Fury in Israel Over Obama's Mossad 'Lies'

Your statement makes no sense-----I did not "get my genes" from you. What is true is that HOMO SAPIENS ----all got genes in common and there are no true "races"
in the animal HOMO SAPIEN
You got your genes from my ancestors. Your ancestors mutated. Mine stayed the same. Sorry but thats science.

Sweetums without mutation there is no evolution-----
had you descended from "NON MUTATORS"----you
would be an ape I am not sorry---it is simple science
Mutations dont always involve skin color. In fact its very rare. I already posted the link the gene for light/white skin is only 7K years old.

no its more like 20 to 30 thousand years old Your
statement is really ludicrous------you are speaking to
grown people here. I will help you understand the
concept of mutation------do you know what a BASE PAIR
is? ---
If you are truly grown then you should be able to read science. Let me help you.

European Gene for Light Skin Evolved Much Later Than Thought

"The analysis of the man, who lived in modern-day Spain only about 7,000 years ago, shows light-skin genes in Europeans evolved much more recently than previously thought."
Doesnt matter what they are perceived to be. Some of them are descended from slaves. What is your point?

My point is that your theory that the presence of black
Iraqis KINDA indicates the the people of Mesopotamia
---historically were black-------is debunkable----what is
true is that arab caravan goons DID sell blacks to over
there too. Babylon was a wealthy place----BAGHDAD
was the center of the world 1000 years ago

She's a fulla shit ignorant racist who's extremely insecure about her race, so she comes up with this outlandish crap to cover for the miserable life she has. "Her ancestors ran the world"

Whoever thought Greeks and Iraqis were black? Ha ha ha.
Greeks were never all Black. Iraq didnt exist. The Sumerians just like the Egptians were Black people.

Iraq existed-----it is mentioned in the bible-----Abraham
came from Iraq-------it just had a different name-----
----ARAM <<<< was part of present day Iraq---
geeeeee asclepias did Egypt also
"not exist" even Brooklyn existed
The bible is a fairy tale but nowhere does it say Iraq. Egypt didn't exist until Greeks called it that. Before that it was Kemet or land of the Blacks.

wrong-----land of black soil black from the yearly deposition of silt by the overflow of the Nile-----that over flow
thing was VERY VERY important in the civilization of
Egypt------their religion revolved around it. If everyone
back then was black------there would be no reason to
NAME the country "land of black people" ------it would
be like naming Ireland "land of people with red hair and freckles" The issue about Egypt that gave it DISTINCTION-----was the nile river and the very fertile
nature of the soil-----that BLACK SOIL
You got your genes from my ancestors. Your ancestors mutated. Mine stayed the same. Sorry but thats science.

Sweetums without mutation there is no evolution-----
had you descended from "NON MUTATORS"----you
would be an ape I am not sorry---it is simple science
Mutations dont always involve skin color. In fact its very rare. I already posted the link the gene for light/white skin is only 7K years old.

no its more like 20 to 30 thousand years old Your
statement is really ludicrous------you are speaking to
grown people here. I will help you understand the
concept of mutation------do you know what a BASE PAIR
is? ---
If you are truly grown then you should be able to read science. Let me help you.

European Gene for Light Skin Evolved Much Later Than Thought

"The analysis of the man, who lived in modern-day Spain only about 7,000 years ago, shows light-skin genes in Europeans evolved much more recently than previously thought."
My point is that your theory that the presence of black
Iraqis KINDA indicates the the people of Mesopotamia
---historically were black-------is debunkable----what is
true is that arab caravan goons DID sell blacks to over
there too. Babylon was a wealthy place----BAGHDAD
was the center of the world 1000 years ago

She's a fulla shit ignorant racist who's extremely insecure about her race, so she comes up with this outlandish crap to cover for the miserable life she has. "Her ancestors ran the world"

Whoever thought Greeks and Iraqis were black? Ha ha ha.
Greeks were never all Black. Iraq didnt exist. The Sumerians just like the Egptians were Black people.

Iraq existed-----it is mentioned in the bible-----Abraham
came from Iraq-------it just had a different name-----
----ARAM <<<< was part of present day Iraq---
geeeeee asclepias did Egypt also
"not exist" even Brooklyn existed
The bible is a fairy tale but nowhere does it say Iraq. Egypt didn't exist until Greeks called it that. Before that it was Kemet or land of the Blacks.

wrong-----land of black soil black from the yearly deposition of silt by the overflow of the Nile-----that over flow
thing was VERY VERY important in the civilization of
Egypt------their religion revolved around it. If everyone
back then was black------there would be no reason to
NAME the country "land of black people" ------it would
be like naming Ireland "land of people with red hair and freckles" The issue about Egypt that gave it DISTINCTION-----was the nile river and the very fertile
nature of the soil-----that BLACK SOIL
Stop it silly. Why did they call themselves Black people? No one names their country after dirt. Who told you that wild story? :laugh:

You wouldnt call ireland land of the red hair and freckles because all people from ireland dont have red hair and freckles.
right----they are discriminated against and disdained because of their "LINEAGE" as perceived by arabs (Iraqis
think they are arabs ) they are perceived as being the
descendants of slaves. Same is true in Yemen. blacks
over there are something like an "outcaste" caste. Arabs
are very lineage conscious. Ambitious people like to trace
themselves to muhummad or at least one of his pals-----
Sadaam claimed connection to muhummad )
Keep in mind-----for a british writer---Sadaam was BROWN
Doesnt matter what they are perceived to be. Some of them are descended from slaves. What is your point?

My point is that your theory that the presence of black
Iraqis KINDA indicates the the people of Mesopotamia
---historically were black-------is debunkable----what is
true is that arab caravan goons DID sell blacks to over
there too. Babylon was a wealthy place----BAGHDAD
was the center of the world 1000 years ago
Its not at all debunkable. They called themselves the Black Headed people. That "Black" keeps popping up doesnt it? The farther you go back the Blacker the world becomes. Like the Greeks and other historians say. Blacks ruled all the way to SE Asia.

"It seems certain," declares Sir E. A. Wallis Budge,
"that classical historians and geographers called the whole region from India to Egypt,
both countries inclusive, by the name of Ethiopia, and in consequence they regarded all
the dark-skinned and black peoples who inhabited it as Ethiopians.

"Apollonius Rhodius states that the Egyptians of Colchis preserved as heirlooms a number of wooden tablets showing seas and highways with considerable accuracy. Though this theory was not generally adopted by the ancients, it has been defended – but not with complete success, by some modern writers. There seems to have been a Negroid component (which predates the Arab slave trade) along the Black Sea region, whose origins could very well be traced to an Ancient Extra-African expedition, although this cannot be verified by archaeological evidence."

“In former times this Asiatic Negro spread, we can scarcely explain how,
unless the land connections of those days were more extended, through
Eastern Australia to Tasmania, and from the Solomon Island to New
Caledonia and even New Zealand, to Fiji and Hawaii. The Negroid
element in Burma and Annam is, therefore, easily to be explained by
supposing that in ancient times Southern Asia had a Negro population
ranging from the Persian Gulf to Indo-China and the Malay Archipelago.”

-Sir Harry H. Johnston

“Back in the centuries which are scarcely historic, where history gives
indeed only vague hintings, are traces of a widespread primitive civili-

zation, crude, imperfect, garish, barbaric, yet ruling the world of that

age from its seats of power in the valleys of the Ganges and the Euphrates

and the Nile; and it was of the black races. The first Babylon seems

to have been built by a Negroid race. The earliest Egyptian civilization

seems to have been Negroid.
It was in the days before the Semite was

known in either land. The black seems to have built up empire, such as

it was, by the water of the Ganges before Mongol or Aryan.

-Joseph P. Widney (Race Life of the Ayran Peoples)

That's it, Babylonians were Negroes too! Now I've heard it all!

Can I be your agent? I think you have a great future as a black supremacist comedian.
If you notice its not me saying this. Its another white guy historian that actually told the truth. Joseph P. Widney I believe him though. No one calls themselves the Black head people for no reason. There is also linguistic evidence that links their language to the Niger-Bantu language group.

So....If a white guy says things that agree with your lunacy you're all for it, but the mountains and mountains of evidence that say you're fulla shit you poo poo because they're all whites with agendas like guy who wrote the Ugly Duckling? :cuckoo:
Sweetums without mutation there is no evolution-----
had you descended from "NON MUTATORS"----you
would be an ape I am not sorry---it is simple science
Mutations dont always involve skin color. In fact its very rare. I already posted the link the gene for light/white skin is only 7K years old.

no its more like 20 to 30 thousand years old Your
statement is really ludicrous------you are speaking to
grown people here. I will help you understand the
concept of mutation------do you know what a BASE PAIR
is? ---
If you are truly grown then you should be able to read science. Let me help you.

European Gene for Light Skin Evolved Much Later Than Thought

"The analysis of the man, who lived in modern-day Spain only about 7,000 years ago, shows light-skin genes in Europeans evolved much more recently than previously thought."
She's a fulla shit ignorant racist who's extremely insecure about her race, so she comes up with this outlandish crap to cover for the miserable life she has. "Her ancestors ran the world"

Whoever thought Greeks and Iraqis were black? Ha ha ha.
Greeks were never all Black. Iraq didnt exist. The Sumerians just like the Egptians were Black people.

Iraq existed-----it is mentioned in the bible-----Abraham
came from Iraq-------it just had a different name-----
----ARAM <<<< was part of present day Iraq---
geeeeee asclepias did Egypt also
"not exist" even Brooklyn existed
The bible is a fairy tale but nowhere does it say Iraq. Egypt didn't exist until Greeks called it that. Before that it was Kemet or land of the Blacks.

wrong-----land of black soil black from the yearly deposition of silt by the overflow of the Nile-----that over flow
thing was VERY VERY important in the civilization of
Egypt------their religion revolved around it. If everyone
back then was black------there would be no reason to
NAME the country "land of black people" ------it would
be like naming Ireland "land of people with red hair and freckles" The issue about Egypt that gave it DISTINCTION-----was the nile river and the very fertile
nature of the soil-----that BLACK SOIL
Stop it silly. Why did they call themselves Black people? No one names their country after dirt. :laugh:

You wouldnt call ireland land of the red hair and freckles because all people from ireland dont have red hair and freckles.

try again----so far you have claimed that EVERYONE WAS BLACK--------of course countries are not named for DIRT---
they are named for the distinctive features-----EMERALD ISLES. NAHARAYIM -----two rivers----Mesopotamia-Iraq
Doesnt matter what they are perceived to be. Some of them are descended from slaves. What is your point?

My point is that your theory that the presence of black
Iraqis KINDA indicates the the people of Mesopotamia
---historically were black-------is debunkable----what is
true is that arab caravan goons DID sell blacks to over
there too. Babylon was a wealthy place----BAGHDAD
was the center of the world 1000 years ago
Its not at all debunkable. They called themselves the Black Headed people. That "Black" keeps popping up doesnt it? The farther you go back the Blacker the world becomes. Like the Greeks and other historians say. Blacks ruled all the way to SE Asia.

"It seems certain," declares Sir E. A. Wallis Budge,
"that classical historians and geographers called the whole region from India to Egypt,
both countries inclusive, by the name of Ethiopia, and in consequence they regarded all
the dark-skinned and black peoples who inhabited it as Ethiopians.

"Apollonius Rhodius states that the Egyptians of Colchis preserved as heirlooms a number of wooden tablets showing seas and highways with considerable accuracy. Though this theory was not generally adopted by the ancients, it has been defended – but not with complete success, by some modern writers. There seems to have been a Negroid component (which predates the Arab slave trade) along the Black Sea region, whose origins could very well be traced to an Ancient Extra-African expedition, although this cannot be verified by archaeological evidence."

“In former times this Asiatic Negro spread, we can scarcely explain how,
unless the land connections of those days were more extended, through
Eastern Australia to Tasmania, and from the Solomon Island to New
Caledonia and even New Zealand, to Fiji and Hawaii. The Negroid
element in Burma and Annam is, therefore, easily to be explained by
supposing that in ancient times Southern Asia had a Negro population
ranging from the Persian Gulf to Indo-China and the Malay Archipelago.”

-Sir Harry H. Johnston

“Back in the centuries which are scarcely historic, where history gives
indeed only vague hintings, are traces of a widespread primitive civili-

zation, crude, imperfect, garish, barbaric, yet ruling the world of that

age from its seats of power in the valleys of the Ganges and the Euphrates

and the Nile; and it was of the black races. The first Babylon seems

to have been built by a Negroid race. The earliest Egyptian civilization

seems to have been Negroid.
It was in the days before the Semite was

known in either land. The black seems to have built up empire, such as

it was, by the water of the Ganges before Mongol or Aryan.

-Joseph P. Widney (Race Life of the Ayran Peoples)

That's it, Babylonians were Negroes too! Now I've heard it all!

Can I be your agent? I think you have a great future as a black supremacist comedian.
If you notice its not me saying this. Its another white guy historian that actually told the truth. Joseph P. Widney I believe him though. No one calls themselves the Black head people for no reason. There is also linguistic evidence that links their language to the Niger-Bantu language group.

So....If a white guy says things that agree with your lunacy you're all for it, but the mountains and mountains of evidence that say you're fulla shit you poo poo because they're all whites with agendas like guy who wrote the Ugly Duckling? :cuckoo:
There is no mountains of evidence I'm wrong. There is just a white perspective and interpretation of the facts. Since white people lie at the drop of a hat I dont believe them unless they make absolute sense. Sorry but your track record is all fucked up.
Sweetums without mutation there is no evolution-----
had you descended from "NON MUTATORS"----you
would be an ape I am not sorry---it is simple science
Mutations dont always involve skin color. In fact its very rare. I already posted the link the gene for light/white skin is only 7K years old.

no its more like 20 to 30 thousand years old Your
statement is really ludicrous------you are speaking to
grown people here. I will help you understand the
concept of mutation------do you know what a BASE PAIR
is? ---
If you are truly grown then you should be able to read science. Let me help you.

European Gene for Light Skin Evolved Much Later Than Thought

"The analysis of the man, who lived in modern-day Spain only about 7,000 years ago, shows light-skin genes in Europeans evolved much more recently than previously thought."
She's a fulla shit ignorant racist who's extremely insecure about her race, so she comes up with this outlandish crap to cover for the miserable life she has. "Her ancestors ran the world"

Whoever thought Greeks and Iraqis were black? Ha ha ha.
Greeks were never all Black. Iraq didnt exist. The Sumerians just like the Egptians were Black people.

Iraq existed-----it is mentioned in the bible-----Abraham
came from Iraq-------it just had a different name-----
----ARAM <<<< was part of present day Iraq---
geeeeee asclepias did Egypt also
"not exist" even Brooklyn existed
The bible is a fairy tale but nowhere does it say Iraq. Egypt didn't exist until Greeks called it that. Before that it was Kemet or land of the Blacks.

wrong-----land of black soil black from the yearly deposition of silt by the overflow of the Nile-----that over flow
thing was VERY VERY important in the civilization of
Egypt------their religion revolved around it. If everyone
back then was black------there would be no reason to
NAME the country "land of black people" ------it would
be like naming Ireland "land of people with red hair and freckles" The issue about Egypt that gave it DISTINCTION-----was the nile river and the very fertile
nature of the soil-----that BLACK SOIL
Stop it silly. Why did they call themselves Black people? No one names their country after dirt. Who told you that wild story? :laugh:

You wouldnt call ireland land of the red hair and freckles because all people from ireland dont have red hair and freckles.

Wrong again dipshit. They referred to the land as black you friggin idiot! I wonder how your head got filled up with all this racist garbage.

The ancient Egyptians thought of Egypt as being divided into two types of land, the 'black land' and the 'red land'.
The 'black land' was the fertile land on the banks of the Nile. The ancient Egyptians used this land for growing their crops. This was the only land in ancient Egypt that could be farmed because a layer of rich, black silt was deposited there every year after the Nile flooded.

The 'red land' was the barren desert that protected Egypt on two sides. These deserts separated ancient Egypt from neighbouring countries and invading armies. They also provided the ancient Egyptians with a source for precious metals and semi-precious stones.
My point is that your theory that the presence of black
Iraqis KINDA indicates the the people of Mesopotamia
---historically were black-------is debunkable----what is
true is that arab caravan goons DID sell blacks to over
there too. Babylon was a wealthy place----BAGHDAD
was the center of the world 1000 years ago
Its not at all debunkable. They called themselves the Black Headed people. That "Black" keeps popping up doesnt it? The farther you go back the Blacker the world becomes. Like the Greeks and other historians say. Blacks ruled all the way to SE Asia.

"It seems certain," declares Sir E. A. Wallis Budge,
"that classical historians and geographers called the whole region from India to Egypt,
both countries inclusive, by the name of Ethiopia, and in consequence they regarded all
the dark-skinned and black peoples who inhabited it as Ethiopians.

"Apollonius Rhodius states that the Egyptians of Colchis preserved as heirlooms a number of wooden tablets showing seas and highways with considerable accuracy. Though this theory was not generally adopted by the ancients, it has been defended – but not with complete success, by some modern writers. There seems to have been a Negroid component (which predates the Arab slave trade) along the Black Sea region, whose origins could very well be traced to an Ancient Extra-African expedition, although this cannot be verified by archaeological evidence."

“In former times this Asiatic Negro spread, we can scarcely explain how,
unless the land connections of those days were more extended, through
Eastern Australia to Tasmania, and from the Solomon Island to New
Caledonia and even New Zealand, to Fiji and Hawaii. The Negroid
element in Burma and Annam is, therefore, easily to be explained by
supposing that in ancient times Southern Asia had a Negro population
ranging from the Persian Gulf to Indo-China and the Malay Archipelago.”

-Sir Harry H. Johnston

“Back in the centuries which are scarcely historic, where history gives
indeed only vague hintings, are traces of a widespread primitive civili-

zation, crude, imperfect, garish, barbaric, yet ruling the world of that

age from its seats of power in the valleys of the Ganges and the Euphrates

and the Nile; and it was of the black races. The first Babylon seems

to have been built by a Negroid race. The earliest Egyptian civilization

seems to have been Negroid.
It was in the days before the Semite was

known in either land. The black seems to have built up empire, such as

it was, by the water of the Ganges before Mongol or Aryan.

-Joseph P. Widney (Race Life of the Ayran Peoples)

That's it, Babylonians were Negroes too! Now I've heard it all!

Can I be your agent? I think you have a great future as a black supremacist comedian.
If you notice its not me saying this. Its another white guy historian that actually told the truth. Joseph P. Widney I believe him though. No one calls themselves the Black head people for no reason. There is also linguistic evidence that links their language to the Niger-Bantu language group.

So....If a white guy says things that agree with your lunacy you're all for it, but the mountains and mountains of evidence that say you're fulla shit you poo poo because they're all whites with agendas like guy who wrote the Ugly Duckling? :cuckoo:
There is no mountains of evidence I'm wrong. There is just a white perspective and interpretation of the facts. Since white people lie at the drop of a hat I dont believe them unless they make absolute sense. Sorry but your track record is all fucked up.

when did the LIE MUTATION kick in? I googled but
could find no evidence of the LIE mutation. Remember---
I got all my genes from your ancestors
Mutations dont always involve skin color. In fact its very rare. I already posted the link the gene for light/white skin is only 7K years old.

no its more like 20 to 30 thousand years old Your
statement is really ludicrous------you are speaking to
grown people here. I will help you understand the
concept of mutation------do you know what a BASE PAIR
is? ---
If you are truly grown then you should be able to read science. Let me help you.

European Gene for Light Skin Evolved Much Later Than Thought

"The analysis of the man, who lived in modern-day Spain only about 7,000 years ago, shows light-skin genes in Europeans evolved much more recently than previously thought."
Greeks were never all Black. Iraq didnt exist. The Sumerians just like the Egptians were Black people.

Iraq existed-----it is mentioned in the bible-----Abraham
came from Iraq-------it just had a different name-----
----ARAM <<<< was part of present day Iraq---
geeeeee asclepias did Egypt also
"not exist" even Brooklyn existed
The bible is a fairy tale but nowhere does it say Iraq. Egypt didn't exist until Greeks called it that. Before that it was Kemet or land of the Blacks.

wrong-----land of black soil black from the yearly deposition of silt by the overflow of the Nile-----that over flow
thing was VERY VERY important in the civilization of
Egypt------their religion revolved around it. If everyone
back then was black------there would be no reason to
NAME the country "land of black people" ------it would
be like naming Ireland "land of people with red hair and freckles" The issue about Egypt that gave it DISTINCTION-----was the nile river and the very fertile
nature of the soil-----that BLACK SOIL
Stop it silly. Why did they call themselves Black people? No one names their country after dirt. :laugh:

You wouldnt call ireland land of the red hair and freckles because all people from ireland dont have red hair and freckles.

try again----so far you have claimed that EVERYONE WAS BLACK--------of course countries are not named for DIRT---
they are named for the distinctive features-----EMERALD ISLES. NAHARAYIM -----two rivers----Mesopotamia-Iraq
Land is dirt. There is Black dirt all over Africa. Gimme a break. If they were calling it Black land it would be called Kemet ta. not just Kemet. They called themselves the Kemet tu. "Black people".

Of course everyone was Black. White people didnt come about until 7K years ago. You are having a hard time reading that post arent you?
Its not at all debunkable. They called themselves the Black Headed people. That "Black" keeps popping up doesnt it? The farther you go back the Blacker the world becomes. Like the Greeks and other historians say. Blacks ruled all the way to SE Asia.

"It seems certain," declares Sir E. A. Wallis Budge,
"that classical historians and geographers called the whole region from India to Egypt,
both countries inclusive, by the name of Ethiopia, and in consequence they regarded all
the dark-skinned and black peoples who inhabited it as Ethiopians.

"Apollonius Rhodius states that the Egyptians of Colchis preserved as heirlooms a number of wooden tablets showing seas and highways with considerable accuracy. Though this theory was not generally adopted by the ancients, it has been defended – but not with complete success, by some modern writers. There seems to have been a Negroid component (which predates the Arab slave trade) along the Black Sea region, whose origins could very well be traced to an Ancient Extra-African expedition, although this cannot be verified by archaeological evidence."

“In former times this Asiatic Negro spread, we can scarcely explain how,
unless the land connections of those days were more extended, through
Eastern Australia to Tasmania, and from the Solomon Island to New
Caledonia and even New Zealand, to Fiji and Hawaii. The Negroid
element in Burma and Annam is, therefore, easily to be explained by
supposing that in ancient times Southern Asia had a Negro population
ranging from the Persian Gulf to Indo-China and the Malay Archipelago.”

-Sir Harry H. Johnston

“Back in the centuries which are scarcely historic, where history gives
indeed only vague hintings, are traces of a widespread primitive civili-

zation, crude, imperfect, garish, barbaric, yet ruling the world of that

age from its seats of power in the valleys of the Ganges and the Euphrates

and the Nile; and it was of the black races. The first Babylon seems

to have been built by a Negroid race. The earliest Egyptian civilization

seems to have been Negroid.
It was in the days before the Semite was

known in either land. The black seems to have built up empire, such as

it was, by the water of the Ganges before Mongol or Aryan.

-Joseph P. Widney (Race Life of the Ayran Peoples)

That's it, Babylonians were Negroes too! Now I've heard it all!

Can I be your agent? I think you have a great future as a black supremacist comedian.
If you notice its not me saying this. Its another white guy historian that actually told the truth. Joseph P. Widney I believe him though. No one calls themselves the Black head people for no reason. There is also linguistic evidence that links their language to the Niger-Bantu language group.

So....If a white guy says things that agree with your lunacy you're all for it, but the mountains and mountains of evidence that say you're fulla shit you poo poo because they're all whites with agendas like guy who wrote the Ugly Duckling? :cuckoo:
There is no mountains of evidence I'm wrong. There is just a white perspective and interpretation of the facts. Since white people lie at the drop of a hat I dont believe them unless they make absolute sense. Sorry but your track record is all fucked up.

when did the LIE MUTATION kick in? I googled but
could find no evidence of the LIE mutation. Remember---
I got all my genes from your ancestors
About 7K years ago.
no its more like 20 to 30 thousand years old Your
statement is really ludicrous------you are speaking to
grown people here. I will help you understand the
concept of mutation------do you know what a BASE PAIR
is? ---
If you are truly grown then you should be able to read science. Let me help you.

European Gene for Light Skin Evolved Much Later Than Thought

"The analysis of the man, who lived in modern-day Spain only about 7,000 years ago, shows light-skin genes in Europeans evolved much more recently than previously thought."
Iraq existed-----it is mentioned in the bible-----Abraham
came from Iraq-------it just had a different name-----
----ARAM <<<< was part of present day Iraq---
geeeeee asclepias did Egypt also
"not exist" even Brooklyn existed
The bible is a fairy tale but nowhere does it say Iraq. Egypt didn't exist until Greeks called it that. Before that it was Kemet or land of the Blacks.

wrong-----land of black soil black from the yearly deposition of silt by the overflow of the Nile-----that over flow
thing was VERY VERY important in the civilization of
Egypt------their religion revolved around it. If everyone
back then was black------there would be no reason to
NAME the country "land of black people" ------it would
be like naming Ireland "land of people with red hair and freckles" The issue about Egypt that gave it DISTINCTION-----was the nile river and the very fertile
nature of the soil-----that BLACK SOIL
Stop it silly. Why did they call themselves Black people? No one names their country after dirt. :laugh:

You wouldnt call ireland land of the red hair and freckles because all people from ireland dont have red hair and freckles.

try again----so far you have claimed that EVERYONE WAS BLACK--------of course countries are not named for DIRT---
they are named for the distinctive features-----EMERALD ISLES. NAHARAYIM -----two rivers----Mesopotamia-Iraq
Land is dirt. There is Black dirt all over Africa. Gimme a break. If they were calling it Black land it would be called Kemet ta. not just Kemet. The called themselves the Kemet tu. "Black people".

Of course everyone was Black. White people didnt come about until 7K years ago. You are having a hard time reading that post arent you?

Ha ha ha. You are a troll with no self respect. The Egyptians themselves call it the people of the black land. MORON.

"Basically, we can examine three groups of names which have applied to Egypt. In the early period of Egypt, during the Old Kingdom, Egypt was referred to as Kemet (Kermit), or simply Kmt
, which means the Black land. They called themselves "remetch en Kermet", which means the "People of the Black Land". The term refers to the rich soil found in the Nile Valley and Delta. But it was also sometimes referred to as Deshret, or dshrt
, which refers to the "Red Land", or deserts of which Egypt is mostly comprised."

Read more: Egypt The Origin of the Name Egypt
no its more like 20 to 30 thousand years old Your
statement is really ludicrous------you are speaking to
grown people here. I will help you understand the
concept of mutation------do you know what a BASE PAIR
is? ---
If you are truly grown then you should be able to read science. Let me help you.

European Gene for Light Skin Evolved Much Later Than Thought

"The analysis of the man, who lived in modern-day Spain only about 7,000 years ago, shows light-skin genes in Europeans evolved much more recently than previously thought."
Iraq existed-----it is mentioned in the bible-----Abraham
came from Iraq-------it just had a different name-----
----ARAM <<<< was part of present day Iraq---
geeeeee asclepias did Egypt also
"not exist" even Brooklyn existed
The bible is a fairy tale but nowhere does it say Iraq. Egypt didn't exist until Greeks called it that. Before that it was Kemet or land of the Blacks.

wrong-----land of black soil black from the yearly deposition of silt by the overflow of the Nile-----that over flow
thing was VERY VERY important in the civilization of
Egypt------their religion revolved around it. If everyone
back then was black------there would be no reason to
NAME the country "land of black people" ------it would
be like naming Ireland "land of people with red hair and freckles" The issue about Egypt that gave it DISTINCTION-----was the nile river and the very fertile
nature of the soil-----that BLACK SOIL
Stop it silly. Why did they call themselves Black people? No one names their country after dirt. :laugh:

You wouldnt call ireland land of the red hair and freckles because all people from ireland dont have red hair and freckles.

try again----so far you have claimed that EVERYONE WAS BLACK--------of course countries are not named for DIRT---
they are named for the distinctive features-----EMERALD ISLES. NAHARAYIM -----two rivers----Mesopotamia-Iraq
Land is dirt. There is Black dirt all over Africa. Gimme a break. If they were calling it Black land it would be called Kemet ta. not just Kemet. They called themselves the Kemet tu. "Black people".

Of course everyone was Black. White people didnt come about until 7K years ago. You are having a hard time reading that post arent you?

Of course everyone wasn't black, you just wish they were. :lmao:
Its not at all debunkable. They called themselves the Black Headed people. That "Black" keeps popping up doesnt it? The farther you go back the Blacker the world becomes. Like the Greeks and other historians say. Blacks ruled all the way to SE Asia.

"It seems certain," declares Sir E. A. Wallis Budge,
"that classical historians and geographers called the whole region from India to Egypt,
both countries inclusive, by the name of Ethiopia, and in consequence they regarded all
the dark-skinned and black peoples who inhabited it as Ethiopians.

"Apollonius Rhodius states that the Egyptians of Colchis preserved as heirlooms a number of wooden tablets showing seas and highways with considerable accuracy. Though this theory was not generally adopted by the ancients, it has been defended – but not with complete success, by some modern writers. There seems to have been a Negroid component (which predates the Arab slave trade) along the Black Sea region, whose origins could very well be traced to an Ancient Extra-African expedition, although this cannot be verified by archaeological evidence."

“In former times this Asiatic Negro spread, we can scarcely explain how,
unless the land connections of those days were more extended, through
Eastern Australia to Tasmania, and from the Solomon Island to New
Caledonia and even New Zealand, to Fiji and Hawaii. The Negroid
element in Burma and Annam is, therefore, easily to be explained by
supposing that in ancient times Southern Asia had a Negro population
ranging from the Persian Gulf to Indo-China and the Malay Archipelago.”

-Sir Harry H. Johnston

“Back in the centuries which are scarcely historic, where history gives
indeed only vague hintings, are traces of a widespread primitive civili-

zation, crude, imperfect, garish, barbaric, yet ruling the world of that

age from its seats of power in the valleys of the Ganges and the Euphrates

and the Nile; and it was of the black races. The first Babylon seems

to have been built by a Negroid race. The earliest Egyptian civilization

seems to have been Negroid.
It was in the days before the Semite was

known in either land. The black seems to have built up empire, such as

it was, by the water of the Ganges before Mongol or Aryan.

-Joseph P. Widney (Race Life of the Ayran Peoples)

That's it, Babylonians were Negroes too! Now I've heard it all!

Can I be your agent? I think you have a great future as a black supremacist comedian.
If you notice its not me saying this. Its another white guy historian that actually told the truth. Joseph P. Widney I believe him though. No one calls themselves the Black head people for no reason. There is also linguistic evidence that links their language to the Niger-Bantu language group.

So....If a white guy says things that agree with your lunacy you're all for it, but the mountains and mountains of evidence that say you're fulla shit you poo poo because they're all whites with agendas like guy who wrote the Ugly Duckling? :cuckoo:
There is no mountains of evidence I'm wrong. There is just a white perspective and interpretation of the facts. Since white people lie at the drop of a hat I dont believe them unless they make absolute sense. Sorry but your track record is all fucked up.

when did the LIE MUTATION kick in? I googled but
could find no evidence of the LIE mutation. Remember---
I got all my genes from your ancestors

Make sure you send her a monthly check for it. The welfare doesn't cover everything.
My point is that your theory that the presence of black
Iraqis KINDA indicates the the people of Mesopotamia
---historically were black-------is debunkable----what is
true is that arab caravan goons DID sell blacks to over
there too. Babylon was a wealthy place----BAGHDAD
was the center of the world 1000 years ago
Its not at all debunkable. They called themselves the Black Headed people. That "Black" keeps popping up doesnt it? The farther you go back the Blacker the world becomes. Like the Greeks and other historians say. Blacks ruled all the way to SE Asia.

"It seems certain," declares Sir E. A. Wallis Budge,
"that classical historians and geographers called the whole region from India to Egypt,
both countries inclusive, by the name of Ethiopia, and in consequence they regarded all
the dark-skinned and black peoples who inhabited it as Ethiopians.

"Apollonius Rhodius states that the Egyptians of Colchis preserved as heirlooms a number of wooden tablets showing seas and highways with considerable accuracy. Though this theory was not generally adopted by the ancients, it has been defended – but not with complete success, by some modern writers. There seems to have been a Negroid component (which predates the Arab slave trade) along the Black Sea region, whose origins could very well be traced to an Ancient Extra-African expedition, although this cannot be verified by archaeological evidence."

“In former times this Asiatic Negro spread, we can scarcely explain how,
unless the land connections of those days were more extended, through
Eastern Australia to Tasmania, and from the Solomon Island to New
Caledonia and even New Zealand, to Fiji and Hawaii. The Negroid
element in Burma and Annam is, therefore, easily to be explained by
supposing that in ancient times Southern Asia had a Negro population
ranging from the Persian Gulf to Indo-China and the Malay Archipelago.”

-Sir Harry H. Johnston

“Back in the centuries which are scarcely historic, where history gives
indeed only vague hintings, are traces of a widespread primitive civili-

zation, crude, imperfect, garish, barbaric, yet ruling the world of that

age from its seats of power in the valleys of the Ganges and the Euphrates

and the Nile; and it was of the black races. The first Babylon seems

to have been built by a Negroid race. The earliest Egyptian civilization

seems to have been Negroid.
It was in the days before the Semite was

known in either land. The black seems to have built up empire, such as

it was, by the water of the Ganges before Mongol or Aryan.

-Joseph P. Widney (Race Life of the Ayran Peoples)

That's it, Babylonians were Negroes too! Now I've heard it all!

Can I be your agent? I think you have a great future as a black supremacist comedian.
If you notice its not me saying this. Its another white guy historian that actually told the truth. Joseph P. Widney I believe him though. No one calls themselves the Black head people for no reason. There is also linguistic evidence that links their language to the Niger-Bantu language group.

So....If a white guy says things that agree with your lunacy you're all for it, but the mountains and mountains of evidence that say you're fulla shit you poo poo because they're all whites with agendas like guy who wrote the Ugly Duckling? :cuckoo:
There is no mountains of evidence I'm wrong. There is just a white perspective and interpretation of the facts. Since white people lie at the drop of a hat I dont believe them unless they make absolute sense. Sorry but your track record is all fucked up.

you wrote the magic words INTERPRETATION-----it came
about in the 60s-----I was there------the "BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL" movement -----good as a start----it MOVED AND MORPHED into insanity-----I am optimistic----you will
If you are truly grown then you should be able to read science. Let me help you.

European Gene for Light Skin Evolved Much Later Than Thought

"The analysis of the man, who lived in modern-day Spain only about 7,000 years ago, shows light-skin genes in Europeans evolved much more recently than previously thought."
The bible is a fairy tale but nowhere does it say Iraq. Egypt didn't exist until Greeks called it that. Before that it was Kemet or land of the Blacks.

wrong-----land of black soil black from the yearly deposition of silt by the overflow of the Nile-----that over flow
thing was VERY VERY important in the civilization of
Egypt------their religion revolved around it. If everyone
back then was black------there would be no reason to
NAME the country "land of black people" ------it would
be like naming Ireland "land of people with red hair and freckles" The issue about Egypt that gave it DISTINCTION-----was the nile river and the very fertile
nature of the soil-----that BLACK SOIL
Stop it silly. Why did they call themselves Black people? No one names their country after dirt. :laugh:

You wouldnt call ireland land of the red hair and freckles because all people from ireland dont have red hair and freckles.

try again----so far you have claimed that EVERYONE WAS BLACK--------of course countries are not named for DIRT---
they are named for the distinctive features-----EMERALD ISLES. NAHARAYIM -----two rivers----Mesopotamia-Iraq
Land is dirt. There is Black dirt all over Africa. Gimme a break. If they were calling it Black land it would be called Kemet ta. not just Kemet. They called themselves the Kemet tu. "Black people".

Of course everyone was Black. White people didnt come about until 7K years ago. You are having a hard time reading that post arent you?

Of course everyone wasn't black, you just wish they were. :lmao:
Science says different. Sorry.
Its not at all debunkable. They called themselves the Black Headed people. That "Black" keeps popping up doesnt it? The farther you go back the Blacker the world becomes. Like the Greeks and other historians say. Blacks ruled all the way to SE Asia.

"It seems certain," declares Sir E. A. Wallis Budge,
"that classical historians and geographers called the whole region from India to Egypt,
both countries inclusive, by the name of Ethiopia, and in consequence they regarded all
the dark-skinned and black peoples who inhabited it as Ethiopians.

"Apollonius Rhodius states that the Egyptians of Colchis preserved as heirlooms a number of wooden tablets showing seas and highways with considerable accuracy. Though this theory was not generally adopted by the ancients, it has been defended – but not with complete success, by some modern writers. There seems to have been a Negroid component (which predates the Arab slave trade) along the Black Sea region, whose origins could very well be traced to an Ancient Extra-African expedition, although this cannot be verified by archaeological evidence."

“In former times this Asiatic Negro spread, we can scarcely explain how,
unless the land connections of those days were more extended, through
Eastern Australia to Tasmania, and from the Solomon Island to New
Caledonia and even New Zealand, to Fiji and Hawaii. The Negroid
element in Burma and Annam is, therefore, easily to be explained by
supposing that in ancient times Southern Asia had a Negro population
ranging from the Persian Gulf to Indo-China and the Malay Archipelago.”

-Sir Harry H. Johnston

“Back in the centuries which are scarcely historic, where history gives
indeed only vague hintings, are traces of a widespread primitive civili-

zation, crude, imperfect, garish, barbaric, yet ruling the world of that

age from its seats of power in the valleys of the Ganges and the Euphrates

and the Nile; and it was of the black races. The first Babylon seems

to have been built by a Negroid race. The earliest Egyptian civilization

seems to have been Negroid.
It was in the days before the Semite was

known in either land. The black seems to have built up empire, such as

it was, by the water of the Ganges before Mongol or Aryan.

-Joseph P. Widney (Race Life of the Ayran Peoples)

That's it, Babylonians were Negroes too! Now I've heard it all!

Can I be your agent? I think you have a great future as a black supremacist comedian.
If you notice its not me saying this. Its another white guy historian that actually told the truth. Joseph P. Widney I believe him though. No one calls themselves the Black head people for no reason. There is also linguistic evidence that links their language to the Niger-Bantu language group.

So....If a white guy says things that agree with your lunacy you're all for it, but the mountains and mountains of evidence that say you're fulla shit you poo poo because they're all whites with agendas like guy who wrote the Ugly Duckling? :cuckoo:
There is no mountains of evidence I'm wrong. There is just a white perspective and interpretation of the facts. Since white people lie at the drop of a hat I dont believe them unless they make absolute sense. Sorry but your track record is all fucked up.

you wrote the magic words INTERPRETATION-----it came
about in the 60s-----I was there------the "BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL" movement -----good as a start----it MOVED AND MORPHED into insanity-----I am optimistic----you will
I said white interpretation. White people are not credible so we did our own research. We found out white people lie for no particular reason other than they are dishonest.
My point is that your theory that the presence of black
Iraqis KINDA indicates the the people of Mesopotamia
---historically were black-------is debunkable----what is
true is that arab caravan goons DID sell blacks to over
there too. Babylon was a wealthy place----BAGHDAD
was the center of the world 1000 years ago
Its not at all debunkable. They called themselves the Black Headed people. That "Black" keeps popping up doesnt it? The farther you go back the Blacker the world becomes. Like the Greeks and other historians say. Blacks ruled all the way to SE Asia.

"It seems certain," declares Sir E. A. Wallis Budge,
"that classical historians and geographers called the whole region from India to Egypt,
both countries inclusive, by the name of Ethiopia, and in consequence they regarded all
the dark-skinned and black peoples who inhabited it as Ethiopians.

"Apollonius Rhodius states that the Egyptians of Colchis preserved as heirlooms a number of wooden tablets showing seas and highways with considerable accuracy. Though this theory was not generally adopted by the ancients, it has been defended – but not with complete success, by some modern writers. There seems to have been a Negroid component (which predates the Arab slave trade) along the Black Sea region, whose origins could very well be traced to an Ancient Extra-African expedition, although this cannot be verified by archaeological evidence."

“In former times this Asiatic Negro spread, we can scarcely explain how,
unless the land connections of those days were more extended, through
Eastern Australia to Tasmania, and from the Solomon Island to New
Caledonia and even New Zealand, to Fiji and Hawaii. The Negroid
element in Burma and Annam is, therefore, easily to be explained by
supposing that in ancient times Southern Asia had a Negro population
ranging from the Persian Gulf to Indo-China and the Malay Archipelago.”

-Sir Harry H. Johnston

“Back in the centuries which are scarcely historic, where history gives
indeed only vague hintings, are traces of a widespread primitive civili-

zation, crude, imperfect, garish, barbaric, yet ruling the world of that

age from its seats of power in the valleys of the Ganges and the Euphrates

and the Nile; and it was of the black races. The first Babylon seems

to have been built by a Negroid race. The earliest Egyptian civilization

seems to have been Negroid.
It was in the days before the Semite was

known in either land. The black seems to have built up empire, such as

it was, by the water of the Ganges before Mongol or Aryan.

-Joseph P. Widney (Race Life of the Ayran Peoples)

That's it, Babylonians were Negroes too! Now I've heard it all!

Can I be your agent? I think you have a great future as a black supremacist comedian.
If you notice its not me saying this. Its another white guy historian that actually told the truth. Joseph P. Widney I believe him though. No one calls themselves the Black head people for no reason. There is also linguistic evidence that links their language to the Niger-Bantu language group.

So....If a white guy says things that agree with your lunacy you're all for it, but the mountains and mountains of evidence that say you're fulla shit you poo poo because they're all whites with agendas like guy who wrote the Ugly Duckling? :cuckoo:
There is no mountains of evidence I'm wrong. There is just a white perspective and interpretation of the facts. Since white people lie at the drop of a hat I dont believe them unless they make absolute sense. Sorry but your track record is all fucked up.

Ah I see, so the only white perspective you like is the one that agrees with your stupidity. The rest are all wrong! Ha ha ha.
If you are truly grown then you should be able to read science. Let me help you.

European Gene for Light Skin Evolved Much Later Than Thought

"The analysis of the man, who lived in modern-day Spain only about 7,000 years ago, shows light-skin genes in Europeans evolved much more recently than previously thought."
The bible is a fairy tale but nowhere does it say Iraq. Egypt didn't exist until Greeks called it that. Before that it was Kemet or land of the Blacks.

wrong-----land of black soil black from the yearly deposition of silt by the overflow of the Nile-----that over flow
thing was VERY VERY important in the civilization of
Egypt------their religion revolved around it. If everyone
back then was black------there would be no reason to
NAME the country "land of black people" ------it would
be like naming Ireland "land of people with red hair and freckles" The issue about Egypt that gave it DISTINCTION-----was the nile river and the very fertile
nature of the soil-----that BLACK SOIL
Stop it silly. Why did they call themselves Black people? No one names their country after dirt. :laugh:

You wouldnt call ireland land of the red hair and freckles because all people from ireland dont have red hair and freckles.

try again----so far you have claimed that EVERYONE WAS BLACK--------of course countries are not named for DIRT---
they are named for the distinctive features-----EMERALD ISLES. NAHARAYIM -----two rivers----Mesopotamia-Iraq
Land is dirt. There is Black dirt all over Africa. Gimme a break. If they were calling it Black land it would be called Kemet ta. not just Kemet. They called themselves the Kemet tu. "Black people".

Of course everyone was Black. White people didnt come about until 7K years ago. You are having a hard time reading that post arent you?

Of course everyone wasn't black, you just wish they were. :lmao:

If everyone was black------Egypt would have simply called itself LAND OF PEOPLE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE
That's it, Babylonians were Negroes too! Now I've heard it all!

Can I be your agent? I think you have a great future as a black supremacist comedian.
If you notice its not me saying this. Its another white guy historian that actually told the truth. Joseph P. Widney I believe him though. No one calls themselves the Black head people for no reason. There is also linguistic evidence that links their language to the Niger-Bantu language group.

So....If a white guy says things that agree with your lunacy you're all for it, but the mountains and mountains of evidence that say you're fulla shit you poo poo because they're all whites with agendas like guy who wrote the Ugly Duckling? :cuckoo:
There is no mountains of evidence I'm wrong. There is just a white perspective and interpretation of the facts. Since white people lie at the drop of a hat I dont believe them unless they make absolute sense. Sorry but your track record is all fucked up.

you wrote the magic words INTERPRETATION-----it came
about in the 60s-----I was there------the "BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL" movement -----good as a start----it MOVED AND MORPHED into insanity-----I am optimistic----you will
I said white interpretation. White people are not credible so we did our own research. We found out white people lie for no particular reason other than they are dishonest.

Yes, white people are not credible, they are all evil. Except for you semiliterate ignorant racist black angels who think the whole world began and ended with blacks. Ha ha ha.
That's it, Babylonians were Negroes too! Now I've heard it all!

Can I be your agent? I think you have a great future as a black supremacist comedian.
If you notice its not me saying this. Its another white guy historian that actually told the truth. Joseph P. Widney I believe him though. No one calls themselves the Black head people for no reason. There is also linguistic evidence that links their language to the Niger-Bantu language group.

So....If a white guy says things that agree with your lunacy you're all for it, but the mountains and mountains of evidence that say you're fulla shit you poo poo because they're all whites with agendas like guy who wrote the Ugly Duckling? :cuckoo:
There is no mountains of evidence I'm wrong. There is just a white perspective and interpretation of the facts. Since white people lie at the drop of a hat I dont believe them unless they make absolute sense. Sorry but your track record is all fucked up.

you wrote the magic words INTERPRETATION-----it came
about in the 60s-----I was there------the "BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL" movement -----good as a start----it MOVED AND MORPHED into insanity-----I am optimistic----you will
I said white interpretation. White people are not credible so we did our own research. We found out white people lie for no particular reason other than they are dishonest.

right---white people have the white skin gene ------and the LIE gene--------black people who do not have white gene-----don't lie-------Have you concluded that the WHITE SKIN GENE----
also acts as a LIE GENE??--------from whence cometh the
wrong-----land of black soil black from the yearly deposition of silt by the overflow of the Nile-----that over flow
thing was VERY VERY important in the civilization of
Egypt------their religion revolved around it. If everyone
back then was black------there would be no reason to
NAME the country "land of black people" ------it would
be like naming Ireland "land of people with red hair and freckles" The issue about Egypt that gave it DISTINCTION-----was the nile river and the very fertile
nature of the soil-----that BLACK SOIL
Stop it silly. Why did they call themselves Black people? No one names their country after dirt. :laugh:

You wouldnt call ireland land of the red hair and freckles because all people from ireland dont have red hair and freckles.

try again----so far you have claimed that EVERYONE WAS BLACK--------of course countries are not named for DIRT---
they are named for the distinctive features-----EMERALD ISLES. NAHARAYIM -----two rivers----Mesopotamia-Iraq
Land is dirt. There is Black dirt all over Africa. Gimme a break. If they were calling it Black land it would be called Kemet ta. not just Kemet. They called themselves the Kemet tu. "Black people".

Of course everyone was Black. White people didnt come about until 7K years ago. You are having a hard time reading that post arent you?

Of course everyone wasn't black, you just wish they were. :lmao:

If everyone was black------Egypt would have simply called itself LAND OF PEOPLE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE

I think Ascelpias comes from the land of the SHMUCKS.

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