface: you are a freaking genius.

That's too much work though...can we get the government to fix it.

Did that work?

It may be a lot of work, but less work that if you had to type "0002" or "00002" (like a zip code).

Just think of how fortunate we are that we need three digits for our TVs. In Russia, they have one button.
Yep, it worked. :clap2:

I have a friend whose father claimed he used a fishing pole for his remote so I guess this is an improvement.

Remember when you'd first have to turn the top dial to UHF and then you'd have to turn the bottom dial to 36 if you wanted to watch channel 36?
:redface: you are a freaking genius.

That's too much work though...can we get the government to fix it.

Did that work?

It may be a lot of work, but less work that if you had to type "0002" or "00002" (like a zip code).

Just think of how fortunate we are that we need three digits for our TVs. In Russia, they have one button.
Yep, it worked. :clap2:

I have a friend whose father claimed he used a fishing pole for his remote so I guess this is an improvement.
so it WAS a PEBCAK problem

Did that work?

It may be a lot of work, but less work that if you had to type "0002" or "00002" (like a zip code).

Just think of how fortunate we are that we need three digits for our TVs. In Russia, they have one button.
Yep, it worked. :clap2:

I have a friend whose father claimed he used a fishing pole for his remote so I guess this is an improvement.

my father had a kid he used as his remote. :lol:
hahahaha! I knew there was a use for those little devils.
Did that work?

It may be a lot of work, but less work that if you had to type "0002" or "00002" (like a zip code).

Just think of how fortunate we are that we need three digits for our TVs. In Russia, they have one button.
Yep, it worked. :clap2:

I have a friend whose father claimed he used a fishing pole for his remote so I guess this is an improvement.

Remember when you'd first have to turn the top dial to UHF and then you'd have to turn the bottom dial to 36 if you wanted to watch channel 36?
Did that work?

It may be a lot of work, but less work that if you had to type "0002" or "00002" (like a zip code).

Just think of how fortunate we are that we need three digits for our TVs. In Russia, they have one button.
Yep, it worked. :clap2:

I have a friend whose father claimed he used a fishing pole for his remote so I guess this is an improvement.
so it WAS a PEBCAK problem

Absolutely. You could make money with this.
Where the three digit code is required ie: channel 6 006, 10, 010 there is a way to revert that back to two digits but still punch in three digits when required. It's in their FAQ or help sections.

On the other hand those pesky cable companies have all kinds of plans for us, you know, so we can have more channels, options etc all "For our own enjoyment":lol:, OH, and their excess profit, you ain't seen nothin yet, talk about 'nickle n dimeing" that phrase might be changed taking inflation into effect.

Even the new flatscreens will have in addition to the other options, an "APPS STORE" available for on-line purchases like the IPODS. Might as well give them all our bank routing numbers folks and it'll be easier than mailing that check each month and whats left pay income taxes. :lol:
you probably need to change a default setting.
go to the menu on your remote.
select the second icon that says menu
go to set up
go to guide set up
go to the third line
the arrow should be pointing to the left and it should say Auto-tune
if it is on no auto tune you have to press three channel buttons to change channels.
with no auto tune if you want to go to channel 2 you have to enter 002
with auto tune you only have to hit 2
you probably need to change a default setting.
go to the menu on your remote.
select the second icon that says menu
go to set up
go to guide set up
go to the third line
the arrow should be pointing to the left and it should say Auto-tune
if it is on no auto tune you have to press three channel buttons to change channels.
with no auto tune if you want to go to channel 2 you have to enter 002
with auto tune you only have to hit 2

Looks like Comcast has people out on the Interwebs tonight!
Comcast is the one buying NBC isn't it?

I have had direct TV for I dunno maybe 20 some years?
No problems, some of the tuner boxes are better than others though.
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What am I doing wrong, if anything?

Your main problem is not having Direct Satillite TV.


I'm switching to Direct TV.

Your main problem is not having Direct Satillite TV.


I'm switching to Direct TV.

DirecTV = :thup:

Comcast = :lame2:

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Okay. I finally tried watching TV after the digital switch. I have Comcast.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong but...I can't punch in Channel 2...nothing happens. If I push channel change down or up too fast I get hiccuped into the same channel. If I hold down the up or down button it scrolls too fast to know what I'm watching. I can't find my favorite channels.

I managed to watch an On Demand episode of The Office but I had to shut off the entire system afterward to be able to select another channel.

And since I can't punch in a channel number I'm stuck scrolling through 999 channels to get to the one I want.

What am I doing wrong, if anything?

my advise is...drink heavily.

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