FUCKING traitorous Democrat warns of Ice raid in Oakland

Oakland mayor warns of impending ICE raid, ramping up sanctuary-city tension

This bitch belongs in handcuffs. And she is the mayor!

Good for her! TUCK FRUMP and his annoying Keebler Elf!!

By the by - Libby is rather easy on the eyes :)

She is breaking the law and should be in jail if even one ICE agent is hurt or killed. She might be easy to look at so maybe she made that idiotic warning because she is experiencing a military grade yeast infection and/or hot flashes. Either condition has been known to cause older women to act erratically.

And many leftist males
In a different century these Democrats would have been tarred and feathered and deservedly so.
Oakland mayor warns of impending ICE raid, ramping up sanctuary-city tension

This bitch belongs in handcuffs. And she is the mayor!

Good for her! TUCK FRUMP and his annoying Keebler Elf!!

By the by - Libby is rather easy on the eyes :)

So you condone rape, murder, drug selling, gang bangers?
What has made this country great is the law. The law makes people safe. Not a moron like you

Nope - I'm not riding the Trump Train with a belief that most immigrants are rapists, gang bangers, drug dealers or ....


"The Snake": Donald Trump brings back his favorite anti-immigrant fable at CPAC

This is about "ILLEGAL" immigration. Of course, you as a Dim see no difference.
More utter nonsense and crap from the state of California.

Don't spend your vacation dollars there !
Nope - I'm not riding the Trump Train with a belief that most immigrants are rapists, gang bangers, drug dealers or ....

So you rode the Obama train that broke up more immigrant families and deported more illegals than any other President??
Trying to figure that out...you support a President who DID deport record numbers, but refuse to support one who just talks about it.

When Lying Trump atones to all the woman who he's sexually harrassed and pays back the long line of contractors he stiffed after they completed work he contracted for, and stops lying as if blinking, and stops saying he'd like to have sex with his own daughter while defending an accused pedophile then you'll have a place to stand. That is never going to happen so your words mean nothing.
WTF does your diatribe have to do with this?
You have to admit, that was a Hall of Fame example of their deflect/pivot/attack strategy.

The Regressive Left loves this stuff. It's time for America to pay for its sins. We are evil.
I do not understand why politicians and law enforcement do not enforce the law of the land.
Good for her! TUCK FRUMP and his annoying Keebler Elf!!

By the by - Libby is rather easy on the eyes :)

Is it your contention we no longer need laws?

No, my contention is a) only a tiny percentage of Mexican immigrants are rapists, drug dealers or MS-13, b) Trump and The Keebler Elf have no business threatening Oakland policy by cutting of their funds or sending in federal jackboots, and c) we are a nation of IMMIGRANTS as well as being a nation of laws - the second we lose sight of that fact is the second we lose our national identity.

Trump misleads on immigration, MS-13 at CPAC
Nope - I'm not riding the Trump Train with a belief that most immigrants are rapists, gang bangers, drug dealers or ....

So you rode the Obama train that broke up more immigrant families and deported more illegals than any other President??
Trying to figure that out...you support a President who DID deport record numbers, but refuse to support one who just talks about it.


It's kind of funny that you applaud Trump's EXTREME immigration views and yet failed to applaud Obama's more modest law and order stance.
I do not understand why politicians and law enforcement do not enforce the law of the land.

Lets be honest here, the 'politicians' that want to protect illegals, and do not want to enforce our immigration laws, are Dimocrats.

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