Funding Bill A Steaming Pile of Same Ol' Same Ol' - Shut the Govt Down!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Rand Paul accurately declared the proposed Continuing Resolution to be a "Steaming Pile of 'Same Ol' Same Ol' ", a continued act of avoiding the Congressional responsibility of creating and passing an actual BUDGET! Say what you will about the man, but on this point he is 100% CORRECT!

From the floor of the Senate Paul listed such criminally irresponsible FY15 spending that included hundreds of thousands of dollars for a study to see if foreign quail were more promiscuous on cocaine or not and if Vietnamese Villagers would be less stressed if they watched American TV re-runs. He then challenged his fellow Senators to STOP avoiding their responsibility of actually creating a budget instead of 'pencil whipping' and pushing the same old pile of fiscal spending dung.

While Senator Paul has a valid point about RESPONSIBILITY, he and all of Congress, are demonstrating how government is NOT supposed to work. I blame THIS, however, on the inept, incompetent, corrupt, useless PO$ John Boehner who is SUPPOSED TO BE the Speaker of the House!

'School House Rock' time again, boys and girls! Where is spending legislation SUPPOSED to originate? Who is it that is SUPPOSED to control the government's 'purse strings'? YES - that's right: CONGRESS! CONGRESS is supposed to write / create all spending legislation, but along with Congress' responsibility to ratify all treaties as well as his B@LLS, Boehner has FORFEITED this Constitutional authority to someone else! In the case of the government's 2016 budget, he announced in his little 'going away speech' the other day that he was waiting on the SENATE to draft spending legislation and send it to the HOUSE, completely Bass Ackwards to how it's supposed to work. (This is another reason / example of why this j@ck@$$ needs to be booted not only out of the Speaker position but completely out of the House - he either doesn't know how government works or doesn't have to 'cahonies' to even TRY to do his job!)

All Congress continues to do is pay 'Kick The Can', and in doing so the government that demands MORE tax dollars continues to waste the tax dollars they do have on paying for crack for quail, old TV sitcoms for Vietnamese villagers, and other criminally wasteful B$! If Congress is going to make NO EFFORT to try to make as much and efficient use of the money they do collect now then Americans need to REVOLT against any new plan to raise taxes! Getting rid of the fraud, waste, and massive abuse has to be the 1st step, not collecting more money while ignoring all the billions wasted!
Rand Paul is a loserterian idiot that is a fool. It takes money to maintain our infrastructure, science, r&d and educational system. Saying I hate government is going to lead us to ruin. Who ever said it was cheap being a world leader??? Grow the fuck up op.

Keep the government open or you're going to feel extreme pain come election time.
Rand Paul also points out another sad fact, as well, and that would be the COWARDICE OF THE GOP and their inability to communicate with the American people.

KNOWING there is all this criminally wasteful fiscal spending going on, before there is ever even a discussion over the next FY's spending, Boehner and McConnell openly declare 'THERE WILL BE NO GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN OVER SPENDING!" Immediately the Liberals know they have already won before the sides even line up to square off. All Liberals have to do is say, 'Give us everything we want or we will shut down the government and blame YOU!"

1 People are ignorant, pretty much, as a whole these days. They have been made that was - our schools are now designed to produce ignorant children and people. That is why they need strong honest people who love this country so much that they will tell and teach them the truth...AND be willing to FIGHT for this country!

2. The GOP will never survive if it does not learn how to communicate with people. The first thing they need to do regarding the budget is to educate people on the fact that:


3.1. The US Government does NOT 'shut down' during a 'Government Shut Down'. The FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, Military, etc do not 'shut down, go home, not work, abandon their posts, etc! Only non-critical government administrative personnel go home and do not come back until the situation is resolved.

3.2. NO federal worker LOSES money. They are not paid while the government is shut down, but after it is over they are fully compensated for the time they were not working. (If people can't survive several weeks without getting paid during that time then they have a bigger problem, such as having to savings.) THEY ALL GET PAID!

During the last 'shut down' Obama got busted TRYING to make it as painful as possible while blaming the GOP. He was caught trying to shut down landmarks and historical locations that weren't even run by the federal government! That's because the threat of a government shut down is one of the biggest 'fear mongering' tactics Liberals have, and - as pointed out - Obama went even further last time by trying to PUNISH Americans by attempting to make the shutdown as painful as possible!

The GOP, if they truly cared about eliminating fraud, waste, and abuse, if they cared about defunding programs that they really are against, then the GOP would tell Democrats, "F* YOU - shut it down!" Unless Obama AGAIN went out of his way to make it legally (and illegally) painful as possible Americans would actually find out that they CAN survive for quite a while during a shut down BECAUSE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DOES NOT SHUT DOWN DURING A 'SHUT DOWN'!

In the end, when Congress is once again FORCED to actually create a budget, fix Social Security/Welfare/Medicare/etc, address the fraud and waste in all of those programs and more, eliminate the CR@P like quail on crack and other vote-buying garbage, and starts using our money more responsibly ,efficiently, and effectively it will all be worth it. As long as the GOP continues to cowardly give in and ignorant Americans fall for the fear-mongering and allow Liberals to get away with this, Liberals will continue to waste our money, continue to ignore the hundreds of billions wasted, and keep demanding more of our money rather than find what they need in an already bloated budget!
Rand Paul is a loserterian idiot that is a fool. It takes money to maintain our infrastructure.

Then let Liberals go through the budget and use the money they have earmarked for giving quail cocaine and tv sitcoms to Vietnamese villagers for maintaining that infrastructure.

Obama and the liberals, knowing they needed all this money for 'infrastructure' passed a nearly $1 TRILLION dollar failed 'Stimulus' bill. Rather than address the infrastructure they filled this 'Liberal Wet Dream' of a spending bill with over 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY pork. Obama claimed money was in the bill, too, for 'shovel-ready
projects...then had to admit that he did not know there was no such thing. He claimed it was a 'jobs' bill, but when you calculated all the money that went to their pork into the cost of creating jobs, this bill cost American tax payers OVER $742,000 PER JOB created / saved (and those numbers - 'created/saved' were padded, so it actually cost MORE for the ACTUAL numbers that were 'created/saved')!

Rand may be an idiot, but he proved he is smarter than YOU! You are actually defending a Liberal-led system of maintaining the fiscally criminally irresponsible mis-use of tax dollars, the federal government's responsibility of creating a budget and effectively and efficiently managing this nation's tax dollars, and are personally attacking (childishly name-calling) one of the 'adults' in the room calling for this all to be fixed!

You, sir, are a perfect example of the 'modern-day Liberal'! Congratulations!

:clap: :smoke:
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We cannot pay soc sec, medicare and Medicaid and the military w/o more revenue. The only way to get more revenue is to remove tax deductions, making the tax code smaller, and at the same time easing rates. The gop simply cannot bring itself to do this unless the top 1% actually sees it's taxes go down. The gop does not want to address this issue until after Nov 16.
We cannot pay soc sec, medicare and Medicaid and the military w/o more revenue.

The Government HAS all the revenue it needs - it just needs to eliminate the proven wasteful, self-serving, fiscally criminal spending it is doing now.

Obama found nearly $1 trillion to fund a failed Stimulus bill that funded over 7,000 pieces of DNC-only pork that resulted in costing tax payers over $742,000 PER JOB reportedly saved / created.

Obama used tax payer money to ensure some of his biggest donors did not lose their invested money when Solyndra and 12 other failed 'Green Energy' tax-dollar-supported companies went bankrupt...while AMERICANS were the only ones who lost money on those deals...

Last year our politicians found the money to:
- Pay for expensive storm windows for a Ranger's station that had been closed for 2 years
- Fund a study involving giving cocaine to quail
- Fund a study involving giving Vietnamese Villagers US tv sitcoms
- Fun a 'study' to help train alcoholic Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly while on duty
- Fund a study to determine if the sex life of a South American homosexual was better that that of a straight man in the US (I am sure Barney Frank is thankful for the money/study)

...and that's the only the tip of the proverbial iceberg in regards to this type of waste.

The United States continues to give 'Foreign Aide' to countries like Mexico that is exploiting our nation and is already receiving billions from illegals in this country, to TERRORISTS (like HAMAS), and to those who support terrorists. We give foreign aid to countries that chant for the destruction of this country!

And you think the problem is that the US Government simply doesn't have ENOUGH of our money?!

Even if we eliminate all discretionary spending, we are still in a deep hole. At this point, we need to freeze per capita spending and inflate our way out of it.
We cannot pay soc sec, medicare and Medicaid and the military w/o more revenue.

The Government HAS all the revenue it needs - it just needs to eliminate the proven wasteful, self-serving, fiscally criminal spending it is doing now.

Obama found nearly $1 trillion to fund a failed Stimulus bill that funded over 7,000 pieces of DNC-only pork that resulted in costing tax payers over $742,000 PER JOB reportedly saved / created.

Last year our politicians found the money to:
- Pay for expensive storm windows for a Ranger's station that had been closed for 2 years
- Fund a study involving giving cocaine to quail
- Fund a stud involving giving Vietnamese Villagers US tv sitcoms
- Fun a 'study' to help train alcoholic Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly while on duty
- Fund a study to determine if the sex life of a South American homosexual was better that that of a straight man in the US (I am sure Barney Frank is thankful for the money/study)

The United States continues to give 'Foreign Aide' to countries like Mexico that is exploiting our nation and already receiving billions from illegals in this country, to TERRORISTS (like HAMAS), and to those who support terrorists. We give foreign aid to countries that chant for the destruction of this country!

And you think the problem is that the US Government simply doesn't have ENOUGH of our money?!

And in doing all that, they ran up the debt. Your math is bullshit. Mandatory spending is not subject to appropriation and accounts for 65% of total spending. Interest on the debt is another 6%. THAT leaves 29% for discretionary spending, and defense is more than 50% of that. This leaves around 500 billion to "tinker with." 2016's deficit is around 475 billion.

Your math is bullshit, I repeat. Every year soc sec and medicare (and Medicaid with old people in nursing homes) will go up until the boomers are DEAD. You cain't balance this thanyg without revenue.

Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go

the gop just wants to kick this can down the road past the election. And THAT is why Ryan has ANOTHER plan to defund Obamacare. Look the pea is under that shell!

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