Funny No One Burns Down Mosques, Just Synagogues and Christian Churches

They passed a bill called The Church Arson Prevention Act? :71: That's pretty funny. I wonder how a bill in Washington ever actually prevents anything.

No matter, I guess I was wrong. There are some exceptions, especially if the building was lucky enough to be in a state like Missouri or Florida. Still, my point stands: the Fed is far more proactive in coming to the aid hard of any minority org like a muslim mosque than they are protecting churches owned by that evil majority white Christians.
Well, in order for your point to stand, provide some evidence. Those aren’t the only two states and this fed not state level response.
Yes, I know. --- Your other goal is to just relish over a “victory” by patting the poster on the head as some indication you are one of superior wisdom (as usual) but always willing to help the simpleton out when needed. And whether a few mosques were burned down or not, it hardly changes the global problem with that religion when compared to 1400 years of Islamic terrorism and war against anyone who does not bow down to them.
Stop being simpletons. Learn the issues. Use Google to do research before posting.

When you retards follow the above simple instructions, I will stop claiming victory and/or patting posters on the head. Deal? :itsok:
Well, in order for your point to stand, provide some evidence. Those aren’t the only two states and this fed not state level response.

That's my collective impression from years of observation. When I see the DOJ jump down some muslim or gay bakery's throat just because they chose not to want to put an overtly religious Christian saying on a cake to the point of chasing them for years, putting them out of business and wiping out their life savings practically grinding them into oblivion, for a cake, I've feel different.
That's my collective impression from years of observation. When I see the DOJ jump down some muslim or gay bakery's throat just because they chose not to want to put an overtly religious Christian saying on a cake to the point of chasing them for years, putting them out of business and wiping out their life savings practically grinding them into oblivion, for a cake, I've feel different.
The DoJ did that? It’s a Colorado state law.
The DoJ did that? It’s a Colorado state law.
May be but the DOJ and Eric Holder I think sure couldn't get down there fast enough, could they, and now these poor bakery schleps are the target of the usual serial fascist harassment. Gee, is there really anyone in Colorado yet who HASN'T heard of this Christian bakery? Now, just last year, another goon was in there looking for trouble probably sent by some gay organization and is now also filing suit because he couldn't get his transgender pride celebration cake or something made.

These people ought to be able to show that some other (any) baker DID ever make such a cake! Then the question would be why didn't they not just go there in the first place, haven't they ever heard of this now world-famous christian bakery in the last five years, and just WHAT HARM did they possibly suffer (other than to their poor, delicate, witty-bitty feelings), did they incur from having to go from a bakery they knew well in advance didn't cater to that sort of clientele to the Walmart bakery down the street?!

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