Fulton County Sheriff Says ‘We’ll Have A Mugshot’ If Former Pres. Trump Is Indicted Locally

Only thing he's guilty of is causing these pinko-fascists to go to such great lengths to protect their criminal president (Biden).

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Is this what Trump's defense in court will be?

"B-b-b-b-b-but Biden!"

Biden didn't make Trump fuck a porn star and then hide his payment to her to keep her out of the press.

Biden didn't make Traitor Trump threaten the Georgia Secretary of State and his attorney with federal prosecution if he didn't go along with the Big Lie. Talk about weaponization of the federal government! Talk about persecution of your opponents! And this Secretary of State is a Republican!

Biden didn't make Trump hide Top Secret documents and lie to his attorney that he had turned everything over and then had that same attorney sign a false statement to that effect.

So you go ahead and whine all you want. I enjoy watching the rule of law crush our enemies, see them driven before us, and to hear the lamentations of you women.
There is a lot to unpack in this indictment. But they have Trump on the recordings. Doesn't look good for him. The taped threats against Raffensperger will make it so much worse.
Yeah. He will not be able to wriggle away from that blackmail threat caught on tape.

It was a perfect phone call. :lol:
This is the one case I always felt was the biggest threat to Trump. This one seems pretty clear "I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have". He did not ask for all legal votes to be counted, he asked for the exact number he needed. And then he gave Raffensperger the excuse to tell the people of the state after he did it.

He also could not pardon himself
I sort of agree with you. . . but then, I don't generally follow MSM programming very closely, b/c I know it is mostly targeted propaganda.


I have heard, recently, that this statement by Trump, was taken out of context. I can't imagine how, anything said before or after, would change its meaning, but I would like to hear the whole conversation before I make a judgement TBH.
Is this what Trump's defense in court will be?

"B-b-b-b-b-but Biden!"

Biden didn't make Trump fuck a porn star and then hide his payment to her to keep her out of the press.

Biden didn't make Traitor Trump threaten the Georgia Secretary of State and his attorney with federal prosecution if he didn't go along with the Big Lie. Talk about weaponization of the federal government! Talk about persecution of your opponents! And this Secretary of State is a Republican!

Biden didn't make Trump hide Top Secret documents and lie to his attorney that he had turned everything over and then had that same attorney sign a false statement to that effect.

So you go ahead and whine all you want. I enjoy watching the rule of law crush our enemies, see them driven before us, and to hear the lamentations of you women.
Trump says he just keeps repeating a lie until he's believed. I think a lot of people hate Trump.

He's a coward.

I have seen enough of Joe to guarantee he would never have put his life on the line in any situation. To promote anyone as a hero or coward is subjective. We spew words on the internet and social media on people. We have people who have grudges against people for any reason that suits them and if empowered can mock, demean and emasculate them. Some may have a history of being a hero with issues. The oppressor who never got a paper cut made to look superior. Joe is the corrupted guy who others laughed at and behind the scenes was as dirty as any politician can be. Going to President puts the life of a man's life open to see in a TMZ, National Enquirer nation. Except it depends on what party they are in for criminal charges if needed.
I have seen enough of Joe to guarantee he would never have put his life on the line in any situation. To promote anyone as a hero or coward is subjective. We spew words on the internet and social media on people. We have people who have grudges against people for any reason that suits them and if empowered can mock, demean and emasculate them. Some may have a history of being a hero with issues. The oppressor who never got a paper cut made to look superior. Joe is the corrupted guy who others laughed at and behind the scenes was as dirty as any politician can be. Going to President puts the life of a man's life open to see in a TMZ, National Enquirer nation. Except it depends on what party they are in for criminal charges if needed.
Hahahahahahaha Dims whine about Trump lies but not Joey Capone's.
This is getting ridiculous
This is getting hysterical. :)
It sort of reminds me of what the global capitalist technocracy did to Saddam, Gaddifi & OBL, when they tried to stand against them. . .

Published November 19, 2018

". . . The next two years will be a demonstration of the power of the global capitalist empire and its predominant propaganda machine the likes of which the world has never witnessed. By November 3, 2020, they will need to have brainwashed enough Americans into voting for whatever global capitalist puppet the Democrats end up nominating to defeat Donald Trump in the general election, which isn’t going to be a cakewalk. To do this, they will need to foment such an atmosphere of mindless hysteria, emotional exhaustion, and paranoia that anyone to the left of Mussolini will stagger to the polls on election day and vote for the Democrat just to make it stop.

In addition to the Hitlergate Hearings, each and every excruciating moment of which will be broadcast live and then milked to death by the corporate media’s experts and pundits, they will continue to subject us to a torrent of messaging designed to convince us that Donald Trump is simultaneously Hitler and a Russian operative, and that America is literally “on the brink of fascism,” and that anyone who questions this narrative is a Putin-loving Trumpian fascist, and a hate criminal, and probably a “domestic terrorist.”

None of this messaging will need to make sense. The goal of the “Resistance” is not to present a credible case that Donald Trump is literally a fascist or a Russian operative, or that global capitalism is in any real danger of being torn asunder by literal fascism (whatever your definition of fascism is). The goal of the “Resistance” is to make it unmistakeably clear who is really running things, and what happens to annoying billionaire ass clowns who get elected president without their permission, and to the ignorant rabble who elect such ass clowns, or who vote to leave the European Union (which, of course, they will never allow to happen, except perhaps in some nominal sense).

In other words, the global capitalist ruling classes are about to teach the world a lesson. It is the same basic lesson they have been teaching the world since the dissolution of the Soviet Union. They taught it in the former Yugoslavia. They taught it in Greece, and Iraq, and Libya. They have taught it throughout the Middle East. They are about to teach it throughout the West. The lesson is, resistance to global capitalism is not just futile, it is suicidal. The lesson is, play with identity politics and all that “cultural wars” stuff to your heart’s content, but fuck with global capitalism and we will squash you like a tomato bug. . . . "

Democrats are showing Americans that they don't believe in free speech.

Democrats believe Trump asking a guy to find votes is a crime.

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