Fury in Israel Over Obama's Mossad 'Lies'

Asclepias seems not to know the british definition of
WHITE PERSON ------I do because I grew up in a WASPY
NAZI small town-------"swarthy Mesopotamian"----
<<<< I really like that one. Roudy---you are a
swarthy Mesopotamian------swarthy like my hubby who
was described as "brown"----as a student in London.
I have known LOTS of Iraqis-----never met a black
Iraqi-----how did they get so washed out so quickly?
Of course in London they would be "brown" too.
In my town people with black hair were SUSPECT
Black Iraqis. They are discriminated against like here in the states but there is a small population. Typically they never show Black people anywhere else. They like to pretend they are not there. However, we are all over the place.


To Be Black in Iraq Inter Press Service

Nubia is approximately SUDAN-----sudan has been a colony
of arabs (real arabs---the ones from Arabia) for thousands
of years -----it is a colony that for thousands of years was devoted to TRADE-----the trade of sub-Saharan persons to
Egypt and later on to Greece and Persia to ultimately to
the rest of the world ------well known historic fact----it even
appears in the bible. It is why the Arabic word for a black
person is "ABED"----'slave' It is the reason why so many
real arabs and fake arabs get all bent out of shape if they find
themselves at the same cafeteria table at which a black
person is sitting
Nubia was Black long before Arabs were around. They were a great civilization in their own right before Egypt took them over. They were uneasy neighbors with Nubia ruling Egypt for long stretches of time and assisting in repelling the Hyskos a couple of times.

Nubia is not black any more-----it is ARAB-----now go
tell those "shaykhs" of northern NUBIA----that they
are "abed"--------go alone----I am not coming
Where is Nubia at? It no longer exists. Try again.
your Tut looks like my brother after a time in the SUN-----
read about tut-----he spent his young life playing
in his opened chariot------wearing a cute little skirt.
An interesting point of art-----in ancient Egyptian
art men are always depicted with "ochre" coloration--
and women ---whitish coloring-----indicating
the outdoor vs the indoor life
your Tut looks like my brother after a time in the SUN-----
read about tut-----he spent his young life playing
in his opened chariot------wearing a cute little skirt.
An interesting point of art-----in ancient Egyptian
art men are always depicted with "ochre" coloration--
and women ---whitish coloring-----indicating
the outdoor vs the indoor life
Computer rendering of what Tut looked like


Statue of Tut

White / Caucasian / Arab ancient Egyptians are a fact. Quit your racist nonsense.

Thats another fake dude. Stop it. :laugh:

Since you like National Geographic so much, let me acquaint you with the white looking King Tut: :lmao:


That was proven to be done by a white guy with a political point to prove. No person that is 98% "sub saharan" looks like that unless there was a gene mutation. You have to do better.
Asclepias seems not to know the british definition of
WHITE PERSON ------I do because I grew up in a WASPY
NAZI small town-------"swarthy Mesopotamian"----
<<<< I really like that one. Roudy---you are a
swarthy Mesopotamian------swarthy like my hubby who
was described as "brown"----as a student in London.
I have known LOTS of Iraqis-----never met a black
Iraqi-----how did they get so washed out so quickly?
Of course in London they would be "brown" too.
In my town people with black hair were SUSPECT
Black Iraqis. They are discriminated against like here in the states but there is a small population. Typically they never show Black people anywhere else. They like to pretend they are not there. However, we are all over the place.


To Be Black in Iraq Inter Press Service


right----they are discriminated against and disdained because of their "LINEAGE" as perceived by arabs (Iraqis
think they are arabs ) they are perceived as being the
descendants of slaves. Same is true in Yemen. blacks
over there are something like an "outcaste" caste. Arabs
are very lineage conscious. Ambitious people like to trace
themselves to muhummad or at least one of his pals-----
Sadaam claimed connection to muhummad )
Keep in mind-----for a british writer---Sadaam was BROWN
Asclepias seems not to know the british definition of
WHITE PERSON ------I do because I grew up in a WASPY
NAZI small town-------"swarthy Mesopotamian"----
<<<< I really like that one. Roudy---you are a
swarthy Mesopotamian------swarthy like my hubby who
was described as "brown"----as a student in London.
I have known LOTS of Iraqis-----never met a black
Iraqi-----how did they get so washed out so quickly?
Of course in London they would be "brown" too.
In my town people with black hair were SUSPECT
Black Iraqis. They are discriminated against like here in the states but there is a small population. Typically they never show Black people anywhere else. They like to pretend they are not there. However, we are all over the place.


To Be Black in Iraq Inter Press Service


right----they are discriminated against and disdained because of their "LINEAGE" as perceived by arabs (Iraqis
think they are arabs ) they are perceived as being the
descendants of slaves. Same is true in Yemen. blacks
over there are something like an "outcaste" caste. Arabs
are very lineage conscious. Ambitious people like to trace
themselves to muhummad or at least one of his pals-----
Sadaam claimed connection to muhummad )
Keep in mind-----for a british writer---Sadaam was BROWN
Doesnt matter what they are perceived to be. Some of them are descended from slaves. What is your point?
your Tut looks like my brother after a time in the SUN-----
read about tut-----he spent his young life playing
in his opened chariot------wearing a cute little skirt.
An interesting point of art-----in ancient Egyptian
art men are always depicted with "ochre" coloration--
and women ---whitish coloring-----indicating
the outdoor vs the indoor life
Computer rendering of what Tut looked like


Statue of Tut


I know lots of "white" people who look like that-----he is
missing a very important racial feature of black persons----
its in his EYES ---(related to an interesting feature of
the shape of the skull)
disclaimer----race does not actually exist in
the animal homo-sapien
your Tut looks like my brother after a time in the SUN-----
read about tut-----he spent his young life playing
in his opened chariot------wearing a cute little skirt.
An interesting point of art-----in ancient Egyptian
art men are always depicted with "ochre" coloration--
and women ---whitish coloring-----indicating
the outdoor vs the indoor life
Computer rendering of what Tut looked like


Statue of Tut


I know lots of "white" people who look like that-----he is
missing a very important racial feature of black persons----
its in his EYES ---(related to an interesting feature of
the shape of the skull)
disclaimer----race does not actually exist in
the animal homo-sapien

Makes sense you know a lot of white people that look like that. I know a lot of Black people that look like that and we are who whites get their genes from.
Asclepias seems not to know the british definition of
WHITE PERSON ------I do because I grew up in a WASPY
NAZI small town-------"swarthy Mesopotamian"----
<<<< I really like that one. Roudy---you are a
swarthy Mesopotamian------swarthy like my hubby who
was described as "brown"----as a student in London.
I have known LOTS of Iraqis-----never met a black
Iraqi-----how did they get so washed out so quickly?
Of course in London they would be "brown" too.
In my town people with black hair were SUSPECT
Black Iraqis. They are discriminated against like here in the states but there is a small population. Typically they never show Black people anywhere else. They like to pretend they are not there. However, we are all over the place.


To Be Black in Iraq Inter Press Service


right----they are discriminated against and disdained because of their "LINEAGE" as perceived by arabs (Iraqis
think they are arabs ) they are perceived as being the
descendants of slaves. Same is true in Yemen. blacks
over there are something like an "outcaste" caste. Arabs
are very lineage conscious. Ambitious people like to trace
themselves to muhummad or at least one of his pals-----
Sadaam claimed connection to muhummad )
Keep in mind-----for a british writer---Sadaam was BROWN
Doesnt matter what they are perceived to be. Some of them are descended from slaves. What is your point?

My point is that your theory that the presence of black
Iraqis KINDA indicates the the people of Mesopotamia
---historically were black-------is debunkable----what is
true is that arab caravan goons DID sell blacks to over
there too. Babylon was a wealthy place----BAGHDAD
was the center of the world 1000 years ago
your Tut looks like my brother after a time in the SUN-----
read about tut-----he spent his young life playing
in his opened chariot------wearing a cute little skirt.
An interesting point of art-----in ancient Egyptian
art men are always depicted with "ochre" coloration--
and women ---whitish coloring-----indicating
the outdoor vs the indoor life
Computer rendering of what Tut looked like


Statue of Tut


I know lots of "white" people who look like that-----he is
missing a very important racial feature of black persons----
its in his EYES ---(related to an interesting feature of
the shape of the skull)
disclaimer----race does not actually exist in
the animal homo-sapien

Makes sense you know a lot of white people that look like that. I know a lot of Black people that look like that and we are who whites get their genes from.

Your statement makes no sense-----I did not "get my genes" from you. What is true is that HOMO SAPIENS ----all got genes in common and there are no true "races"
in the animal HOMO SAPIEN
Asclepias seems not to know the british definition of
WHITE PERSON ------I do because I grew up in a WASPY
NAZI small town-------"swarthy Mesopotamian"----
<<<< I really like that one. Roudy---you are a
swarthy Mesopotamian------swarthy like my hubby who
was described as "brown"----as a student in London.
I have known LOTS of Iraqis-----never met a black
Iraqi-----how did they get so washed out so quickly?
Of course in London they would be "brown" too.
In my town people with black hair were SUSPECT
Black Iraqis. They are discriminated against like here in the states but there is a small population. Typically they never show Black people anywhere else. They like to pretend they are not there. However, we are all over the place.


To Be Black in Iraq Inter Press Service


right----they are discriminated against and disdained because of their "LINEAGE" as perceived by arabs (Iraqis
think they are arabs ) they are perceived as being the
descendants of slaves. Same is true in Yemen. blacks
over there are something like an "outcaste" caste. Arabs
are very lineage conscious. Ambitious people like to trace
themselves to muhummad or at least one of his pals-----
Sadaam claimed connection to muhummad )
Keep in mind-----for a british writer---Sadaam was BROWN
Doesnt matter what they are perceived to be. Some of them are descended from slaves. What is your point?

My point is that your theory that the presence of black
Iraqis KINDA indicates the the people of Mesopotamia
---historically were black-------is debunkable----what is
true is that arab caravan goons DID sell blacks to over
there too. Babylon was a wealthy place----BAGHDAD
was the center of the world 1000 years ago
Its not at all debunkable. They called themselves the Black Headed people. That "Black" keeps popping up doesnt it? The farther you go back the Blacker the world becomes. Like the Greeks and other historians say. Blacks ruled all the way to SE Asia.

"It seems certain," declares Sir E. A. Wallis Budge,
"that classical historians and geographers called the whole region from India to Egypt,
both countries inclusive, by the name of Ethiopia, and in consequence they regarded all
the dark-skinned and black peoples who inhabited it as Ethiopians.

"Apollonius Rhodius states that the Egyptians of Colchis preserved as heirlooms a number of wooden tablets showing seas and highways with considerable accuracy. Though this theory was not generally adopted by the ancients, it has been defended – but not with complete success, by some modern writers. There seems to have been a Negroid component (which predates the Arab slave trade) along the Black Sea region, whose origins could very well be traced to an Ancient Extra-African expedition, although this cannot be verified by archaeological evidence."

“In former times this Asiatic Negro spread, we can scarcely explain how,
unless the land connections of those days were more extended, through
Eastern Australia to Tasmania, and from the Solomon Island to New
Caledonia and even New Zealand, to Fiji and Hawaii. The Negroid
element in Burma and Annam is, therefore, easily to be explained by
supposing that in ancient times Southern Asia had a Negro population
ranging from the Persian Gulf to Indo-China and the Malay Archipelago.”

-Sir Harry H. Johnston

“Back in the centuries which are scarcely historic, where history gives
indeed only vague hintings, are traces of a widespread primitive civili-

zation, crude, imperfect, garish, barbaric, yet ruling the world of that

age from its seats of power in the valleys of the Ganges and the Euphrates

and the Nile; and it was of the black races. The first Babylon seems

to have been built by a Negroid race. The earliest Egyptian civilization

seems to have been Negroid.
It was in the days before the Semite was

known in either land. The black seems to have built up empire, such as

it was, by the water of the Ganges before Mongol or Aryan.

-Joseph P. Widney (Race Life of the Ayran Peoples)
your Tut looks like my brother after a time in the SUN-----
read about tut-----he spent his young life playing
in his opened chariot------wearing a cute little skirt.
An interesting point of art-----in ancient Egyptian
art men are always depicted with "ochre" coloration--
and women ---whitish coloring-----indicating
the outdoor vs the indoor life
Computer rendering of what Tut looked like


Statue of Tut


I know lots of "white" people who look like that-----he is
missing a very important racial feature of black persons----
its in his EYES ---(related to an interesting feature of
the shape of the skull)
disclaimer----race does not actually exist in
the animal homo-sapien

Makes sense you know a lot of white people that look like that. I know a lot of Black people that look like that and we are who whites get their genes from.

Your statement makes no sense-----I did not "get my genes" from you. What is true is that HOMO SAPIENS ----all got genes in common and there are no true "races"
in the animal HOMO SAPIEN
You got your genes from my ancestors. Your ancestors mutated. Mine stayed the same. Sorry but thats science.
Nubia is approximately SUDAN-----sudan has been a colony
of arabs (real arabs---the ones from Arabia) for thousands
of years -----it is a colony that for thousands of years was devoted to TRADE-----the trade of sub-Saharan persons to
Egypt and later on to Greece and Persia to ultimately to
the rest of the world ------well known historic fact----it even
appears in the bible. It is why the Arabic word for a black
person is "ABED"----'slave' It is the reason why so many
real arabs and fake arabs get all bent out of shape if they find
themselves at the same cafeteria table at which a black
person is sitting
Nubia was Black long before Arabs were around. They were a great civilization in their own right before Egypt took them over. They were uneasy neighbors with Nubia ruling Egypt for long stretches of time and assisting in repelling the Hyskos a couple of times.

Nubia is not black any more-----it is ARAB-----now go
tell those "shaykhs" of northern NUBIA----that they
are "abed"--------go alone----I am not coming
Where is Nubia at? It no longer exists. Try again.

Nubia is the old name for Sudan. Sudan is discussed in
the bible-------in fact David had a slave that he got from
Sudan. Sudanese slaves were known to be fast runners
----that was not all that long ago ---

---the single base pair
mutation that knocked out pigmentation did not take
place in THE HISTORY OF MAN-----it took place
more than 20,000 years ago. -----of course it depends
on what you call "man" ------more than 20,000 years ago--
or even 10,000 years ago-----NO ONE was building pyramids----or reading and writing
Asclepias seems not to know the british definition of
WHITE PERSON ------I do because I grew up in a WASPY
NAZI small town-------"swarthy Mesopotamian"----
<<<< I really like that one. Roudy---you are a
swarthy Mesopotamian------swarthy like my hubby who
was described as "brown"----as a student in London.
I have known LOTS of Iraqis-----never met a black
Iraqi-----how did they get so washed out so quickly?
Of course in London they would be "brown" too.
In my town people with black hair were SUSPECT
Black Iraqis. They are discriminated against like here in the states but there is a small population. Typically they never show Black people anywhere else. They like to pretend they are not there. However, we are all over the place.


To Be Black in Iraq Inter Press Service


Wow, Arab Muslims practice racism and discrimination against the black Africans? Is that new to you? You are just the reverse side if the coin except you practice the same racism towards White Caucasians.

Those are black Africans the Muslim hoards brought in as slaves. Muslim ethnic cleansing and genocide of blacks make the white Europeans look like amateurs. In fact the ethnic cleaning of blacks in Africa is still going on.
your Tut looks like my brother after a time in the SUN-----
read about tut-----he spent his young life playing
in his opened chariot------wearing a cute little skirt.
An interesting point of art-----in ancient Egyptian
art men are always depicted with "ochre" coloration--
and women ---whitish coloring-----indicating
the outdoor vs the indoor life
Computer rendering of what Tut looked like


Statue of Tut


I know lots of "white" people who look like that-----he is
missing a very important racial feature of black persons----
its in his EYES ---(related to an interesting feature of
the shape of the skull)
disclaimer----race does not actually exist in
the animal homo-sapien

Makes sense you know a lot of white people that look like that. I know a lot of Black people that look like that and we are who whites get their genes from.

Your statement makes no sense-----I did not "get my genes" from you. What is true is that HOMO SAPIENS ----all got genes in common and there are no true "races"
in the animal HOMO SAPIEN
You got your genes from my ancestors. Your ancestors mutated. Mine stayed the same. Sorry but thats science.

"You got your genes from my ancestors". Ha ha ha. Now that's some funny shit.

She's stupid...But sure is fun to play with.
Asclepias seems not to know the british definition of
WHITE PERSON ------I do because I grew up in a WASPY
NAZI small town-------"swarthy Mesopotamian"----
<<<< I really like that one. Roudy---you are a
swarthy Mesopotamian------swarthy like my hubby who
was described as "brown"----as a student in London.
I have known LOTS of Iraqis-----never met a black
Iraqi-----how did they get so washed out so quickly?
Of course in London they would be "brown" too.
In my town people with black hair were SUSPECT
Black Iraqis. They are discriminated against like here in the states but there is a small population. Typically they never show Black people anywhere else. They like to pretend they are not there. However, we are all over the place.


To Be Black in Iraq Inter Press Service


right----they are discriminated against and disdained because of their "LINEAGE" as perceived by arabs (Iraqis
think they are arabs ) they are perceived as being the
descendants of slaves. Same is true in Yemen. blacks
over there are something like an "outcaste" caste. Arabs
are very lineage conscious. Ambitious people like to trace
themselves to muhummad or at least one of his pals-----
Sadaam claimed connection to muhummad )
Keep in mind-----for a british writer---Sadaam was BROWN
Doesnt matter what they are perceived to be. Some of them are descended from slaves. What is your point?

My point is that your theory that the presence of black
Iraqis KINDA indicates the the people of Mesopotamia
---historically were black-------is debunkable----what is
true is that arab caravan goons DID sell blacks to over
there too. Babylon was a wealthy place----BAGHDAD
was the center of the world 1000 years ago
Its not at all debunkable. They called themselves the Black Headed people. That "Black" keeps popping up doesnt it? The farther you go back the Blacker the world becomes. Like the Greeks and other historians say. Blacks ruled all the way to SE Asia.

"It seems certain," declares Sir E. A. Wallis Budge,
"that classical historians and geographers called the whole region from India to Egypt,
both countries inclusive, by the name of Ethiopia, and in consequence they regarded all
the dark-skinned and black peoples who inhabited it as Ethiopians.

"Apollonius Rhodius states that the Egyptians of Colchis preserved as heirlooms a number of wooden tablets showing seas and highways with considerable accuracy. Though this theory was not generally adopted by the ancients, it has been defended – but not with complete success, by some modern writers. There seems to have been a Negroid component (which predates the Arab slave trade) along the Black Sea region, whose origins could very well be traced to an Ancient Extra-African expedition, although this cannot be verified by archaeological evidence."

“In former times this Asiatic Negro spread, we can scarcely explain how,
unless the land connections of those days were more extended, through
Eastern Australia to Tasmania, and from the Solomon Island to New
Caledonia and even New Zealand, to Fiji and Hawaii. The Negroid
element in Burma and Annam is, therefore, easily to be explained by
supposing that in ancient times Southern Asia had a Negro population
ranging from the Persian Gulf to Indo-China and the Malay Archipelago.”

-Sir Harry H. Johnston

“Back in the centuries which are scarcely historic, where history gives
indeed only vague hintings, are traces of a widespread primitive civili-

zation, crude, imperfect, garish, barbaric, yet ruling the world of that

age from its seats of power in the valleys of the Ganges and the Euphrates

and the Nile; and it was of the black races. The first Babylon seems

to have been built by a Negroid race. The earliest Egyptian civilization

seems to have been Negroid.
It was in the days before the Semite was

known in either land. The black seems to have built up empire, such as

it was, by the water of the Ganges before Mongol or Aryan.

-Joseph P. Widney (Race Life of the Ayran Peoples)

all brits who consider anyone with black hair and a sunburn
to be BLACK (or when they are trying to be "polite" ---
say "brown) ------it's all in skin color------read some
old books------yes----brits did consider the Indians of india to
be "BLACK" -------they considered American Indians to be
"BLACK" ---there really are no actual races in the animal
group HOMO SAPIEN. All you needed in my Waspish
Nazi town in the 1950s was----black hair
Computer rendering of what Tut looked like


Statue of Tut


I know lots of "white" people who look like that-----he is
missing a very important racial feature of black persons----
its in his EYES ---(related to an interesting feature of
the shape of the skull)
disclaimer----race does not actually exist in
the animal homo-sapien

Makes sense you know a lot of white people that look like that. I know a lot of Black people that look like that and we are who whites get their genes from.

Your statement makes no sense-----I did not "get my genes" from you. What is true is that HOMO SAPIENS ----all got genes in common and there are no true "races"
in the animal HOMO SAPIEN
You got your genes from my ancestors. Your ancestors mutated. Mine stayed the same. Sorry but thats science.

"You got your genes from my ancestors". Ha ha ha. Now that's some funny shit.

She's stupid...But sure is fun to play with.

I kinda like her idea------I used to BLAME MY OWN ANCESTORS ------can I sue her?

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