Fury in Israel Over Obama's Mossad 'Lies'

nope------you did not even try -----you lied
Yep I did. You still havent posted even one link to support your claim. Show me something that says neanderthals were in Africa. This is the best I found. Nothing about Africa though.

"Thomas Higham of the University of Oxford performed the most comprehensive dating of Neanderthal bones and tools ever carried out, which demonstrated that Neanderthals died out in Europe between 41,000 and 39,000 years ago - this coincides with the start of a very cold period in Europe and is 5,000 years after Homo sapiens reached the continent."

so? Neanderthals are a branch "species" of the genus
HOMINID which developed in Africa

“Neanderthal” admixture seems to be higher in West Africans than in East Africans. How come? (Source)When modern humans began their expansion from a small core somewhere in East Africa, the continent probably had several different archaic populations.

It now seems that one of them was related to the Neanderthals in Europe. In an ongoing study of Neanderthal admixture in present-day humans, John Hawks has found an apparently higher level of admixture in the Yoruba of Nigeria than in the Luhya of Kenya (see chart above).
What do you mean so? That means you didnt know what you were tallking about claiming neanderthals were in Africa. They werent. They came about in europe. If they were in Africa why no DNA evidence or bones?

Neanderthal is an HOMINID ------all hominids ORGINATE
Youre getting confused. Neanderthal developed in europe. You are thinking about Heidelbergensis which both homo sapiens and neaderthal man evolved from and was out of Africa. Homo sapiens is the branch that stayed in Africa. Neanderthal is out of europe and died out..

your statement makes no sense-----the entire population of
Europe died out?. Neanderthal genome is identical to
homosapien genome -----approximately 99% What is "Europe"? who invented that word?
You have not yet DEFINED "black people" but continue to use the meaningless term as if it designates some sort of caste
in your befuddled mind
Yep I did. You still havent posted even one link to support your claim. Show me something that says neanderthals were in Africa. This is the best I found. Nothing about Africa though.

"Thomas Higham of the University of Oxford performed the most comprehensive dating of Neanderthal bones and tools ever carried out, which demonstrated that Neanderthals died out in Europe between 41,000 and 39,000 years ago - this coincides with the start of a very cold period in Europe and is 5,000 years after Homo sapiens reached the continent."

so? Neanderthals are a branch "species" of the genus
HOMINID which developed in Africa

“Neanderthal” admixture seems to be higher in West Africans than in East Africans. How come? (Source)When modern humans began their expansion from a small core somewhere in East Africa, the continent probably had several different archaic populations.

It now seems that one of them was related to the Neanderthals in Europe. In an ongoing study of Neanderthal admixture in present-day humans, John Hawks has found an apparently higher level of admixture in the Yoruba of Nigeria than in the Luhya of Kenya (see chart above).
What do you mean so? That means you didnt know what you were tallking about claiming neanderthals were in Africa. They werent. They came about in europe. If they were in Africa why no DNA evidence or bones?

Neanderthal is an HOMINID ------all hominids ORGINATE
Youre getting confused. Neanderthal developed in europe. You are thinking about Heidelbergensis which both homo sapiens and neaderthal man evolved from and was out of Africa. Homo sapiens is the branch that stayed in Africa. Neanderthal is out of europe and died out..

your statement makes no sense-----the entire population of
Europe died out?. Neanderthal genome is identical to
homosapien genome -----approximately 99% What is "Europe"? who invented that word?
When did I say the entire population of europe died out? BTW chimps are 98%. Whites invented the term europe even though its not really its own continent and should be called west eurasia.
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You have not yet DEFINED "black people" but continue to use the meaningless term as if it designates some sort of caste
in your befuddled mind
I asked you to tell me what sub-saharan means and why that kept Black people out of North Africa. If you want explanations then you need to give them when I ask for them.
No way Jesus was black. He was a Hebrew who lived about 2000 years ago in ancient Judeah. Hebrews in ancient Judeah weren't black. Like I said if you want to see how Jesus looked, take a look at your average middle eastern Jew.

Again, you are spouting black supremacist racist propaganda.
If he was Hebrew he was Black. The original Hebrews were Black. There are too many proofs of this in the bible. You dont send a white person to hide among Black people in Egypt. You dont place your white child in the care of the Black princess after the pharoah said he was going to kill all the male white children. You are a good example of why I dont give white historians any credibility. No one is that dumb. :laugh:

You're forgetting that Moses was a Hebrew semite who were brought into Egypt as slaves by the Egyptians. So no, Moses wasn't black. Ha ha ha.
Youre not very bright. Moses was born in Egypt and the princess adopted him. If he was white he sure would have been noticed since the Pharaoh was trying to kill all the male Hebrews babies born there. More proof he was Black.
Yeah, ADOPTED, asswipe. He found out he was of the same Hebrew race that the Egyptians had conquered and brought in as slaves. Duh...you are dumber than a doorknob.
You havent explained how a white kid that was targeted for death was not noticed in the very same house as the Pharaoh that wanted to kill him. There was no physical difference in the Egyptians and the Hebrews because both of them were Black.

Hebrews were a conquered people, who were brought in as slaves into ancient Egypt, just like the Romans brought the Hebrews into Ancient Rome as slaves. So no, Moses wasn't an Egyptian by race, he was born as a Hebrew in ancient Egypt, and then adopted. Hard for you to understand? Must be.
Ha ha ha. Semites weren't black. Go back to school and complete your education.
Ha ha. You have to do better than that. Go back to school and learn to research. The original Hebrews were Black. Let me know when you have some proof they were white.
Not everything and everyone was black you racist troll
People were Black for thousands of years until mutations starting changing them. Pick up a book. Not a white boy book a real book and expand your mind.

what thousands of years were those? 300,000 years ago ----NEANDERTHALS----were black? ok and in the view of some idiot racists SUDDENLY in about 2000 years lots of people turned white? Do not give up you day job ----you will never make it in the field of genetics
Neanderthals were not homo sapiens. Thats why they are not considered modern humans. I thought everyone knew that? Its not in the view of racists that 7K years ago white people started turning white. Its science as I posted.
Neither were the ancient fossils found in Africa Homo Sapiens. By the way some fossils as old if not older have been found around China. Does that mean we're all Chinese? Ha ha ha.
what exactly is a "black person with no white in him"???
----the human genome consists of shared DNA thruout the
whole damned planet. You are hilarious-----you keep harpting on ------this or that people has "black DNA"---
and then come up with "black person with no white
in him"--------do not give up your day job-----genetics is not
your forte
A black person that has no admixture from someone in from europe. Black people inhabited this planet long before people with white skin appeared in europe. You must hate science. I already posted proof the gene for white skin did not come about until 7K years ago. Black skin was natures decision. White skin is a recent mutation. White people carry the genes given to them by Black people not the other way around.

Your statement is so inaccurate, I honestly don't even know where to begin. Human beings have lived all over the planet for millions of years, including whites in Europe.

White skin evolved as a result of climate, not "mutation" you uneducated shmuck.
You really should do some research instead of just popping off at the mouth. I cant believe you actually said that. Even if you knew what you were talking about you should realize it would still be a mutation in the DNA that caused the lightening of the skin. There were no white people unless they were albinos. 7K years ago a mutation occurred in europe that gave rise to white skin. Its science not conjecture.

European Gene for Light Skin Evolved Much Later Than Thought

"The analysis of the man, who lived in modern-day Spain only about 7,000 years ago, shows light-skin genes in Europeans evolved much more recently than previously thought."

You are truly pathetic! Ha ha ha.


The first humans with proto-Neanderthal traits are believed to have existed in Eurasia as early as 350,000 - 600,000 years ago with the first "true Neanderthals" appearing between 200,000 and 250,000 years ago.The exact date of their extinction had been disputed. However, in 2014, Thomas Higham of the University of Oxford performed the most comprehensive dating of Neanderthal bones and tools ever carried out, which demonstrated that Neanderthals died out in Europe between 41,000 and 39,000 years ago - this coincides with the start of a very cold period in Europe and is 5,000 years after Homo sapiens reached the continent. This was based on improved radiocarbon dating of materials from 40 sites in Western Europe.

Comparison of the DNA of Neanderthals and Homo sapiens suggests that they diverged from a common ancestor between 350,000 and 400,000 years ago. This ancestor was probably Homo heidelbergensis. Heidelbergensis originated between 800,000 and 1,300,000 years ago, and continued until about 200,000 years ago. It ranged over Eastern and South Africa, Europe and Western Asia. Between 350,000 and 400,000 years ago the African branch is thought to have started evolving towards modern humans and the Eurasian branch towards Neanderthals. Scientists do not agree when Neanderthals can first be recognised in the fossil record, with dates ranging between 200,000 and 300,000 years BP.

Neander Valley site

The site of Kleine Feldhofer Grottewhere the type specimen was unearthed by miners in the 19th century.

Location of Neander Valley, Germany, with the modern federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia highlighted.

Neanderthal skulls were first discovered in Engis Caves (fr), in what is now Belgium (1829) by Philippe-Charles Schmerling and in Forbes' Quarry, Gibraltar, dubbed Gibraltar 1 (1848), both prior to the type specimen discovery in a limestone quarry of the Neander Valley in Erkrath near Düsseldorf in August 1856, three years before Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species was published.

The type specimen, dubbed Neanderthal 1, consisted of a skull cap, two femora, three bones from the right arm, two from the left arm, part of the left ilium, fragments of a scapula, and ribs. The workers who recovered this material originally thought it to be the remains of a bear. They gave the material to amateur naturalist Johann Carl Fuhlrott, who turned the fossils over to anatomist Hermann Schaaffhausen.

To date, the bones of over 400 Neanderthals have been found.
If I were you I would stop embarrassing myself. You must not have seen where Neanderthals are not homo sapiens. They are an earlier form of human that died out. after interbreeding with european homo sapiens. Thats why Asians and whites have some of their DNA but Africans dont.

If I were you I would learn how to read. Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens came from the same common ancestor.
Ha ha. You have to do better than that. Go back to school and learn to research. The original Hebrews were Black. Let me know when you have some proof they were white.
Not everything and everyone was black you racist troll
People were Black for thousands of years until mutations starting changing them. Pick up a book. Not a white boy book a real book and expand your mind.

what thousands of years were those? 300,000 years ago ----NEANDERTHALS----were black? ok and in the view of some idiot racists SUDDENLY in about 2000 years lots of people turned white? Do not give up you day job ----you will never make it in the field of genetics
Neanderthals were not homo sapiens. Thats why they are not considered modern humans. I thought everyone knew that? Its not in the view of racists that 7K years ago white people started turning white. Its science as I posted.
Neither were the ancient fossils found in Africa Homo Sapiens. By the way some fossils as old if not older have been found around China. Does that mean we're all Chinese? Ha ha ha.
The oldest remains of homo sapiens is found in Omo National Park in Ethiopia. Never heard of any fossils found in China that are older. If you have a link it would make you more believable.
A black person that has no admixture from someone in from europe. Black people inhabited this planet long before people with white skin appeared in europe. You must hate science. I already posted proof the gene for white skin did not come about until 7K years ago. Black skin was natures decision. White skin is a recent mutation. White people carry the genes given to them by Black people not the other way around.

Your statement is so inaccurate, I honestly don't even know where to begin. Human beings have lived all over the planet for millions of years, including whites in Europe.

White skin evolved as a result of climate, not "mutation" you uneducated shmuck.
You really should do some research instead of just popping off at the mouth. I cant believe you actually said that. Even if you knew what you were talking about you should realize it would still be a mutation in the DNA that caused the lightening of the skin. There were no white people unless they were albinos. 7K years ago a mutation occurred in europe that gave rise to white skin. Its science not conjecture.

European Gene for Light Skin Evolved Much Later Than Thought

"The analysis of the man, who lived in modern-day Spain only about 7,000 years ago, shows light-skin genes in Europeans evolved much more recently than previously thought."

You are truly pathetic! Ha ha ha.


The first humans with proto-Neanderthal traits are believed to have existed in Eurasia as early as 350,000 - 600,000 years ago with the first "true Neanderthals" appearing between 200,000 and 250,000 years ago.The exact date of their extinction had been disputed. However, in 2014, Thomas Higham of the University of Oxford performed the most comprehensive dating of Neanderthal bones and tools ever carried out, which demonstrated that Neanderthals died out in Europe between 41,000 and 39,000 years ago - this coincides with the start of a very cold period in Europe and is 5,000 years after Homo sapiens reached the continent. This was based on improved radiocarbon dating of materials from 40 sites in Western Europe.

Comparison of the DNA of Neanderthals and Homo sapiens suggests that they diverged from a common ancestor between 350,000 and 400,000 years ago. This ancestor was probably Homo heidelbergensis. Heidelbergensis originated between 800,000 and 1,300,000 years ago, and continued until about 200,000 years ago. It ranged over Eastern and South Africa, Europe and Western Asia. Between 350,000 and 400,000 years ago the African branch is thought to have started evolving towards modern humans and the Eurasian branch towards Neanderthals. Scientists do not agree when Neanderthals can first be recognised in the fossil record, with dates ranging between 200,000 and 300,000 years BP.

Neander Valley site

The site of Kleine Feldhofer Grottewhere the type specimen was unearthed by miners in the 19th century.

Location of Neander Valley, Germany, with the modern federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia highlighted.

Neanderthal skulls were first discovered in Engis Caves (fr), in what is now Belgium (1829) by Philippe-Charles Schmerling and in Forbes' Quarry, Gibraltar, dubbed Gibraltar 1 (1848), both prior to the type specimen discovery in a limestone quarry of the Neander Valley in Erkrath near Düsseldorf in August 1856, three years before Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species was published.

The type specimen, dubbed Neanderthal 1, consisted of a skull cap, two femora, three bones from the right arm, two from the left arm, part of the left ilium, fragments of a scapula, and ribs. The workers who recovered this material originally thought it to be the remains of a bear. They gave the material to amateur naturalist Johann Carl Fuhlrott, who turned the fossils over to anatomist Hermann Schaaffhausen.

To date, the bones of over 400 Neanderthals have been found.
If I were you I would stop embarrassing myself. You must not have seen where Neanderthals are not homo sapiens. They are an earlier form of human that died out. after interbreeding with european homo sapiens. Thats why Asians and whites have some of their DNA but Africans dont.

If I were you I would learn how to read. Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens came from the same common ancestor.
That doesnt make neanderthals homo sapiens sapiens. Do you frequently have a hard time grasping concepts? Like I said...stop embarrassing yourself.
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Human history and anthropology according to an ignorant undereducated racist black. :lmao:
Tell all the Filipinos in Southern California that they are Black, and they will laugh in your face. Now tell us, what are you going to contribute to this Middle East forum when many things are happening in this area? If you are still stuck on Blacks and Whites on a Middle East forum, I suggest you find yourself a good Black psychiatrist.

Why would I waste my time telling them that? I'm just telling you that the original Filipinos are Black. I told you before I'm not trying to convince you. Just letting you know I know. So the next time you try to claim something that uninformed you will remember this conversation. Now tell us... when are you going to learn to research before you speak? If you are going to go off topic at least know what you are talking about.

you are using SKIN color as a racist marker again. ---eskimos have dark skin too. and all HOMINIDS did
originally come from the continent of Africa-----you want to
DEFINE what "BEING BLACK" means to a fascist racist like you? I think like BIOLOGY------but if you wish to explain it in your own form of Nazi racist pig------go right ahead Tell us about your theory that white skin renders people ----"LIARS" and "UNTRUSTWORTHY"------I understand------I read your crap way back in the 60s-----a decade after reading islamo Nazi pig propaganda from the ORIGINAL NAZIS out of Germany-----your best friends
I'm not just using dark skin. I'm using DNA. Eskimos do have relatively dark skin compared to whites. However, they also group with Amerindians via DNA too. What is your point.

somehow Amerindian are called "red" by skin color fascists
Are you ok? What does that have to do with the indigenous Filipinos being Black people via skin color and DNA?

I'm not quite sure what the hell all this has to do with the topic of the thread?:dunno: Let me try to make some kind of connection. Massad, Iran, race. The mossad wants to stop Iran from getting nukes. Iran backed rebels have just taken over Yemen who still keeps black slaves. That would cover the race issue. That's the best i can do :huddle:

Officially, slavery was abolished back in 1962 but a judge's decision to pass on the title deed of a "slave" from one master to another has blown the lid off the hidden bondage of hundreds of Yemenis.

The judge in the town of Hajja, which is home to some 300 slaves, according to residents, said he had certified the transfer only because the new owner planned to free the slave.

But his decision has triggered a campaign by local human right activists.


Sometimes I wonder what the fate of my children will be, having a slave father and an emancipated mother

A 2009 report by the human rights ministry found that males and females were still enslaved in the provinces of Hudaydah and Hajja, in northwest Yemen -- the Arab world's most impoverished country.

Mubarak, who has seven brothers and sisters, has never set foot outside the village where he was born into a family which was inherited as slaves by their local master.

Sheikh Mohammed Badawi's father had bought Mubarak's parents 50 years ago, shortly before Yemen's 1962 revolution which abolished slavery. Mubarak has known no other life except that of a slave.

"Whenever I think of freedom, I ask myself, 'Where will I go?'" he told AFP as he stood outside a hut which serves as home for him and his family.

Black-skinned Mubarak does not know his birthday but he knows he has been a slave from birth 21 years ago. He has two children with a wife who was also a slave until she was emancipated by her master, a few years before they married.

"Sometimes I wonder what the fate of my children will be, having a slave father and an emancipated mother," he said.

The liar and chief strikes again...

Senior Israeli says 'friends don't act like this' after Mossad Head denies US claim that he opposed Iran sanctions in talk with senators.

A senior Israeli official delivered an uncommonly harsh attack on US President Barack Obama's administration Thursday evening, following theAmerican report that alleged that Mossad Head Tamir Pardo had warned US senators against further Iran sanctions, in contradiction of Israel's official stance.

"The fraudulent claims against the Mossad Head were raised by theAmericans yesterday, despite a message that had been transmitted to them on Tuesday by Intelligence Minister [Yuval] Steintz,” the senior Israeli source told Channel 2 news.

He added that Israel had gone over the minutes of the meeting between Pardo and the delegation of senators, and that Pardo had not said what was attributed to him.

"Leaking the Mossad Head's statements, even if they had not been falsified, is a serious breach of all the rules,” the senior source added. “Friends do not behave like this. Information from a secret meeting must not leak out.”

Pardo denied on Thursday the report – which was carried by Bloomberg news – claiming that the Mossad disagrees with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu about the need to press new sanctions on Iran

The report said that Mossad officials advised US senators who were visiting Israel recently to hold off on further Iran sanctions, saying that they would hamper, not help, efforts to persuade Iran to give up or allow full international supervision of its nuclear program.

"The Head of Mossad did not say that he opposes additional sanctions on Iran,” said the spy agency Thursday.

"Mossad Head Tamir Pardo met on January 19, 2015, with a delegation of US senators,” Mossad said in a statement. “The meeting was held at the request of the senators and with the prime minister's approval. At the meeting, the Head of Mossad stressed the extraordinary effectiveness of the sanctions that have been placed on Iran for several years in bringing Iran to the negotiating table.”

Fury in Israel Over Obama s Mossad Lies - Global Agenda - News - Arutz Sheva

He has some nerve. Doesn't he? I suppose he is still upset that Bibi didn't ask to meet with him when he comes to give his speech to Congress at their invitation. ( in March ) He doesn't handle rejection very well. Does he?

Does anyone know the exact date Bibi will be over here?

March 3rd
Paintings of Jews circa 244 CE found in an ancient synagogue "Dura Europa" discovered in Damascus. They sure as hell don't look "black" do they?







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Human history and anthropology according to an ignorant undereducated racist black. :lmao:
Still waiting for the link to the China bones. While you are at it please tell us again how the neanderthals are homo sapiens sapiens. :laugh:

Google is your friend. The human remains found in Ethiopia were more ape like, and weren't even close to being Homo Sapien.

You're funny, Jesus and Moses were black because they found an ancient ape like being in Africa? Ha ha ha.

Lucy Australopithecus - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
oh gee----Penelope is afraid of Israel. !!!! she also seems afraid to learn English I wonder what "divide and concur"
means in her language. Sounds like a divorce settlement

Thanks Irosie , Divide and Conquer" is how war is won, Jews are good at it.

You got it wrong again Penelope the word is CONQUOR.
now-----go ask your handler for an example of jews when
they were engaged in warfare------using the technique of
DIVIDE AND CONQUOR. To help you out-----generally
your islamo-Nazi propaganda makes the point that the BRITISH EMPIRE was built on that technique-----try to
study your shit a bit more

verb \ˈkäŋ-kər\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;} #mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color: black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl, .ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to take control of (a country, city, etc.) through the use of force

: to defeat (someone or something) through the use of force

: to gain control of (a problem or difficulty) through great effort

What about this one, even says Moses and the Hebrews under it.

What about it? They don't look black at all. Here's a better image.


Here is another fresco showing Jews and the "golden calf", from the same ancient synagogue. Does it look like depictions of black people back in 244 AD?

Human history and anthropology according to an ignorant undereducated racist black. :lmao:
Still waiting for the link to the China bones. While you are at it please tell us again how the neanderthals are homo sapiens sapiens. :laugh:

Google is your friend. The human remains found in Ethiopia were more ape like, and weren't even close to being Homo Sapien.

You're funny, Jesus and Moses were black because they found an ancient ape like being in Africa? Ha ha ha.

Lucy Australopithecus - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Yes Google is your friend. Too bad youre an idiot Roudy. Still waiting for the link to the China bones. did you find it yet?

Omo remains - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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