Fury in Israel Over Obama's Mossad 'Lies'

Ginger - A Predynastic Egyptian
And yet, all that BS, doesn't explain the thousands of Ancient Egyptians found with Caucasian DNA and features. It's understandable the desperate effort to debunk the research, however iGENEA is a company that spcializes in researching DNA of all different types, with no bone or bias other than what the science shows.

Like I said, you are like the little boy holding your finger in the hole, trying to block the damn. The evidence is overwhelming. Here's another example. Any reason why these Egyptian statues that stayed in good condition indicated Caucasian features and skin color?

Rahotep and Nofret
Of the many notable statuary discovered in Egypt, the two companion statutes of Rahotep and Nofret may be the most remarkable. They are two famous painted limestone figures now on display in the Cairo Museum.


These extraordinary statues are in an excellent state of preservation, due to the fact that the chapels in the mastaba where they were discovered had been sealed off in ancient times, and apparently never known until the modern discovery. They are in such great condition the colors look almost freshly painted today. The figures are each just over 120cm high and are seated on high-backed chairs with foot rests.

Rahotep is depicted with his own short black hair. He sports a splendid trimmed black moustache and around his neck he wears a single strand necklace with a heart amulet. He wears a short white kilt and has one arm held horizontally across his bare chest. The black painted hieroglyphs on the back of his chair give his name and titles.

Marianne Luban, an Egyptologist, was kind enough to offer a transliteration and English translation of these inscriptions:
The statues were discovered in 1871 by Albert Daninos, an assistant to the French explorer and early archeologist, Auguste Mariette. Their burial in a mastaba located near the pyramid of Meidum shows they were members of the royal family of the Fourth Dynasty. Since it is believed Sneferu built the pyramid scholars assume they were his children, but this had not been verified from existing records. The title given to Nofret might imply she was not a member of the royal family.

The most outstanding feature of the statues is that they both retain their lifelike inlaid eyes of crystal which stunned the Egyptian workmen who first opened the tomb and saw them staring out. In the torch light of the dark tomb they looked alive. The workmen fled in terror.


There is no such thing as caucasian features. Those are African features. Your genes come from Africans. Those pictures are of lighter skinned Black people and the paint has obviously been removed.. Dont you see the braids? The lips. White people dont have lips like that unless they get surgery. I dont see anything in your post that says they are Caucasian. Why not?







Nice try, no cigar, the woman in the statue had white skin, and both the man and the woman had thin lips and narrow nostrils, which are signs of Caucasian / Indo European features.

Did the negro race make its way into ancient Egypt and coexist with the Caucasian ancient Egyptians? Sure. But to say that ancient Egyptians were ALL "black" is just wishful thinking by racist Afrocentrists trying to give some false credit to their race.

And, it still doesn't explain the thousands of Caucasian Indo European featured fair skinned red haired ancient Egyptian mummies found, including many of their pharaohs.

“Thousands” of Blond and Red-Haired Mummies Found in Egypt
The discovery of what archaeologists claim to be “thousands” of blond and red-haired mummies in an Egyptian graveyard only provides an insight into the racial makeup of Egypt during Roman and Macedonian rule, and not that of ancient Egypt.


The excavations at the Fag el-Gamous graveyard, located to the south of Cairo, carried out by an archaeological team from the Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, were started 30 years ago, and most of the mummies unearthed appear to date from the time of the Roman occupation of Egypt in 30 BC.

This occurred at the very end of the Macedonian Ptolemy dynasty in 30 BC, when the last queen, the famous Cleopatra (actually Cleopatra VII), committed suicide after she backed Mark Anthony in the Roman Civil War against Octavian, Julius Caesar’s successor.

The Ptolemies however, were not Egyptian at all, and date from the time of Alexander the Great’s occupation of Egypt in 332 BC.

Upon Alexander’s death, Egypt was given to his general Ptolemy I Soter in 323 BC, and the country remained under Macedonian rule until Cleopatra VII’s suicide.

The last “Egyptian” rulers of Egypt, in the “ancient” popular sense of the world, in fact passed from the stage of history hundreds of years even before the Macedonian occupation.

Originally founded by a majority European (Mediterranean with a Nordic ruling class) element, Semites and Nubians were present in Egypt from the earliest dynasties which were started around 3,000 BC.

The numbers of Semites and Nubians gradually increased through the centuries, until the time of the 24th Dynasty of around 800 BC, when the majority of Egyptian society was of mixed race.

The very next Dynasty—the 25th—was created by African (Nubian) invaders of Egypt from the Kingdom of Kush, which easily overran their now mixed-race neighbors to the north. The 25th dynasty lasted from 760 BC to 656 BC, where after they also fell before Assyrian and other foreign invaders.

The original founders of what is popularly called “ancient Egypt” vanished hundreds of years before the invasion by Alexander the Great, and nearly 1,000 years before the burials at the Fag el-Gamous graveyard.

As a result, the blond and red-haired mummies now being unearthed in the Fag el-Gamous graveyard are likely to be from the Macedonian element of society and will be representative of the Egyptian population long after the fall of the original Egyptians.

This population was composed primarily of the mixed-race population of Egypt, plus large numbers of newer invaders, including tens of thousands of Macedonians—who would have been the most European-looking of all the new settlers, thousands of Jews imported from neighboring Judea, Galatian mercenaries from Asia Minor, and scattered numbers of Assyrians and Nubians.

According to Project Director Kerry Muhlstein, an associate professor in the Department of Ancient Scripture at Brigham Young University, as quoted in Live Science, the researchers are “fairly certain” that there are “over a million burials within this cemetery.”

According to a paper by Muhlstein presented at the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities Scholars Colloquium, which was held in Toronto, the Fag el-Gamous graveyard was not a burial ground for kings or royalty, but for common people.


As a result, there was no deliberate mummification process and it was only the natural arid environment which has preserved the bodies in mummified form.

Despite the low status of the dead, the researchers found some remarkably beautiful items, including linen, glass and even colorful booties designed for a child.

Muhlstein’s team is in the early stages of creating a database of all the mummies they have excavated, but it has already provided some intriguing initial results. Muhlstein said he and the other researchers can use the database to “show us all of the blond burials, and [it shows] they are clustered in one area, or all of the red-headed burials, and [it shows] they’re clustered in another area.”

Ginger, A Predynastic Egyptian

The naturally preserved body of an adult man was found in a cemetery at Gebelein, Egypt, and dated to the Late Predynastic period, around 3400 BC, or earlier.

Ginger died more than five thousand years ago, yet his golden hair, which gave him his nick-name, and even his toe- and finger-nails were perfectly preserved. Before mummification was developed to preserve human remains bodies were placed in shallow graves, in direct contact with the sand. The bodies from these early burials frequently did not decay, because the hot dry sand absorbed the water that constitutes 75% of the human weight. Without moisture bacteria cannot breed and cause decay, and the body is preserved. There are many of these burials from the early Egyptian periods where the body is still in excellent condition.

The picture below is from the British Museum, where Ginger was brought more than a hundred years ago. He is one of the favorites for Museum visitors.


Although his body is heavily stained from more than 5,000 years lying in the sand we can see he had a yellowish-white skin. He now lies in an artificial sand grave, with pottery and artifacts placed there by the Museum curators to simulate his surroundings when he was found. They are typical of familiar household items placed with the dead of that era, similar to the way we would place tokens of memory with our dead. "Ginger" represents an Egyptian of early Badarian or Naqada times.

He lies in the tightly curled, infantile position common to the burials of those days. This may have been an attempt to imitate the grave as the womb and he as a new born about to enter heaven.


Although this photograph does not serve well to illustrate the reason for naming this man "Ginger" he received that nickname when he was first put on display in the British Museum because of his golden curly locks. They are somewhat visible. As we can see, similar curly locks were often sculpted on Greek and Roman statues. (The above photograph on the right is that of a statue of the Roman Emperor, Augustus.)

Quite clearly, the technology to produce the life-like eyes illustrated by Rahotep and Nofret in 4th Dynasty Egypt was long lost by the time the Romans produced their sculptures.

Subject to the high humidity environment of London Ginger's skin began to peel from his skull. This can be seen in the golden color blank area over his left eye. Curators have attempted to replace the peeling skin by gluing it back onto the skull, but with mixed success.

Joann Fletcher has become a leading expert on Egyptian mummy remains, and the evidence they can reveal about life in those ancient times through the study of hair. She has a bachelor's degree in ancient history and Egyptology from University College London and an Egyptology Ph.D. from Manchester University. She has studied human remains in museum collections around the world and on site in Egypt, including the Valley of the Kings, Yemen, and South America. She is Egyptologist at Harrogate Museum, in North Yorkshire, and field director of York University's Mummy Research Project and has published extensively in the field of Egyptology.



Ginger had light skin, in fact the light skin is still showing, as the article states, so did the thousands of red haired mummies, they had light skin too, read it again:

"Although his body is heavily stained from more than 5,000 years lying in the sand we can see he had a yellowish-white skin"

Give it up. I just poked a huge hole in your racist ideology. Egyptians at best were Caucasian Indo Europeans who migrated from the north into Egypt, and then turned darker because of the climate. Sorry to burst your racist bubble.

Science is not on your side. Ancient Egyptians were not a homogenous population of entirely black people, in fact, black negroes seemed to be the minority there. The only thing on your side is your racist ideology and wishful thinking.
You should give up. white people dont even have light skin after laying somewhere for 5K years. Thats obviously a lie by whites desperately trying to refute the DNA evidence that the Egyptians were Black people.


Egyptian hot comb to straighten hair.


Ha ha ha! Are you blind? The other side of the comb is narrow and fine for straight / wavy hair.

What Race Were the Ancient Egyptians?
A Black Afrocentrist commenter writes:

"On the other hand, there is no evidence that the ancient Egyptians migrated into or invaded the African continent, all evidence proves that they were an aboriginal African people, all of their text point to the Upper Nile – Sudanic and Nubian origins, and their identifiable presence as a people, city-state, and the center of their dynastic empire ranges over thousands of years in one geographic location, Africa!

Any degree of non-African blood or “non-Black blood” that was evident in Egypt came from outside the African continent, and until the Ptolemaic Greeks, most invaders presence were short-lived and eventually repelled.

Again, there is no evidence of any large non-African populations migrating into ancient Egypt even during invasions, let alone creating an 91% Indo-European population that would have overwhelmed ancient Egypt’s genetic foundations, which was African! Absolutely unfounded and impossible!

From early Greek scholars and historians, to religious text, to today’s prominent researchers, all have repeatedly cited overwhelming evidence that Ancient Egypt was a product of ancient Africa and that the people were consider, Black and African…and if anyone look at the great Spinx face and see any other features but that of an phenotypical sub-Saharan African, then they intentionally deluding themselves."

They are Caucasoids. North African Caucasoids. Caucasoids have been in North Africa for a very long time, since the birth of the Caucasian race 42,000 YBP. The ancient Egyptians probably originated from this ancient Caucasoid stock, mixed with a small amount of Black. Reconstructions of ancient Egyptian faces do not resemble Negroid faces. Paintings on Egyptian walls show the Egyptians as a golden skinned people different from White Caucasians of Libya and from Black people of Nubia.

The ancient Egyptians also wrote about Blacks as a foreign people who were often used as slaves. The Egyptians commented that Blacks were not very smart, but they were great athletes, entertainers and musicians. Some things never change!

~15,000 YBP, a large movement of ancient Caucasoids moved down from Europe into North Africa, displacing the Blacks and pushing them down further into Africa.

And the ancient Caucasoids in the Horn region have a very ancient pedigree dating back ~42,000 YBP. Genetic and skull studies show that ancient Egyptians were a largely Caucasoid race that probably no longer exists, but that is most closely related to Egyptians today who are 91% Caucasian and 9% Black.

The closest people genetically to the ancient Egyptians are the Copts of Egypt. If you look at Egyptian Copts, they are definitely not Black people. The ancient Egyptians were definitely not Black, but they were a part-Black people, that is for certain.
New Study on Starting Date of Ancient Egypt Highlights Racial Divisions in Civilizational Development
A new study based on radiocarbon measurements from more than 100 samples of hair, bones, and plants found at burial sites from Ancient Egypt has more precisely identified the start date of that civilization while highlighting the racial divisions in civilizational development.

The study, titled “An absolute chronology for early Egypt using radiocarbon dating and Bayesian statistical modeling,” and conducted by a team under by Oxford University’s Michael Dee, was printed in the latest edition of the British journalProceedings of the Royal Society.

According to the study, the time of the first kingdom of ancient Egypt took place between 3111 BC and 3045 BC.

“This finding accentuates a contrast with neighboring southwest Asia, where the transition from cereal production to state formation took somewhere between four and five millennia,” the study said, then pointedly making the remark that this “reinforces the suggestion that, despite their geographical proximity, prehistoric societies in Africa and Asia followed very different trajectories to political centralization.”

In other words, despite close contact with the ancient Egyptian civilizations, the neighboring Africans and “Asia” (by which is meant Egypt’s Semitic neighbors) did not influence the rate of development of those races.

The racial origins of the ancient Egyptians have been subjected to all manner of distortions during the past 60 years. Prior to that time, it was taken for granted that the original Egyptians were Caucasian, based on artistic depictions, and skeletal remains of mummies, all of whom showed clear European racial features (image alongside: Yuya, Egyptian nobleman from 1400 BC, father of Tiy, the wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep III).

During the past few decades however, increasingly absurd claims have been made by Afrocentrists that ancient Egypt was created by blacks, while others have claimed a mysterious “other race” origin.

Ha ha ha! Are you blind? The other side of the comb is narrow and fine for straight / wavy hair.

What Race Were the Ancient Egyptians?
A Black Afrocentrist commenter writes:

"On the other hand, there is no evidence that the ancient Egyptians migrated into or invaded the African continent, all evidence proves that they were an aboriginal African people, all of their text point to the Upper Nile – Sudanic and Nubian origins, and their identifiable presence as a people, city-state, and the center of their dynastic empire ranges over thousands of years in one geographic location, Africa!

Any degree of non-African blood or “non-Black blood” that was evident in Egypt came from outside the African continent, and until the Ptolemaic Greeks, most invaders presence were short-lived and eventually repelled.

Again, there is no evidence of any large non-African populations migrating into ancient Egypt even during invasions, let alone creating an 91% Indo-European population that would have overwhelmed ancient Egypt’s genetic foundations, which was African! Absolutely unfounded and impossible!

From early Greek scholars and historians, to religious text, to today’s prominent researchers, all have repeatedly cited overwhelming evidence that Ancient Egypt was a product of ancient Africa and that the people were consider, Black and African…and if anyone look at the great Spinx face and see any other features but that of an phenotypical sub-Saharan African, then they intentionally deluding themselves."

They are Caucasoids. North African Caucasoids. Caucasoids have been in North Africa for a very long time, since the birth of the Caucasian race 42,000 YBP. The ancient Egyptians probably originated from this ancient Caucasoid stock, mixed with a small amount of Black. Reconstructions of ancient Egyptian faces do not resemble Negroid faces. Paintings on Egyptian walls show the Egyptians as a golden skinned people different from White Caucasians of Libya and from Black people of Nubia.

The ancient Egyptians also wrote about Blacks as a foreign people who were often used as slaves. The Egyptians commented that Blacks were not very smart, but they were great athletes, entertainers and musicians. Some things never change!

~15,000 YBP, a large movement of ancient Caucasoids moved down from Europe into North Africa, displacing the Blacks and pushing them down further into Africa.

And the ancient Caucasoids in the Horn region have a very ancient pedigree dating back ~42,000 YBP. Genetic and skull studies show that ancient Egyptians were a largely Caucasoid race that probably no longer exists, but that is most closely related to Egyptians today who are 91% Caucasian and 9% Black.

The closest people genetically to the ancient Egyptians are the Copts of Egypt. If you look at Egyptian Copts, they are definitely not Black people. The ancient Egyptians were definitely not Black, but they were a part-Black people, that is for certain.

These people are modern day Copts. They look Black to me.




However, if Ramses really had light-colored hair, it could be because his family, the XIX dynasty, came from northern (Lower) Egypt. Asiatic foreigners, like the Hyksos and the Hebrews, settled in the eastern part of the Nile delta, the same place where the XIX-XXII dynasties placed the capital. Thus, it is quite possible that the Ramessids had some Asian ancestors in their family tree. Blondes aren't common in that part of the world, but they do appear from time to time. I've seen pictures of them in Lebanon, Israel, Iran, Turkey, and even Morocco. If they can pop up there, why not Egypt?

The plain truth is that ancient Egypt was a multi-racial society. Thanks to the practice of mummification, we have their actual bodies, so their race shouldn't be a question at all. Anthropologists have examined thousands of skeletons and mummies by now, and what they have found are the same types of people one sees in Egypt today: some white, some black, most brown. What's more, the handful of DNA tests done so far show a close connection between modern Egyptians and the ancient residents of the Nile valley, even during the Old Kingdom. To show how diverse they can be, compare one famous couple: the late president Anwar Sadat and his wife Jehan. Anwar was dark because he had a Nubian mother, while Jehan has such a light complexion that you could mistake her for a Greek or Italian. Why couldn't some ancient couples be the same?

Ha ha ha! Are you blind? The other side of the comb is narrow and fine for straight / wavy hair.

What Race Were the Ancient Egyptians?
A Black Afrocentrist commenter writes:

"On the other hand, there is no evidence that the ancient Egyptians migrated into or invaded the African continent, all evidence proves that they were an aboriginal African people, all of their text point to the Upper Nile – Sudanic and Nubian origins, and their identifiable presence as a people, city-state, and the center of their dynastic empire ranges over thousands of years in one geographic location, Africa!

Any degree of non-African blood or “non-Black blood” that was evident in Egypt came from outside the African continent, and until the Ptolemaic Greeks, most invaders presence were short-lived and eventually repelled.

Again, there is no evidence of any large non-African populations migrating into ancient Egypt even during invasions, let alone creating an 91% Indo-European population that would have overwhelmed ancient Egypt’s genetic foundations, which was African! Absolutely unfounded and impossible!

From early Greek scholars and historians, to religious text, to today’s prominent researchers, all have repeatedly cited overwhelming evidence that Ancient Egypt was a product of ancient Africa and that the people were consider, Black and African…and if anyone look at the great Spinx face and see any other features but that of an phenotypical sub-Saharan African, then they intentionally deluding themselves."

They are Caucasoids. North African Caucasoids. Caucasoids have been in North Africa for a very long time, since the birth of the Caucasian race 42,000 YBP. The ancient Egyptians probably originated from this ancient Caucasoid stock, mixed with a small amount of Black. Reconstructions of ancient Egyptian faces do not resemble Negroid faces. Paintings on Egyptian walls show the Egyptians as a golden skinned people different from White Caucasians of Libya and from Black people of Nubia.

The ancient Egyptians also wrote about Blacks as a foreign people who were often used as slaves. The Egyptians commented that Blacks were not very smart, but they were great athletes, entertainers and musicians. Some things never change!

~15,000 YBP, a large movement of ancient Caucasoids moved down from Europe into North Africa, displacing the Blacks and pushing them down further into Africa.

And the ancient Caucasoids in the Horn region have a very ancient pedigree dating back ~42,000 YBP. Genetic and skull studies show that ancient Egyptians were a largely Caucasoid race that probably no longer exists, but that is most closely related to Egyptians today who are 91% Caucasian and 9% Black.

The closest people genetically to the ancient Egyptians are the Copts of Egypt. If you look at Egyptian Copts, they are definitely not Black people. The ancient Egyptians were definitely not Black, but they were a part-Black people, that is for certain.

These people are modern day Copts. They look Black to me.




Ha ha ha. You are a total fraud, and so are your claims. Exceptions do not make rules. But then again, I don't blame you, you are undereducated and extremely ignorant.

Egyptian Copts are 99% Caucasian. Epic fail. Go buy yourself some tissue.

Some images of Copts:




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However, if Ramses really had light-colored hair, it could be because his family, the XIX dynasty, came from northern (Lower) Egypt. Asiatic foreigners, like the Hyksos and the Hebrews, settled in the eastern part of the Nile delta, the same place where the XIX-XXII dynasties placed the capital. Thus, it is quite possible that the Ramessids had some Asian ancestors in their family tree. Blondes aren't common in that part of the world, but they do appear from time to time. I've seen pictures of them in Lebanon, Israel, Iran, Turkey, and even Morocco. If they can pop up there, why not Egypt?

The plain truth is that ancient Egypt was a multi-racial society. Thanks to the practice of mummification, we have their actual bodies, so their race shouldn't be a question at all. Anthropologists have examined thousands of skeletons and mummies by now, and what they have found are the same types of people one sees in Egypt today: some white, some black, most brown. What's more, the handful of DNA tests done so far show a close connection between modern Egyptians and the ancient residents of the Nile valley, even during the Old Kingdom. To show how diverse they can be, compare one famous couple: the late president Anwar Sadat and his wife Jehan. Anwar was dark because he had a Nubian mother, while Jehan has such a light complexion that you could mistake her for a Greek or Italian. Why couldn't some ancient couples be the same?
My DNA tests show that the Egyptians were what you whites call sub saharan people.

http://www.dnatribes.com/dnatribes-digest-2013-02-01.pdf Rameses III

http://www.dnatribes.com/dnatribes-digest-2012-01-01.pdf Tut


The Thuya Gene

The Thuya Gene

Tut Gene

The King Tut Gene

The Thuya Gene


One of the autosomal ancestry markers prominent in the Royal Egyptian families of the New Kingdom, this not-so-rare gene is Central African in origin and was passed to Thuya from her forebears, Queens of Upper and Lower Egypt and High Priestesses of Hathor, the Mother Goddess. Thuya passed it to her grandson Akhenaten and great-grandson Tutankhamun, among others, as documented in a forensic study of the Amarna mummies by Zahi Hawass, head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities in Cairo, in 2010. Today, its highest incidence is in Somalians at nearly 50%. It is found in 40% of Muslim Egyptians. On average, 1 in 3 Africans or African Americans carries it. It crops up in high concentrations in many places around the world such as the Basque region (41%) and in Melungeons (31%, similar to Middle Easterners), but is present at only low levels in East and South Asia, as well as Native America. Its lowest frequency is in the Chukchi of Siberia (3%).

- See more at: The Thuya Gene
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Ha ha ha! Are you blind? The other side of the comb is narrow and fine for straight / wavy hair.

What Race Were the Ancient Egyptians?
A Black Afrocentrist commenter writes:

"On the other hand, there is no evidence that the ancient Egyptians migrated into or invaded the African continent, all evidence proves that they were an aboriginal African people, all of their text point to the Upper Nile – Sudanic and Nubian origins, and their identifiable presence as a people, city-state, and the center of their dynastic empire ranges over thousands of years in one geographic location, Africa!

Any degree of non-African blood or “non-Black blood” that was evident in Egypt came from outside the African continent, and until the Ptolemaic Greeks, most invaders presence were short-lived and eventually repelled.

Again, there is no evidence of any large non-African populations migrating into ancient Egypt even during invasions, let alone creating an 91% Indo-European population that would have overwhelmed ancient Egypt’s genetic foundations, which was African! Absolutely unfounded and impossible!

From early Greek scholars and historians, to religious text, to today’s prominent researchers, all have repeatedly cited overwhelming evidence that Ancient Egypt was a product of ancient Africa and that the people were consider, Black and African…and if anyone look at the great Spinx face and see any other features but that of an phenotypical sub-Saharan African, then they intentionally deluding themselves."

They are Caucasoids. North African Caucasoids. Caucasoids have been in North Africa for a very long time, since the birth of the Caucasian race 42,000 YBP. The ancient Egyptians probably originated from this ancient Caucasoid stock, mixed with a small amount of Black. Reconstructions of ancient Egyptian faces do not resemble Negroid faces. Paintings on Egyptian walls show the Egyptians as a golden skinned people different from White Caucasians of Libya and from Black people of Nubia.

The ancient Egyptians also wrote about Blacks as a foreign people who were often used as slaves. The Egyptians commented that Blacks were not very smart, but they were great athletes, entertainers and musicians. Some things never change!

~15,000 YBP, a large movement of ancient Caucasoids moved down from Europe into North Africa, displacing the Blacks and pushing them down further into Africa.

And the ancient Caucasoids in the Horn region have a very ancient pedigree dating back ~42,000 YBP. Genetic and skull studies show that ancient Egyptians were a largely Caucasoid race that probably no longer exists, but that is most closely related to Egyptians today who are 91% Caucasian and 9% Black.

The closest people genetically to the ancient Egyptians are the Copts of Egypt. If you look at Egyptian Copts, they are definitely not Black people. The ancient Egyptians were definitely not Black, but they were a part-Black people, that is for certain.

These people are modern day Copts. They look Black to me.




Ha ha ha. You are a total fraud, and so are your claims. Exceptions do not make rules. But then again, I don't blame you, you are undereducated and extremely ignorant.

Egyptian Copts are 99% Caucasian. Epic fail. Go buy yourself some tissue.

Some images of Copts:


Those are the copts with more West Asian Blood lines. They are not the true Copts descended from the Egyptians. If they looked like that when the Greeks were there the Greeks would have never said they were Black. None of those people in your pictures have black skin or woolly hair.

"There can be no doubt that the Colchians are an Egyptian race. Before I heard any mention of the fact from others, I had remarked it myself. After the thought had struck me, I made inquiries on the subject both in Colchis and in Egypt, and I found that the Colchians had a more distinct recollection of the Egyptians, than the Egyptians had of them. Still the Egyptians said that they believed the Colchians to be descended from the army of Sesostris. My own conjectures were founded, first, on the fact that they are black-skinned and have woolly hair, which certainly amounts to but little, since several other nations are so too; but further and more especially, on the circumstance that the Colchians, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians (Nubians), are the only nations who have practised circumcision from the earliest times."

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Ha ha ha! Are you blind? The other side of the comb is narrow and fine for straight / wavy hair.

What Race Were the Ancient Egyptians?
A Black Afrocentrist commenter writes:

"On the other hand, there is no evidence that the ancient Egyptians migrated into or invaded the African continent, all evidence proves that they were an aboriginal African people, all of their text point to the Upper Nile – Sudanic and Nubian origins, and their identifiable presence as a people, city-state, and the center of their dynastic empire ranges over thousands of years in one geographic location, Africa!

Any degree of non-African blood or “non-Black blood” that was evident in Egypt came from outside the African continent, and until the Ptolemaic Greeks, most invaders presence were short-lived and eventually repelled.

Again, there is no evidence of any large non-African populations migrating into ancient Egypt even during invasions, let alone creating an 91% Indo-European population that would have overwhelmed ancient Egypt’s genetic foundations, which was African! Absolutely unfounded and impossible!

From early Greek scholars and historians, to religious text, to today’s prominent researchers, all have repeatedly cited overwhelming evidence that Ancient Egypt was a product of ancient Africa and that the people were consider, Black and African…and if anyone look at the great Spinx face and see any other features but that of an phenotypical sub-Saharan African, then they intentionally deluding themselves."

They are Caucasoids. North African Caucasoids. Caucasoids have been in North Africa for a very long time, since the birth of the Caucasian race 42,000 YBP. The ancient Egyptians probably originated from this ancient Caucasoid stock, mixed with a small amount of Black. Reconstructions of ancient Egyptian faces do not resemble Negroid faces. Paintings on Egyptian walls show the Egyptians as a golden skinned people different from White Caucasians of Libya and from Black people of Nubia.

The ancient Egyptians also wrote about Blacks as a foreign people who were often used as slaves. The Egyptians commented that Blacks were not very smart, but they were great athletes, entertainers and musicians. Some things never change!

~15,000 YBP, a large movement of ancient Caucasoids moved down from Europe into North Africa, displacing the Blacks and pushing them down further into Africa.

And the ancient Caucasoids in the Horn region have a very ancient pedigree dating back ~42,000 YBP. Genetic and skull studies show that ancient Egyptians were a largely Caucasoid race that probably no longer exists, but that is most closely related to Egyptians today who are 91% Caucasian and 9% Black.

The closest people genetically to the ancient Egyptians are the Copts of Egypt. If you look at Egyptian Copts, they are definitely not Black people. The ancient Egyptians were definitely not Black, but they were a part-Black people, that is for certain.

These people are modern day Copts. They look Black to me.




Ha ha ha. You are a total fraud, and so are your claims. Exceptions do not make rules. But then again, I don't blame you, you are undereducated and extremely ignorant.

Egyptian Copts are 99% Caucasian. Epic fail. Go buy yourself some tissue.

Some images of Copts:


Those are the copts with more West Asian Blood lines. They are not the true Copts descended from the Egyptians. If they looked like that when the Greeks were there the Greeks would have never said they were Black.

"There can be no doubt that the Colchians are an Egyptian race. Before I heard any mention of the fact from others, I had remarked it myself. After the thought had struck me, I made inquiries on the subject both in Colchis and in Egypt, and I found that the Colchians had a more distinct recollection of the Egyptians, than the Egyptians had of them. Still the Egyptians said that they believed the Colchians to be descended from the army of Sesostris. My own conjectures were founded, first, on the fact that they are black-skinned and have woolly hair, which certainly amounts to but little, since several other nations are so too; but further and more especially, on the circumstance that the Colchians, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians (Nubians), are the only nations who have practised circumcision from the earliest times."


Bullshit! More made up racist garbage. Copts have been the same exact race since Christianity made its way into Egypt.

Herodotus is not science. The red haired fair skinned mummies are.

See any blacks in this Copt church? I don't. Not even ONE. You're dismissed.


Ha ha ha! Are you blind? The other side of the comb is narrow and fine for straight / wavy hair.

What Race Were the Ancient Egyptians?
A Black Afrocentrist commenter writes:

"On the other hand, there is no evidence that the ancient Egyptians migrated into or invaded the African continent, all evidence proves that they were an aboriginal African people, all of their text point to the Upper Nile – Sudanic and Nubian origins, and their identifiable presence as a people, city-state, and the center of their dynastic empire ranges over thousands of years in one geographic location, Africa!

Any degree of non-African blood or “non-Black blood” that was evident in Egypt came from outside the African continent, and until the Ptolemaic Greeks, most invaders presence were short-lived and eventually repelled.

Again, there is no evidence of any large non-African populations migrating into ancient Egypt even during invasions, let alone creating an 91% Indo-European population that would have overwhelmed ancient Egypt’s genetic foundations, which was African! Absolutely unfounded and impossible!

From early Greek scholars and historians, to religious text, to today’s prominent researchers, all have repeatedly cited overwhelming evidence that Ancient Egypt was a product of ancient Africa and that the people were consider, Black and African…and if anyone look at the great Spinx face and see any other features but that of an phenotypical sub-Saharan African, then they intentionally deluding themselves."

They are Caucasoids. North African Caucasoids. Caucasoids have been in North Africa for a very long time, since the birth of the Caucasian race 42,000 YBP. The ancient Egyptians probably originated from this ancient Caucasoid stock, mixed with a small amount of Black. Reconstructions of ancient Egyptian faces do not resemble Negroid faces. Paintings on Egyptian walls show the Egyptians as a golden skinned people different from White Caucasians of Libya and from Black people of Nubia.

The ancient Egyptians also wrote about Blacks as a foreign people who were often used as slaves. The Egyptians commented that Blacks were not very smart, but they were great athletes, entertainers and musicians. Some things never change!

~15,000 YBP, a large movement of ancient Caucasoids moved down from Europe into North Africa, displacing the Blacks and pushing them down further into Africa.

And the ancient Caucasoids in the Horn region have a very ancient pedigree dating back ~42,000 YBP. Genetic and skull studies show that ancient Egyptians were a largely Caucasoid race that probably no longer exists, but that is most closely related to Egyptians today who are 91% Caucasian and 9% Black.

The closest people genetically to the ancient Egyptians are the Copts of Egypt. If you look at Egyptian Copts, they are definitely not Black people. The ancient Egyptians were definitely not Black, but they were a part-Black people, that is for certain.

These people are modern day Copts. They look Black to me.




Ha ha ha. You are a total fraud, and so are your claims. Exceptions do not make rules. But then again, I don't blame you, you are undereducated and extremely ignorant.

Egyptian Copts are 99% Caucasian. Epic fail. Go buy yourself some tissue.

Some images of Copts:


Those are the copts with more West Asian Blood lines. They are not the true Copts descended from the Egyptians. If they looked like that when the Greeks were there the Greeks would have never said they were Black.

"There can be no doubt that the Colchians are an Egyptian race. Before I heard any mention of the fact from others, I had remarked it myself. After the thought had struck me, I made inquiries on the subject both in Colchis and in Egypt, and I found that the Colchians had a more distinct recollection of the Egyptians, than the Egyptians had of them. Still the Egyptians said that they believed the Colchians to be descended from the army of Sesostris. My own conjectures were founded, first, on the fact that they are black-skinned and have woolly hair, which certainly amounts to but little, since several other nations are so too; but further and more especially, on the circumstance that the Colchians, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians (Nubians), are the only nations who have practised circumcision from the earliest times."


Bullshit! More made up racist garbage. Herodotus is not science. The red haired fair skinned mummies are.

See any blacks in this Copt church? I don't. Not even ONE. You're dismissed.

Black people can have red hair too. I already told you that the copts in your pictures are western asian copts. They are not the original copts. Herodotus is called the father of western history. Sorry but you cant belittle him now that he is telling the truth. Besides he is not the only Greek to say the Egyptians were Black.

"Too black a hue marks the coward, as witness Egyptians and Ethiopians, and so does also too white a complexion, as you may see from women. So the hue that makes for courage must be intermediate between these extremes. A tawny colour indicates a bold spirit, as in lions; but too ruddy a hue marks a rogue, as in the case of the fox. A pale mottled hue signifies cowardice, for that is the colour one turns in terror. "




Ha ha ha! Are you blind? The other side of the comb is narrow and fine for straight / wavy hair.

What Race Were the Ancient Egyptians?
A Black Afrocentrist commenter writes:

"On the other hand, there is no evidence that the ancient Egyptians migrated into or invaded the African continent, all evidence proves that they were an aboriginal African people, all of their text point to the Upper Nile – Sudanic and Nubian origins, and their identifiable presence as a people, city-state, and the center of their dynastic empire ranges over thousands of years in one geographic location, Africa!

Any degree of non-African blood or “non-Black blood” that was evident in Egypt came from outside the African continent, and until the Ptolemaic Greeks, most invaders presence were short-lived and eventually repelled.

Again, there is no evidence of any large non-African populations migrating into ancient Egypt even during invasions, let alone creating an 91% Indo-European population that would have overwhelmed ancient Egypt’s genetic foundations, which was African! Absolutely unfounded and impossible!

From early Greek scholars and historians, to religious text, to today’s prominent researchers, all have repeatedly cited overwhelming evidence that Ancient Egypt was a product of ancient Africa and that the people were consider, Black and African…and if anyone look at the great Spinx face and see any other features but that of an phenotypical sub-Saharan African, then they intentionally deluding themselves."

They are Caucasoids. North African Caucasoids. Caucasoids have been in North Africa for a very long time, since the birth of the Caucasian race 42,000 YBP. The ancient Egyptians probably originated from this ancient Caucasoid stock, mixed with a small amount of Black. Reconstructions of ancient Egyptian faces do not resemble Negroid faces. Paintings on Egyptian walls show the Egyptians as a golden skinned people different from White Caucasians of Libya and from Black people of Nubia.

The ancient Egyptians also wrote about Blacks as a foreign people who were often used as slaves. The Egyptians commented that Blacks were not very smart, but they were great athletes, entertainers and musicians. Some things never change!

~15,000 YBP, a large movement of ancient Caucasoids moved down from Europe into North Africa, displacing the Blacks and pushing them down further into Africa.

And the ancient Caucasoids in the Horn region have a very ancient pedigree dating back ~42,000 YBP. Genetic and skull studies show that ancient Egyptians were a largely Caucasoid race that probably no longer exists, but that is most closely related to Egyptians today who are 91% Caucasian and 9% Black.

The closest people genetically to the ancient Egyptians are the Copts of Egypt. If you look at Egyptian Copts, they are definitely not Black people. The ancient Egyptians were definitely not Black, but they were a part-Black people, that is for certain.

These people are modern day Copts. They look Black to me.




Ha ha ha. You are a total fraud, and so are your claims. Exceptions do not make rules. But then again, I don't blame you, you are undereducated and extremely ignorant.

Egyptian Copts are 99% Caucasian. Epic fail. Go buy yourself some tissue.

Some images of Copts:


Those are the copts with more West Asian Blood lines. They are not the true Copts descended from the Egyptians. If they looked like that when the Greeks were there the Greeks would have never said they were Black.

"There can be no doubt that the Colchians are an Egyptian race. Before I heard any mention of the fact from others, I had remarked it myself. After the thought had struck me, I made inquiries on the subject both in Colchis and in Egypt, and I found that the Colchians had a more distinct recollection of the Egyptians, than the Egyptians had of them. Still the Egyptians said that they believed the Colchians to be descended from the army of Sesostris. My own conjectures were founded, first, on the fact that they are black-skinned and have woolly hair, which certainly amounts to but little, since several other nations are so too; but further and more especially, on the circumstance that the Colchians, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians (Nubians), are the only nations who have practised circumcision from the earliest times."


Bullshit! More made up racist garbage. Herodotus is not science. The red haired fair skinned mummies are.

See any blacks in this Copt church? I don't. Not even ONE. You're dismissed.

Black people can have red hair too. I already told you that the copts in your pictures are western asian copts. They are not the original copts. Herodotus is called the father of western history. Sorry but you cant belittle him now that he is telling the truth. Besides he is not the only Greek to say the Egyptians were Black.

"Too black a hue marks the coward, as witness Egyptians and Ethiopians, and so does also too white a complexion, as you may see from women. So the hue that makes for courage must be intermediate between these extremes. A tawny colour indicates a bold spirit, as in lions; but too ruddy a hue marks a rogue, as in the case of the fox. A pale mottled hue signifies cowardice, for that is the colour one turns in terror. "




^^^^^^ :cuckoo:

Red WAVY hair, light skin, and narrow nose and lips. Non of those blacks in your pics had it. But thousands of Egyptian mummies had it, and so did many pharaohs. Some of your pics look like hair coloring. Ha ha ha.

Herodotus made observations, some of which were inaccurate, that is also a fact. There were other historians who made different observations. Even the Egyptians themselves did not consider themselves as "black".

Epic fail again.
These people are modern day Copts. They look Black to me.




Ha ha ha. You are a total fraud, and so are your claims. Exceptions do not make rules. But then again, I don't blame you, you are undereducated and extremely ignorant.

Egyptian Copts are 99% Caucasian. Epic fail. Go buy yourself some tissue.

Some images of Copts:


Those are the copts with more West Asian Blood lines. They are not the true Copts descended from the Egyptians. If they looked like that when the Greeks were there the Greeks would have never said they were Black.

"There can be no doubt that the Colchians are an Egyptian race. Before I heard any mention of the fact from others, I had remarked it myself. After the thought had struck me, I made inquiries on the subject both in Colchis and in Egypt, and I found that the Colchians had a more distinct recollection of the Egyptians, than the Egyptians had of them. Still the Egyptians said that they believed the Colchians to be descended from the army of Sesostris. My own conjectures were founded, first, on the fact that they are black-skinned and have woolly hair, which certainly amounts to but little, since several other nations are so too; but further and more especially, on the circumstance that the Colchians, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians (Nubians), are the only nations who have practised circumcision from the earliest times."


Bullshit! More made up racist garbage. Herodotus is not science. The red haired fair skinned mummies are.

See any blacks in this Copt church? I don't. Not even ONE. You're dismissed.

Black people can have red hair too. I already told you that the copts in your pictures are western asian copts. They are not the original copts. Herodotus is called the father of western history. Sorry but you cant belittle him now that he is telling the truth. Besides he is not the only Greek to say the Egyptians were Black.

"Too black a hue marks the coward, as witness Egyptians and Ethiopians, and so does also too white a complexion, as you may see from women. So the hue that makes for courage must be intermediate between these extremes. A tawny colour indicates a bold spirit, as in lions; but too ruddy a hue marks a rogue, as in the case of the fox. A pale mottled hue signifies cowardice, for that is the colour one turns in terror. "




^^^^^^ :cuckoo:

Red WAVY hair, light skin, and narrow nose and lips. Non of those blacks in your pics had it. But thousands of Egyptian mummies had it, and so did many pharaohs. Some of your pics look like hair coloring. Ha ha ha.

Herodotus made observations, some of which were inaccurate, that is also a fact. There were other historians who made different observations. Even the Egyptians themselves did not consider themselves as "black".

Epic fail again.
Black people have wavy hair, narrow nose, lips, and light skin as well. Thats where whites get it from. No thousands of mummies did not have it or you would have posted it. Same with your other greek historian claims. If one greek historian had said any different you would have posted it.

Colossal fail on your part...again. :laugh:
Even more recent white Historians have admitted you white boys enjoy lying.

"For the first two or three thousand years of civilization, there was not a civilized white man on the
earth. Civilization was founded and developed by the swarthy races of Mesopotamia, Syria and Egypt, and the white race remained so barbaric that in those days an Egyptian or a Babylonian priest would have said that the riffraff of white tribes a few hundred miles to the north of their civilization were hopelessly incapable of acquiring the knowledge requisite to progress. It was southern colored peoples everywhere, in China, in Central America, in India, Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt and Crete who gave the northern white peoples civilization." (The Bankruptcy of Christian Supernaturalism, Vol., p. 192.)

-Bishop William Montgomery Brown

“Back in the centuries which are scarcely historic, where history gives indeed only vague hintings, are traces of a widespread primitive civili-zation, crude, imperfect, garish, barbaric, yet ruling the world of that age from its seats of power in the valleys of the Ganges and the Euphrates and the Nile; and it was of the black races. The first Babylon seems to have been built by a Negroid race. The earliest Egyptian civilization seems to have been Negroid. It was in the days before the Semite was known in either land. The black seems to have built up empire, such as it was, by the water of the Ganges before Mongol or Aryan."
-Joseph P. Widney (Race Life of the Ayran Peoples)

“In former times this Asiatic Negro spread, we can scarcely explain how,
unless the land connections of those days were more extended, through
Eastern Australia to Tasmania, and from the Solomon Island to New
Caledonia and even New Zealand, to Fiji and Hawaii. The Negroid
element in Burma and Annam is, therefore, easily to be explained by
supposing that in ancient times Southern Asia had a Negro population
ranging from the Persian Gulf to Indo-China and the Malay Archipelago.”
-Sir Harry H. Johnston

Perpetrating the big racist lie. I think this puts the big lie of a "black ancient Egypt" to rest. :clap2:

Egyptians see Nubians as subjects The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago

Egyptians see Nubians as subjects

These paintings from the tomb of Huy, the Egyptian governor of Nubia during the reign of King Tutankhamun (1336–1327 BC), pictures Nubians bringing tribute for Egypt’s pharaoh. The scene shows a wide variety of Nubians. Some are in Egyptian dress, including a woman riding in a cart. Others, including children, appear in Nubian dress. The skin color of the Nubian men ranges from dark red to brown to black; skin tones for some of the women are lighter.

Details show that Nubia is foreign

A kneeling prince (at right in imge below) leading the tribute bearers is identified as Hekanefer, Prince of Miam (Aniba), a region of northern Nubia. Hekanefer’s dress is Nubian. Details like the ostrich feather and panther skin he wears, along with other exotic products, serve to indicate that Nubia is the geographic source of these items. Exotic goods and Hekanefer’s traditional dress emphasize the foreign nature of the Nubians in the Egyptian

The Nubian prince Hekanefer had an Egyptian-style tomb

Despite being shown as a traditional Nubian in the tomb painting of Huy (below), Hekanefer’s own tomb reveals that he was acculturated to Egyptian religious beliefs and customs. Discovered at Toshka in northern Nubia during the 1960s, Hekanefer’s tomb contained the funerary figurine (ushebti), pictured here at left. The ushebti was a traditional Egyptian servant figure placed in the tomb to perform labor for the deceased in the afterworld.
The fraud of Afro centrism

White Eurocentric Lies

Idiot, Nubians WERE black, Egyptians weren't. This is another common LIE perpetuated by Afrocentrists, they mix the two to deceive and distort.

Ancient Nubians:



Ancient Egyptian:



Ramsees II:



Nubians also ruled Egypt twice moron. Your ancient Egyptians are all recreations by European artists trying to disqiuse the fact the Egyptians were Black. Come on now. I've actually been to Abu Simbel and seen the real ones. They are much darker than these recreations Try something more convincing at least. :laugh:

National Geographic issue

Sphinx Of Taharqa Black guy

Rameses II

Egyptian soilders.

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