Funny how Democrats and the Left now pretend to be anti Russia

Putin was on a charm offensive for several years before he was pursuing emperor for life.
Yeah, pretty amusing to see a Trumpsupporter complain about dems sucking up to Putin. Don't get me wrong, I have no use for the Squad or Bernie, and when Obama said in 2014 "what's our interest in Ukraine" I felt a bit ill, but I never really cared for him even thought there was no other real choice in 2008.

Trump shit all over Romney and Rubio on Russia.
Yeah, pretty amusing to see a Trumpsupporter complain about dems sucking up to Putin. Don't get me wrong, I have no use for the Squad or Bernie, and when Obama said in 2014 "what's our interest in Ukraine" I felt a bit ill, but I never really cared for him even thought there was no other real choice in 2008.

Trump shit all over Romney and Rubio on Russia.
what did Trump give to Putin?
Was that after he called him a genius, and said his invasion of Ukraine was brilliant?
Taking his words out of context going on 6 years now? Tell me, why was the only president in our history. To go on the senate floor asking them not to sanction Russia? Is Biden.
Uranium one sale never crossed Hillary's desk. It was approved by Bush appointees. God, you're stupid.
She sat on the board that approved the sale, nimrod.

"The CFIUS panel also includes the attorney general and the secretaries of the Treasury, Defense, Commerce, Energy and Homeland Security, as well as the heads of the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative and the Office of Science and Technology Policy."

These people are all Obama appointees, dumb fuck.
Taking his words out of context going on 6 years now? Tell me, why was the only president in our history. To go on the senate floor asking them not to sanction Russia? Is Biden.
Trump sent Mike Flynn to tell Putin to laugh off Obama’s sanctions because he would repeal them as soon as he became President
Admitting you’re a neocon, won’t make you accepted or liked here. Quite the opposite.
And I am supposed to care that I still support standing up and rallying support on a public forum against Russian aggression against it's peaceful neighbor and Putins desire to threaten nuclear war against NATO and the United States of America? Forget it. You go suck Putin's dick, you anti-American, anti-free world piece of shit. I did not see you slogging around the mud on Grafenwohr tank ranges or patrolling the Czech border (unless you were in the other tree line), last time Russia threatened NATO, Europe and the free world. No. I suspect you were sleeping comfortably over here or just a gleam in you daddy's eye.
Two love birds. Just like W too.

Well, Putin DID help Trump against Hillary. Obama was a strange dude in intl policy. His father was an anti-colonialist and so was his stepfather, yet as far I could see he never new a Black person who served in Vietnam, and he was at best ignorant of who Bill Ayers was. But he did oppose the Iraq invasion in 03. And then he went on to lead cheers for the "Arab spring." But then he went on to support tossing out dictators in Libya and Syria. Imo there was some inconsistency and a learning curve there.

You don't need to be a neocon to notice Putin's aims are expansionist.
Maybe it's the media support but the democrat party seems to have the ability to turn on a dime and hypocrisy is the order of the day. The KKK was once an offshoot of the democrat party and somehow the majority of Blacks seem to be democrats today. Democrats whined for the better part of half a century about the harsh treatment their comrades received from HUAC and Senate hearings about communist infiltration into society and today the targets are republicans. Left wing democrats chanted "better Red than dead" during the Vietnam War and today they are promoting a shooting war with Russia.
And I am supposed to care that I still support standing up and rallying support on a public forum against Russian aggression against it's peaceful neighbor and Putins desire to threaten nuclear war against NATO and the United States of America? Forget it. You go suck Putin's dick, you anti-American, anti-free world piece of shit. I did not see you slogging around the mud on Grafenwohr tank ranges or patrolling the Czech border (unless you were in the other tree line), last time Russia threatened NATO, Europe and the free world. No. I suspect you were sleeping comfortably over here or just a gleam in you daddy's eye.
Imo gipper's pretty consistent in treading a non-interventionist path. I do disagree with his seeming to consider all those who oppose wars designed to impose borders or nationalistic/ theocracy upon other nations as being "neocon."
Maybe it's the media support but the democrat party seems to have the ability to turn on a dime and hypocrisy is the order of the day. The KKK was once an offshoot of the democrat party and somehow the majority of Blacks seem to be democrats today. Democrats whined for the better part of half a century about the harsh treatment their comrades received from HUAC and Senate hearings about communist infiltration into society and today the targets are republicans. Left wing democrats chanted "better Red than dead" during the Vietnam War and today they are promoting a shooting war with Russia.
That's a pretty pathetic example. I mean seriously, there was only one party that was about giving blacks the right to vote, and the gop came along reluctantly and with a split in the party. BUT, sure both parties seem very adroit on doing 180's on Putin. I think you have to look to individuals and not party. Romney/Rubio and Hill were pretty consistent, but only Rubio still has a shot at the presidency. Graham spins better than a dancer. Red Bern and AOC seem ... torn.
And I am supposed to care that I still support standing up and rallying support on a public forum against Russian aggression against it's peaceful neighbor and Putins desire to threaten nuclear war against NATO and the United States of America? Forget it. You go suck Putin's dick, you anti-American, anti-free world piece of shit. I did not see you slogging around the mud on Grafenwohr tank ranges or patrolling the Czech border (unless you were in the other tree line), last time Russia threatened NATO, Europe and the free world. No. I suspect you were sleeping comfortably over here or just a gleam in you daddy's eye.
You aren’t informed. Over 14,000 people have been killed in the Donbass in part thanks to your beloved peaceful Ukraine.

Get control of your emotions pussy. Think rather than emote.
Imo gipper's pretty consistent in treading a non-interventionist path. I do disagree with his seeming to consider all those who oppose wars designed to impose borders or nationalistic/ theocracy upon other nations as being "neocon."
He admitted being a neocon. Can’t fix stupid.

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