Fury in Israel Over Obama's Mossad 'Lies'

Yes Google is your friend. Too bad youre an idiot Roudy. Still waiting for the link to the China bones. did you find it yet?

Omo remains - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

200,000 years ago? Ha ha ha. You're the fucking idiot. You do realize that the continents were connected to each other so what you call "Africa" was actually connected to several other continents.

Besides, what's your fucking point? You have non.

Semi literate doesn't even know how to use google:

Rachel Kaufman

for National Geographic News


A fossil human jawbone discovered in southern China is upsetting conventional notions of when our ancestors migrated out of Africa.

The mandible, unearthed by paleontologists in China's Zhiren Cave in 2007, sports a distinctly modern feature: a prominent chin. But the bone is undeniably 60,000 years older than the next oldestHomo sapiens remains in China, scientists say.

In fact, at about a hundred thousand years old, the Chinese fossil is "the oldest modern human outside of Africa," said study co-author Erik Trinkaus, an anthropologist at Washington University in St. Louis.

(Also see "Oldest Skeleton of Human Ancestor Found.")

Popular theory states that Homo sapiens migrated out of Africa about 60,000 years ago, at which point modern humans quickly replaced early human species such as Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensisacross the world.

Finding such an ancient example of a modern human in China would drastically alter the time line of human migration. The find may also mean that modern humans in China were mingling—and possibly even interbreeding—with other human species for 50,000 or 60,000 years.

(Related: "Neanderthals, Humans Interbred—First Solid DNA Evidence.")

What's more, the find seems to suggest that anatomically modern humans had arrived in China long before the species began actinghuman.

For example, symbolic thought is a distinctly human trait that involves using things such as beads and drawings to represent objects, people, and events. The first strong evidence for this trait doesn't appear in the archaeological record in China until 30,000 years ago, Trinkaus said.
You are a complete idiot. Thats the oldest remains found in china dummy. From your own link.

China s Earliest Modern Human Found

"Such findings support the long-held theory that modern humans out-competed and eventually replaced other species as the modern humans spread out of Africa"

Whats so bad about your fuckup is that it says it right at the top of the page. :laugh:

China's Earliest Modern Human Found

Just pointing out the article to you. If Homo sapiens migrated out of Africa to other continents that were connected, doesn't mean they were born black, you dumbass. The black skin itself mutated as a result of changes in climate and conditions in Africa. Wow, you are a total buffoon.

You can shove your supremacist ideology up Uranus. I've shredded it to pieces.
No moron. You claimed that there were some older bones in China. I nailed your ass to wall and made you look like the idiot you are.

By the way some fossils as old if not older have been found around China. Does that mean we're all Chinese? Ha ha ha.

I already posted the evidence that there was a mutation that occurred that enabled the gene of white skin. Its only 7K years old. of course everyone was Black That's natures design. Try 1.2 Million years in the making.

Skin cancer risk may have driven evolution of black skin -- ScienceDaily

Nope. Ancient man was this hairy ape-like creature you wouldn't recognize today. He wasn't black or white or anything. Those that stayed in Africa evolved into the black race. Those that moved to various parts of the world, therefore evolved into those races, depending on the climate and topography. Did you drop out of school? Makes sense.
Yes you are an idiot. You are actually think debating against scientific fact makes you right? What a moron!

I bet you are going to triple check your posts from now on. I will make you look like the idiot you are every time.
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200,000 years ago? Ha ha ha. You're the fucking idiot. You do realize that the continents were connected to each other so what you call "Africa" was actually connected to several other continents.

Besides, what's your fucking point? You have non.

Semi literate doesn't even know how to use google:

Rachel Kaufman

for National Geographic News


A fossil human jawbone discovered in southern China is upsetting conventional notions of when our ancestors migrated out of Africa.

The mandible, unearthed by paleontologists in China's Zhiren Cave in 2007, sports a distinctly modern feature: a prominent chin. But the bone is undeniably 60,000 years older than the next oldestHomo sapiens remains in China, scientists say.

In fact, at about a hundred thousand years old, the Chinese fossil is "the oldest modern human outside of Africa," said study co-author Erik Trinkaus, an anthropologist at Washington University in St. Louis.

(Also see "Oldest Skeleton of Human Ancestor Found.")

Popular theory states that Homo sapiens migrated out of Africa about 60,000 years ago, at which point modern humans quickly replaced early human species such as Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensisacross the world.

Finding such an ancient example of a modern human in China would drastically alter the time line of human migration. The find may also mean that modern humans in China were mingling—and possibly even interbreeding—with other human species for 50,000 or 60,000 years.

(Related: "Neanderthals, Humans Interbred—First Solid DNA Evidence.")

What's more, the find seems to suggest that anatomically modern humans had arrived in China long before the species began actinghuman.

For example, symbolic thought is a distinctly human trait that involves using things such as beads and drawings to represent objects, people, and events. The first strong evidence for this trait doesn't appear in the archaeological record in China until 30,000 years ago, Trinkaus said.
You are a complete idiot. Thats the oldest remains found in china dummy. From your own link.

China s Earliest Modern Human Found

"Such findings support the long-held theory that modern humans out-competed and eventually replaced other species as the modern humans spread out of Africa"

Whats so bad about your fuckup is that it says it right at the top of the page. :laugh:

China's Earliest Modern Human Found

Just pointing out the article to you. If Homo sapiens migrated out of Africa to other continents that were connected, doesn't mean they were born black, you dumbass. The black skin itself mutated as a result of changes in climate and conditions in Africa. Wow, you are a total buffoon.

You can shove your supremacist ideology up Uranus. I've shredded it to pieces.
No moron. You claimed that there were some older bones in China. I nailed your ass to wall and made you look like the idiot you are.

By the way some fossils as old if not older have been found around China. Does that mean we're all Chinese? Ha ha ha.

I already posted the evidence that there was a mutation that occurred that enabled the gene of white skin. Its only 7K years old. of course everyone was Black That's natures design. Try 1.2 Million years in the making.

Skin cancer risk may have driven evolution of black skin -- ScienceDaily

Nope. Ancient man was this hairy ape-like creature you wouldn't recognize today. He wasn't black or white or anything. Those that stayed in Africa evolved into the black race. Those that moved to various parts of the world, therefore evolved into those races, depending on the climate and topography. Did you drop out of school? Makes sense.
Yes you are an idiot. You are actually think debating against scientific fact makes you right? What a moron!
Scientific evidence points that race and skin color evolved as a result of sun, climate, topography, environment, and abundance of food.

Now run along and go get your elementary school diploma., before the local adult school runs out of space. You should be thanking me for educating you while blowing a big hole in your black supremacist ideology.

Evolution: Library:

The Biology of Skin Color: Black and White

"Jablonski later came across three documented cases in which children's neural-tube defects were linked to their mothers' visits to tanning studios during early pregnancy. Moreover, she found that folate is crucial to sperm development -- so much so that a folate inhibitor was developed as a male contraceptive. ("It never got anywhere," Jablonski says. "It was so effective that it knocked out all folate in the body.") She now had some intriguing evidence that folate might be the driving force behind the evolution of darker skin. But why do some people have light skin?

As far back as the 1960s, the biochemist W. Farnsworth Loomis had suggested that skin color is determined by the body's need for vitamin D. The vitamin helps the body absorb calcium and deposit it in bones, an essential function, particularly in fast-growing embryos. (The need for vitamin D during pregnancy may explain why women around the globe tend to have lighter skin than men.) Unlike folate, vitamin D depends on ultraviolet light for its production in the body. Loomis believed that people who live in the north, where daylight is weakest, evolved fair skin to help absorb more ultraviolet light and that people in the tropics evolved dark skin to block the light, keeping the body from overdosing on vitamin D, which can be toxic at high concentrations.

By the time Jablonski did her research, Loomis's hypothesis had been partially disproved. "You can never overdose on natural amounts of vitamin D," Jablonski says. "There are only rare cases where people take too many cod-liver supplements." But Loomis's insight about fair skin held up, and it made a perfect complement for Jablonski's insight about folate and dark skin. The next step was to find some hard data correlating skin color to light levels.

Until the 1980s, researchers could only estimate how much ultraviolet radiation reaches Earth's surface. But in 1978, NASA launched the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer. Three years ago, Jablonski and Chaplin took the spectrometer's global ultraviolet measurements and compared them with published data on skin color in indigenous populations from more than 50 countries. To their delight, there was an unmistakable correlation: The weaker the ultraviolet light, the fairer the skin. Jablonski went on to show that people living above 50 degrees latitude have the highest risk of vitamin D deficiency.
You are a complete idiot. Thats the oldest remains found in china dummy. From your own link.

China s Earliest Modern Human Found

"Such findings support the long-held theory that modern humans out-competed and eventually replaced other species as the modern humans spread out of Africa"

Whats so bad about your fuckup is that it says it right at the top of the page. :laugh:

China's Earliest Modern Human Found

Just pointing out the article to you. If Homo sapiens migrated out of Africa to other continents that were connected, doesn't mean they were born black, you dumbass. The black skin itself mutated as a result of changes in climate and conditions in Africa. Wow, you are a total buffoon.

You can shove your supremacist ideology up Uranus. I've shredded it to pieces.
No moron. You claimed that there were some older bones in China. I nailed your ass to wall and made you look like the idiot you are.

By the way some fossils as old if not older have been found around China. Does that mean we're all Chinese? Ha ha ha.

I already posted the evidence that there was a mutation that occurred that enabled the gene of white skin. Its only 7K years old. of course everyone was Black That's natures design. Try 1.2 Million years in the making.

Skin cancer risk may have driven evolution of black skin -- ScienceDaily

Nope. Ancient man was this hairy ape-like creature you wouldn't recognize today. He wasn't black or white or anything. Those that stayed in Africa evolved into the black race. Those that moved to various parts of the world, therefore evolved into those races, depending on the climate and topography. Did you drop out of school? Makes sense.
Yes you are an idiot. You are actually think debating against scientific fact makes you right? What a moron!
Scientific evidence points that race and skin color evolved as a result of sun, climate, topography, environment, and abundance of food.

Now run along and go get your elementary school diploma., before the local adult school runs out of space. You should be thanking me for educating you while blowing a big hole in your black supremacist ideology.

Evolution: Library:

The Biology of Skin Color: Black and White

"Jablonski later came across three documented cases in which children's neural-tube defects were linked to their mothers' visits to tanning studios during early pregnancy. Moreover, she found that folate is crucial to sperm development -- so much so that a folate inhibitor was developed as a male contraceptive. ("It never got anywhere," Jablonski says. "It was so effective that it knocked out all folate in the body.") She now had some intriguing evidence that folate might be the driving force behind the evolution of darker skin. But why do some people have light skin?

As far back as the 1960s, the biochemist W. Farnsworth Loomis had suggested that skin color is determined by the body's need for vitamin D. The vitamin helps the body absorb calcium and deposit it in bones, an essential function, particularly in fast-growing embryos. (The need for vitamin D during pregnancy may explain why women around the globe tend to have lighter skin than men.) Unlike folate, vitamin D depends on ultraviolet light for its production in the body. Loomis believed that people who live in the north, where daylight is weakest, evolved fair skin to help absorb more ultraviolet light and that people in the tropics evolved dark skin to block the light, keeping the body from overdosing on vitamin D, which can be toxic at high concentrations.

By the time Jablonski did her research, Loomis's hypothesis had been partially disproved. "You can never overdose on natural amounts of vitamin D," Jablonski says. "There are only rare cases where people take too many cod-liver supplements." But Loomis's insight about fair skin held up, and it made a perfect complement for Jablonski's insight about folate and dark skin. The next step was to find some hard data correlating skin color to light levels.

Until the 1980s, researchers could only estimate how much ultraviolet radiation reaches Earth's surface. But in 1978, NASA launched the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer. Three years ago, Jablonski and Chaplin took the spectrometer's global ultraviolet measurements and compared them with published data on skin color in indigenous populations from more than 50 countries. To their delight, there was an unmistakable correlation: The weaker the ultraviolet light, the fairer the skin. Jablonski went on to show that people living above 50 degrees latitude have the highest risk of vitamin D deficiency.
Youre like a little clown. Your link is outdated. Whats that? Oh you dont even have a link? I already provided you the most recent link. Lets at least get into this decade. The scientific evidence showed our ancestors had Black skin before homo sapiens appeared on the planet idiot. :laugh:

Skin cancer risk may have driven evolution of black skin -- ScienceDaily

"Genetic evidence suggests that the evolution of skin rich in eumelanin, which is brown-black in colour, occurred in early humans between 1.2 and 1.8 million years ago in the East African Savannah. Early humans having lost most of their body hair (probably to facilitate heat loss) probably had pale skin containing pheomelanin -- like our nearest surviving relatives, chimpanzees. Pheomelanin, characteristic of white skin, is red-yellow and packaged into smaller stores under the skin than eumelanin, characteristic of black skin. Eumelanin provides a much more effective barrier against the DNA damage that causes skin cancers, providing almost complete protection."

BTW I found your link for you. You are a class A idiot! Your link is from 2001. Mine from 2014 moron. However, even your link says the same thing. Black skin evolved millions of years before homo sapiens roamed the earth.

Evolution Library The Biology of Skin Color Black and White
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evolution is mediated by random mutations which are ADVANTAGEOUS in that they facilitate survival TO THE POINT that the organism can REPRODUCE. Melanoma is rare---
and its deadly consequences most often manifest later in life than the time of reproduction. That black skin is slightly less
prone to melanoma is a very very minor aspect of evolutionary
pressure. sheeeesh you idiots are really idiots
evolution is mediated by random mutations which are ADVANTAGEOUS in that they facilitate survival TO THE POINT that the organism can REPRODUCE. Melanoma is rare---
and its deadly consequences most often manifest later in life than the time of reproduction. That black skin is slightly less
prone to melanoma is a very very minor aspect of evolutionary
pressure. sheeeesh you idiots are really idiots
Melanoma isnt the only reason Black skin developed. Regardless of the specific reason it developed, it did so multiple millenniums before homo sapiens walked the earth. That is a scientific fact and the proof that everyone was Black long before whites appeared 7K years ago.
evolution is mediated by random mutations which are ADVANTAGEOUS in that they facilitate survival TO THE POINT that the organism can REPRODUCE. Melanoma is rare---
and its deadly consequences most often manifest later in life than the time of reproduction. That black skin is slightly less
prone to melanoma is a very very minor aspect of evolutionary
pressure. sheeeesh you idiots are really idiots
Melanoma isnt the only reason Black skin developed. Regardless of the specific reason it developed, it did so multiple millenniums before homo sapiens walked the earth. That is a scientific fact and the proof that everyone was Black long before whites appeared 7K years ago.

A) you presented no science. B) it does not matter when
black or white or purple skin first appeared on earth nor does is matter when red hair first appeared-----or blue eyes
evolution is mediated by random mutations which are ADVANTAGEOUS in that they facilitate survival TO THE POINT that the organism can REPRODUCE. Melanoma is rare---
and its deadly consequences most often manifest later in life than the time of reproduction. That black skin is slightly less
prone to melanoma is a very very minor aspect of evolutionary
pressure. sheeeesh you idiots are really idiots
Melanoma isnt the only reason Black skin developed. Regardless of the specific reason it developed, it did so multiple millenniums before homo sapiens walked the earth. That is a scientific fact and the proof that everyone was Black long before whites appeared 7K years ago.

A) you presented no science. B) it does not matter when
black or white or purple skin first appeared on earth nor does is matter when red hair first appeared-----or blue eyes
I presented the scientific evidence. You chose not to read the link.
It does matter when. It proves you and Roudy to be clowns with low amounts of knowledge regarding genetics and history.
evolution is mediated by random mutations which are ADVANTAGEOUS in that they facilitate survival TO THE POINT that the organism can REPRODUCE. Melanoma is rare---
and its deadly consequences most often manifest later in life than the time of reproduction. That black skin is slightly less
prone to melanoma is a very very minor aspect of evolutionary
pressure. sheeeesh you idiots are really idiots
Melanoma isnt the only reason Black skin developed. Regardless of the specific reason it developed, it did so multiple millenniums before homo sapiens walked the earth. That is a scientific fact and the proof that everyone was Black long before whites appeared 7K years ago.

A) you presented no science. B) it does not matter when
black or white or purple skin first appeared on earth nor does is matter when red hair first appeared-----or blue eyes
I presented the scientific evidence. You chose not to read the link.
It does matter when. It proves you and Roudy to be clowns with low amounts of knowledge regarding genetics and history.

what link? you claim you did so------I do not find it-----
you have a link claiming that black skin developed before white skin came about? so? would it be an issue?
Can you name the journal in which this earth shattering
information appeared? gill slits developed before lungs.
Is the information on gill slits important to you? Interestingly enough ---it is important to me but you would not understand
evolution is mediated by random mutations which are ADVANTAGEOUS in that they facilitate survival TO THE POINT that the organism can REPRODUCE. Melanoma is rare---
and its deadly consequences most often manifest later in life than the time of reproduction. That black skin is slightly less
prone to melanoma is a very very minor aspect of evolutionary
pressure. sheeeesh you idiots are really idiots
Melanoma isnt the only reason Black skin developed. Regardless of the specific reason it developed, it did so multiple millenniums before homo sapiens walked the earth. That is a scientific fact and the proof that everyone was Black long before whites appeared 7K years ago.

A) you presented no science. B) it does not matter when
black or white or purple skin first appeared on earth nor does is matter when red hair first appeared-----or blue eyes
I presented the scientific evidence. You chose not to read the link.
It does matter when. It proves you and Roudy to be clowns with low amounts of knowledge regarding genetics and history.

what link? you claim you did so------I do not find it-----
you have a link claiming that black skin developed before white skin came about? so? would it be an issue?
Can you name the journal in which this earth shattering
information appeared? gill slits developed before lungs.
Is the information on gill slits important to you? Interestingly enough ---it is important to me but you would not understand
The link on post 483.
evolution is mediated by random mutations which are ADVANTAGEOUS in that they facilitate survival TO THE POINT that the organism can REPRODUCE. Melanoma is rare---
and its deadly consequences most often manifest later in life than the time of reproduction. That black skin is slightly less
prone to melanoma is a very very minor aspect of evolutionary
pressure. sheeeesh you idiots are really idiots
Melanoma isnt the only reason Black skin developed. Regardless of the specific reason it developed, it did so multiple millenniums before homo sapiens walked the earth. That is a scientific fact and the proof that everyone was Black long before whites appeared 7K years ago.

A) you presented no science. B) it does not matter when
black or white or purple skin first appeared on earth nor does is matter when red hair first appeared-----or blue eyes
I presented the scientific evidence. You chose not to read the link.
It does matter when. It proves you and Roudy to be clowns with low amounts of knowledge regarding genetics and history.

what link? you claim you did so------I do not find it-----
you have a link claiming that black skin developed before white skin came about? so? would it be an issue?
Can you name the journal in which this earth shattering
information appeared? gill slits developed before lungs.
Is the information on gill slits important to you? Interestingly enough ---it is important to me but you would not understand
The link on post 483.

Thanks----I read the article-----now for the bad news----since I have an education in biology that you lack-----I already knew all that stuff -----DISCOVER is a magazine for the general
public-----it is not a journal for scientists-----the information
presented was well known OLD stuff. How does it impress YOU in your theory that persons with white skin are evil? If you are a female and BLACK besides and are pregnant----make sure to take your vitamin pill designed for pregnant women----it is rich in FOLATE. In fact it is the folate ----that
is the important issue. Do you know what folate is needed for------no you don't-----but do not worry----you would never be able to understand it. Here is another important issue----that actually ALSO excited some racist black nationalists in the past. CHECK OUT THE EMBRYONIC ORIGIN OF MELANOCYTES------you will be really excited once you know
Melanoma isnt the only reason Black skin developed. Regardless of the specific reason it developed, it did so multiple millenniums before homo sapiens walked the earth. That is a scientific fact and the proof that everyone was Black long before whites appeared 7K years ago.

A) you presented no science. B) it does not matter when
black or white or purple skin first appeared on earth nor does is matter when red hair first appeared-----or blue eyes
I presented the scientific evidence. You chose not to read the link.
It does matter when. It proves you and Roudy to be clowns with low amounts of knowledge regarding genetics and history.

what link? you claim you did so------I do not find it-----
you have a link claiming that black skin developed before white skin came about? so? would it be an issue?
Can you name the journal in which this earth shattering
information appeared? gill slits developed before lungs.
Is the information on gill slits important to you? Interestingly enough ---it is important to me but you would not understand
The link on post 483.

Thanks----I read the article-----now for the bad news----since I have an education in biology that you lack-----I already knew all that stuff -----DISCOVER is a magazine for the general
public-----it is not a journal for scientists-----the information
presented was well known OLD stuff. How does it impress YOU in your theory that persons with white skin are evil? If you are a female and BLACK besides and are pregnant----make sure to take your vitamin pill designed for pregnant women----it is rich in FOLATE. In fact it is the folate ----that
is the important issue. Do you know what folate is needed for------no you don't-----but do not worry----you would never be able to understand it. Here is another important issue----that actually ALSO excited some racist black nationalists in the past. CHECK OUT THE EMBRYONIC ORIGIN OF MELANOCYTES------you will be really excited once you know
If you already knew this why were you attacking my post saying the same thing? You obviously didnt know it and thats why you asked for my link. Discovery is just condensing the finding for the lay person. The study itself says the same thing.

Who told you I think people with white skin are evil? My goddaughter is not evil. Nor are any of my business partners.

Stop deflecting. You have been made a fool of enough havent you?
A) you presented no science. B) it does not matter when
black or white or purple skin first appeared on earth nor does is matter when red hair first appeared-----or blue eyes
I presented the scientific evidence. You chose not to read the link.
It does matter when. It proves you and Roudy to be clowns with low amounts of knowledge regarding genetics and history.

what link? you claim you did so------I do not find it-----
you have a link claiming that black skin developed before white skin came about? so? would it be an issue?
Can you name the journal in which this earth shattering
information appeared? gill slits developed before lungs.
Is the information on gill slits important to you? Interestingly enough ---it is important to me but you would not understand
The link on post 483.

Thanks----I read the article-----now for the bad news----since I have an education in biology that you lack-----I already knew all that stuff -----DISCOVER is a magazine for the general
public-----it is not a journal for scientists-----the information
presented was well known OLD stuff. How does it impress YOU in your theory that persons with white skin are evil? If you are a female and BLACK besides and are pregnant----make sure to take your vitamin pill designed for pregnant women----it is rich in FOLATE. In fact it is the folate ----that
is the important issue. Do you know what folate is needed for------no you don't-----but do not worry----you would never be able to understand it. Here is another important issue----that actually ALSO excited some racist black nationalists in the past. CHECK OUT THE EMBRYONIC ORIGIN OF MELANOCYTES------you will be really excited once you know
If you already knew this why were you attacking my post saying the same thing? You obviously didnt know it and thats why you asked for my link. Discovery is just condensing the finding for the lay person. The study itself says the same thing.

Who told you I think people with white skin are evil? My goddaughter is not evil. Nor are any of my business partners.

Stop deflecting. You have been made a fool of enough havent you?

I disputed your theory that people used to WORSHIP BLACK-------human society is not all that old-----when
you bring up anything approaching "religion"----you are
not going back further than 10,000 years---(if that long) ---
now you are talking about evolutionary processes that took
place some tens and hundreds of thousands of years ago.
Do you know the evolutionary processes that ended up as the THYROID GLAND? ----more important to your theories-----
would be the evolution of the brain------them people 60 thousand years ago----did not even have the same brain
that we have today-----or words for BLACK or WHITE----
they did not even know the words "cracker" and "honky"
A) you presented no science. B) it does not matter when
black or white or purple skin first appeared on earth nor does is matter when red hair first appeared-----or blue eyes
I presented the scientific evidence. You chose not to read the link.
It does matter when. It proves you and Roudy to be clowns with low amounts of knowledge regarding genetics and history.

what link? you claim you did so------I do not find it-----
you have a link claiming that black skin developed before white skin came about? so? would it be an issue?
Can you name the journal in which this earth shattering
information appeared? gill slits developed before lungs.
Is the information on gill slits important to you? Interestingly enough ---it is important to me but you would not understand
The link on post 483.

Thanks----I read the article-----now for the bad news----since I have an education in biology that you lack-----I already knew all that stuff -----DISCOVER is a magazine for the general
public-----it is not a journal for scientists-----the information
presented was well known OLD stuff. How does it impress YOU in your theory that persons with white skin are evil? If you are a female and BLACK besides and are pregnant----make sure to take your vitamin pill designed for pregnant women----it is rich in FOLATE. In fact it is the folate ----that
is the important issue. Do you know what folate is needed for------no you don't-----but do not worry----you would never be able to understand it. Here is another important issue----that actually ALSO excited some racist black nationalists in the past. CHECK OUT THE EMBRYONIC ORIGIN OF MELANOCYTES------you will be really excited once you know
If you already knew this why were you attacking my post saying the same thing? You obviously didnt know it and thats why you asked for my link. Discovery is just condensing the finding for the lay person. The study itself says the same thing.

Who told you I think people with white skin are evil? My goddaughter is not evil. Nor are any of my business partners.

Stop deflecting. You have been made a fool of enough havent you?

I made a fool of myself?-----YOU claimed you have
scientific evidence that people in the past worshipped the color black. You tried to back up your claim with an article that gets into the evolution of skin color as one of the situations of survival in various environments. You are fixated on a RACIST agenda. You doubt that I know about folate? that is getting really funny. The evolution of skin color took place long before the brains of whatever primitive creatures preceded us knew WORDS
Why would I waste my time telling them that? I'm just telling you that the original Filipinos are Black. I told you before I'm not trying to convince you. Just letting you know I know. So the next time you try to claim something that uninformed you will remember this conversation. Now tell us... when are you going to learn to research before you speak? If you are going to go off topic at least know what you are talking about.

you are using SKIN color as a racist marker again. ---eskimos have dark skin too. and all HOMINIDS did
originally come from the continent of Africa-----you want to
DEFINE what "BEING BLACK" means to a fascist racist like you? I think like BIOLOGY------but if you wish to explain it in your own form of Nazi racist pig------go right ahead Tell us about your theory that white skin renders people ----"LIARS" and "UNTRUSTWORTHY"------I understand------I read your crap way back in the 60s-----a decade after reading islamo Nazi pig propaganda from the ORIGINAL NAZIS out of Germany-----your best friends
I'm not just using dark skin. I'm using DNA. Eskimos do have relatively dark skin compared to whites. However, they also group with Amerindians via DNA too. What is your point.

somehow Amerindian are called "red" by skin color fascists
Are you ok? What does that have to do with the indigenous Filipinos being Black people via skin color and DNA?

I'm not quite sure what the hell all this has to do with the topic of the thread?:dunno: Let me try to make some kind of connection. Massad, Iran, race. The mossad wants to stop Iran from getting nukes. Iran backed rebels have just taken over Yemen who still keeps black slaves. That would cover the race issue. That's the best i can do :huddle:

Officially, slavery was abolished back in 1962 but a judge's decision to pass on the title deed of a "slave" from one master to another has blown the lid off the hidden bondage of hundreds of Yemenis.

The judge in the town of Hajja, which is home to some 300 slaves, according to residents, said he had certified the transfer only because the new owner planned to free the slave.

But his decision has triggered a campaign by local human right activists.


Sometimes I wonder what the fate of my children will be, having a slave father and an emancipated mother

A 2009 report by the human rights ministry found that males and females were still enslaved in the provinces of Hudaydah and Hajja, in northwest Yemen -- the Arab world's most impoverished country.

Mubarak, who has seven brothers and sisters, has never set foot outside the village where he was born into a family which was inherited as slaves by their local master.

Sheikh Mohammed Badawi's father had bought Mubarak's parents 50 years ago, shortly before Yemen's 1962 revolution which abolished slavery. Mubarak has known no other life except that of a slave.

"Whenever I think of freedom, I ask myself, 'Where will I go?'" he told AFP as he stood outside a hut which serves as home for him and his family.

Black-skinned Mubarak does not know his birthday but he knows he has been a slave from birth 21 years ago. He has two children with a wife who was also a slave until she was emancipated by her master, a few years before they married.

"Sometimes I wonder what the fate of my children will be, having a slave father and an emancipated mother," he said.


Well, as another poster stated on this forum, wherever Ms. Asclepias goes, it is always about race. She appears to have no interest in anything else. I think a few sessions with a good Black therapist would help her immensely in overcoming here problems. Say, maybe Ms. Asclepias is actually the Missing Link and that is why she is obsessed with making this thread into one all about Anthropology. It could also be that she is one of the bonobos. They are supposed to be the ones closest to humans, and perhaps she taught herself how to type.

Well, as another poster stated on this forum, wherever Ms. Asclepias goes, it is always about race. She appears to have no interest in anything else. I think a few sessions with a good Black therapist would help her immensely in overcoming here problems. Say, maybe Ms. Asclepias is actually the Missing Link and that is why she is obsessed with making this thread into one all about Anthropology. It could also be that she is one of the bonobos. They are supposed to be the ones closest to humans, and perhaps she taught herself how to type.


she is a "she"??? She is not alone nor is she creative She is parroting crap I read way back in the 60s and 70s ----
black supremacist nonsense. NOI does it too.
200,000 years ago? Ha ha ha. You're the fucking idiot. You do realize that the continents were connected to each other so what you call "Africa" was actually connected to several other continents.

Besides, what's your fucking point? You have non.

Semi literate doesn't even know how to use google:

Rachel Kaufman

for National Geographic News


A fossil human jawbone discovered in southern China is upsetting conventional notions of when our ancestors migrated out of Africa.

The mandible, unearthed by paleontologists in China's Zhiren Cave in 2007, sports a distinctly modern feature: a prominent chin. But the bone is undeniably 60,000 years older than the next oldestHomo sapiens remains in China, scientists say.

In fact, at about a hundred thousand years old, the Chinese fossil is "the oldest modern human outside of Africa," said study co-author Erik Trinkaus, an anthropologist at Washington University in St. Louis.

(Also see "Oldest Skeleton of Human Ancestor Found.")

Popular theory states that Homo sapiens migrated out of Africa about 60,000 years ago, at which point modern humans quickly replaced early human species such as Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensisacross the world.

Finding such an ancient example of a modern human in China would drastically alter the time line of human migration. The find may also mean that modern humans in China were mingling—and possibly even interbreeding—with other human species for 50,000 or 60,000 years.

(Related: "Neanderthals, Humans Interbred—First Solid DNA Evidence.")

What's more, the find seems to suggest that anatomically modern humans had arrived in China long before the species began actinghuman.

For example, symbolic thought is a distinctly human trait that involves using things such as beads and drawings to represent objects, people, and events. The first strong evidence for this trait doesn't appear in the archaeological record in China until 30,000 years ago, Trinkaus said.
You are a complete idiot. Thats the oldest remains found in china dummy. From your own link.

China s Earliest Modern Human Found

"Such findings support the long-held theory that modern humans out-competed and eventually replaced other species as the modern humans spread out of Africa"

Whats so bad about your fuckup is that it says it right at the top of the page. :laugh:

China's Earliest Modern Human Found

Just pointing out the article to you. If Homo sapiens migrated out of Africa to other continents that were connected, doesn't mean they were born black, you dumbass. The black skin itself mutated as a result of changes in climate and conditions in Africa. Wow, you are a total buffoon.

You can shove your supremacist ideology up Uranus. I've shredded it to pieces.
No moron. You claimed that there were some older bones in China. I nailed your ass to wall and made you look like the idiot you are.

By the way some fossils as old if not older have been found around China. Does that mean we're all Chinese? Ha ha ha.

I already posted the evidence that there was a mutation that occurred that enabled the gene of white skin. Its only 7K years old. of course everyone was Black That's natures design. Try 1.2 Million years in the making.

Skin cancer risk may have driven evolution of black skin -- ScienceDaily

Nope. Ancient man was this hairy ape-like creature you wouldn't recognize today. He wasn't black or white or anything. Those that stayed in Africa evolved into the black race. Those that moved to various parts of the world, therefore evolved into those races, depending on the climate and topography. Did you drop out of school? Makes sense.
Yes you are an idiot. You are actually think debating against scientific fact makes you right? What a moron!

I bet you are going to triple check your posts from now on. I will make you look like the idiot you are every time.

Actually you're the one making an idiot out of yourself, without realizing.
Just pointing out the article to you. If Homo sapiens migrated out of Africa to other continents that were connected, doesn't mean they were born black, you dumbass. The black skin itself mutated as a result of changes in climate and conditions in Africa. Wow, you are a total buffoon.

You can shove your supremacist ideology up Uranus. I've shredded it to pieces.
No moron. You claimed that there were some older bones in China. I nailed your ass to wall and made you look like the idiot you are.

By the way some fossils as old if not older have been found around China. Does that mean we're all Chinese? Ha ha ha.

I already posted the evidence that there was a mutation that occurred that enabled the gene of white skin. Its only 7K years old. of course everyone was Black That's natures design. Try 1.2 Million years in the making.

Skin cancer risk may have driven evolution of black skin -- ScienceDaily

Nope. Ancient man was this hairy ape-like creature you wouldn't recognize today. He wasn't black or white or anything. Those that stayed in Africa evolved into the black race. Those that moved to various parts of the world, therefore evolved into those races, depending on the climate and topography. Did you drop out of school? Makes sense.
Yes you are an idiot. You are actually think debating against scientific fact makes you right? What a moron!
Scientific evidence points that race and skin color evolved as a result of sun, climate, topography, environment, and abundance of food.

Now run along and go get your elementary school diploma., before the local adult school runs out of space. You should be thanking me for educating you while blowing a big hole in your black supremacist ideology.

Evolution: Library:

The Biology of Skin Color: Black and White

"Jablonski later came across three documented cases in which children's neural-tube defects were linked to their mothers' visits to tanning studios during early pregnancy. Moreover, she found that folate is crucial to sperm development -- so much so that a folate inhibitor was developed as a male contraceptive. ("It never got anywhere," Jablonski says. "It was so effective that it knocked out all folate in the body.") She now had some intriguing evidence that folate might be the driving force behind the evolution of darker skin. But why do some people have light skin?

As far back as the 1960s, the biochemist W. Farnsworth Loomis had suggested that skin color is determined by the body's need for vitamin D. The vitamin helps the body absorb calcium and deposit it in bones, an essential function, particularly in fast-growing embryos. (The need for vitamin D during pregnancy may explain why women around the globe tend to have lighter skin than men.) Unlike folate, vitamin D depends on ultraviolet light for its production in the body. Loomis believed that people who live in the north, where daylight is weakest, evolved fair skin to help absorb more ultraviolet light and that people in the tropics evolved dark skin to block the light, keeping the body from overdosing on vitamin D, which can be toxic at high concentrations.

By the time Jablonski did her research, Loomis's hypothesis had been partially disproved. "You can never overdose on natural amounts of vitamin D," Jablonski says. "There are only rare cases where people take too many cod-liver supplements." But Loomis's insight about fair skin held up, and it made a perfect complement for Jablonski's insight about folate and dark skin. The next step was to find some hard data correlating skin color to light levels.

Until the 1980s, researchers could only estimate how much ultraviolet radiation reaches Earth's surface. But in 1978, NASA launched the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer. Three years ago, Jablonski and Chaplin took the spectrometer's global ultraviolet measurements and compared them with published data on skin color in indigenous populations from more than 50 countries. To their delight, there was an unmistakable correlation: The weaker the ultraviolet light, the fairer the skin. Jablonski went on to show that people living above 50 degrees latitude have the highest risk of vitamin D deficiency.
Youre like a little clown. Your link is outdated. Whats that? Oh you dont even have a link? I already provided you the most recent link. Lets at least get into this decade. The scientific evidence showed our ancestors had Black skin before homo sapiens appeared on the planet idiot. :laugh:

Skin cancer risk may have driven evolution of black skin -- ScienceDaily

"Genetic evidence suggests that the evolution of skin rich in eumelanin, which is brown-black in colour, occurred in early humans between 1.2 and 1.8 million years ago in the East African Savannah. Early humans having lost most of their body hair (probably to facilitate heat loss) probably had pale skin containing pheomelanin -- like our nearest surviving relatives, chimpanzees. Pheomelanin, characteristic of white skin, is red-yellow and packaged into smaller stores under the skin than eumelanin, characteristic of black skin. Eumelanin provides a much more effective barrier against the DNA damage that causes skin cancers, providing almost complete protection."

BTW I found your link for you. You are a class A idiot! Your link is from 2001. Mine from 2014 moron. However, even your link says the same thing. Black skin evolved millions of years before homo sapiens roamed the earth.

Evolution Library The Biology of Skin Color Black and White

Well obviously. It only are you illiterate, you're also very stupid with major reading comprehension problems. Read this again:

Until the 1980s, researchers could only estimate how much ultraviolet radiation reaches Earth's surface. But in 1978, NASA launched the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer. Three years ago, Jablonski and Chaplin took the spectrometer's global ultraviolet measurements and compared them with published data on skin color in indigenous populations from more than50 countries. To their delight, there was an unmistakable correlation: Theweaker the ultraviolet light, the fairer the skin. Jablonski went on to showthat people living above 50 degrees latitude have the highest risk of vitamin D deficiency.

Meaning, skin color is a result of exposure to sun and environment.

"Black skin came first" as what humans were 1.8 million years ago matters if Moses or Jesus were black. Anthropology according to a black racist.
now for the good news-----vitamin D deficiency was SO RAMPANT in the USA------that the government passed laws
that milk must be FORTIFIED with the stuff....to combat rickets.
we got niacin laws too-----to combat pellagra ------a real problem
amongst both southern blacks and whites -----diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia and death------all combated by those lousy whites------in the USA. of course we all appreciate peanut butter ------which is an excellent food------and could never have been invented if George Washington Carver did not have
well functioning melanocytes. Peanut butter has been used to combat childhood malnutrition right here in WHITE USA
now for the good news-----vitamin D deficiency was SO RAMPANT in the USA------that the government passed laws
that milk must be FORTIFIED with the stuff....to combat rickets.
we got niacin laws too-----to combat pellagra ------a real problem
amongst both southern blacks and whites -----diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia and death------all combated by those lousy whites------in the USA. of course we all appreciate peanut butter ------which is an excellent food------and could never have been invented if George Washington Carver did not have
well functioning melanocytes. Peanut butter has been used to combat childhood malnutrition right here in WHITE USA
I think we're all black and we don't know it, just like Moses and Jesus were Muslims and didn't know it.
you are using SKIN color as a racist marker again. ---eskimos have dark skin too. and all HOMINIDS did
originally come from the continent of Africa-----you want to
DEFINE what "BEING BLACK" means to a fascist racist like you? I think like BIOLOGY------but if you wish to explain it in your own form of Nazi racist pig------go right ahead Tell us about your theory that white skin renders people ----"LIARS" and "UNTRUSTWORTHY"------I understand------I read your crap way back in the 60s-----a decade after reading islamo Nazi pig propaganda from the ORIGINAL NAZIS out of Germany-----your best friends
I'm not just using dark skin. I'm using DNA. Eskimos do have relatively dark skin compared to whites. However, they also group with Amerindians via DNA too. What is your point.

somehow Amerindian are called "red" by skin color fascists
Are you ok? What does that have to do with the indigenous Filipinos being Black people via skin color and DNA?

I'm not quite sure what the hell all this has to do with the topic of the thread?:dunno: Let me try to make some kind of connection. Massad, Iran, race. The mossad wants to stop Iran from getting nukes. Iran backed rebels have just taken over Yemen who still keeps black slaves. That would cover the race issue. That's the best i can do :huddle:

Officially, slavery was abolished back in 1962 but a judge's decision to pass on the title deed of a "slave" from one master to another has blown the lid off the hidden bondage of hundreds of Yemenis.

The judge in the town of Hajja, which is home to some 300 slaves, according to residents, said he had certified the transfer only because the new owner planned to free the slave.

But his decision has triggered a campaign by local human right activists.


Sometimes I wonder what the fate of my children will be, having a slave father and an emancipated mother

A 2009 report by the human rights ministry found that males and females were still enslaved in the provinces of Hudaydah and Hajja, in northwest Yemen -- the Arab world's most impoverished country.

Mubarak, who has seven brothers and sisters, has never set foot outside the village where he was born into a family which was inherited as slaves by their local master.

Sheikh Mohammed Badawi's father had bought Mubarak's parents 50 years ago, shortly before Yemen's 1962 revolution which abolished slavery. Mubarak has known no other life except that of a slave.

"Whenever I think of freedom, I ask myself, 'Where will I go?'" he told AFP as he stood outside a hut which serves as home for him and his family.

Black-skinned Mubarak does not know his birthday but he knows he has been a slave from birth 21 years ago. He has two children with a wife who was also a slave until she was emancipated by her master, a few years before they married.

"Sometimes I wonder what the fate of my children will be, having a slave father and an emancipated mother," he said.


Well, as another poster stated on this forum, wherever Ms. Asclepias goes, it is always about race. She appears to have no interest in anything else. I think a few sessions with a good Black therapist would help her immensely in overcoming here problems. Say, maybe Ms. Asclepias is actually the Missing Link and that is why she is obsessed with making this thread into one all about Anthropology. It could also be that she is one of the bonobos. They are supposed to be the ones closest to humans, and perhaps she taught herself how to type.

I thought Asclepias a male ...Who knew:eusa_doh:

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