Fun with words and sentences and so forth


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
I saw some woman playing around on another site. This one I thought was worth repeating:

Can you put the word “was” in a coherent sentence five consecutive times?

Answer is yes

The sentence (a question) asks,

“BEFORE was was was, was was is?”

I saw some woman playing around on another site. This one I thought was worth repeating:

Can you put the word “was” in a coherent sentence five consecutive times?

Answer is yes

The sentence (a question) asks,

“BEFORE was was was, was was is?”


I see what was done there. Well played.

The English language is truly beautiful. I am too rushed when I post on this site so I don't take the time to use precise language but it is a treat to apply it.

We could all use some writing time to express ourselves and play with the language, even if just for some tomfoolery.
I hope that I was able to answer your question about the word was as it was not to difficult repeating the word was which can also be used as a negative by writing was not.
I hope that I was able to answer your question about the word was as it was not to difficult repeating the word was which can also be used as a negative by writing was not.
I didn’t see your answer and was not (wasn’t) wouldn’t meet the conditions.

I suppose we could take the actual answer and convert it to “is” (which would baffle Bill Clinton).

“After is is is, is is was?”
We could all use some writing time to express ourselves and play with the language, even if just for some tomfoolery.

You are express cooked already though what you are doing fooling around with Tom, goodness knows .

Seems Cana Indians are really more of a historical oversight than a quaint tribe led by Chief Justin Castro , so English will never be your "thing".

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