FUCK YOU Germans, pay the fuck up for NATO

Trump should send them the bill for 1941-1945 in 2017 dollars with interest

Your ignorance of history is massive. One method used by the Nazi Party to appeal to nationalism and used by their leader, was to piss and moan about the reparations demanded of Germany after the first WW. Biddable Germans voted the Nazi Party candidates and the rest is history.

We rebuilt the German nation (Marshall Plan) and created an ally, something that moron Trump is trying to alienate.
Merkel: Relations with U.S. 'severely shaken' over spying claims - CNN.com

You effort to derail my comment is noted. Would you like me to post the effect of the German Leader when GW Bush touched her inappropriately? Neither that nor you partisan comment changed my comment, nor mitigate the behavior of the Trump Administration on the matter in question.

Grow up!
Does no one remember the last time Germany was slapped with a big bill they couldn't pay?
You effort to derail my comment is noted. Would you like me to post the effect of the German Leader when GW Bush touched her inappropriately? Neither that nor you partisan comment changed my comment, nor mitigate the behavior of the Trump Administration on the matter in question. Grow up!

From the worthless asshole trolling my thread, flooding it with off-topic posts, too funny.

Its time for germany to start paying for its own defense, like the rest of europe, south korea, etc. The US taxpayer is no longer willing to fund the defense of these wealthy countries.
Yes, Germany's selfish refusal to pay its fare share is disgraceful!

It's the leader of the EU block and it's supposed to set an example to the rest of the EU left wingers who would rather spend all their money in welfare benefits to Islamic migrants.

Why the US should defend all those no hopers when they don't want to defend themselves, not only against imaginary threats from Russia, but real threats from jihadists Islam which is taking over Europe invited by these idiotic governments.
You effort to derail my comment is noted. Would you like me to post the effect of the German Leader when GW Bush touched her inappropriately? Neither that nor you partisan comment changed my comment, nor mitigate the behavior of the Trump Administration on the matter in question. Grow up!

From the worthless asshole trolling my thread, flooding it with off-topic posts, too funny.

Its time for germany to start paying for its own defense, like the rest of europe, south korea, etc. The US taxpayer is no longer willing to fund the defense of these wealthy countries.

FU, I'm unwilling to pay for the salary and income of The Congress. At least the UN has done something, Ryan and McConnell have done nothing but feathered their next. Under the Dems, and effort was made to make life better for out citizens, the GOP is all false pathos, all the time. Oh, and BTW, fuck you! If anyone is a worthless asshole it is a piece of shit like, a biddable barely literate highly uneducated fool.
You effort to derail my comment is noted. Would you like me to post the effect of the German Leader when GW Bush touched her inappropriately? Neither that nor you partisan comment changed my comment, nor mitigate the behavior of the Trump Administration on the matter in question. Grow up!

From the worthless asshole trolling my thread, flooding it with off-topic posts, too funny.

Its time for germany to start paying for its own defense, like the rest of europe, south korea, etc. The US taxpayer is no longer willing to fund the defense of these wealthy countries.

FU, I'm unwilling to pay for the salary and income of The Congress. At least the UN has done something, Ryan and McConnell have done nothing but feathered their next.[sic] Under the Dems, and effort was made to make life better for out citizens, the GOP is all false pathos, all the time. Oh, and BTW, fuck you! If anyone is a worthless asshole it is a piece of shit like, a biddable barely literate highly uneducated fool.

You gotta go with the "uneducated" bit there? See, he is an idiot but you hurl yourself into 'pretentious douche land' with that kind of comment. Let him be an idiot without making you one.
You effort to derail my comment is noted. Would you like me to post the effect of the German Leader when GW Bush touched her inappropriately? Neither that nor you partisan comment changed my comment, nor mitigate the behavior of the Trump Administration on the matter in question. Grow up!

From the worthless asshole trolling my thread, flooding it with off-topic posts, too funny.

Its time for germany to start paying for its own defense, like the rest of europe, south korea, etc. The US taxpayer is no longer willing to fund the defense of these wealthy countries.

FU, I'm unwilling to pay for the salary and income of The Congress. At least the UN has done something, Ryan and McConnell have done nothing but feathered their next.[sic] Under the Dems, and effort was made to make life better for out citizens, the GOP is all false pathos, all the time. Oh, and BTW, fuck you! If anyone is a worthless asshole it is a piece of shit like, a biddable barely literate highly uneducated fool.

You gotta go with the "uneducated" bit there? See, he is an idiot but you hurl yourself into 'pretentious douche land' with that kind of comment. Let him be an idiot without making you one.

The best thing to do with him is not to respond in kind, I know it's difficult. He will always threaten harm to other posters (even death threats) at some point or writes something homophobic and he gets banned for a while. He is not well.
FU, I'm unwilling to pay for the salary and income of The Congress. At least the UN has done something, Ryan and McConnell have done nothing but feathered their next. Under the Dems, and effort was made to make life better for out citizens, the GOP is all false pathos, all the time. Oh, and BTW, fuck you! If anyone is a worthless asshole it is a piece of shit like, a biddable barely literate highly uneducated fool.

Low IQ chimp, what has the UN done besides come up with daily anti-Israel BS reports? If there is something more useless on earth besides the UN and you, I've yet to see it.

"The dems effort to make life better for people"? No one can be THAT fucking stupid. Ask all of the millions of people displaced by the mass illegal alien invasion initiated and defended by the democratic national party - those treasonous pieces of shit will be responsible for a mass uprising that will take place in the next few years to rid the country of the illegal menace. Trump just bought these fuckers some time, but if the sanctuary cities do not stop their bullshit, there will be a second civil war - count on it. Then scumbags like you can go defend your fucking pet muslims and illegals in Nicaragua and the mideast.
I keep hearing about this "mass uprising," but we never see it. Has a new date been set?
Do you have proof that Germany is behind in its payments?

As the article states had you read it, they have not paid the required 2% as per the NATO alliance agreement.
The article didn't say they they were supposed to but that they have been asked to and they said no. 2% is enormous and that US chooses to spend more doesn't others need to become such fanatics.
The article didn't say they they were supposed to but that they have been asked to and they said no. 2% is enormous and that US chooses to spend more doesn't others need to become such fanatics.

Uh, do some research. Germany AGREED several years ago to contribute 2%, as did ALL 28 NATO members.

A not insignificant portion of the US' budget is spent on defending Europe; if it were to reduce the amount it spends or re-allocate to other theatres, than germany and the other European countries will be FORCED to spend more. Either they will do it voluntarily and meet their agreed to quota, or they will be left vulnerable. It is NOT the responsibilty of the US taxpayer to subsidize the lifestyle and defense of europe.
Yes, Germany's selfish refusal to pay its fare share is disgraceful!

It's the leader of the EU block and it's supposed to set an example to the rest of the EU left wingers who would rather spend all their money in welfare benefits to Islamic migrants.

Why the US should defend all those no hopers when they don't want to defend themselves, not only against imaginary threats from Russia, but real threats from jihadists Islam which is taking over Europe invited by these idiotic governments.

Do you know who is an even bigger freeloader?

Why are we bitching about Germany when our largest freeloading country is Israel?

If you had any brains, I'd respond - but you don't, and stop trolling this thread with fucking bullshit or you will be reported and likely thread-banned.

I understand that you are a whiny little bitch, but I have merely posited an alternative to your OP and your hypocrisy that clearly demonstrates a much greater burden on America, where billions of tax dollars go to the country which is by far and away the biggest recipient of our foreign aid. But of course, that doesn't bother you because you don't care about America wasting money.

Germany is not our biggest problem. You are merely mindlessly parroting Trump, and you are more than happy to continue supporting the biggest recipient welfare state of America.
"Back in 2014, all member countries that fall below the threshold committed to ramp up military spending to reach the target within a decade."

The germans agreed to reach that level along with the other 27 members, its time to pay up.

Do you understand that was a voluntary commitment and that those countries owe the failing United States nothing?

Do you also recognize that all those countries agreed to reach 2% of GDP over a course of years, and not overnight.
Do you even know what the fuck a treaty is?

Germany is a signing member of NATO and is bound by its obligations to NATO treaty.

Members of NATO: Member countries

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization document:

The North Atlantic Treaty

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