FUCK YOU Germans, pay the fuck up for NATO

I nearly spit up my last meal when I read this article:


where the scumbag german FM said: "“That is not going to happen,” he said, adding that spending on areas such as refugees should be included in the calculations: “The actual conflict with the United States is that we don’t consider it justifiable if security spending only means defense spending.”

I nearly lost my mind! So that POS merkel decided to islamicize her country - and we US taxpayers are supposed to subsidize it? WTFF? Should the US deduct from its NATO contributions the money its pisses away on welfare benefits for illegals? Or for some other BS excuse? Who the fuck told germany to import a million musims?

The only way I was able to start breathing normally again is that after a long time, there is an adult in the White House again who has the brains and character to tell this german turd they motherfucking BETTER start paying up, RIGHT THE FUCK NOW. In 2017. These bastards NEVER contributed the 2%, and they only took in 1 MM muslims for their workforce a year ago - what was their excuse all those prior years?

And to think an idiot like obama would have actually accepted that nonsense, fucking unreal.
Your last meal? Are you on deathrow? We should have pulled out of Germany, Italy, GB and Japan 50 years ago and stuck them with their own bill for defense spending...
"Back in 2014, all member countries that fall below the threshold committed to ramp up military spending to reach the target within a decade."

The germans agreed to reach that level along with the other 27 members, its time to pay up.

Do you understand that was a voluntary commitment and that those countries owe the failing United States nothing?

Do you also recognize that all those countries agreed to reach 2% of GDP over a course of years, and not overnight.
Trump should send them the bill for 1941-1945 in 2017 dollars with interest

Your ignorance of history is massive. One method used by the Nazi Party to appeal to nationalism and used by their leader, was to piss and moan about the reparations demanded of Germany after the first WW. Biddable Germans voted the Nazi Party candidates and the rest is history.

We rebuilt the German nation (Marshall Plan) and created an ally, something that moron Trump is trying to alienate.
Your ignorance of history is massive. One method used by the Nazi Party to appeal to nationalism and used by their leader, was to piss and moan about the reparations demanded of Germany after the first WW. Biddable Germans voted the Nazi Party candidates and the rest is history.

We rebuilt the German nation (Marshall Plan) and created an ally, something that moron Trump is trying to alienate.

Germany is a wealthy country idiot asshole, and doesn't need the US to protect them any more.
Also, we should ask for all the money back we've given to Israel over the decades.

Plus the hundreds of billions from mexico, the arab muslim countries, central / south america...

WTF does that have to do with the OP?

Sure, no problem.

I'm glad you agree.

We've given $120 billion to Israel since 1949.

Like the Germans, we should send Israel a bill.
Trump should send them the bill for 1941-1945 in 2017 dollars with interest

Your ignorance of history is massive. One method used by the Nazi Party to appeal to nationalism and used by their leader, was to piss and moan about the reparations demanded of Germany after the first WW. Biddable Germans voted the Nazi Party candidates and the rest is history.

We rebuilt the German nation (Marshall Plan) and created an ally, something that moron Trump is trying to alienate.
Germany is fine, they can get their military aid from Russia, just like it used to...
Also, we should ask for all the money back we've given to Israel over the decades.

Plus the hundreds of billions from mexico, the arab muslim countries, central / south america...

WTF does that have to do with the OP?

Sure, no problem.

I'm glad you agree.

We've given $120 billion to Israel since 1949.

Like the Germans, we should send Israel a bill.
Well if you want to be Indian givers..
Trump should send them the bill for 1941-1945 in 2017 dollars with interest

Your ignorance of history is massive. One method used by the Nazi Party to appeal to nationalism and used by their leader, was to piss and moan about the reparations demanded of Germany after the first WW. Biddable Germans voted the Nazi Party candidates and the rest is history.

We rebuilt the German nation (Marshall Plan) and created an ally, something that moron Trump is trying to alienate.
Merkel: Relations with U.S. 'severely shaken' over spying claims - CNN.com
I nearly spit up my last meal when I read this article:


where the scumbag german FM said: "“That is not going to happen,” he said, adding that spending on areas such as refugees should be included in the calculations: “The actual conflict with the United States is that we don’t consider it justifiable if security spending only means defense spending.”

I nearly lost my mind! So that POS merkel decided to islamicize her country - and we US taxpayers are supposed to subsidize it? WTFF? Should the US deduct from its NATO contributions the money its pisses away on welfare benefits for illegals? Or for some other BS excuse? Who the fuck told germany to import a million musims?

The only way I was able to start breathing normally again is that after a long time, there is an adult in the White House again who has the brains and character to tell this german turd they motherfucking BETTER start paying up, RIGHT THE FUCK NOW. In 2017. These bastards NEVER contributed the 2%, and they only took in 1 MM muslims for their workforce a year ago - what was their excuse all those prior years?

And to think an idiot like obama would have actually accepted that nonsense, fucking unreal.
Lol. Check is in the mail. We are currently busy with paying for your iraq adventure, among many other great heroic deeds made by the best country on earth, to defend us.lol
Time to scale back.....EU IS one big Vietnam waiting to happen. They have no interest in defending themselves. UK just admitted they can only hold out a day or two. Money we save can go into equipment. Libs want defense cuts what's the prob.....
Germany doesn't owe payments. Trump supporters are under the misconception that NATO is a protection racket. They also wrongly believe that Germany needs the US more than the US needs Germany. In reality, if Germany threatened to kick US soldiers out of their well defended country, American politicians and pentagon officials would be begging on their hands and knees to be allowed to stay.

Are you fucking retarded? No one can possibly be that fucking stupid.

That 2% is REQUIRED as per the NATO alliance agreement, there is nothing else to discuss - they openly admit to not paying what is owed.

Germany so "well-defended"? Is that why they don't have their own army defending their country, and are using US troops?

So you know what fuckhead - awesome, let's pull out EVERY fucking US soldier from there, and let's see how happy the Euros are. Put your money where your mouth is, jackass.

I swear, the extremely low level of poster that this forum is attracting lately with the new mods in place is just incredible.
Precious. He thinks US troops in germany are there to defend germany. That is adorable.
ITT: exceptionally great merkans whining about getting their asses kicked in the free market. It reminds me of ingerland supporters singing 2 world wars and 1 world cup (stolen, ha) while getting played off the park.

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