Furious BLM protesters clash with Chicago cops after video showed Dexter Reed being shot almost 100 times in less than a minute

He shot a cop in the arm, initiating the shooting and got shot to death. Mostly the end of story. I understand some take issue with the three times he was shot while on the ground behind his car with the gun still laying in the driver's seat. I doubt if much will be said about the first 93 rounds, but those last three may be a problem.
Bernie Goetz was a hero, but prosecutors pulled the same trick to get him convicted.
Indeed, Biden leads the pols in Corruption, Inflation, Weak Foreign Policies, Racism, and appointing Affirmative Action Plagiarists.

Again, still far better than Trump even if any of that were true, which it isn't.
They fired over 90 rounds.

That is appalling, I don't care what the circumstances, particularly if, as it has been reported, they were firing at him after he was on the ground.
I live in Chicago, I haven't seen any report they were firing at him when he was on the ground.

I've been very critical of cops in other cases where they used excessive force. I don't really think this is one of them. The man did fire at police. One police officer was hit by a bullet.

Maybe we should keep an open mind until the investigation is complete.
Yeah those last three made me think. But it shouldn't be, because of what created the situation in the first place.
Here's a clip from Fox, that shows what the left is saying about this.

@ 0:45

Yes. It should. When somebody stumbles out of the car, unarmed and falls down dead, cops should stop shooting. Multiple officer firing, full 15 - 17 rnd magazines at somebody in a car that had just shot a cop in the arm, initiating the action, fine by me. But there will be body camera footage and probably an autopsy showing the last three, fallen on the ground, away from officers with gun in the front seat, will probably be a legitimate problem. The body cam foot, I saw show looking down the barrel as the officer was firing, no telling how man bullets fired though th police care at the suspect, not even visible at all, to the man firing. Firing continued as he got out, to walk to the back of the car, while they shouted show me your hands to the man dying, then he fell down dead and three more shot were fired. These cops were not very good shooters and I doubt the autopsy will show three hits up the dead man's ass ending or coming out in the torso. I am a shooter and responsible for every round I fire. If shooting at somebody, i would be responsible for those rounds also. I am not big on suppressive fire, unless to cover my move or a move of another, using coordinated fire and movement technique. This was panic fire at best. There will certainly not be 90 hits, 50, or 30 or even 15. So my opinion is all need remedial training on the range and in technique. If there is 3 rounds going up his dead guy;s ass, there needs to be a something said to that officer that fired them, but I have no doubt all three missed to ricochet off the pavement to end up god knows where.

I don't feel sorry for the dead guy. He should have rolled down the back window on instruction, so the officers could see, nobody in the back seat. He should not have rolled his window back up obscuring officer's vision of himself and the inside of the car. He damn well should not have shot the officer, initiating a shootout from a pinned in car and against multiple officers. It is a stupid and more often than not a fatal mistake, to ever initiate a shootout if one or more people have their guns out covering you before you raise yours. The math and logic are solidly against you living through it. But, it was his choice.
The police shot him 96 TIMES and they didn't kill him? Why do we employ such rubbish?

They shot 96 times. Mostly at the car, because they couldn't actually see him. Dark tent. Plus he was leaning over in his seat. They didn't know if they'd hit him or not. That first several rounds must've not hit him because he tried to drive away. But they nailed him when he got out and tried to run.
Yes. It should. When somebody stumbles out of the car, unarmed and falls down dead, cops should stop shooting. Multiple officer firing, full 15 - 17 rnd magazines at somebody in a car that had just shot a cop in the arm, initiating the action, fine by me. But there will be body camera footage and probably an autopsy showing the last three, fallen on the ground, away from officers with gun in the front seat, will probably be a legitimate problem. The body cam foot, I saw show looking down the barrel as the officer was firing, no telling how man bullets fired though th police care at the suspect, not even visible at all, to the man firing. Firing continued as he got out, to walk to the back of the car, while they shouted show me your hands to the man dying, then he fell down dead and three more shot were fired. These cops were not very good shooters and I doubt the autopsy will show three hits up the dead man's ass ending or coming out in the torso. I am a shooter and responsible for every round I fire. If shooting at somebody, i would be responsible for those rounds also. I am not big on suppressive fire, unless to cover my move or a move of another, using coordinated fire and movement technique. This was panic fire at best. There will certainly not be 90 hits, 50, or 30 or even 15. So my opinion is all need remedial training on the range and in technique. If there is 3 rounds going up his dead guy;s ass, there needs to be a something said to that officer that fired them, but I have no doubt all three missed to ricochet off the pavement to end up god knows where.

I don't feel sorry for the dead guy. He should have rolled down the back window on instruction, so the officers could see, nobody in the back seat. He should not have rolled his window back up obscuring officer's vision of himself and the inside of the car. He damn well should not have shot the officer, initiating a shootout from a pinned in car and against multiple officers. It is a stupid and more often than not a fatal mistake, to ever initiate a shootout if one or more people have their guns out covering you before you raise yours. The math and logic are solidly against you living through it. But, it was his choice.

He tried to drive away. Then got out and ran to the back of his car. That's when he went down.

He should've stuck both hands out the window of his car, instead of getting out. Or get out and go straight to the ground. But he got out, went passed the back door, passed the back of his car and made a left to the back. That's when he went down. That's several steps from the time he got out until he finally hit the ground.

There's no need for more training. They did their job. The thug is dead and away from society. Where he belongs.

He was already on charges for illegal use of a gun. So if he'd have just complied, they'd have given him another gun charge and he'd have been home that night.
Shot by black cops, after shooting a black cop. Must be racism n stuff. It's perfectly legal to shoot cops, apparently, hence the outrage.

OF course more cops show up in Chicago when a felon known to carry weapons gets stopped, for anything. the local cops here back each other up on every stop when they're available, nothing unusual, and in Chicago obviously it's a necessity. A tactical unit was involved here, 5 officers. This ass clown was trouble and they knew it. Humbolt Park is a shithole gangland cess pool, but so is most of Chicago now.. So yeah, cops roll in numbers there.
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He shot a cop in the arm, initiating the shooting and got shot to death. Mostly the end of story. I understand some take issue with the three times he was shot while on the ground behind his car with the gun still laying in the driver's seat. I doubt if much will be said about the first 93 rounds, but those last three may be a problem.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. A thug is dead, chicago is better off. Anyone who initiates a shoot out with police, should expect to leave in a body bag.

The cops mistake was not to shoot the vermin on sight, letting him get the first shots off. As soon as the halfwit thug started rolling up his window they should have opened up on the feral animal.
I live in Chicago, I haven't seen any report they were firing at him when he was on the ground.

I've been very critical of cops in other cases where they used excessive force. I don't really think this is one of them. The man did fire at police. One police officer was hit by a bullet.

Maybe we should keep an open mind until the investigation is complete.
96 rounds is EXCESSIVE no matter how you slice it.
If this just a seat belt violation, then the cops were at fault. After all, we live with the almighty "comply". A percentage of people do not fear the cops. And frankly many people do. So, with comply comes authoritarianism. You are free; however, you must comply. We will call you sir until we dehumanize or kill you. So, the cops will get away with it and the taxpayer will pay the huge financial windfall the family will receive as they always do. If this keeps happening than our law enforcement system needs correcting. And defunding them is not the answer.
If this just a seat belt violation, then the cops were at fault. After all, we live with the almighty "comply". A percentage of people do not fear the cops. And frankly many people do. So, with comply comes authoritarianism. You are free; however, you must comply. We will call you sir until we dehumanize or kill you. So, the cops will get away with it and the taxpayer will pay the huge financial windfall the family will receive as they always do. If this keeps happening than our law enforcement system needs correcting. And defunding them is not the answer.

lol it was a known violent felon, and yes, they can get pulled over for traffic violations, too, like everybody else. Turned out he was a dumbass felon carrying a weapon illegally as well. He started the gun fight, not the cops,
lol it was a known violent felon, and yes, they can get pulled over for traffic violations, too, like everybody else. Turned out he was a dumbass felon carrying a weapon illegally as well. He started the gun fight, not the cops,
Profiling started to help criminal ways. Many people profiled many times. A free nation saying we must comply. Those who experience this know the reality. So, people like this guy who cares nothing of law enforcement abuse pushes it to the extremes.
So you are not concerned about the police endangering innocent bystanders as long as someone you consider a thug is on the receiving end.
And another stupid post.. Just trust that the cop's had that situation under control way better than the criminals do when a drive by shooting occurs or when a gang battle erupts at a 7-11 and such.

Messages have to be sent or justice and a true public safety will never be obtained again.

Personally I'm for wounding the criminal if at all possible, and then if he were convicted of murder by the use of a deadly weapon, then sentence him to hang by the neck until dead, and then put his body on display upon the very street that he was raised on. Problems begin to dissolve more quickly, and public safety and confidence is restored. If can't wound him, then finish the job on the spot just as it was done with the hundred rounds into the vehicle. I doubt it was a hundred rounds, but the media got to stir it up against the cop's who are attempting to administer law and order in this new wild wild west that has been created once again in America.
Profiling started to help criminal ways. Many people profiled many times. A free nation saying we must comply. Those who experience this know the reality. So, people like this guy who cares nothing of law enforcement abuse pushes it to the extremes.
So they found themselves a criminal that hated the cop's, and unfortunately for him he wanted to do a shoot out with them. It's a tough job policing for the public, and especially for a public that is hostile towards you, and especially after being brainwashed by activist who lie and distort the reality of the situations by protecting criminal enterprises, political agenda's or they do it for just monetary gains.

How any white person still wants to be a cop that attempts to uphold the public safety in certain criminal invested war torn area's of society, uhhhhh is simply an amazing thing to me really.

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