Fury in Israel Over Obama's Mossad 'Lies'

I presented the scientific evidence. You chose not to read the link.
It does matter when. It proves you and Roudy to be clowns with low amounts of knowledge regarding genetics and history.

what link? you claim you did so------I do not find it-----
you have a link claiming that black skin developed before white skin came about? so? would it be an issue?
Can you name the journal in which this earth shattering
information appeared? gill slits developed before lungs.
Is the information on gill slits important to you? Interestingly enough ---it is important to me but you would not understand
The link on post 483.

Thanks----I read the article-----now for the bad news----since I have an education in biology that you lack-----I already knew all that stuff -----DISCOVER is a magazine for the general
public-----it is not a journal for scientists-----the information
presented was well known OLD stuff. How does it impress YOU in your theory that persons with white skin are evil? If you are a female and BLACK besides and are pregnant----make sure to take your vitamin pill designed for pregnant women----it is rich in FOLATE. In fact it is the folate ----that
is the important issue. Do you know what folate is needed for------no you don't-----but do not worry----you would never be able to understand it. Here is another important issue----that actually ALSO excited some racist black nationalists in the past. CHECK OUT THE EMBRYONIC ORIGIN OF MELANOCYTES------you will be really excited once you know
If you already knew this why were you attacking my post saying the same thing? You obviously didnt know it and thats why you asked for my link. Discovery is just condensing the finding for the lay person. The study itself says the same thing.

Who told you I think people with white skin are evil? My goddaughter is not evil. Nor are any of my business partners.

Stop deflecting. You have been made a fool of enough havent you?

I made a fool of myself?-----YOU claimed you have
scientific evidence that people in the past worshipped the color black. You tried to back up your claim with an article that gets into the evolution of skin color as one of the situations of survival in various environments. You are fixated on a RACIST agenda. You doubt that I know about folate? that is getting really funny. The evolution of skin color took place long before the brains of whatever primitive creatures preceded us knew WORDS

The sick mentality of black supremacist pigs, they are no different than white supremacists:

Black supremacy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Black supremacy - RationalWiki

Black supremacy

Black supremacy is a collection of racialist ideologies that developed in response to white supremacy. Many of the largest black supremacist groups are black-Muslim separatist movements like theNation of Islam.

The ideology of black supremacy, of course, is the mirror image of white supremacy. While different groups put their own spin on things, black supremacy often involves the racialist pseudoscience called "Melanin theory" and the pseudohistory called "Afrocentrism." The basic idea behind melanin theory is that black is the "natural" skin color because humans originated in Africa, so lighter skin tones are aberrations. Various melanin theorists build on top of this, positing all sorts of biologically unsupportable claims about melanin increasing muscle tone, brain activity, physical ability, etc. Some theories get into really batshit territory, claiming that melanin can grant paranormal powers like ESP.

Afrocentrism and melanin theory often cross-pollinate, but Afrocentrism as a separate concept has a historical rather than biological focus. It's important to separate legitimate historical revisionism from the kind Afrocentrists engage in. The early histories and ethnographies of African cultures were written largely by European historians and anthropologists from an imperialist perspective. Thus, these works are often filled with racism, factual inaccuracies, and are outdated due to new findings in archaeological and historical scholarship. There have been many revisionist works throughout the 20th and 21st centuries that attempt to look at this history from an African perspective, but remain factual. This is simply an attempt to "correct the record." Afrocentrism, on the other hand, engages in distortion and fabrications. One of the central claims of Afrocentrists is that Egypt was ruled by a black race. They use this to claim that Greco-Roman civilization, and by extension, Western civilization, is actually based on black culture. Working from this point, they rewrite many historical figures like Socrates as having been black and shoehorn various events into the ideology. When called on their bullshit, they tend to justify their factual inaccuracies by claiming that critics are using a Eurocentric methodology that is unable to ascertain a true understanding of history and that only those using the Afrocentric methodology can do so.

Similar crank claims point toward India (implying that the existence of the "Negrito" people, mean that Indian culture comes from black Africans, and the Dravidians are so dark that they must be Africans), China (depictions of people in dark materials, imply they were black, for example, Terracota Army), Japaneses (Jomons would have been black, and so did the Ainu, as they used black bronze in their sculptures, and were painted in light-brown, which is clearly white washing from the Japaneses bigots) and the Mongols ("black khans"), in America, rewriting Central America, Aztecs, Mayas, and particularly, the Olmecs, since they had wide noses in their statues, something that maya-quiché completely lack nowdays, no matter the look of Rigoberta Menchú[

The black supremacist sect that probably most promotes anti-Semitism ironically identifies as "Black Hebrew Israelites."[3] This ideology has its roots in post-bellumPentecostalism, which transmuted into "Black Judaism." According to Black Judaism and Black Hebrew Israelism, the newly freed slaves of America's South were the true Hebrews and descendants of the tribes of Israel (an assertion that mirrors the Christian Identity theology held by some white supremacists, which claims Aryans as the true Hebrew race). F.S. Cherry, a late 19th century proponent of Black Judaism's more hateful elements, also preached about a race war with apocalyptic overtones that would supposedly occur in the year 2000 and refashion society into one where blacks were the superior race. The belief that blacks are the "true" Hebrews also leads many in the Black Hebrew Israelite movement to espouse anti-Semitic pseudohistory such as the Khazar myth and Holocaust denial
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The braindead shit that Asclepias repeats, summarized:

The Afrocentric Hustle by Stanley Crouch City Journal Summer 1994
The Afrocentric Hustle
Though their claims have little intellectual substance, advocates of Afrocentrism press their agenda by appealing to resentment and guilt.

A central tenet of Afrocentrism is that Egypt was black and that Greco-Roman civilization was the result of its influence. The foundation of Western civilization, therefore, is African. This is a relatively sophisticated version of Elijah Muhammad’s Yacub myth in which the white man is invented by a mad black scientist determined to destroy the world through an innately evil creature. Why this obsession with Egypt being African and black? Firstly, monuments. There is no significant African architecture capable of rivaling the grand wonders of the world, European or not. Secondly, Africa has no body of thought comparable to that upon which Western civilization has developed its morality, governmental structures, technology, economic systems, and its literary, dramatic, plastic, and musical arts. None of these facts bespeaks an innate black inferiority, but they were used to justify the barbaric treatment of subject peoples by colonial powers waging ruthless campaigns for chattel labor and natural resources.

In fact, the Afrocentrist argument is not with the Western tradition of inquiry, not with the democratic belief that greatness can arise from any point on the social spectrum, and not with the ideas of the Enlightenment that led to the abolition of slavery. Afrocentrism is a debate with the colonial vision of non-Europeans as inferior that has long been under attack from within Western democracies themselves. The Afrocentrist arguments, which are rooted in nationalism, pluralism, and cultural relativity, have their origins in the Western tradition of critical discourse. Afrocentrism is absolutely Western, despite the name changes and African costumes of its advocates.
I presented the scientific evidence. You chose not to read the link.
It does matter when. It proves you and Roudy to be clowns with low amounts of knowledge regarding genetics and history.

what link? you claim you did so------I do not find it-----
you have a link claiming that black skin developed before white skin came about? so? would it be an issue?
Can you name the journal in which this earth shattering
information appeared? gill slits developed before lungs.
Is the information on gill slits important to you? Interestingly enough ---it is important to me but you would not understand
The link on post 483.

Thanks----I read the article-----now for the bad news----since I have an education in biology that you lack-----I already knew all that stuff -----DISCOVER is a magazine for the general
public-----it is not a journal for scientists-----the information
presented was well known OLD stuff. How does it impress YOU in your theory that persons with white skin are evil? If you are a female and BLACK besides and are pregnant----make sure to take your vitamin pill designed for pregnant women----it is rich in FOLATE. In fact it is the folate ----that
is the important issue. Do you know what folate is needed for------no you don't-----but do not worry----you would never be able to understand it. Here is another important issue----that actually ALSO excited some racist black nationalists in the past. CHECK OUT THE EMBRYONIC ORIGIN OF MELANOCYTES------you will be really excited once you know
If you already knew this why were you attacking my post saying the same thing? You obviously didnt know it and thats why you asked for my link. Discovery is just condensing the finding for the lay person. The study itself says the same thing.

Who told you I think people with white skin are evil? My goddaughter is not evil. Nor are any of my business partners.

Stop deflecting. You have been made a fool of enough havent you?

I disputed your theory that people used to WORSHIP BLACK-------human society is not all that old-----when
you bring up anything approaching "religion"----you are
not going back further than 10,000 years---(if that long) ---
now you are talking about evolutionary processes that took
place some tens and hundreds of thousands of years ago.
Do you know the evolutionary processes that ended up as the THYROID GLAND? ----more important to your theories-----
would be the evolution of the brain------them people 60 thousand years ago----did not even have the same brain
that we have today-----or words for BLACK or WHITE----
they did not even know the words "cracker" and "honky"
I know you disputed my theory about people worshiping Black gods. You were made a fool of on that as well as I quoted Marco Polo and his statement regarding East Indians worshipped Black gods. . Now again you are trying to speak about religion only going back 10K years. when its actually 75K years. You are starting to bore me with your lack of intellect. Please research before trying to debate me on anything. I will continue to give you heartburn. read it and weep illiterate one. How does it feel to be wrong over and over again?

"Dark skin is highly esteemed among these people. ‘When a child is born they anoint him once a week with oil of sesame, and this makes him grow much darker’ No wonder their gods are all black ‘and their devils white as snow.’ - See more at: 3quarksdaily Marco Polo s India"
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No moron. You claimed that there were some older bones in China. I nailed your ass to wall and made you look like the idiot you are.

I already posted the evidence that there was a mutation that occurred that enabled the gene of white skin. Its only 7K years old. of course everyone was Black That's natures design. Try 1.2 Million years in the making.

Skin cancer risk may have driven evolution of black skin -- ScienceDaily

Nope. Ancient man was this hairy ape-like creature you wouldn't recognize today. He wasn't black or white or anything. Those that stayed in Africa evolved into the black race. Those that moved to various parts of the world, therefore evolved into those races, depending on the climate and topography. Did you drop out of school? Makes sense.
Yes you are an idiot. You are actually think debating against scientific fact makes you right? What a moron!
Scientific evidence points that race and skin color evolved as a result of sun, climate, topography, environment, and abundance of food.

Now run along and go get your elementary school diploma., before the local adult school runs out of space. You should be thanking me for educating you while blowing a big hole in your black supremacist ideology.

Evolution: Library:

The Biology of Skin Color: Black and White

"Jablonski later came across three documented cases in which children's neural-tube defects were linked to their mothers' visits to tanning studios during early pregnancy. Moreover, she found that folate is crucial to sperm development -- so much so that a folate inhibitor was developed as a male contraceptive. ("It never got anywhere," Jablonski says. "It was so effective that it knocked out all folate in the body.") She now had some intriguing evidence that folate might be the driving force behind the evolution of darker skin. But why do some people have light skin?

As far back as the 1960s, the biochemist W. Farnsworth Loomis had suggested that skin color is determined by the body's need for vitamin D. The vitamin helps the body absorb calcium and deposit it in bones, an essential function, particularly in fast-growing embryos. (The need for vitamin D during pregnancy may explain why women around the globe tend to have lighter skin than men.) Unlike folate, vitamin D depends on ultraviolet light for its production in the body. Loomis believed that people who live in the north, where daylight is weakest, evolved fair skin to help absorb more ultraviolet light and that people in the tropics evolved dark skin to block the light, keeping the body from overdosing on vitamin D, which can be toxic at high concentrations.

By the time Jablonski did her research, Loomis's hypothesis had been partially disproved. "You can never overdose on natural amounts of vitamin D," Jablonski says. "There are only rare cases where people take too many cod-liver supplements." But Loomis's insight about fair skin held up, and it made a perfect complement for Jablonski's insight about folate and dark skin. The next step was to find some hard data correlating skin color to light levels.

Until the 1980s, researchers could only estimate how much ultraviolet radiation reaches Earth's surface. But in 1978, NASA launched the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer. Three years ago, Jablonski and Chaplin took the spectrometer's global ultraviolet measurements and compared them with published data on skin color in indigenous populations from more than 50 countries. To their delight, there was an unmistakable correlation: The weaker the ultraviolet light, the fairer the skin. Jablonski went on to show that people living above 50 degrees latitude have the highest risk of vitamin D deficiency.
Youre like a little clown. Your link is outdated. Whats that? Oh you dont even have a link? I already provided you the most recent link. Lets at least get into this decade. The scientific evidence showed our ancestors had Black skin before homo sapiens appeared on the planet idiot. :laugh:

Skin cancer risk may have driven evolution of black skin -- ScienceDaily

"Genetic evidence suggests that the evolution of skin rich in eumelanin, which is brown-black in colour, occurred in early humans between 1.2 and 1.8 million years ago in the East African Savannah. Early humans having lost most of their body hair (probably to facilitate heat loss) probably had pale skin containing pheomelanin -- like our nearest surviving relatives, chimpanzees. Pheomelanin, characteristic of white skin, is red-yellow and packaged into smaller stores under the skin than eumelanin, characteristic of black skin. Eumelanin provides a much more effective barrier against the DNA damage that causes skin cancers, providing almost complete protection."

BTW I found your link for you. You are a class A idiot! Your link is from 2001. Mine from 2014 moron. However, even your link says the same thing. Black skin evolved millions of years before homo sapiens roamed the earth.

Evolution Library The Biology of Skin Color Black and White

Well obviously. It only are you illiterate, you're also very stupid with major reading comprehension problems. Read this again:

Until the 1980s, researchers could only estimate how much ultraviolet radiation reaches Earth's surface. But in 1978, NASA launched the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer. Three years ago, Jablonski and Chaplin took the spectrometer's global ultraviolet measurements and compared them with published data on skin color in indigenous populations from more than50 countries. To their delight, there was an unmistakable correlation: Theweaker the ultraviolet light, the fairer the skin. Jablonski went on to showthat people living above 50 degrees latitude have the highest risk of vitamin D deficiency.

Meaning, skin color is a result of exposure to sun and environment.

"Black skin came first" as what humans were 1.8 million years ago matters if Moses or Jesus were black. Anthropology according to a black racist.
You are just parroting what I already said. Yes Black skin came first. Whites didnt appear until 7K years ago as I proved with the link. You said Black skin did not come first and you were made a fool of. Come on now. This was before suntan lotion was invented. White people would have died out in Africa.
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Nope. Ancient man was this hairy ape-like creature you wouldn't recognize today. He wasn't black or white or anything. Those that stayed in Africa evolved into the black race. Those that moved to various parts of the world, therefore evolved into those races, depending on the climate and topography. Did you drop out of school? Makes sense.
Yes you are an idiot. You are actually think debating against scientific fact makes you right? What a moron!
Scientific evidence points that race and skin color evolved as a result of sun, climate, topography, environment, and abundance of food.

Now run along and go get your elementary school diploma., before the local adult school runs out of space. You should be thanking me for educating you while blowing a big hole in your black supremacist ideology.

Evolution: Library:

The Biology of Skin Color: Black and White

"Jablonski later came across three documented cases in which children's neural-tube defects were linked to their mothers' visits to tanning studios during early pregnancy. Moreover, she found that folate is crucial to sperm development -- so much so that a folate inhibitor was developed as a male contraceptive. ("It never got anywhere," Jablonski says. "It was so effective that it knocked out all folate in the body.") She now had some intriguing evidence that folate might be the driving force behind the evolution of darker skin. But why do some people have light skin?

As far back as the 1960s, the biochemist W. Farnsworth Loomis had suggested that skin color is determined by the body's need for vitamin D. The vitamin helps the body absorb calcium and deposit it in bones, an essential function, particularly in fast-growing embryos. (The need for vitamin D during pregnancy may explain why women around the globe tend to have lighter skin than men.) Unlike folate, vitamin D depends on ultraviolet light for its production in the body. Loomis believed that people who live in the north, where daylight is weakest, evolved fair skin to help absorb more ultraviolet light and that people in the tropics evolved dark skin to block the light, keeping the body from overdosing on vitamin D, which can be toxic at high concentrations.

By the time Jablonski did her research, Loomis's hypothesis had been partially disproved. "You can never overdose on natural amounts of vitamin D," Jablonski says. "There are only rare cases where people take too many cod-liver supplements." But Loomis's insight about fair skin held up, and it made a perfect complement for Jablonski's insight about folate and dark skin. The next step was to find some hard data correlating skin color to light levels.

Until the 1980s, researchers could only estimate how much ultraviolet radiation reaches Earth's surface. But in 1978, NASA launched the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer. Three years ago, Jablonski and Chaplin took the spectrometer's global ultraviolet measurements and compared them with published data on skin color in indigenous populations from more than 50 countries. To their delight, there was an unmistakable correlation: The weaker the ultraviolet light, the fairer the skin. Jablonski went on to show that people living above 50 degrees latitude have the highest risk of vitamin D deficiency.
Youre like a little clown. Your link is outdated. Whats that? Oh you dont even have a link? I already provided you the most recent link. Lets at least get into this decade. The scientific evidence showed our ancestors had Black skin before homo sapiens appeared on the planet idiot. :laugh:

Skin cancer risk may have driven evolution of black skin -- ScienceDaily

"Genetic evidence suggests that the evolution of skin rich in eumelanin, which is brown-black in colour, occurred in early humans between 1.2 and 1.8 million years ago in the East African Savannah. Early humans having lost most of their body hair (probably to facilitate heat loss) probably had pale skin containing pheomelanin -- like our nearest surviving relatives, chimpanzees. Pheomelanin, characteristic of white skin, is red-yellow and packaged into smaller stores under the skin than eumelanin, characteristic of black skin. Eumelanin provides a much more effective barrier against the DNA damage that causes skin cancers, providing almost complete protection."

BTW I found your link for you. You are a class A idiot! Your link is from 2001. Mine from 2014 moron. However, even your link says the same thing. Black skin evolved millions of years before homo sapiens roamed the earth.

Evolution Library The Biology of Skin Color Black and White

Well obviously. It only are you illiterate, you're also very stupid with major reading comprehension problems. Read this again:

Until the 1980s, researchers could only estimate how much ultraviolet radiation reaches Earth's surface. But in 1978, NASA launched the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer. Three years ago, Jablonski and Chaplin took the spectrometer's global ultraviolet measurements and compared them with published data on skin color in indigenous populations from more than50 countries. To their delight, there was an unmistakable correlation: Theweaker the ultraviolet light, the fairer the skin. Jablonski went on to showthat people living above 50 degrees latitude have the highest risk of vitamin D deficiency.

Meaning, skin color is a result of exposure to sun and environment.

"Black skin came first" as what humans were 1.8 million years ago matters if Moses or Jesus were black. Anthropology according to a black racist.
You are just parroting what I already said. Yes Black skin came first. Whites didnt appear until 7K years ago as I proved with the link. You said Black skin did not come first and you were made a fool of. Come on now. This was before suntan lotion was invented. White people would have died out in Africa.

Skin color isn't what came out of Africa, the early humans did. As they moved around their features changed. It hasn't even been proven that the Egyptians were black, as you falsely claimed. Evolutionary science and how races and skin color came to be is not conclusive, and is being constantly updated. Despite what your racist Afrocentrism ideology tells you.

Neanderthal Genes Hold Surprises for Modern Humans

Surprise! 20 Percent of Neanderthal Genome Lives On in Modern Humans, Scientists Find
Two new studies suggest that the contribution from Neanderthal DNA was vital.

Neanderthal Influence on Skin, Hair, Common Diseases

Despite their different approaches, both teams converged on similar results. They both found that genes involved in making keratin—the protein found in our skin, hair, and nails—are especially rich in Neanderthal DNA.

For example, the Neanderthal version of the skin gene POU2F3 is found in around 66 percent of East Asians, while the Neanderthal version of BNC2, which affects skin color, among other traits, is found in 70 percent of Europeans.

The Neanderthal version of these genes may have helped our ancestors thrive in parts of the world that they were not familiar with but that Neanderthals had already adapted to. "Neanderthals had been in these environments for hundreds or thousands of years," says Sankararaman. "As modern human ancestors moved into these areas, one way to quickly adapt would be to get genes from the Neanderthals."

Were ancient Egyptians black? The jury is still out. Certainly not according to modern science. In fact, the Pharaoh during the time of the Exodus, was a red headed fair skinned man! Ha ha ha. OOOOOPS!

Redheaded Pharaoh Ramesses II by Karl Earlson

Professor P. F. Ceccaldi, with a research team behind him, studied some hairs which were removed from the mummy's scalp. Ramesses II was 90 years-old when he died, and his hair had turned white. Ceccaldi determined that the reddish-yellow colour of the mummy's hair had been brought about by its being dyed with a dilute henna solution; it proved to be an example of the cosmetic attentions of the embalmers. However, traces of the hair's original colour (in youth), remain in the roots, even into advanced old age. Microscopic examinations proved that the hair roots contained traces of natural red pigments, and that therefore, during his youth, Ramesses II had been red-haired. It was concluded that these red pigments did not result from the hair somehow fading, or otherwise altering post-mortem, but did indeed represent Ramesses' natural hair colour. Ceccaldi also studied a cross-section of the hairs, and he determined from their oval shape, that Ramesses had been "cymotrich" (wavy-haired). Finally, he stated that such a combination of features showed that Ramesses had been a "leucoderm" (white-skinned person). [Balout, et al. (1985) 254-257.]

Balout and Roubet were under no illusions as to the significance of this discovery, and they concluded as follows:

"After having achieved this immense work, an important scientific conclusion remains to be drawn: the anthropological study and the microscopic analysis of hair, carried out by four laboratories: Judiciary Medecine (Professor Ceccaldi), Société L'Oréal, Atomic Energy Commission, and Institut Textile de France showed that Ramses II was a 'leucoderm', that is a fair-skinned man, near to the Prehistoric and Antiquity Mediterraneans, or briefly, of the Berber of Africa." [Balout, et al. (1985) 383.]
Were ancient Egyptians Caucasians that migrated there from Europe / Mediterranean? There is science that supports it.

King Tut's Indo European DNA. Apparently his ancestors definitely migrated there from the North.

Afrocentrists = racist bullshitters insecure about their own race.

No need for Acelpias to submit her DNA here, since we now know that Tutenkhamun wasn't black! Ha ha ha ha. OMG.

The Tutankhamun DNA Project

Search for living relatives
In the current project we search for the closest living relative of Tutankhamuns male lineage in Europe. To take part in the Tutankhamun DNA project order one of the following tests. If your profile matches Tutankhamuns in all 16 markers we refund your payment and you receive a further DNA test as an upgrade for free.

The haplogroup R1b1a2 arose about 9.500 years ago in the surrounding area of the Black Sea. The migration of this haplogroup into Europe started at the earliest with the spread of agriculture since 7.000 BC. It is ver probable that it is also connected to the Indoeuropeans who spread over Europe a little later in several waves of migrations.

In Egypt the contingent of this haplogroup is below 1% and partially caused by european immigration during the last 2.000 years.

Tutankhamun had been the last Pharao of the 18th dynasty and ruled from about 1.332 until 1.323 BC. His paternal lineage begins with Pharao Thutmose I. who ruled from about 1.504 until 1.492 BC. His paternal ancestry is unknown.

Therefore, it is still unclear how this line came from the region of origin to Egypt. The earliest evidence of agriculture dates back to 5000 BC. It is possible that Haplogroup R1b1a2 moved from the North to Egypt with the spread of agriculture from the region of the Fertile Crescent.

The fourth expansional wave of the probably indoeuropean Kurgan Culture between 2.500 and 2.200 BC is also a good candidate. This culture spread since 4.400 BC to Europe which explains the correlation with haplogroup R1b1a2. This haplogroup was also widespread in the indoeuropean Hittite empire in Anatolia. From the time of Akhenatens or Tuankhamuns reign a letter of an egyptian queen is known from the Hittite archives. In this letter she asks the Hittites King for one of his sons as a new Pharao because her husband died and she herself got no son.

The identity of the queen is unknown, perhaps the 18th dynasty was related to the Hittites, the origin of the R1b1a2-lineage could point to this.

The detailed context can only be clearified by further research. By the publication of the test result we want to contribute to the scientific discussion and bring it forward.
Black Egyptians, MY ASS:

Up to 70 of British men are related to the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun Daily Mail Online

A Swiss genetics company has claimed that up to 70 per cent of British men are related to the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun.

Scientists at Zurich-based DNA genealogy centre, iGENEA, say they have reconstructed the DNA profile of the boy Pharaoh based on a film that was made for the Discovery Channel.

The results showed that 'King Tut' belonged to a genetic profile group, known as haplogroup R1b1a2, to which more than 50 per cent of all men in Western Europe belong, indicating that they share a common ancestor.

Around 70 per cent of Spanish and 60 per cent of French men also belong to the genetic group of the Pharaoh who ruled Egypt more than 3,000 years ago.

'We think the common ancestor lived in the Caucasus about 9,500 years ago,' said Scholz.

Read more: Up to 70 of British men are related to the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun Daily Mail Online
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Were ancient Egyptians Caucasians that migrated there from Europe / Mediterranean? There is science that supports it.

I love when people use this claim. That has been debunked not only by people with common sense but by two other genetic companies and the researchers that actually did the testing. You do realize the basis for IGENA's claim is that they got the information from a screen shot on a TV show right? Basically it was a scam to make money! :laugh:

Scam Alert King Tut 8217 s DNA Doug s Archaeology

"Maybe you saw the recent headlines about how scientists at iGENEA discovered that King Tutankhamun(Tut) was related to half of Western Europe’s Males, that looks like it is the set up for a scam. Turns out real researchers have conducted work on King Tut’s DNA and that iGENEA got their supposed DNA evidence by copying it off of a Discovery TV Program on the subject."

Now here are the real results from 2 different genetic companies owned by white guys. Read those and tell me what they say idiot.

http://www.dnatribes.com/dnatribes-digest-2012-01-01.pdf Tut
http://www.dnatribes.com/dnatribes-digest-2013-02-01.pdf Rameses III

The Thuya Gene
The Thuya Gene

Tut Gene
The King Tut Gene
Were ancient Egyptians Caucasians that migrated there from Europe / Mediterranean? There is science that supports it.

I love when people use this claim. That has been debunked not only by people with common sense but by two other genetic companies and the researchers that actually did the testing. You do realize the basis for IGENA's claim is that they got the information from a screen shot on a TV show right? Basically it was a scam to make money! :laugh:

Scam Alert King Tut 8217 s DNA Doug s Archaeology

"Maybe you saw the recent headlines about how scientists at iGENEA discovered that King Tutankhamun(Tut) was related to half of Western Europe’s Males, that looks like it is the set up for a scam. Turns out real researchers have conducted work on King Tut’s DNA and that iGENEA got their supposed DNA evidence by copying it off of a Discovery TV Program on the subject."

Now here are the real results from 2 different genetic companies owned by white guys. Read those and tell me what they say idiot.

http://www.dnatribes.com/dnatribes-digest-2012-01-01.pdf Tut
http://www.dnatribes.com/dnatribes-digest-2013-02-01.pdf Rameses III

The Thuya Gene
The Thuya Gene

Tut Gene
The King Tut Gene

Hasn't been debunked. In fact, it's actually been reconfirmed. Ancient Egyptians are migrants from prior great empires who then settled in the region, because of its proximity.

Oh wait, let me guess, "white geneticists" with a racist agenda made up bogus facts.

Plus, King Tut isn't the only one with wavy hair, white skin, and Caucasian DNA.

Inconvenient truth for a black supremacist Afrocentrist? I thought so.

All that you've proven is that you're very insecure about your race, so you cling on to this bullshit made up history.


The Skeletal Evidence From Naqada
Flinders Petrie and other excavators shipped thousands of the sand mummies back to England and other parts of Europe. Preserved in the back rooms and basements of museums, they became the subject of detailed study over the years. Only recently, with greatly enhanced forensic science, are their deeper secrets beginning to be revealed. They can now be examined for disease, precise age at death, and life styles. DNA analysis also permits classification into groups of common genetic origin. Unfortunately, much of that work has yet to be done.

Little understood at the time of the grave mummy discoveries more than a hundred years ago, the expectation was that the early Egyptians were of Negroid origin. When evidence began to emerge that this view was incorrect the researchers were somewhat at a loss.

In a report on A Second Study of the Variation and Correlation of the Human Skull, with Special Reference to the Naqada Crania, Biometrika, Vol 1, pg 408, 1902 Cicely D Fawcett published, for those days, a startling observation. In a foot note on page 412 she stated:

Some of the skull boxes contained the dry scalp with the hair upon it in a remarkable state of preservation. It was dark brown in short curly twists. In two cases there were locks of some brilliant golden hair, but on careful examination, for which I thank Dr. W. A. Osborne, dark brown single hairs were extracted from it, and it appeared that the whole had been bleach; possibly this is the earliest case on record of the hair-dyer's handicraft.

The difficulty is that this brilliant blond hair, with curly locks, was the same as still displayed by Ginger in the British Museum, and as found in the excavations at Hierakonpolis. The observation by Osborne a hundred years ago was an attempt to bring understanding to such phenomenal golden hair -- wishful thinking.

The fact of red-headed Egyptians has not only anthropological interest however, but also great symbolic importance. In ancient Egypt, the god Seth was said to have been red-haired, and redheads were claimed to have worshipped the god devoutly. See G. A. Wainwright, The Sky-Religion in Egypt: Its Antiquity and Effects, Cambridge University Press, 1938, pgs 31, 33, 53. In the Ramesses study by the French, the Egyptologist Desroches-Noblecourt discussed the importance of Ramesses' rufous condition. She noted that the Ramessides (the family of Ramesses II), were devoted to Seth, with several bearing the name Seti, which means "beloved of Seth". She concluded that the Ramessides believed themselves to be divine descendants of Seth, with their red hair as proof of their lineage. She speculated that Ramesses II may have been descended from a long line of redheads.

Her speculations have been proved correct: Joann Fletcher, as a consultant to the British Bioanthropology Foundation, has proved that Seti I, the father of Ramesses II, had red hair. See L. Parks, "Ancient Egyptians Wore Wigs," Egypt Revealed, May 29, 2000. Other investigators have demonstrated that the mummy of Pharaoh Siptah, a great-grandson of Ramesses II, had red hair. See my reference to Partridge above.
Last edited:
Were ancient Egyptians Caucasians that migrated there from Europe / Mediterranean? There is science that supports it.

I love when people use this claim. That has been debunked not only by people with common sense but by two other genetic companies and the researchers that actually did the testing. You do realize the basis for IGENA's claim is that they got the information from a screen shot on a TV show right? Basically it was a scam to make money! :laugh:

Scam Alert King Tut 8217 s DNA Doug s Archaeology

"Maybe you saw the recent headlines about how scientists at iGENEA discovered that King Tutankhamun(Tut) was related to half of Western Europe’s Males, that looks like it is the set up for a scam. Turns out real researchers have conducted work on King Tut’s DNA and that iGENEA got their supposed DNA evidence by copying it off of a Discovery TV Program on the subject."

Now here are the real results from 2 different genetic companies owned by white guys. Read those and tell me what they say idiot.

http://www.dnatribes.com/dnatribes-digest-2012-01-01.pdf Tut
http://www.dnatribes.com/dnatribes-digest-2013-02-01.pdf Rameses III

The Thuya Gene
The Thuya Gene

Tut Gene
The King Tut Gene

Hasn't been debunked. In fact, it's actually been reconfirmed. Ancient Egyptians are migrants from prior great empires who then settled in the region, because of its proximity.

Oh wait, let me guess, "white geneticists" with a racist agenda made up bogus facts.

Plus, King Tut isn't the only one with wavy hair, white skin, and Caucasian DNA.

Inconvenient truth for a black supremacist Afrocentrist? I thought so.

All that you've proven is that you're very insecure about your race, so you cling on to this bullshit made up history.


The Skeletal Evidence From Naqada
Flinders Petrie and other excavators shipped thousands of the sand mummies back to England and other parts of Europe. Preserved in the back rooms and basements of museums, they became the subject of detailed study over the years. Only recently, with greatly enhanced forensic science, are their deeper secrets beginning to be revealed. They can now be examined for disease, precise age at death, and life styles. DNA analysis also permits classification into groups of common genetic origin. Unfortunately, much of that work has yet to be done.

Little understood at the time of the grave mummy discoveries more than a hundred years ago, the expectation was that the early Egyptians were of Negroid origin. When evidence began to emerge that this view was incorrect the researchers were somewhat at a loss.

In a report on A Second Study of the Variation and Correlation of the Human Skull, with Special Reference to the Naqada Crania, Biometrika, Vol 1, pg 408, 1902 Cicely D Fawcett published, for those days, a startling observation. In a foot note on page 412 she stated:

Some of the skull boxes contained the dry scalp with the hair upon it in a remarkable state of preservation. It was dark brown in short curly twists. In two cases there were locks of some brilliant golden hair, but on careful examination, for which I thank Dr. W. A. Osborne, dark brown single hairs were extracted from it, and it appeared that the whole had been bleach; possibly this is the earliest case on record of the hair-dyer's handicraft.

The difficulty is that this brilliant blond hair, with curly locks, was the same as still displayed by Ginger in the British Museum, and as found in the excavations at Hierakonpolis. The observation by Osborne a hundred years ago was an attempt to bring understanding to such phenomenal golden hair -- wishful thinking.

The fact of red-headed Egyptians has not only anthropological interest however, but also great symbolic importance. In ancient Egypt, the god Seth was said to have been red-haired, and redheads were claimed to have worshipped the god devoutly. See G. A. Wainwright, The Sky-Religion in Egypt: Its Antiquity and Effects, Cambridge University Press, 1938, pgs 31, 33, 53. In the Ramesses study by the French, the Egyptologist Desroches-Noblecourt discussed the importance of Ramesses' rufous condition. She noted that the Ramessides (the family of Ramesses II), were devoted to Seth, with several bearing the name Seti, which means "beloved of Seth". She concluded that the Ramessides believed themselves to be divine descendants of Seth, with their red hair as proof of their lineage. She speculated that Ramesses II may have been descended from a long line of redheads.

Her speculations have been proved correct: Joann Fletcher, as a consultant to the British Bioanthropology Foundation, has proved that Seti I, the father of Ramesses II, had red hair. See L. Parks, "Ancient Egyptians Wore Wigs," Egypt Revealed, May 29, 2000. Other investigators have demonstrated that the mummy of Pharaoh Siptah, a great-grandson of Ramesses II, had red hair. See my reference to Partridge above.

You just totally ignored the proof that your link was a scam and the DNA evidence that Tut was 98% "sub-saharan" ! I'm only 76%. Stop with your fables that Tut or any of the Pharaohs were white.

The King Tut Gene

Tutankhamun (also spelled Tutenkhamen) is the most famous of all pharaohs. He was the son and successor of Akhenaten, grandson of Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye and great-grandson of the royal matriarch Queen Thuya. Archeologist Howard Carter’s opening of his intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings in 1922 ranks among the most splendid discoveries of history. In 2010, genetic fingerprinting of his mummy determined that he died at the early age of 19 as the result of violence or an accident to which the incestuous relationship of his parents and several genetic defects contributed. Tutankhamun actually carries a “double dose” of the allele named for him. Like most of the other genes in the family, it is Central African in ancient origin, but unlike the other markers it has a sparse distribution outside Africa with a worldwide average frequency of 4%. Still, Africans and African-influenced populations (1 in about 10) are about twice or three times as likely to have it as non-Africans.

African in its ultimate source, the King Tut Gene finds modest distribution in East Coast American Indians, the Himalayas, Northeast Europe and scattered other populations, including Jews.
- See more at: The King Tut Gene"

Were ancient Egyptians Caucasians that migrated there from Europe / Mediterranean? There is science that supports it.

I love when people use this claim. That has been debunked not only by people with common sense but by two other genetic companies and the researchers that actually did the testing. You do realize the basis for IGENA's claim is that they got the information from a screen shot on a TV show right? Basically it was a scam to make money! :laugh:

Scam Alert King Tut 8217 s DNA Doug s Archaeology

"Maybe you saw the recent headlines about how scientists at iGENEA discovered that King Tutankhamun(Tut) was related to half of Western Europe’s Males, that looks like it is the set up for a scam. Turns out real researchers have conducted work on King Tut’s DNA and that iGENEA got their supposed DNA evidence by copying it off of a Discovery TV Program on the subject."

Now here are the real results from 2 different genetic companies owned by white guys. Read those and tell me what they say idiot.

http://www.dnatribes.com/dnatribes-digest-2012-01-01.pdf Tut
http://www.dnatribes.com/dnatribes-digest-2013-02-01.pdf Rameses III

The Thuya Gene
The Thuya Gene

Tut Gene
The King Tut Gene

And yet, all that BS, doesn't explain the thousands of Ancient Egyptians found with Caucasian DNA and features. It's understandable the desperate effort to debunk the research, however iGENEA is a company that spcializes in researching DNA of all different types, with no bone or bias other than what the science shows.

Like I said, you are like the little boy holding your finger in the hole, trying to block the damn. The evidence is overwhelming. Here's another example. Any reason why these Egyptian statues that stayed in good condition indicated Caucasian features and skin color?

Rahotep and Nofret
Of the many notable statuary discovered in Egypt, the two companion statutes of Rahotep and Nofret may be the most remarkable. They are two famous painted limestone figures now on display in the Cairo Museum.


These extraordinary statues are in an excellent state of preservation, due to the fact that the chapels in the mastaba where they were discovered had been sealed off in ancient times, and apparently never known until the modern discovery. They are in such great condition the colors look almost freshly painted today. The figures are each just over 120cm high and are seated on high-backed chairs with foot rests.

Rahotep is depicted with his own short black hair. He sports a splendid trimmed black moustache and around his neck he wears a single strand necklace with a heart amulet. He wears a short white kilt and has one arm held horizontally across his bare chest. The black painted hieroglyphs on the back of his chair give his name and titles.

Marianne Luban, an Egyptologist, was kind enough to offer a transliteration and English translation of these inscriptions:
The statues were discovered in 1871 by Albert Daninos, an assistant to the French explorer and early archeologist, Auguste Mariette. Their burial in a mastaba located near the pyramid of Meidum shows they were members of the royal family of the Fourth Dynasty. Since it is believed Sneferu built the pyramid scholars assume they were his children, but this had not been verified from existing records. The title given to Nofret might imply she was not a member of the royal family.

The most outstanding feature of the statues is that they both retain their lifelike inlaid eyes of crystal which stunned the Egyptian workmen who first opened the tomb and saw them staring out. In the torch light of the dark tomb they looked alive. The workmen fled in terror.


Were ancient Egyptians Caucasians that migrated there from Europe / Mediterranean? There is science that supports it.

I love when people use this claim. That has been debunked not only by people with common sense but by two other genetic companies and the researchers that actually did the testing. You do realize the basis for IGENA's claim is that they got the information from a screen shot on a TV show right? Basically it was a scam to make money! :laugh:

Scam Alert King Tut 8217 s DNA Doug s Archaeology

"Maybe you saw the recent headlines about how scientists at iGENEA discovered that King Tutankhamun(Tut) was related to half of Western Europe’s Males, that looks like it is the set up for a scam. Turns out real researchers have conducted work on King Tut’s DNA and that iGENEA got their supposed DNA evidence by copying it off of a Discovery TV Program on the subject."

Now here are the real results from 2 different genetic companies owned by white guys. Read those and tell me what they say idiot.

http://www.dnatribes.com/dnatribes-digest-2012-01-01.pdf Tut
http://www.dnatribes.com/dnatribes-digest-2013-02-01.pdf Rameses III

The Thuya Gene
The Thuya Gene

Tut Gene
The King Tut Gene

And yet, all that BS, doesn't explain the thousands of Ancient Egyptians found with Caucasian DNA and features. It's understandable the desperate effort to debunk the research, however iGENEA is a company that spcializes in researching DNA of all different types, with no bone or bias other than what the science shows.

Like I said, you are like the little boy holding your finger in the hole, trying to block the damn. The evidence is overwhelming. Here's another example. Any reason why these Egyptian statues that stayed in good condition indicated Caucasian features and skin color?

Rahotep and Nofret
Of the many notable statuary discovered in Egypt, the two companion statutes of Rahotep and Nofret may be the most remarkable. They are two famous painted limestone figures now on display in the Cairo Museum.


These extraordinary statues are in an excellent state of preservation, due to the fact that the chapels in the mastaba where they were discovered had been sealed off in ancient times, and apparently never known until the modern discovery. They are in such great condition the colors look almost freshly painted today. The figures are each just over 120cm high and are seated on high-backed chairs with foot rests.

Rahotep is depicted with his own short black hair. He sports a splendid trimmed black moustache and around his neck he wears a single strand necklace with a heart amulet. He wears a short white kilt and has one arm held horizontally across his bare chest. The black painted hieroglyphs on the back of his chair give his name and titles.

Marianne Luban, an Egyptologist, was kind enough to offer a transliteration and English translation of these inscriptions:
The statues were discovered in 1871 by Albert Daninos, an assistant to the French explorer and early archeologist, Auguste Mariette. Their burial in a mastaba located near the pyramid of Meidum shows they were members of the royal family of the Fourth Dynasty. Since it is believed Sneferu built the pyramid scholars assume they were his children, but this had not been verified from existing records. The title given to Nofret might imply she was not a member of the royal family.

The most outstanding feature of the statues is that they both retain their lifelike inlaid eyes of crystal which stunned the Egyptian workmen who first opened the tomb and saw them staring out. In the torch light of the dark tomb they looked alive. The workmen fled in terror.



There is no such thing as caucasian features. Those are African features. Your genes come from Africans. Those pictures are of lighter skinned Black people and the paint has obviously been removed.. Dont you see the braids? The lips. White people dont have lips like that unless they get surgery. I dont see anything in your post that says they are Caucasian. Why not?






Last edited:
Were ancient Egyptians Caucasians that migrated there from Europe / Mediterranean? There is science that supports it.

I love when people use this claim. That has been debunked not only by people with common sense but by two other genetic companies and the researchers that actually did the testing. You do realize the basis for IGENA's claim is that they got the information from a screen shot on a TV show right? Basically it was a scam to make money! :laugh:

Scam Alert King Tut 8217 s DNA Doug s Archaeology

"Maybe you saw the recent headlines about how scientists at iGENEA discovered that King Tutankhamun(Tut) was related to half of Western Europe’s Males, that looks like it is the set up for a scam. Turns out real researchers have conducted work on King Tut’s DNA and that iGENEA got their supposed DNA evidence by copying it off of a Discovery TV Program on the subject."

Now here are the real results from 2 different genetic companies owned by white guys. Read those and tell me what they say idiot.

http://www.dnatribes.com/dnatribes-digest-2012-01-01.pdf Tut
http://www.dnatribes.com/dnatribes-digest-2013-02-01.pdf Rameses III

The Thuya Gene
The Thuya Gene

Tut Gene
The King Tut Gene

And yet, all that BS, doesn't explain the thousands of Ancient Egyptians found with Caucasian DNA and features. It's understandable the desperate effort to debunk the research, however iGENEA is a company that spcializes in researching DNA of all different types, with no bone or bias other than what the science shows.

Like I said, you are like the little boy holding your finger in the hole, trying to block the damn. The evidence is overwhelming. Here's another example. Any reason why these Egyptian statues that stayed in good condition indicated Caucasian features and skin color?

Rahotep and Nofret
Of the many notable statuary discovered in Egypt, the two companion statutes of Rahotep and Nofret may be the most remarkable. They are two famous painted limestone figures now on display in the Cairo Museum.


These extraordinary statues are in an excellent state of preservation, due to the fact that the chapels in the mastaba where they were discovered had been sealed off in ancient times, and apparently never known until the modern discovery. They are in such great condition the colors look almost freshly painted today. The figures are each just over 120cm high and are seated on high-backed chairs with foot rests.

Rahotep is depicted with his own short black hair. He sports a splendid trimmed black moustache and around his neck he wears a single strand necklace with a heart amulet. He wears a short white kilt and has one arm held horizontally across his bare chest. The black painted hieroglyphs on the back of his chair give his name and titles.

Marianne Luban, an Egyptologist, was kind enough to offer a transliteration and English translation of these inscriptions:
The statues were discovered in 1871 by Albert Daninos, an assistant to the French explorer and early archeologist, Auguste Mariette. Their burial in a mastaba located near the pyramid of Meidum shows they were members of the royal family of the Fourth Dynasty. Since it is believed Sneferu built the pyramid scholars assume they were his children, but this had not been verified from existing records. The title given to Nofret might imply she was not a member of the royal family.

The most outstanding feature of the statues is that they both retain their lifelike inlaid eyes of crystal which stunned the Egyptian workmen who first opened the tomb and saw them staring out. In the torch light of the dark tomb they looked alive. The workmen fled in terror.



There is no such thing as caucasian features. Those are African features. Your genes come from Africans. Those pictures are of lighter skinned Black people and the paint has obviously been removed.. Dont you see the braids? The lips. White people dont have lips like that unless they get surgery. I dont see anything in your post that says they are Caucasian. Why not?







Nice try, no cigar, the woman in the statue had white skin, and both the man and the woman had thin lips and narrow nostrils, which are signs of Caucasian / Indo European features.

Did the negro race make its way into ancient Egypt and coexist with the Caucasian ancient Egyptians? Sure. But to say that ancient Egyptians were ALL "black" is just wishful thinking by racist Afrocentrists trying to give some false credit to their race.

And, it still doesn't explain the thousands of Caucasian Indo European featured fair skinned red haired ancient Egyptian mummies found, including many of their pharaohs.

“Thousands” of Blond and Red-Haired Mummies Found in Egypt
The discovery of what archaeologists claim to be “thousands” of blond and red-haired mummies in an Egyptian graveyard only provides an insight into the racial makeup of Egypt during Roman and Macedonian rule, and not that of ancient Egypt.


The excavations at the Fag el-Gamous graveyard, located to the south of Cairo, carried out by an archaeological team from the Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, were started 30 years ago, and most of the mummies unearthed appear to date from the time of the Roman occupation of Egypt in 30 BC.

This occurred at the very end of the Macedonian Ptolemy dynasty in 30 BC, when the last queen, the famous Cleopatra (actually Cleopatra VII), committed suicide after she backed Mark Anthony in the Roman Civil War against Octavian, Julius Caesar’s successor.

The Ptolemies however, were not Egyptian at all, and date from the time of Alexander the Great’s occupation of Egypt in 332 BC.

Upon Alexander’s death, Egypt was given to his general Ptolemy I Soter in 323 BC, and the country remained under Macedonian rule until Cleopatra VII’s suicide.

The last “Egyptian” rulers of Egypt, in the “ancient” popular sense of the world, in fact passed from the stage of history hundreds of years even before the Macedonian occupation.

Originally founded by a majority European (Mediterranean with a Nordic ruling class) element, Semites and Nubians were present in Egypt from the earliest dynasties which were started around 3,000 BC.

The numbers of Semites and Nubians gradually increased through the centuries, until the time of the 24th Dynasty of around 800 BC, when the majority of Egyptian society was of mixed race.

The very next Dynasty—the 25th—was created by African (Nubian) invaders of Egypt from the Kingdom of Kush, which easily overran their now mixed-race neighbors to the north. The 25th dynasty lasted from 760 BC to 656 BC, where after they also fell before Assyrian and other foreign invaders.

The original founders of what is popularly called “ancient Egypt” vanished hundreds of years before the invasion by Alexander the Great, and nearly 1,000 years before the burials at the Fag el-Gamous graveyard.

As a result, the blond and red-haired mummies now being unearthed in the Fag el-Gamous graveyard are likely to be from the Macedonian element of society and will be representative of the Egyptian population long after the fall of the original Egyptians.

This population was composed primarily of the mixed-race population of Egypt, plus large numbers of newer invaders, including tens of thousands of Macedonians—who would have been the most European-looking of all the new settlers, thousands of Jews imported from neighboring Judea, Galatian mercenaries from Asia Minor, and scattered numbers of Assyrians and Nubians.

According to Project Director Kerry Muhlstein, an associate professor in the Department of Ancient Scripture at Brigham Young University, as quoted in Live Science, the researchers are “fairly certain” that there are “over a million burials within this cemetery.”

According to a paper by Muhlstein presented at the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities Scholars Colloquium, which was held in Toronto, the Fag el-Gamous graveyard was not a burial ground for kings or royalty, but for common people.


As a result, there was no deliberate mummification process and it was only the natural arid environment which has preserved the bodies in mummified form.

Despite the low status of the dead, the researchers found some remarkably beautiful items, including linen, glass and even colorful booties designed for a child.

Muhlstein’s team is in the early stages of creating a database of all the mummies they have excavated, but it has already provided some intriguing initial results. Muhlstein said he and the other researchers can use the database to “show us all of the blond burials, and [it shows] they are clustered in one area, or all of the red-headed burials, and [it shows] they’re clustered in another area.”
Last edited:
Were ancient Egyptians Caucasians that migrated there from Europe / Mediterranean? There is science that supports it.

I love when people use this claim. That has been debunked not only by people with common sense but by two other genetic companies and the researchers that actually did the testing. You do realize the basis for IGENA's claim is that they got the information from a screen shot on a TV show right? Basically it was a scam to make money! :laugh:

Scam Alert King Tut 8217 s DNA Doug s Archaeology

"Maybe you saw the recent headlines about how scientists at iGENEA discovered that King Tutankhamun(Tut) was related to half of Western Europe’s Males, that looks like it is the set up for a scam. Turns out real researchers have conducted work on King Tut’s DNA and that iGENEA got their supposed DNA evidence by copying it off of a Discovery TV Program on the subject."

Now here are the real results from 2 different genetic companies owned by white guys. Read those and tell me what they say idiot.

http://www.dnatribes.com/dnatribes-digest-2012-01-01.pdf Tut
http://www.dnatribes.com/dnatribes-digest-2013-02-01.pdf Rameses III

The Thuya Gene
The Thuya Gene

Tut Gene
The King Tut Gene

And yet, all that BS, doesn't explain the thousands of Ancient Egyptians found with Caucasian DNA and features. It's understandable the desperate effort to debunk the research, however iGENEA is a company that spcializes in researching DNA of all different types, with no bone or bias other than what the science shows.

Like I said, you are like the little boy holding your finger in the hole, trying to block the damn. The evidence is overwhelming. Here's another example. Any reason why these Egyptian statues that stayed in good condition indicated Caucasian features and skin color?

Rahotep and Nofret
Of the many notable statuary discovered in Egypt, the two companion statutes of Rahotep and Nofret may be the most remarkable. They are two famous painted limestone figures now on display in the Cairo Museum.


These extraordinary statues are in an excellent state of preservation, due to the fact that the chapels in the mastaba where they were discovered had been sealed off in ancient times, and apparently never known until the modern discovery. They are in such great condition the colors look almost freshly painted today. The figures are each just over 120cm high and are seated on high-backed chairs with foot rests.

Rahotep is depicted with his own short black hair. He sports a splendid trimmed black moustache and around his neck he wears a single strand necklace with a heart amulet. He wears a short white kilt and has one arm held horizontally across his bare chest. The black painted hieroglyphs on the back of his chair give his name and titles.

Marianne Luban, an Egyptologist, was kind enough to offer a transliteration and English translation of these inscriptions:
The statues were discovered in 1871 by Albert Daninos, an assistant to the French explorer and early archeologist, Auguste Mariette. Their burial in a mastaba located near the pyramid of Meidum shows they were members of the royal family of the Fourth Dynasty. Since it is believed Sneferu built the pyramid scholars assume they were his children, but this had not been verified from existing records. The title given to Nofret might imply she was not a member of the royal family.

The most outstanding feature of the statues is that they both retain their lifelike inlaid eyes of crystal which stunned the Egyptian workmen who first opened the tomb and saw them staring out. In the torch light of the dark tomb they looked alive. The workmen fled in terror.



There is no such thing as caucasian features. Those are African features. Your genes come from Africans. Those pictures are of lighter skinned Black people and the paint has obviously been removed.. Dont you see the braids? The lips. White people dont have lips like that unless they get surgery. I dont see anything in your post that says they are Caucasian. Why not?







Nice try, no cigar, the woman in the statue had white skin, and both the man and the woman had thin lips and narrow nostrils, which are signs of Caucasian / Indo European features.

Did the negro race make its way into ancient Egypt and coexist with the Caucasian ancient Egyptians? Sure. But to say that ancient Egyptians were ALL "black" is just wishful thinking by racist Afrocentrists trying to give some false credit to their race.

And, it still doesn't explain the thousands of Caucasian Indo European featured fair skinned red haired ancient Egyptian mummies found, including many of their pharaohs.

Sorry guy but the statue was scrubbed and the features are of Black people. There were no white people ever living in the Nile region until Greece invaded. There is a reason the Greeks themselves said that they Egyptians were Black people. Its funny you actually think white people built this great civilization in Egypt or Kmt (Blacks) without suntan lotion but couldnt do the same thing in England. Where is there an pyramid in Europe? :laugh:

"the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.)


Lycinus (describing a young Egyptian): "This boy is not merely black; he has thick lips and his legs are too thin . . . his hair worn in a plait behind shows that he is not a freeman."

Timolaus: "But that is a sign of really distinguished birth in Egypt, Lycinus, All freeborn children plait their hair until they reach manhood. It is the exact opposite of the custom of our ancestors who thought it seemly for old men to secure their hair with a gold brooch to keep it in place."

(Lucian, Navigations, paras 2-3)

Diodorus of Sicily writes:

“The Ethiopians say that the Egyptians are one of their colonies which was brought into Egypt by Osiris. They even allege that this country was originally under water, but that the Nile, dragging much mud as it flowed from Ethiopia, had finally filled it in and made it a part of the continent. ... They add that from them, as from their authors and ancestors, the Egyptians get most of their laws. It is from them that the Egyptians have learned to honor

kings as gods and bury them with such pomp; sculpture and writing were invented by the Ethiopians. The Ethiopians cite evidence that they are more ancient than the Egyptians, but it is useless to report that here.”: Histoire universelle, translated by Abbe Terrasson. Paris, 1758, Bk. 3 p. 341.}

"Just think," de Volney declared incredulously, "that this race of Black men, today our slave and the object of our scorn, is the very race to which we owe our arts, sciences, and even the use of speech! Just imagine, finally, that it is in the midst of people who call themselves the greatest friends of liberty and humanity that one has approved the most barbarous slavery, and questioned whether Black men have the same kind of intelligence as whites! "

-Constantine de Volney
Ginger - A Predynastic Egyptian
Were ancient Egyptians Caucasians that migrated there from Europe / Mediterranean? There is science that supports it.

I love when people use this claim. That has been debunked not only by people with common sense but by two other genetic companies and the researchers that actually did the testing. You do realize the basis for IGENA's claim is that they got the information from a screen shot on a TV show right? Basically it was a scam to make money! :laugh:

Scam Alert King Tut 8217 s DNA Doug s Archaeology

"Maybe you saw the recent headlines about how scientists at iGENEA discovered that King Tutankhamun(Tut) was related to half of Western Europe’s Males, that looks like it is the set up for a scam. Turns out real researchers have conducted work on King Tut’s DNA and that iGENEA got their supposed DNA evidence by copying it off of a Discovery TV Program on the subject."

Now here are the real results from 2 different genetic companies owned by white guys. Read those and tell me what they say idiot.

http://www.dnatribes.com/dnatribes-digest-2012-01-01.pdf Tut
http://www.dnatribes.com/dnatribes-digest-2013-02-01.pdf Rameses III

The Thuya Gene
The Thuya Gene

Tut Gene
The King Tut Gene

And yet, all that BS, doesn't explain the thousands of Ancient Egyptians found with Caucasian DNA and features. It's understandable the desperate effort to debunk the research, however iGENEA is a company that spcializes in researching DNA of all different types, with no bone or bias other than what the science shows.

Like I said, you are like the little boy holding your finger in the hole, trying to block the damn. The evidence is overwhelming. Here's another example. Any reason why these Egyptian statues that stayed in good condition indicated Caucasian features and skin color?

Rahotep and Nofret
Of the many notable statuary discovered in Egypt, the two companion statutes of Rahotep and Nofret may be the most remarkable. They are two famous painted limestone figures now on display in the Cairo Museum.


These extraordinary statues are in an excellent state of preservation, due to the fact that the chapels in the mastaba where they were discovered had been sealed off in ancient times, and apparently never known until the modern discovery. They are in such great condition the colors look almost freshly painted today. The figures are each just over 120cm high and are seated on high-backed chairs with foot rests.

Rahotep is depicted with his own short black hair. He sports a splendid trimmed black moustache and around his neck he wears a single strand necklace with a heart amulet. He wears a short white kilt and has one arm held horizontally across his bare chest. The black painted hieroglyphs on the back of his chair give his name and titles.

Marianne Luban, an Egyptologist, was kind enough to offer a transliteration and English translation of these inscriptions:
The statues were discovered in 1871 by Albert Daninos, an assistant to the French explorer and early archeologist, Auguste Mariette. Their burial in a mastaba located near the pyramid of Meidum shows they were members of the royal family of the Fourth Dynasty. Since it is believed Sneferu built the pyramid scholars assume they were his children, but this had not been verified from existing records. The title given to Nofret might imply she was not a member of the royal family.

The most outstanding feature of the statues is that they both retain their lifelike inlaid eyes of crystal which stunned the Egyptian workmen who first opened the tomb and saw them staring out. In the torch light of the dark tomb they looked alive. The workmen fled in terror.



There is no such thing as caucasian features. Those are African features. Your genes come from Africans. Those pictures are of lighter skinned Black people and the paint has obviously been removed.. Dont you see the braids? The lips. White people dont have lips like that unless they get surgery. I dont see anything in your post that says they are Caucasian. Why not?







Nice try, no cigar, the woman in the statue had white skin, and both the man and the woman had thin lips and narrow nostrils, which are signs of Caucasian / Indo European features.

Did the negro race make its way into ancient Egypt and coexist with the Caucasian ancient Egyptians? Sure. But to say that ancient Egyptians were ALL "black" is just wishful thinking by racist Afrocentrists trying to give some false credit to their race.

And, it still doesn't explain the thousands of Caucasian Indo European featured fair skinned red haired ancient Egyptian mummies found, including many of their pharaohs.

“Thousands” of Blond and Red-Haired Mummies Found in Egypt
The discovery of what archaeologists claim to be “thousands” of blond and red-haired mummies in an Egyptian graveyard only provides an insight into the racial makeup of Egypt during Roman and Macedonian rule, and not that of ancient Egypt.


The excavations at the Fag el-Gamous graveyard, located to the south of Cairo, carried out by an archaeological team from the Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, were started 30 years ago, and most of the mummies unearthed appear to date from the time of the Roman occupation of Egypt in 30 BC.

This occurred at the very end of the Macedonian Ptolemy dynasty in 30 BC, when the last queen, the famous Cleopatra (actually Cleopatra VII), committed suicide after she backed Mark Anthony in the Roman Civil War against Octavian, Julius Caesar’s successor.

The Ptolemies however, were not Egyptian at all, and date from the time of Alexander the Great’s occupation of Egypt in 332 BC.

Upon Alexander’s death, Egypt was given to his general Ptolemy I Soter in 323 BC, and the country remained under Macedonian rule until Cleopatra VII’s suicide.

The last “Egyptian” rulers of Egypt, in the “ancient” popular sense of the world, in fact passed from the stage of history hundreds of years even before the Macedonian occupation.

Originally founded by a majority European (Mediterranean with a Nordic ruling class) element, Semites and Nubians were present in Egypt from the earliest dynasties which were started around 3,000 BC.

The numbers of Semites and Nubians gradually increased through the centuries, until the time of the 24th Dynasty of around 800 BC, when the majority of Egyptian society was of mixed race.

The very next Dynasty—the 25th—was created by African (Nubian) invaders of Egypt from the Kingdom of Kush, which easily overran their now mixed-race neighbors to the north. The 25th dynasty lasted from 760 BC to 656 BC, where after they also fell before Assyrian and other foreign invaders.

The original founders of what is popularly called “ancient Egypt” vanished hundreds of years before the invasion by Alexander the Great, and nearly 1,000 years before the burials at the Fag el-Gamous graveyard.

As a result, the blond and red-haired mummies now being unearthed in the Fag el-Gamous graveyard are likely to be from the Macedonian element of society and will be representative of the Egyptian population long after the fall of the original Egyptians.

This population was composed primarily of the mixed-race population of Egypt, plus large numbers of newer invaders, including tens of thousands of Macedonians—who would have been the most European-looking of all the new settlers, thousands of Jews imported from neighboring Judea, Galatian mercenaries from Asia Minor, and scattered numbers of Assyrians and Nubians.

According to Project Director Kerry Muhlstein, an associate professor in the Department of Ancient Scripture at Brigham Young University, as quoted in Live Science, the researchers are “fairly certain” that there are “over a million burials within this cemetery.”

According to a paper by Muhlstein presented at the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities Scholars Colloquium, which was held in Toronto, the Fag el-Gamous graveyard was not a burial ground for kings or royalty, but for common people.


As a result, there was no deliberate mummification process and it was only the natural arid environment which has preserved the bodies in mummified form.

Despite the low status of the dead, the researchers found some remarkably beautiful items, including linen, glass and even colorful booties designed for a child.

Muhlstein’s team is in the early stages of creating a database of all the mummies they have excavated, but it has already provided some intriguing initial results. Muhlstein said he and the other researchers can use the database to “show us all of the blond burials, and [it shows] they are clustered in one area, or all of the red-headed burials, and [it shows] they’re clustered in another area.”

Ginger, A Predynastic Egyptian

The naturally preserved body of an adult man was found in a cemetery at Gebelein, Egypt, and dated to the Late Predynastic period, around 3400 BC, or earlier.

Ginger died more than five thousand years ago, yet his golden hair, which gave him his nick-name, and even his toe- and finger-nails were perfectly preserved. Before mummification was developed to preserve human remains bodies were placed in shallow graves, in direct contact with the sand. The bodies from these early burials frequently did not decay, because the hot dry sand absorbed the water that constitutes 75% of the human weight. Without moisture bacteria cannot breed and cause decay, and the body is preserved. There are many of these burials from the early Egyptian periods where the body is still in excellent condition.

The picture below is from the British Museum, where Ginger was brought more than a hundred years ago. He is one of the favorites for Museum visitors.


Although his body is heavily stained from more than 5,000 years lying in the sand we can see he had a yellowish-white skin. He now lies in an artificial sand grave, with pottery and artifacts placed there by the Museum curators to simulate his surroundings when he was found. They are typical of familiar household items placed with the dead of that era, similar to the way we would place tokens of memory with our dead. "Ginger" represents an Egyptian of early Badarian or Naqada times.

He lies in the tightly curled, infantile position common to the burials of those days. This may have been an attempt to imitate the grave as the womb and he as a new born about to enter heaven.


Although this photograph does not serve well to illustrate the reason for naming this man "Ginger" he received that nickname when he was first put on display in the British Museum because of his golden curly locks. They are somewhat visible. As we can see, similar curly locks were often sculpted on Greek and Roman statues. (The above photograph on the right is that of a statue of the Roman Emperor, Augustus.)

Quite clearly, the technology to produce the life-like eyes illustrated by Rahotep and Nofret in 4th Dynasty Egypt was long lost by the time the Romans produced their sculptures.

Subject to the high humidity environment of London Ginger's skin began to peel from his skull. This can be seen in the golden color blank area over his left eye. Curators have attempted to replace the peeling skin by gluing it back onto the skull, but with mixed success.

Joann Fletcher has become a leading expert on Egyptian mummy remains, and the evidence they can reveal about life in those ancient times through the study of hair. She has a bachelor's degree in ancient history and Egyptology from University College London and an Egyptology Ph.D. from Manchester University. She has studied human remains in museum collections around the world and on site in Egypt, including the Valley of the Kings, Yemen, and South America. She is Egyptologist at Harrogate Museum, in North Yorkshire, and field director of York University's Mummy Research Project and has published extensively in the field of Egyptology.

In excavations at Hierakonpolis during the 1998 season many samples of hair was retrieved for laboratory study. Joann continues:

The vast majority of hair samples discovered at the site were cynotrichous (Caucasian) in type as opposed to heliotrichous (Negroid), a feature which is standard through dynastic times . . .

Close inspection revealed that the natural hair (from the grave of a woman), of slightly more than shoulder-length, had been augmented with a considerable number of artificial lengths of false hair, very reminiscent of modern dreadlocks, meticulously worked into the natural hair to create an imposing high coiffure. The complex styling techniques made it clear that her particular hairstyle was the result of many hours of careful work carried out by someone other than herself. This particular discovery is therefore extremely significant as it is the earliest evidence for the use of false hair in Egypt (if not the whole of the ancient world), predating previous examples by at least 500 years.

And, if this wasn't sufficient, the same lady also provided us with the earliest evidence for the use of hair dye. Indepth examination showed a contrast between the auburn cast of her dark brown hair and a smaller number of unpigmented white strands of hair associated with the aging process. The unpigmented hair had been turned the bright orange color typical of henna, a vegetable dye made from the powdered leaves of the shrub Lawsonia inermis. This shrub grows yet in the area and is still used for the same purpose by the local population, who kindly showed us where the best henna bushes were to be found

Although most of the hair found is the natural dark brown color, natural red hair was also discovered in association with male Burial No. 79, his hair originally falling in a wavy style ending in small ringlet-type open-center curls. Together with other burials, this reveals the great attention paid to appearance, the hair obviously of great importance to both men and women alike. There were clearly a great range of styles by this early date, from extremely short crops little more than I cm long as noted in Burial No. 76 (a female ofc.25-30 years) to longer styles, as demonstrated by the large quantity of dark brown wavy hair set in partially twisted lengths recovered intact in association with Burial No. 91. Although the hair itself was discovered completely detached from the skull, it was possible to determine that it would originally have been set at shoulder length.

The best preserved hair, however, was found in the well padded Burial No. 85 (nicknamed Paddy), a female of c.20-25 years of age. Careful removal of the upper layers of matting and linen pads allowed the hair to be preserved intact on the head, particularly the delicate free-hanging hair ends around the shoulder area that give the most accurate idea of the original hair length. Further study back in the lab revealed an original shoulder length style of natural waves, extending c.22 cm from the crown, with a left side parting and an asymmetrical fringe made up of S-shape curls bordering the eyes. In addition to the excellent preservation of Paddy's cranial hair, her right eyebrow had also survived intact beneath the layers of protective wrappings,

Further facial hair recovered in association with the redheaded man in Burial No. 79 appears to have been cut with a sharp blade, while analysis of one mass of hair discovered last season proved to be an almost complete beard, possibly the oldest surviving example yet found! Body hair was also found during both seasons, including underarm and pubic hair.

Hierakonpolis was the first identifiable Egyptian capital of a developing dynastic regime. The date of these burials was around 3600 BC. According to the Nekhen web site,



Well before the construction of the pyramids, Hierakonpolis was one of the largest urban centers along the Nile -- a vibrant, bustling city containing many of the features that would later come to typify Dynastic Egyptian civilization. Stretching for over 3 miles along the edge of the Nile flood plain, already by 3500 BC it was a city of many neighborhoods and quarters.

Over a century of archaeological research, continuing with the present Hierakonpolis Expedition, has confirmed this vast site's central role in the transition from prehistory to history of the rise of early Egyptian civilization.

Thus we can see that all shades of hair were found at this date, from dark brown, to auburn, to red, to blond. This is the spectrum of hair color we find today among the people of North Europe and North America, or what might be called Celtic colors. The hair was definitely Caucasian, and not Negroid.
Last edited:
Ginger - A Predynastic Egyptian
Were ancient Egyptians Caucasians that migrated there from Europe / Mediterranean? There is science that supports it.

I love when people use this claim. That has been debunked not only by people with common sense but by two other genetic companies and the researchers that actually did the testing. You do realize the basis for IGENA's claim is that they got the information from a screen shot on a TV show right? Basically it was a scam to make money! :laugh:

Scam Alert King Tut 8217 s DNA Doug s Archaeology

"Maybe you saw the recent headlines about how scientists at iGENEA discovered that King Tutankhamun(Tut) was related to half of Western Europe’s Males, that looks like it is the set up for a scam. Turns out real researchers have conducted work on King Tut’s DNA and that iGENEA got their supposed DNA evidence by copying it off of a Discovery TV Program on the subject."

Now here are the real results from 2 different genetic companies owned by white guys. Read those and tell me what they say idiot.

http://www.dnatribes.com/dnatribes-digest-2012-01-01.pdf Tut
http://www.dnatribes.com/dnatribes-digest-2013-02-01.pdf Rameses III

The Thuya Gene
The Thuya Gene

Tut Gene
The King Tut Gene

And yet, all that BS, doesn't explain the thousands of Ancient Egyptians found with Caucasian DNA and features. It's understandable the desperate effort to debunk the research, however iGENEA is a company that spcializes in researching DNA of all different types, with no bone or bias other than what the science shows.

Like I said, you are like the little boy holding your finger in the hole, trying to block the damn. The evidence is overwhelming. Here's another example. Any reason why these Egyptian statues that stayed in good condition indicated Caucasian features and skin color?

Rahotep and Nofret
Of the many notable statuary discovered in Egypt, the two companion statutes of Rahotep and Nofret may be the most remarkable. They are two famous painted limestone figures now on display in the Cairo Museum.


These extraordinary statues are in an excellent state of preservation, due to the fact that the chapels in the mastaba where they were discovered had been sealed off in ancient times, and apparently never known until the modern discovery. They are in such great condition the colors look almost freshly painted today. The figures are each just over 120cm high and are seated on high-backed chairs with foot rests.

Rahotep is depicted with his own short black hair. He sports a splendid trimmed black moustache and around his neck he wears a single strand necklace with a heart amulet. He wears a short white kilt and has one arm held horizontally across his bare chest. The black painted hieroglyphs on the back of his chair give his name and titles.

Marianne Luban, an Egyptologist, was kind enough to offer a transliteration and English translation of these inscriptions:
The statues were discovered in 1871 by Albert Daninos, an assistant to the French explorer and early archeologist, Auguste Mariette. Their burial in a mastaba located near the pyramid of Meidum shows they were members of the royal family of the Fourth Dynasty. Since it is believed Sneferu built the pyramid scholars assume they were his children, but this had not been verified from existing records. The title given to Nofret might imply she was not a member of the royal family.

The most outstanding feature of the statues is that they both retain their lifelike inlaid eyes of crystal which stunned the Egyptian workmen who first opened the tomb and saw them staring out. In the torch light of the dark tomb they looked alive. The workmen fled in terror.



There is no such thing as caucasian features. Those are African features. Your genes come from Africans. Those pictures are of lighter skinned Black people and the paint has obviously been removed.. Dont you see the braids? The lips. White people dont have lips like that unless they get surgery. I dont see anything in your post that says they are Caucasian. Why not?







Nice try, no cigar, the woman in the statue had white skin, and both the man and the woman had thin lips and narrow nostrils, which are signs of Caucasian / Indo European features.

Did the negro race make its way into ancient Egypt and coexist with the Caucasian ancient Egyptians? Sure. But to say that ancient Egyptians were ALL "black" is just wishful thinking by racist Afrocentrists trying to give some false credit to their race.

And, it still doesn't explain the thousands of Caucasian Indo European featured fair skinned red haired ancient Egyptian mummies found, including many of their pharaohs.

“Thousands” of Blond and Red-Haired Mummies Found in Egypt
The discovery of what archaeologists claim to be “thousands” of blond and red-haired mummies in an Egyptian graveyard only provides an insight into the racial makeup of Egypt during Roman and Macedonian rule, and not that of ancient Egypt.


The excavations at the Fag el-Gamous graveyard, located to the south of Cairo, carried out by an archaeological team from the Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, were started 30 years ago, and most of the mummies unearthed appear to date from the time of the Roman occupation of Egypt in 30 BC.

This occurred at the very end of the Macedonian Ptolemy dynasty in 30 BC, when the last queen, the famous Cleopatra (actually Cleopatra VII), committed suicide after she backed Mark Anthony in the Roman Civil War against Octavian, Julius Caesar’s successor.

The Ptolemies however, were not Egyptian at all, and date from the time of Alexander the Great’s occupation of Egypt in 332 BC.

Upon Alexander’s death, Egypt was given to his general Ptolemy I Soter in 323 BC, and the country remained under Macedonian rule until Cleopatra VII’s suicide.

The last “Egyptian” rulers of Egypt, in the “ancient” popular sense of the world, in fact passed from the stage of history hundreds of years even before the Macedonian occupation.

Originally founded by a majority European (Mediterranean with a Nordic ruling class) element, Semites and Nubians were present in Egypt from the earliest dynasties which were started around 3,000 BC.

The numbers of Semites and Nubians gradually increased through the centuries, until the time of the 24th Dynasty of around 800 BC, when the majority of Egyptian society was of mixed race.

The very next Dynasty—the 25th—was created by African (Nubian) invaders of Egypt from the Kingdom of Kush, which easily overran their now mixed-race neighbors to the north. The 25th dynasty lasted from 760 BC to 656 BC, where after they also fell before Assyrian and other foreign invaders.

The original founders of what is popularly called “ancient Egypt” vanished hundreds of years before the invasion by Alexander the Great, and nearly 1,000 years before the burials at the Fag el-Gamous graveyard.

As a result, the blond and red-haired mummies now being unearthed in the Fag el-Gamous graveyard are likely to be from the Macedonian element of society and will be representative of the Egyptian population long after the fall of the original Egyptians.

This population was composed primarily of the mixed-race population of Egypt, plus large numbers of newer invaders, including tens of thousands of Macedonians—who would have been the most European-looking of all the new settlers, thousands of Jews imported from neighboring Judea, Galatian mercenaries from Asia Minor, and scattered numbers of Assyrians and Nubians.

According to Project Director Kerry Muhlstein, an associate professor in the Department of Ancient Scripture at Brigham Young University, as quoted in Live Science, the researchers are “fairly certain” that there are “over a million burials within this cemetery.”

According to a paper by Muhlstein presented at the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities Scholars Colloquium, which was held in Toronto, the Fag el-Gamous graveyard was not a burial ground for kings or royalty, but for common people.


As a result, there was no deliberate mummification process and it was only the natural arid environment which has preserved the bodies in mummified form.

Despite the low status of the dead, the researchers found some remarkably beautiful items, including linen, glass and even colorful booties designed for a child.

Muhlstein’s team is in the early stages of creating a database of all the mummies they have excavated, but it has already provided some intriguing initial results. Muhlstein said he and the other researchers can use the database to “show us all of the blond burials, and [it shows] they are clustered in one area, or all of the red-headed burials, and [it shows] they’re clustered in another area.”

Ginger, A Predynastic Egyptian

The naturally preserved body of an adult man was found in a cemetery at Gebelein, Egypt, and dated to the Late Predynastic period, around 3400 BC, or earlier.

Ginger died more than five thousand years ago, yet his golden hair, which gave him his nick-name, and even his toe- and finger-nails were perfectly preserved. Before mummification was developed to preserve human remains bodies were placed in shallow graves, in direct contact with the sand. The bodies from these early burials frequently did not decay, because the hot dry sand absorbed the water that constitutes 75% of the human weight. Without moisture bacteria cannot breed and cause decay, and the body is preserved. There are many of these burials from the early Egyptian periods where the body is still in excellent condition.

The picture below is from the British Museum, where Ginger was brought more than a hundred years ago. He is one of the favorites for Museum visitors.


Although his body is heavily stained from more than 5,000 years lying in the sand we can see he had a yellowish-white skin. He now lies in an artificial sand grave, with pottery and artifacts placed there by the Museum curators to simulate his surroundings when he was found. They are typical of familiar household items placed with the dead of that era, similar to the way we would place tokens of memory with our dead. "Ginger" represents an Egyptian of early Badarian or Naqada times.

He lies in the tightly curled, infantile position common to the burials of those days. This may have been an attempt to imitate the grave as the womb and he as a new born about to enter heaven.


Although this photograph does not serve well to illustrate the reason for naming this man "Ginger" he received that nickname when he was first put on display in the British Museum because of his golden curly locks. They are somewhat visible. As we can see, similar curly locks were often sculpted on Greek and Roman statues. (The above photograph on the right is that of a statue of the Roman Emperor, Augustus.)

Quite clearly, the technology to produce the life-like eyes illustrated by Rahotep and Nofret in 4th Dynasty Egypt was long lost by the time the Romans produced their sculptures.

Subject to the high humidity environment of London Ginger's skin began to peel from his skull. This can be seen in the golden color blank area over his left eye. Curators have attempted to replace the peeling skin by gluing it back onto the skull, but with mixed success.

Joann Fletcher has become a leading expert on Egyptian mummy remains, and the evidence they can reveal about life in those ancient times through the study of hair. She has a bachelor's degree in ancient history and Egyptology from University College London and an Egyptology Ph.D. from Manchester University. She has studied human remains in museum collections around the world and on site in Egypt, including the Valley of the Kings, Yemen, and South America. She is Egyptologist at Harrogate Museum, in North Yorkshire, and field director of York University's Mummy Research Project and has published extensively in the field of Egyptology.


Were ancient Egyptians Caucasians that migrated there from Europe / Mediterranean? There is science that supports it.

I love when people use this claim. That has been debunked not only by people with common sense but by two other genetic companies and the researchers that actually did the testing. You do realize the basis for IGENA's claim is that they got the information from a screen shot on a TV show right? Basically it was a scam to make money! :laugh:

Scam Alert King Tut 8217 s DNA Doug s Archaeology

"Maybe you saw the recent headlines about how scientists at iGENEA discovered that King Tutankhamun(Tut) was related to half of Western Europe’s Males, that looks like it is the set up for a scam. Turns out real researchers have conducted work on King Tut’s DNA and that iGENEA got their supposed DNA evidence by copying it off of a Discovery TV Program on the subject."

Now here are the real results from 2 different genetic companies owned by white guys. Read those and tell me what they say idiot.

http://www.dnatribes.com/dnatribes-digest-2012-01-01.pdf Tut
http://www.dnatribes.com/dnatribes-digest-2013-02-01.pdf Rameses III

The Thuya Gene
The Thuya Gene

Tut Gene
The King Tut Gene

And yet, all that BS, doesn't explain the thousands of Ancient Egyptians found with Caucasian DNA and features. It's understandable the desperate effort to debunk the research, however iGENEA is a company that spcializes in researching DNA of all different types, with no bone or bias other than what the science shows.

Like I said, you are like the little boy holding your finger in the hole, trying to block the damn. The evidence is overwhelming. Here's another example. Any reason why these Egyptian statues that stayed in good condition indicated Caucasian features and skin color?

Rahotep and Nofret
Of the many notable statuary discovered in Egypt, the two companion statutes of Rahotep and Nofret may be the most remarkable. They are two famous painted limestone figures now on display in the Cairo Museum.


These extraordinary statues are in an excellent state of preservation, due to the fact that the chapels in the mastaba where they were discovered had been sealed off in ancient times, and apparently never known until the modern discovery. They are in such great condition the colors look almost freshly painted today. The figures are each just over 120cm high and are seated on high-backed chairs with foot rests.

Rahotep is depicted with his own short black hair. He sports a splendid trimmed black moustache and around his neck he wears a single strand necklace with a heart amulet. He wears a short white kilt and has one arm held horizontally across his bare chest. The black painted hieroglyphs on the back of his chair give his name and titles.

Marianne Luban, an Egyptologist, was kind enough to offer a transliteration and English translation of these inscriptions:
The statues were discovered in 1871 by Albert Daninos, an assistant to the French explorer and early archeologist, Auguste Mariette. Their burial in a mastaba located near the pyramid of Meidum shows they were members of the royal family of the Fourth Dynasty. Since it is believed Sneferu built the pyramid scholars assume they were his children, but this had not been verified from existing records. The title given to Nofret might imply she was not a member of the royal family.

The most outstanding feature of the statues is that they both retain their lifelike inlaid eyes of crystal which stunned the Egyptian workmen who first opened the tomb and saw them staring out. In the torch light of the dark tomb they looked alive. The workmen fled in terror.



There is no such thing as caucasian features. Those are African features. Your genes come from Africans. Those pictures are of lighter skinned Black people and the paint has obviously been removed.. Dont you see the braids? The lips. White people dont have lips like that unless they get surgery. I dont see anything in your post that says they are Caucasian. Why not?







Nice try, no cigar, the woman in the statue had white skin, and both the man and the woman had thin lips and narrow nostrils, which are signs of Caucasian / Indo European features.

Did the negro race make its way into ancient Egypt and coexist with the Caucasian ancient Egyptians? Sure. But to say that ancient Egyptians were ALL "black" is just wishful thinking by racist Afrocentrists trying to give some false credit to their race.

And, it still doesn't explain the thousands of Caucasian Indo European featured fair skinned red haired ancient Egyptian mummies found, including many of their pharaohs.

Sorry guy but the statue was scrubbed and the features are of Black people. There were no white people ever living in the Nile region until Greece invaded. There is a reason the Greeks themselves said that they Egyptians were Black people. Its funny you actually think white people built this great civilization in Egypt or Kmt (Blacks) without suntan lotion but couldnt do the same thing in England. Where is there an pyramid in Europe? :laugh:

"the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.)


Lycinus (describing a young Egyptian): "This boy is not merely black; he has thick lips and his legs are too thin . . . his hair worn in a plait behind shows that he is not a freeman."

Timolaus: "But that is a sign of really distinguished birth in Egypt, Lycinus, All freeborn children plait their hair until they reach manhood. It is the exact opposite of the custom of our ancestors who thought it seemly for old men to secure their hair with a gold brooch to keep it in place."

(Lucian, Navigations, paras 2-3)

Diodorus of Sicily writes:

“The Ethiopians say that the Egyptians are one of their colonies which was brought into Egypt by Osiris. They even allege that this country was originally under water, but that the Nile, dragging much mud as it flowed from Ethiopia, had finally filled it in and made it a part of the continent. ... They add that from them, as from their authors and ancestors, the Egyptians get most of their laws. It is from them that the Egyptians have learned to honor

kings as gods and bury them with such pomp; sculpture and writing were invented by the Ethiopians. The Ethiopians cite evidence that they are more ancient than the Egyptians, but it is useless to report that here.”: Histoire universelle, translated by Abbe Terrasson. Paris, 1758, Bk. 3 p. 341.}

"Just think," de Volney declared incredulously, "that this race of Black men, today our slave and the object of our scorn, is the very race to which we owe our arts, sciences, and even the use of speech! Just imagine, finally, that it is in the midst of people who call themselves the greatest friends of liberty and humanity that one has approved the most barbarous slavery, and questioned whether Black men have the same kind of intelligence as whites! "

-Constantine de Volney

Sorry racist gal, read it again. Nothing was RUBBED off, in fact, the remarkable thing about the two statues was how fresh and well preserved the paint was.

These extraordinary statues are in an excellent state of preservation, due to the fact that the chapels in the mastaba where they were discovered had been sealed off in ancient times, and apparently never known until the modern discovery.

Ginger - A Predynastic Egyptian
I love when people use this claim. That has been debunked not only by people with common sense but by two other genetic companies and the researchers that actually did the testing. You do realize the basis for IGENA's claim is that they got the information from a screen shot on a TV show right? Basically it was a scam to make money! :laugh:

Scam Alert King Tut 8217 s DNA Doug s Archaeology

"Maybe you saw the recent headlines about how scientists at iGENEA discovered that King Tutankhamun(Tut) was related to half of Western Europe’s Males, that looks like it is the set up for a scam. Turns out real researchers have conducted work on King Tut’s DNA and that iGENEA got their supposed DNA evidence by copying it off of a Discovery TV Program on the subject."

Now here are the real results from 2 different genetic companies owned by white guys. Read those and tell me what they say idiot.

http://www.dnatribes.com/dnatribes-digest-2012-01-01.pdf Tut
http://www.dnatribes.com/dnatribes-digest-2013-02-01.pdf Rameses III

The Thuya Gene
The Thuya Gene

Tut Gene
The King Tut Gene

And yet, all that BS, doesn't explain the thousands of Ancient Egyptians found with Caucasian DNA and features. It's understandable the desperate effort to debunk the research, however iGENEA is a company that spcializes in researching DNA of all different types, with no bone or bias other than what the science shows.

Like I said, you are like the little boy holding your finger in the hole, trying to block the damn. The evidence is overwhelming. Here's another example. Any reason why these Egyptian statues that stayed in good condition indicated Caucasian features and skin color?

Rahotep and Nofret
Of the many notable statuary discovered in Egypt, the two companion statutes of Rahotep and Nofret may be the most remarkable. They are two famous painted limestone figures now on display in the Cairo Museum.


These extraordinary statues are in an excellent state of preservation, due to the fact that the chapels in the mastaba where they were discovered had been sealed off in ancient times, and apparently never known until the modern discovery. They are in such great condition the colors look almost freshly painted today. The figures are each just over 120cm high and are seated on high-backed chairs with foot rests.

Rahotep is depicted with his own short black hair. He sports a splendid trimmed black moustache and around his neck he wears a single strand necklace with a heart amulet. He wears a short white kilt and has one arm held horizontally across his bare chest. The black painted hieroglyphs on the back of his chair give his name and titles.

Marianne Luban, an Egyptologist, was kind enough to offer a transliteration and English translation of these inscriptions:
The statues were discovered in 1871 by Albert Daninos, an assistant to the French explorer and early archeologist, Auguste Mariette. Their burial in a mastaba located near the pyramid of Meidum shows they were members of the royal family of the Fourth Dynasty. Since it is believed Sneferu built the pyramid scholars assume they were his children, but this had not been verified from existing records. The title given to Nofret might imply she was not a member of the royal family.

The most outstanding feature of the statues is that they both retain their lifelike inlaid eyes of crystal which stunned the Egyptian workmen who first opened the tomb and saw them staring out. In the torch light of the dark tomb they looked alive. The workmen fled in terror.


There is no such thing as caucasian features. Those are African features. Your genes come from Africans. Those pictures are of lighter skinned Black people and the paint has obviously been removed.. Dont you see the braids? The lips. White people dont have lips like that unless they get surgery. I dont see anything in your post that says they are Caucasian. Why not?







Nice try, no cigar, the woman in the statue had white skin, and both the man and the woman had thin lips and narrow nostrils, which are signs of Caucasian / Indo European features.

Did the negro race make its way into ancient Egypt and coexist with the Caucasian ancient Egyptians? Sure. But to say that ancient Egyptians were ALL "black" is just wishful thinking by racist Afrocentrists trying to give some false credit to their race.

And, it still doesn't explain the thousands of Caucasian Indo European featured fair skinned red haired ancient Egyptian mummies found, including many of their pharaohs.

“Thousands” of Blond and Red-Haired Mummies Found in Egypt
The discovery of what archaeologists claim to be “thousands” of blond and red-haired mummies in an Egyptian graveyard only provides an insight into the racial makeup of Egypt during Roman and Macedonian rule, and not that of ancient Egypt.


The excavations at the Fag el-Gamous graveyard, located to the south of Cairo, carried out by an archaeological team from the Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, were started 30 years ago, and most of the mummies unearthed appear to date from the time of the Roman occupation of Egypt in 30 BC.

This occurred at the very end of the Macedonian Ptolemy dynasty in 30 BC, when the last queen, the famous Cleopatra (actually Cleopatra VII), committed suicide after she backed Mark Anthony in the Roman Civil War against Octavian, Julius Caesar’s successor.

The Ptolemies however, were not Egyptian at all, and date from the time of Alexander the Great’s occupation of Egypt in 332 BC.

Upon Alexander’s death, Egypt was given to his general Ptolemy I Soter in 323 BC, and the country remained under Macedonian rule until Cleopatra VII’s suicide.

The last “Egyptian” rulers of Egypt, in the “ancient” popular sense of the world, in fact passed from the stage of history hundreds of years even before the Macedonian occupation.

Originally founded by a majority European (Mediterranean with a Nordic ruling class) element, Semites and Nubians were present in Egypt from the earliest dynasties which were started around 3,000 BC.

The numbers of Semites and Nubians gradually increased through the centuries, until the time of the 24th Dynasty of around 800 BC, when the majority of Egyptian society was of mixed race.

The very next Dynasty—the 25th—was created by African (Nubian) invaders of Egypt from the Kingdom of Kush, which easily overran their now mixed-race neighbors to the north. The 25th dynasty lasted from 760 BC to 656 BC, where after they also fell before Assyrian and other foreign invaders.

The original founders of what is popularly called “ancient Egypt” vanished hundreds of years before the invasion by Alexander the Great, and nearly 1,000 years before the burials at the Fag el-Gamous graveyard.

As a result, the blond and red-haired mummies now being unearthed in the Fag el-Gamous graveyard are likely to be from the Macedonian element of society and will be representative of the Egyptian population long after the fall of the original Egyptians.

This population was composed primarily of the mixed-race population of Egypt, plus large numbers of newer invaders, including tens of thousands of Macedonians—who would have been the most European-looking of all the new settlers, thousands of Jews imported from neighboring Judea, Galatian mercenaries from Asia Minor, and scattered numbers of Assyrians and Nubians.

According to Project Director Kerry Muhlstein, an associate professor in the Department of Ancient Scripture at Brigham Young University, as quoted in Live Science, the researchers are “fairly certain” that there are “over a million burials within this cemetery.”

According to a paper by Muhlstein presented at the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities Scholars Colloquium, which was held in Toronto, the Fag el-Gamous graveyard was not a burial ground for kings or royalty, but for common people.


As a result, there was no deliberate mummification process and it was only the natural arid environment which has preserved the bodies in mummified form.

Despite the low status of the dead, the researchers found some remarkably beautiful items, including linen, glass and even colorful booties designed for a child.

Muhlstein’s team is in the early stages of creating a database of all the mummies they have excavated, but it has already provided some intriguing initial results. Muhlstein said he and the other researchers can use the database to “show us all of the blond burials, and [it shows] they are clustered in one area, or all of the red-headed burials, and [it shows] they’re clustered in another area.”

Ginger, A Predynastic Egyptian

The naturally preserved body of an adult man was found in a cemetery at Gebelein, Egypt, and dated to the Late Predynastic period, around 3400 BC, or earlier.

Ginger died more than five thousand years ago, yet his golden hair, which gave him his nick-name, and even his toe- and finger-nails were perfectly preserved. Before mummification was developed to preserve human remains bodies were placed in shallow graves, in direct contact with the sand. The bodies from these early burials frequently did not decay, because the hot dry sand absorbed the water that constitutes 75% of the human weight. Without moisture bacteria cannot breed and cause decay, and the body is preserved. There are many of these burials from the early Egyptian periods where the body is still in excellent condition.

The picture below is from the British Museum, where Ginger was brought more than a hundred years ago. He is one of the favorites for Museum visitors.


Although his body is heavily stained from more than 5,000 years lying in the sand we can see he had a yellowish-white skin. He now lies in an artificial sand grave, with pottery and artifacts placed there by the Museum curators to simulate his surroundings when he was found. They are typical of familiar household items placed with the dead of that era, similar to the way we would place tokens of memory with our dead. "Ginger" represents an Egyptian of early Badarian or Naqada times.

He lies in the tightly curled, infantile position common to the burials of those days. This may have been an attempt to imitate the grave as the womb and he as a new born about to enter heaven.


Although this photograph does not serve well to illustrate the reason for naming this man "Ginger" he received that nickname when he was first put on display in the British Museum because of his golden curly locks. They are somewhat visible. As we can see, similar curly locks were often sculpted on Greek and Roman statues. (The above photograph on the right is that of a statue of the Roman Emperor, Augustus.)

Quite clearly, the technology to produce the life-like eyes illustrated by Rahotep and Nofret in 4th Dynasty Egypt was long lost by the time the Romans produced their sculptures.

Subject to the high humidity environment of London Ginger's skin began to peel from his skull. This can be seen in the golden color blank area over his left eye. Curators have attempted to replace the peeling skin by gluing it back onto the skull, but with mixed success.

Joann Fletcher has become a leading expert on Egyptian mummy remains, and the evidence they can reveal about life in those ancient times through the study of hair. She has a bachelor's degree in ancient history and Egyptology from University College London and an Egyptology Ph.D. from Manchester University. She has studied human remains in museum collections around the world and on site in Egypt, including the Valley of the Kings, Yemen, and South America. She is Egyptologist at Harrogate Museum, in North Yorkshire, and field director of York University's Mummy Research Project and has published extensively in the field of Egyptology.



Ginger had light skin, in fact the light skin is still showing, as the article states, so did the thousands of red haired mummies, they had light skin too, read it again:

"Although his body is heavily stained from more than 5,000 years lying in the sand we can see he had a yellowish-white skin"

Give it up. I just poked a huge hole in your racist ideology. Egyptians at best were Caucasian Indo Europeans who migrated from the north into Egypt, and then turned darker because of the climate. Sorry to burst your racist bubble.

Science is not on your side. Ancient Egyptians were not a homogenous population of entirely black people, in fact, black negroes seemed to be the minority there. The only thing on your side is your racist ideology and wishful thinking.
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