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Fuckin' Obama

I clicked in thinking it was a journal of his sexual fantasies. :dunno:

Forgot to capitalize "his". Losing respect for your (former) New Messiah? You did, of course, impute to Him sexual fantasies without considering whether Moochelle would allow...........

Why would the OP rate an uppercase personal pronoun? That's Darkwind's domain. Does Roudy fancy himself God as well? :dunno:
So the doctor turns to Mickey and says "Mickey I just can't find any thing mentally wrong with Minnie"

"No Doc," Mickey said "She's FUCKING Goofey"
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I second the OP feelings...Fuck Hussein Obama!

Right, cause we don't need no stinkin smart kids.

who is smart?

Hussein from Honolulu?

nope...he is just another communist agitator.
A failed president who will go down in history as one of the worst.
Glad too see all of you haters, STILL Simmering in your own piss and waste, 7 years after he won a landslide in 2008, and has been pistol whipping your sorry ass party since:fu:

Ahhhh :rofl:

Stop whining like a big bag of liberal douche. After the asshole is thrown out of office, there will be decades of discussion over his failed presidency, and how he duped and divided Americans along racial, economic, and ethnic lines. And that isn't even including what he did internationally.

Try as they might, the Goose Stepping Republicans have failed to tarnish his Presidency, except in the eyes of those who still think he is a secret Muslim.
"Fuckin' Obama"

This is typical of the ignorance and stupidity of blind partisans, and the bigotry that is the consequence of unwarranted hatred of Muslims.

Another bullshit whiny response. This thread is about the issues and events that Obama chooses to comment on.
Right, cause we don't need no stinkin smart kids.

who is smart?

Hussein from Honolulu?

nope...he is just another communist agitator.
A failed president who will go down in history as one of the worst.
Glad too see all of you haters, STILL Simmering in your own piss and waste, 7 years after he won a landslide in 2008, and has been pistol whipping your sorry ass party since:fu:

Ahhhh :rofl:

Stop whining like a big bag of liberal douche. After the asshole is thrown out of office, there will be decades of discussion over his failed presidency, and how he duped and divided Americans along racial, economic, and ethnic lines. And that isn't even including what he did internationally.

Try as they might, the Goose Stepping Republicans have failed to tarnish his Presidency, except in the eyes of those who still think he is a secret Muslim.

Oh don't worry, Obama has done a good job creating his own report card as one of the worst divisive presidents in U.S. history.
He didn't invite the kid to the White House because he wanted to inspire kids, he invited the kid because he once again stuck his nose into an event that makes Americans look like racists, and further divide people.

That's the piece of shit that he is.

Roudy looks for a way out in the bottom of the barrel...
::: scrape::: :::scrape::: :::scrape:::

I'm unhappy for Blacks. They voted for this bullshit artist race baiter, and instead they got the highest unemployment and crime rates the Black community has ever seen. "Brother's keeper" my ass.
As far as the kid, Obama has always apologized to the Muslim world for America's sins, in fact that was the first thing he did as president.

Dood, get a grip on something besides your genitals.
You just invented a Bizzarro scenario that has no relation to real world events and then blamed your target for it. Are ya fuckin' stupid?
I didn't invent anything. The kid got arrested, which was wrong, but his behavior contributed to it. And the anti American asshole Obama invited him over to the White House to make a an anti American statement as America the oppressor and apologize for it. That's what happened wanker.



You made up a frickin' "what if" strawman and then yelled at it.
It's not related to the world of reality.

What part of the world of reality don't you get?

Yeah right, Muslim school kids are being wrongly arrested all the time?

Or is this the first fucking time it happened and Obama is now using it to apologize for America?

That's the piece of shit that he is. Always out to make America look like a racist oppressive nation.
I second the OP feelings...Fuck Hussein Obama!

Right, cause we don't need no stinkin smart kids.

who is smart?

Hussein from Honolulu?

nope...he is just another communist agitator.
A failed president who will go down in history as one of the worst.
Glad too see all of you haters, STILL Simmering in your own piss and waste, 7 years after he won a landslide in 2008, and has been pistol whipping your sorry ass party since:fu:

Ahhhh :rofl:
Reagan redefined landslide. 2008 or 2012 was no landslide.
Raygunn yea the guy that gave Millions of them so called illegals amnesty in the 80's raised taxes 11x during his presidency, the guy who sold arms to Iran?? oh ya him..

Obama won 2 landslides whether you want to admit it or not, the funny thing is you sorry ass Baggers, and Repugs though he was going to lose both times:rofl:

That hopey changy thang worked out real well!!!
i guess it was necessary for Obama to inject himself here, since Muslim kids are getting falsely arrested all the time in America. Something had to be done about it!
America is really mistreating Muslims. Obama needed to get out in front of it and stop this racist nation from oppressing its Muslims.
I second the OP feelings...Fuck Hussein Obama!

Right, cause we don't need no stinkin smart kids.

who is smart?

Hussein from Honolulu?

nope...he is just another communist agitator.
A failed president who will go down in history as one of the worst.
Glad too see all of you haters, STILL Simmering in your own piss and waste, 7 years after he won a landslide in 2008, and has been pistol whipping your sorry ass party since:fu:

Ahhhh :rofl:

Stop whining like a big bag of liberal douche. After the asshole is thrown out of office, there will be decades of discussion over his failed presidency, and how he duped and divided Americans along racial, economic, and ethnic lines. And that isn't even including what he did internationally.

Other than the thrown out of office part, I'm sure you're right. There will always be Archie Bunker types who whine about the good old days when you could still lynch a ****** or beat up a gay guy when you got bored,
Right, cause we don't need no stinkin smart kids.

who is smart?

Hussein from Honolulu?

nope...he is just another communist agitator.
A failed president who will go down in history as one of the worst.
Glad too see all of you haters, STILL Simmering in your own piss and waste, 7 years after he won a landslide in 2008, and has been pistol whipping your sorry ass party since:fu:

Ahhhh :rofl:

Stop whining like a big bag of liberal douche. After the asshole is thrown out of office, there will be decades of discussion over his failed presidency, and how he duped and divided Americans along racial, economic, and ethnic lines. And that isn't even including what he did internationally.

Other than the thrown out of office part, I'm sure you're right. There will always be Archie Bunker types who whine about the good old days when you could still lynch a ****** or beat up a gay guy when you got bored,

Yeah, because like Obama constantly reminds the world, America is a hateful nation that oppresses blacks, gays, and Muslims, right? Or how did he say it, "it's in the DNA of this nation".
Fuckin' Obama
“... Reince Priebus, the Republican National Chairman today said that 300K jobs ... aught to be expected every month ... and just a historical perspective:
- during the 8 years of President Bush (younger) there were 2.1 million net jobs created in the United States. Of the 2.1 million, 1.8 million of them were in the public sector ... that means there were 300,000 jobs in the private sector in 8 months, in 8 years rather, net ...
more jobs have been created in the United States in the last 4 years than in Europe, Japan, all the industrialized modern world combined. ...
70 years since WWII. 36 years of Republican presidents, 34 years of Democratic presidents. In those 70 years, there were 36.7 million jobs created under Republican presidents ... a little over half the time. In 34 years there were 63.7 million created by Democrats. That's 29 million more. You know, perhaps it's an accident once, or twice or what. But I mean at some point the Democrats ought to be comfort in the fact that they have been better the economy and job creation than have been the opposition.
It's 15 years since we've had 10 consecutive months of over 200,000 [job growth]. Just 15 years ago there was a fella from Arkansas ... there were more jobs created in Bill Clinton's 8 years than there were in Ronald Reagan's 8 years, and the 12 years of both Bush's combined. I mean 6 million more jobs created in those 8 years, ... policy does kick in, & is reflected in the results.” Mark Shields

Fuckin' Obama
Fuckin' Obama
“... Reince Priebus, the Republican National Chairman today said that 300K jobs ... aught to be expected every month ... and just a historical perspective:
- during the 8 years of President Bush (younger) there were 2.1 million net jobs created in the United States. Of the 2.1 million, 1.8 million of them were in the public sector ... that means there were 300,000 jobs in the private sector in 8 months, in 8 years rather, net ...
more jobs have been created in the United States in the last 4 years than in Europe, Japan, all the industrialized modern world combined. ...
70 years since WWII. 36 years of Republican presidents, 34 years of Democratic presidents. In those 70 years, there were 36.7 million jobs created under Republican presidents ... a little over half the time. In 34 years there were 63.7 million created by Democrats. That's 29 million more. You know, perhaps it's an accident once, or twice or what. But I mean at some point the Democrats ought to be comfort in the fact that they have been better the economy and job creation than have been the opposition.
It's 15 years since we've had 10 consecutive months of over 200,000 [job growth]. Just 15 years ago there was a fella from Arkansas ... there were more jobs created in Bill Clinton's 8 years than there were in Ronald Reagan's 8 years, and the 12 years of both Bush's combined. I mean 6 million more jobs created in those 8 years, ... policy does kick in, & is reflected in the results.” Mark Shields

Fuckin' Obama
Fuckin' Obama
“... Reince Priebus, the Republican National Chairman today said that 300K jobs ... aught to be expected every month ... and just a historical perspective:
- during the 8 years of President Bush (younger) there were 2.1 million net jobs created in the United States. Of the 2.1 million, 1.8 million of them were in the public sector ... that means there were 300,000 jobs in the private sector in 8 months, in 8 years rather, net ...
more jobs have been created in the United States in the last 4 years than in Europe, Japan, all the industrialized modern world combined. ...
70 years since WWII. 36 years of Republican presidents, 34 years of Democratic presidents. In those 70 years, there were 36.7 million jobs created under Republican presidents ... a little over half the time. In 34 years there were 63.7 million created by Democrats. That's 29 million more. You know, perhaps it's an accident once, or twice or what. But I mean at some point the Democrats ought to be comfort in the fact that they have been better the economy and job creation than have been the opposition.
It's 15 years since we've had 10 consecutive months of over 200,000 [job growth]. Just 15 years ago there was a fella from Arkansas ... there were more jobs created in Bill Clinton's 8 years than there were in Ronald Reagan's 8 years, and the 12 years of both Bush's combined. I mean 6 million more jobs created in those 8 years, ... policy does kick in, & is reflected in the results.” Mark Shields

Fuckin' Obama

More irrelevant leftist bullshit. His record speaks for itself. Wanna ask someone in the black community how good things have been the last 7 years? Other than causing riots and bashing cops has Obama done much for his "brothers"?
I second the OP feelings...Fuck Hussein Obama!

Right, cause we don't need no stinkin smart kids.

who is smart?

Hussein from Honolulu?

nope...he is just another communist agitator.

The kid. He was smart enough to know am understanding of electronics can be a great asset. The hillbillies who arrested him are too dumb to know that it takes more than a few wires and some components to make a bomb. The most important part is something to explode, and what he had there just isn't capable of that.

Zero tolerance schools at play.

Zero tolerance of what?
Screw Reince Prebus,another closet Muslim! BTW,isn't Barack Hussein Obama such a Christian name,ROTFF,this mongrel IS a Muslim,Is a Communist,is a shiftless moulinyan and a worthless piece of ratshit!
MSNBC is going wild on Trump because he didn't reply to that individual in New Hampshire who stated that Oscama is not an American and he is a filthy Muslim-----these desperate ingrates at MSNBC are calling Trump a bigot,Gee,that is really bothersome--------hey,all of you fags and lesbian hags at MSNBC,you just demoted that ignorant gang-banging coon,Sharpton,what up wit dat?

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