Full Video - Dr Oz: ‘We cannot move on’ from the 2020 election...At Pennsylvania GOP Senate debate, Trump's election fraud lie plays a starring role


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Over and over, Oz pointed to the fact that Trump endorsed him, particularly over his chief foe, former hedge fund CEO David McCormick.

“Dishonest Dave is at it again,” said Oz, following a jab from McCormick over the celebrity doctor’s changing views on fracking. “He went groveling to President Trump, again, with these types of allegations. President Trump saw right through him, did not endorse him, and then he endorsed me.”

Only Oz could tout Trump’s nod — and so he did, repeatedly. His success in the primary will depend on whether he can convince Pennsylvania Republican voters that he is one of them. Millions of dollars of negative ads have slammed Oz as a “Hollywood liberal” and “RINO,” and he has faced skepticism from some party activists about his past views on key issues.

From the excerpts I've seen, McCormick owned Oprah's piss boy.

Not that the Wall Street bankster McCormick is any bargain....Just sayin'.
"The reason Mehmet keeps talking about President Trump's endorsement is that he can't run on his own record... he's flip-flopped on everything."

"The problem, doctor, is that there's no miracle cure for flip-flopping."

***BRUTAL*** takedown. Gonna be in every ad.
Carla Sands making the argument that Trump was cheated out of a win in Pennsylvania but Kathy Barnette wasn't because she lost by 20 points in her congressional race...you can't cheat by 20 apparently
I like Sands and dislike Oz. Having said that, McCormick looks to be in the lead. He wouldn't be the first one to turn RINO after being elected, sneaky bastards that RINOs are. But since I'm an independent, I'll have no vote in the primary

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