Fully Vaxxed Oscar de La Hoya in Hospital with COVID

You would be even more protected, with the vaccine.

No, I wouldn't. I already had covid. I was mildly sick for 9 hours. That was it. I was exposed to the delta variant as well, and never even noticed.
The vaccines work, ya moron. Go get yours.

"Even the measles vaccine, which is incredibly effective, fails to protect about 3 percent of vaccinated individuals who are exposed to the virus. Jonas Salk's polio vaccine—hailed a medical miracle—was 80 percent to 90 percent effective at preventing paralysis caused by the polio virus. Breakthrough infections of flu are even more common. "

Yes, actual vaccines work.

There has never been a successful vaccine for a coronavirus though. So stop comparing it to Polio.
Only every rational person with a functioning brain cell that understands breakthrough infections will happen.

Those goal posts keep moving....

First it was going to prevent infections and transmission

Then it was going to prevent severe infections, hospitalizations and deaths

Now it does next to nothing, but SHUT YOUR MOUTH serf and get it.
So what happened? Why does the left insist on meddling when it is no guarantee? Maybe Biden voters just need to be quarantined to end the madness

Hall of Fame boxer Oscar De La Hoya has been hospitalized with Covid-19, according to social media posts from the fighter.

De La Hoya, who says he is fully vaccinated
All I see is totalitarian corruption in these vaccine mandates. There's no logic because not only do the vaccines not work, but they can also make you very sick, sterile or even kill you. People pushing this shit are the radicals, not the other way around.
The media keep telling us that the majority of the folks in the hospital are UN-vaccinated.

We know the media lie.

It seems this new spike is starting to be even bigger (at least in some places,) than the last spike, yet. . . according to all virus science, USUALLY, variants are supposed to be less severe. . maybe more virulent, sure, but more lethal?

Something is not right here. . . I am suspicious of what the healthcare systems are reporting, and what the media are telling us, both about who is ending up in the hospital, and who has had the "vaccines."
I wonder how many celebrities get the placebo?

It seems like a lot are getting the real jab.

So many of them think they’re gonna be part of the super elite class. Nope
There are those DEEP STATE will OK water for the second shot.

Then there are those of us "targeted for termination"

One thing is absolutely certain.

The vax is total bull that does nothing good for anyone.
Poor guy! I hope he is in the hospital to receive the monoclonal antibody therapy! Hope it's not too late! He doesn't appear to be getting any oxygen?

If that shot card is his in the picture????....it shows he got Pfizer, in January and February, and went in for his third dose Aug 19th

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