FUCK YOU Germans, pay the fuck up for NATO

Do you even know what the fuck a treaty is?

Germany is a signing member of NATO and is bound by its obligations to NATO treaty.

Do you understand that 2% of GDP on defense is not mandated under the Washington Treaty? Obviously not.
Do you even know what the fuck a treaty is?

Germany is a signing member of NATO and is bound by its obligations to NATO treaty.

Do you understand that 2% of GDP on defense is not mandated under the Washington Treaty? Obviously not.
NATO. Do you even understand what century you are living in?

My preference is to close all US bases on the main continent of Europe, pull out all US military, and use the money to strengthen access to our country.

The US Military, without having to spend all our treasure defending the ingrates of Europe, will continue to be an unbeatable military force on this planet.

When you start your next World War, you'll get nothing but a busy signal from us when you try to call.
One they had no intention of implementing and still dont....ergo TREX statement

Their spending increases tell a different story. They are on a trajectory to spend 2% of GDP on defense by 2020. There is nothing to suggest they wont meet their commitment.

Donald Trump is flinging shit around with very little understanding of the situation. It's bad diplomacy and a PR stunt. Moronic dupes like you fall for it.
Their recent statements say the opposite......try to keep up

Their recent statements have been confirmations that they will indeed meet their goal by 2020. They have reaffirmed this multiple times.

I know you need to invent bullshit to justify the hearsay of your attention whore master and his cronies, but let's grow up now.
Not to mention pretty sure TRex has a better info than you and would not have made the statement if he didnt think it necessary
LLMMAAOOOO quite the imagination you have...btw quit copying defense articles and passing the idea off as yours
Not to mention pretty sure TRex has a better info than you and would not have made the statement if he didnt think it necessary

You are desperately trying to rationalize it. "Well maybe he knows something then..." :laugh2:

No mate, it's more likely he is just trying to back up Donald Trump's idiocy.
The article didn't say they they were supposed to but that they have been asked to and they said no. 2% is enormous and that US chooses to spend more doesn't others need to become such fanatics.

Uh, do some research. Germany AGREED several years ago to contribute 2%, as did ALL 28 NATO members.

A not insignificant portion of the US' budget is spent on defending Europe; if it were to reduce the amount it spends or re-allocate to other theatres, than germany and the other European countries will be FORCED to spend more. Either they will do it voluntarily and meet their agreed to quota, or they will be left vulnerable. It is NOT the responsibilty of the US taxpayer to subsidize the lifestyle and defense of europe.

In 2014 NATO members agreed to increase spending to 2% of GDP by 2024.
"Back in 2014, all member countries that fall below the threshold committed to ramp up military spending to reach the target within a decade."

The germans agreed to reach that level along with the other 27 members, its time to pay up.

Do you understand that was a voluntary commitment and that those countries owe the failing United States nothing?

Do you also recognize that all those countries agreed to reach 2% of GDP over a course of years, and not overnight.
Do you even know what the fuck a treaty is?

Germany is a signing member of NATO and is bound by its obligations to NATO treaty.

Members of NATO: Member countries

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization document:

The North Atlantic Treaty

Maybe instead of having American bases in Germany to fulfill each other's obligations in NATO, Germany should build bases in America to get their military budget up to 2% of GDP.

Here's an idea for you on how to stop the English from singing those annoying songs from the terraces - start another world war, win it this time, and then, when the yobs are taunting you about losing two world wars, you can sing back that you are 1-0 in the last one!

Here's an idea for you on how to stop the English from singing those annoying songs from the terraces - start another world war, win it this time, and then, when the yobs are taunting you about losing two world wars, you can sing back that you are 1-0 in the last one!
sounds like a plan. but this time we let the brits start it. apparently some idiots talk about war because of gibraltar, lol.
"Back in 2014, all member countries that fall below the threshold committed to ramp up military spending to reach the target within a decade."

The germans agreed to reach that level along with the other 27 members, its time to pay up.

Do you understand that was a voluntary commitment and that those countries owe the failing United States nothing?

Do you also recognize that all those countries agreed to reach 2% of GDP over a course of years, and not overnight.
Do you even know what the fuck a treaty is?

Germany is a signing member of NATO and is bound by its obligations to NATO treaty.

Members of NATO: Member countries

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization document:

The North Atlantic Treaty

Maybe instead of having American bases in Germany to fulfill each other's obligations in NATO, Germany should build bases in America to get their military budget up to 2% of GDP.
i volunteer for coronado island.
I nearly spit up my last meal when I read this article:


where the scumbag german FM said: "“That is not going to happen,” he said, adding that spending on areas such as refugees should be included in the calculations: “The actual conflict with the United States is that we don’t consider it justifiable if security spending only means defense spending.”

I nearly lost my mind! So that POS merkel decided to islamicize her country - and we US taxpayers are supposed to subsidize it? WTFF? Should the US deduct from its NATO contributions the money its pisses away on welfare benefits for illegals? Or for some other BS excuse? Who the fuck told germany to import a million musims?

The only way I was able to start breathing normally again is that after a long time, there is an adult in the White House again who has the brains and character to tell this german turd they motherfucking BETTER start paying up, RIGHT THE FUCK NOW. In 2017. These bastards NEVER contributed the 2%, and they only took in 1 MM muslims for their workforce a year ago - what was their excuse all those prior years?

And to think an idiot like obama would have actually accepted that nonsense, fucking unreal.
most american white are german

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