Funny No One Burns Down Mosques, Just Synagogues and Christian Churches

That's just groids doin 'gangsta sheeeit nawm sayin?
I am not a Christian, but worldwide, Christians are definitely being targeted in far larger numbers world wide. In America, England, in Europe and Africa. It shouldn't happen at all. Neither should have the crusades. Or 9/11.
Just don't involve humans and it will be ok.

Funny No One Burns Down Mosques, Just Synagogues and Christian Churches​

Well, sure--- no one burns down mosques because there will be consequences. Our government will come after you and nail you to a cross for committing a felony "hate-crime" and the muslims will issue a fatwa on your ass!

But burn down a christian church or synagogue and the government for the most part won't even give a dime to rebuilt it much less care who did it.
Ok, just don’t take a walk around the block with a big grin on your face. Your side is still full of flaw and great peril. That is, if you have enough sense to find out the truth.

Pax Islamica and It's List of Wars, Battles and Campaigns From c. 624 to c. 1999 - Materia Islamica
What's the list supposed to prove, retard? That Muslims have waged wars? Do you want me to put up links for wars started by Christians?

And, oh, I'm not a Muslim. So, no, I am not on their side or any side. My goal was to prove to your fellow retard that Mosques have been also been burnt in this country.

Any place of worship (Christian, Muslim, Synagogue, etc) being vandalized/burned is a disgrace. Especially in a country that has as its First Amendment the sanctity of freedom of religion. Let me know if you are still confused. :itsok:
And, oh, I'm not a Muslim. So, no, I am not on their side or any side. My goal was to prove to your fellow retard that Mosques have been also been burnt in this country.
Yes, I know. --- Your other goal is to just relish over a “victory” by patting the poster on the head as some indication you are one of superior wisdom (as usual) but always willing to help the simpleton out when needed. And whether a few mosques were burned down or not, it hardly changes the global problem with that religion when compared to 1400 years of Islamic terrorism and war against anyone who does not bow down to them.

Looks like a lot of mosques have been burned.
Well, sure--- no one burns down mosques because there will be consequences. Our government will come after you and nail you to a cross for committing a felony "hate-crime" and the muslims will issue a fatwa on your ass!

But burn down a christian church or synagogue and the government for the most part won't even give a dime to rebuilt it much less care who did it.

A federal grand jury in Orlando returned an indictment Wednesday against Steven Shields, 24, of Dunnellon, according to court records. He's charged with using fire to commit a felony and intentionally damaging religious property, a hate crime charge that falls under the Church Arson Prevention Act.

Seems like they care enough to pursue it as a hate crime eh? As to giving money to rebuild…I don’t think they do that for ANY religious institution, nor should they.
One quick google search result (it made the request limited to 2019):


I think the thread premise is a bit off.
I am fascinated with the issue of mosque burning.
Has anyone been CAUGHT in the act?
What is crazy is half the time Jewish temples are vandalized, and it is very rare, the perp turns out to be a Jew. :heehee:
One quick google search result (it made the request limited to 2019):

View attachment 654455
I think the thread premise is a bit off.
Yes, a bit off.
But with regards to the 4 mosques al jazeera reported burned in Nigeria. perhaps after years of torture and murder some of the Christians in Nigeria were at wits end.

Nigeria is a killing field of defenseless Christians
350 Nigerian Christians were massacred in the first two months of 2020. Over 11,500 Christians have been murdered since June 2015. Four to five million Christians are displaced. 2000 churches were destroyed. Nigeria has become a killing field of defenseless Christians. Reliable sources show that between 11,500 and 12,000 Christians have been massacred since June 2015 when the Buhari Government of Nigeria came to power. These statistics are based on careful records kept by church groups that include the names of victims and dates of their murders.

Nigeria Is A Killing Field Of Defenseless Christians
We’re any suspects for the arson at Notre Dame Cathedral ever caught?
no. nor were there any witnessed HIJAB
GRABBINGS in the third and fourth weeks
of September 2001 in New York City despite
a plethora of complaints
Oh? A federal grand jury in Orlando returned an indictment Wednesday against Steven Shields, 24, of Dunnellon, according to court records. He's charged with using fire to commit a felony and intentionally damaging religious property, a hate crime charge that falls under the Church Arson Prevention Act.

They passed a bill called The Church Arson Prevention Act? :71: That's pretty funny. I wonder how a bill in Washington ever actually prevents anything.

No matter, I guess I was wrong. There are some exceptions, especially if the building was lucky enough to be in a state like Missouri or Florida. Still, my point stands: the Fed is far more proactive in coming to the aid hard of any minority org like a muslim mosque than they are protecting churches owned by that evil majority white Christians.

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