FUCKING traitorous Democrat warns of Ice raid in Oakland

Kept them votes a-comin' though! Priorities, priorities!
really? how so? people who are subject to deportation can't vote.
Please see Post 58.

which said nothing, but once again showed your difficulties with vocabulary.

now let's keep pretending you aren't a partisan hack and respond to my post instead of posting garbage..
Well, since I'm a partisan hack, there would be no reason for you to believe anything I wrote anyway.

Because partisan hacks are liars.

So no reason to burn the effort.
Hopefully, everyone can agree that the word "traitor" is a bit strong to apply to Mayor Schaaf.


Let's give the benefit of the doubt to the lady.

She may be a genuine liberal who welcomes immigrants (legal or illegal).

She may have been genuinely concerned about the possibility that ICE would come in and take away family members.

It is possible that the dear lady has no problem with millions of immigrants (legal and illegal) coming into the country, whether or not they have the cultural values that have defined the United States.

Most liberals are nice people. (I know, for I used to be a liberal until I woke up.) Nothing will change them -- unless they experience brutal reality in their own lives, as happened to me.
Oakland mayor warns of impending ICE raid, ramping up sanctuary-city tension

This bitch belongs in handcuffs. And she is the mayor!

Good for her! TUCK FRUMP and his annoying Keebler Elf!!

By the by - Libby is rather easy on the eyes :)

So you condone rape, murder, drug selling, gang bangers?
What has made this country great is the law. The law makes people safe. Not a moron like you

Nope - I'm not riding the Trump Train with a belief that most immigrants are rapists, gang bangers, drug dealers or ....


"The Snake": Donald Trump brings back his favorite anti-immigrant fable at CPAC

Ice had a list of Illegal aliens who had committed crimes while being here illegaly. Once most of them took off, ICE then went and arrested others who were non criminal. Looks like she fucked up twice.
Illegal gang bangers victimize their own the most. She was being an idiot just like the liberal girl who kindly asked the bear not to eat her kayak.
She allowed people who had committed violent crimes to walk..... I'm sorry, but she should be arrested for ignorance of the issues at least
Oakland mayor warns of impending ICE raid, ramping up sanctuary-city tension

This bitch belongs in handcuffs. And she is the mayor!
Aiding criminals is a crime.

if this actually happened, she should be in cuffs, now.


:laugh: :laugh2: :laughing0301::lmao:
not sure what's funny about giving a criminal a pass.

care to explain why it's funny?

Hey man, we've been investigating the Clintons for 30 years at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars. I can't stand and didn't vote for Hillary. Agree that the Clintons are slippery. But they do run an A-rated Foundation that's done a ton of good in the world. Worst that's been proven is that Bubba lied about a blow job.

Face it, Republicans would love to investigate the Clintons after they're pushing daisies - especially each time there are serious charges against THEIR administration. R's have always loved a good distraction.
the Clintons have nothing to do with you thinking it's funny that the government is warning criminals that the law is going to be enforced
Just out tonight :

Trump: Oakland Mayor a ‘Disgrace’ for Warning Illegals about ICE Raids
President Trump called Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf a “disgrace” Thursday after reports that she warned criminal illegal immigrants about upcoming ICE raids.

“What the mayor of Oakland did the other day was a disgrace,” Trump stated during a meeting at the White House. “They had close to 1,000 people ready to be gotten, ready to be taken off the streets … they say 85 percent of them are criminals and had criminal records. And the mayor of Oakland went out and warned them, scattered, so instead of taking in a thousand they took in a fraction of that.”

The president was referring to a report which found that around 800 illegals had evaded capture during an operation conducted in the Bay Area following Schaaf’s warning.

Kept them votes a-comin' though! Priorities, priorities!
really? how so? people who are subject to deportation can't vote.
Please see Post 58.

which said nothing, but once again showed your difficulties with vocabulary.

now let's keep pretending you aren't a partisan hack and respond to my post instead of posting garbage..
Well, since I'm a partisan hack, there would be no reason for you to believe anything I wrote anyway.

Because partisan hacks are liars.

So no reason to burn the effort.

PS. Jillian why are you ignoring my love letter to you in the flamezone darling?
Kept them votes a-comin' though! Priorities, priorities!
really? how so? people who are subject to deportation can't vote.
Please see Post 58.

which said nothing, but once again showed your difficulties with vocabulary.

now let's keep pretending you aren't a partisan hack and respond to my post instead of posting garbage..
Well, since I'm a partisan hack, there would be no reason for you to believe anything I wrote anyway.

Because partisan hacks are liars.

So no reason to burn the effort.

PS. Jillian why are you ignoring my love letter to you in the flamezone darling?

LOL ignoring the love letters omg that was too funny!! Love it!!!
Oakland mayor warns of impending ICE raid, ramping up sanctuary-city tension

This bitch belongs in handcuffs. And she is the mayor!
Conservatives’ ignorance of the law is exceeded only by their hate – in this case ignorance as to what constitutes ‘treason.’

Not only did the mayor not commit ‘treason,’ she also violated no laws.

Immigrants are not our ‘enemy’ – more elected officials must stand up to the fearmongering and bigotry practiced by most on the right, and the Trump ‘administration’ in particular.
Oakland mayor warns of impending ICE raid, ramping up sanctuary-city tension

This bitch belongs in handcuffs. And she is the mayor!
Conservatives’ ignorance of the law is exceeded only by their hate – in this case ignorance as to what constitutes ‘treason.’

Not only did the mayor not commit ‘treason,’ she also violated no laws.

Immigrants are not our ‘enemy’ – more elected officials must stand up to the fearmongering and bigotry practiced by most on the right, and the Trump ‘administration’ in particular.

She didn't violate any laws and did not stop ICE from coming. So many of these morons think that anyone who doesn't believe the orange whore's lies and has values different of theirs is a "traitor." Other people have "sincerely held personal beliefs," and she sounds like she acted on one of hers.
I do not understand why politicians and law enforcement do not enforce the law of the land.
It’s neither the role nor responsibility of state and local governments to enforce Federal law – and the Constitution prohibits the Federal government from compelling local jurisdictions to enforce Federal law.

Hence the myth of ‘sanctuary cities.’

It’s perfectly appropriate, warranted, legal, and Constitutional for local jurisdictions to make the decision to not use their limited resources to enforce immigration laws – including law enforcement resources.

Consequently, state and local politicians and law enforcement are in compliance with the law of the land, relegating the enforcement of Federal immigration laws to Federal authorities.
No one is fooled by the right’s ‘law and order’ façade.

Look behind that façade and one will see the truth: that most on the right have little concern with the ‘enforcement’ of immigration laws; rather, it’s conservatives’ unwarranted fear of change, diversity, and an inclusive society – and that fear conjoined with ignorance results in bigotry and hate toward immigrants, Hispanic immigrants in particular.

If conservatives were truly concerned about respect for the law, they’d acknowledge the fact that all persons in the United States are entitled to a presumption of innocence and due process of the law – including those undocumented, that one is not ‘illegal’ until such time as he has been found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization, and that many undocumented immigrants are refugees seeking asylum in the United States.

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