Full Text of Trump Letter to J6 Committee: "Thousands" of National Guard Troops Were Authorized, Stopped by Pelosi on J6. "I Did My Job."

Disgraceful that you have to go to some podunk website to find a link to the actual letter, not Reuters, not Microsoft Network, not CNN would even link it. They need to control what they want you to know about what it says. The rest might be too damning.

Lol, Pelosi is not in the chain of command for the national guard. So take that horse shit and stick it where the sun doesn't shine. Flat and laughable lies.
Yea, sure. Directed by Scorcese. Keep posting dumb shit.
Pelosi's daughter is a video producer you can't possibly think she and her crew were there by coincidence... you libtards are easy to fool and that's why we are in such a mess...
Trump has an excellent point.
Why did Pelosi refuse his offer for the National Guard?
Obviously, Trump was not plotting an insurrection if he was offering the National Guard to protect the Capital.
Pelosi's Insurrection Conspiracy is a total left wing crackpot propaganda farce.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of crazy left wingers who believe Pelosi.
Never happened
Pelosi's daughter is a video producer you can't possibly think she and her crew were there by coincidence... you libtards are easy to fool and that's why we are in such a mess...
That the latest QANON conspiravy theory?
Q is a lib dem creation its never existed inside of MAGA....
The point, or so it seems to me, is that we can be lulled into believing that truly terrible things won’t happen because they haven’t quite happened, and then they do. Even now, six years into the era of Trump, it’s hard to believe that he’s serious. The event he held on Saturday, in Youngstown, Ohio, was theoretically to rally voters behind candidates he has endorsed, including J. D. Vance, the Republican nominee for Senate, but, in fact, Trump used the occasion to demonstrate his dominance, remarking to the crowd, “J. D. is kissing my ass. He wants my support so bad.” As usual, Trump seemed to really be campaigning to soothe his own wounded ego; now that he’s been caught lifting classified documents from the White House, he needs to up the rhetorical ante if he wants to change the subject. And so he’s stopped sayingthat he knows nothing about what the QAnon conspiracy theory is and, instead, has begun to embrace it. Earlier in the week, he’d been ReTruthing (this, apparently, is what retweeting is called on Truth Social, his rickety social-media platform) images of himself wearing a Q lapel pin overlaid with the words “the storm is coming.” As the “PBS NewsHour” explained, “In QAnon lore, the ‘storm’ refers to Trump’s final victory, when supposedly he will regain power and his opponents will be tried, and potentially executed, on live television.”

At Saturday’s rally, Trump also decided to play music that reminded many observers of the QAnon theme song, “Wwg1wga”—which stands for “Where we go one, we go all.” Trump’s aides claimed that the song was “Mirrors” and said that it had been used in a video played by the former President before, but the Timesdescribed it as “all but identical” to the QAnon song. A Trump spokesman, with customary aggression, told the paper, “The fake news, in a pathetic attempt to create controversy and divide America, is brewing up another conspiracy about a royalty-free song from a popular audio library platform.” In any event, the crowd responded to the music by raising their index fingers—a gesture that has been interpreted as a reference to the “1” in the QAnon song’s title—in a scene that looked like something out of a Leni Riefenstahl film. Meanwhile, at another event last week, in Post Falls, Idaho, Eric Trump and Michael Flynn were joined by a pastor, Mark Burns, who has introduced the elder Trump at rallies, and who this time insisted, “I’m coming here to declare war on every demonic, demon-possessed Democrat that comes from the gates of Hell!” It all sounds so preposterous that one wants to turn away, but the message of Kraków’s Galicia Jewish Museum is: Don’t you dare. At the moment, Trump’s pitches sound a little desperate—the Ohio arena wasn’t full (the rally was at the same time as an Ohio State football game), and his Senate candidates are struggling—but we may be just one more bad bout of inflation, or one unexpected global crisis, away from enough people in certain states deciding that we better have his hand back on the wheel. Hitler lost an election, too, and then he came to power; and, as the new Ken Burns documentary series reminds us, America was fatally slow to respond to the full threat of fascism the last time around.

(full article online)

He desperately wanted to lead the violent mob into the Capitol to stop the Constitutional proceedings. Obviously troops would have gotten in the way.
Good god, you are naive as fuck. You really think Trump is that brave?

No, Pelosi wanted to start some shit. She has been trying to get a violent response since she marched through the middle of the tea party protests holding her gavel, and nobody attacked her like she wanted.
(I bet you don't remember that)
Pelosi denied the NG troops because she has been trying to provoke violence for at least a decade.

Remember the BIG FUCKING GAVEL march?
Pelosi denied the NG troops because she has been trying to provoke violence for at least a decade.

Remember the BIG FUCKING GAVEL march?

Pelosi did not have the power to deny anything. And what little power she does have is shared 50/50 with the Senate Majority Leader. Why did he not approve the troops?
Gee, Trump's own Sec. Of Defense testified that troops were not authorized to be on hand on Jan. 6 by Trump or anyone else. Oops!

It's just another deranged rant by Trump who's a lunatic & guilty as hell.
And you're a liar.
He desperately wanted to lead the violent mob into the Capitol to stop the Constitutional proceedings. Obviously troops would have gotten in the way.
The problem for you and all the Trump-haters who spread these blatant lies are 1) the recorded fact that HE suggested the National Guard be called in prior to the 6 Jan events and 2) his own exact words, what he said to the crowd who came to see him speak and to support him.

The FBI warned of violence on 6 Jan DAYS before the event.

Trump recommended the National Guard be called in.

The Sergeants-At-Arns if the House and Senate, DC Mayor, and Speaker Pelosi met, talked, and THEY made the call not to bring in the National Guard. It was reported the reason they gave was 'BAD OPTICS'.

*Wirh the FBI warning of violence why the hell would anyone NOT call in the National Guard?!

The FBI admitted under oath they had infiltrated the Oath Keepers, were running a Special Unit Opetation before and during the events of J6, and had Agents in the crowd.

The crowd involved in the violent protest at the Capitol were not the ones who initiated the violence at the Capitol.

The crowd that started the violence at the Capitol were not at Trump's speech.

*It has been proven the timing did not allow time for the people at Trump's speech to get to the Capitol before the violent protest began.

Your comment above is a bald-faced, shameless LIE resulting from immature, petty hatred for the man and obvious TDS.

You're also stupid. IF Trump was really behind the violent protest, as you falsely claim, why would he want to be leading the violence at the Capitol. There's this thing called 'plausible deniability', dimwit. Do a little research to educate yourself on what that means.

Democrats, liberal retards, fake news media, and ignorant Democrat-worshipping/parotting sheep ate stuck on stupid and have been for 7 years now.

Every failed 'We've got him now' attempt are marked with the exact same earmarks, the primary one being the ridiculously, easily debunked lies - like yours - born out of rhe same raw emotion that sent hundreds of you idiots out into the streets to literally scream at the sky.


It is amazing that anyone would give anything such mentaly deranged freaks and proven shameless liars say anymore a moment's pause or consideration.

Such a moronic, emotional, hate-driven statement above destroys all credibility and need to read more of what you FEEL / think on the subject.

While you FEEL Trump would have loved to lead the protest and FEEL he committed a crime on 6 Jan, Speaker Pelosi actually did break the law by physically threatening the President. If anyone should have been indicted out of those 2 on 6 Jan it should have been / should be HER.

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