Fury in Israel Over Obama's Mossad 'Lies'

Horses and donkey on interbreeding do not produce animals that can reproduce-------your comment kinda proves that you
know nothing about genetics. According to your theory---
the Neanderthal homosapien kids did reproduce and made
European children -------another theory you have is that a whole black population BECOMES on having sex with whites for about 1000 years and you are afraid to provide
those links to the GENETIC EVIDENCE that the jews of Israel during the time of Jesus were all BLACKS as were the
rest of the jews ---in North Africa at that time----before they suddenly WHITENED UP
Who said they had to reproduce? I know I didnt. I just used them as an example of 2 species that can interbreed. I guess you needed another deflection point to make is seem as if you know what you are talking about which is obvious you dont. Where is that link showing neanderthals were out of Africa. Stop stalling.

do your own research------current knowledge is that HOMINIDS ((the GENUS of which sapien and Neanderthal
are the subset SPECIES-----remember? genus/species --all came about in AFRICA)))

Neanderthals were in Africa before they got to Europe and Asia------like 150,000 years ago. right down from the trees and UP NORTH
So if Neanderthals were in Africa why cant you provide a link to one scientist saying so? i'll even take a stormfront link.

I have. There is no proof at all they were in Africa. No DNA and no bones. If you have a link please provide it.

nope------you did not even try -----you lied
I think I will go with the Icons. After all, they were painted by the early descendents of the original Christians. By the way, the Filipinos are Asian, and they parade around with a Black Jesus. Does this make the Filipinos Black? Listening to your blabbering, I wonder if you have Voodoo dolls that depict Whites that you jab every night.
You can go with whatever you choose. My intent is not to change your mind. I dont really care what you think. My intent is to put the information out there. Fillipinos are not exactly Asian They are Spanish and Asian. They also are not the indigenous people of the Philippines. The Aeta people are. Guess what? They are Black people as well. Trust me....I will make you look like a fool with every deflection you give.


There are loads of Filipinos living here in Southern California, and none of them look like the person in your picture. In fact, my daughter's mother-in-law is Filipina, and I think she would be insulted to see someone claiming she was somehow related to that woman. Now since you are on a Middle East forum and not an Anthropology Forum,. have you anything to tell us about what is going on in at least one Middle East country? What's the latest going on in Kuwaiit or Oman? Perhaps you are not interested in the Middle East and only about Anthropology. Perhaps the owners of the US Message Board can set up a special forum for you.
Thats not really of any importance to me. I have Fillipinos in my family so I know what the real ones look like and what the ones that are mixed with Spanish look like. I'm sure she would be insulted. The name Aeta is actually a slur. The real name for these people is the Ageta. (Original People). The internet is free so look it up. No I have nothing more to say on the subject unless you want to keep spreading falsehoods which I will shoot down.

I am just waiting for you to stop with your Anthropology lessons and get back to the Middle East which this forum is supposed to be about. None of us can stop you from being distrustful of Whites. That is your choice. However, this is not what this forum was set up for. Why not find yourself a nice soapbox on a busy street and give the Whites "what for" and maybe that will make you feel better.
I dont care what you are waiting for me to stop doing. If you dont want an anthropology lesson then dont try to tell me something you dont know anything about. i will correct you.

Did everyone here realize that this is not the Middle East forum anymore, but is the Anthropology forum where we are going to learn all about the Blacks? Poor me, and here I thought people came here to discuss current events in the Middle East.
Too bad we have the Black Madonnas and Jesus statues and paintings to refute that.

I think I will go with the Icons. After all, they were painted by the early descendents of the original Christians. By the way, the Filipinos are Asian, and they parade around with a Black Jesus. Does this make the Filipinos Black? Listening to your blabbering, I wonder if you have Voodoo dolls that depict Whites that you jab every night.
You can go with whatever you choose. My intent is not to change your mind. I dont really care what you think. My intent is to put the information out there. Fillipinos are not exactly Asian They are Spanish and Asian. They also are not the indigenous people of the Philippines. The Aeta people are. Guess what? They are Black people as well. Trust me....I will make you look like a fool with every deflection you give.


There are loads of Filipinos living here in Southern California, and none of them look like the person in your picture. In fact, my daughter's mother-in-law is Filipina, and I think she would be insulted to see someone claiming she was somehow related to that woman. Now since you are on a Middle East forum and not an Anthropology Forum,. have you anything to tell us about what is going on in at least one Middle East country? What's the latest going on in Kuwaiit or Oman? Perhaps you are not interested in the Middle East and only about Anthropology. Perhaps the owners of the US Message Board can set up a special forum for you.
Thats not really of any importance to me. I have Fillipinos in my family so I know what the real ones look like and what the ones that are mixed with Spanish look like. I'm sure she would be insulted. The name Aeta is actually a slur. The real name for these people is the Ageta. (Original People). The internet is free so look it up. No I have nothing more to say on the subject unless you want to keep spreading falsehoods which I will shoot down.
Yemen is in the middle east not Africa. You need to work on your geography. Are you sure you know what you are talking about? How was his community stuck in Yemen and what does that have to do with what I said? I have heard nothing that says Flavius was Black. He may have been mixed but I doubt he was completely Black.

oh ok you took the middle east out of Africa-----Yemen is part of the ARABIAN PENNINSULA you can stick it
in either asia or Africa------the African jews of Israel Judea
traveled and settled there something like 700 BC because it
was on the SILK ROAD------all of this stuff is confirmed by history written at that time and also by DNA analysis. Yemen had a very good relationship with ETHIOPIA ----the countries
are but a hop, skip and jump from each other over a very narrow strait. DNA analysis confirms their romantic
relationship which created the jews of Ethiopia and
the Ethiopian genes in Yemenites. Ethiopians are black.---
ie real blacks

Sorry but whites stuck Yemen in the middle east to confuse people like you. I know the entire area was originally Black people all the way to India. Its amusing you want to suddenly admit what I have been saying all along. :laugh:

oh it was not in the middle east when the black
"god" allah invented both the universe and the cosmic
There was no such thing as the middle east until white people made up the term in the early 1900's. Do some research please. You are killing me.

I am communicating in English. There was no such thing as
AFRICA until some white guys decided to call a big chunk of land------AFRICA------it's derived from Latin-----a white language. I use the English term. ----
Africa is what it was called later. I'm using the term because there is no real consensus on what it was actually called. Most likely there was no term for the entire mass. The Greeks referred to it as Aethiopia but they had no idea how big it was and neither did the Romans who gave it the name Africa. However, you deflection is noted. What is your point in saying that?. You didnt even know that the middle east is a new term made up by whites in the 1900's
Who said they had to reproduce? I know I didnt. I just used them as an example of 2 species that can interbreed. I guess you needed another deflection point to make is seem as if you know what you are talking about which is obvious you dont. Where is that link showing neanderthals were out of Africa. Stop stalling.

do your own research------current knowledge is that HOMINIDS ((the GENUS of which sapien and Neanderthal
are the subset SPECIES-----remember? genus/species --all came about in AFRICA)))

Neanderthals were in Africa before they got to Europe and Asia------like 150,000 years ago. right down from the trees and UP NORTH
So if Neanderthals were in Africa why cant you provide a link to one scientist saying so? i'll even take a stormfront link.

I have. There is no proof at all they were in Africa. No DNA and no bones. If you have a link please provide it.

nope------you did not even try -----you lied
Yep I did. You still havent posted even one link to support your claim. Show me something that says neanderthals were in Africa. This is the best I found. Nothing about Africa though.

"Thomas Higham of the University of Oxford performed the most comprehensive dating of Neanderthal bones and tools ever carried out, which demonstrated that Neanderthals died out in Europe between 41,000 and 39,000 years ago - this coincides with the start of a very cold period in Europe and is 5,000 years after Homo sapiens reached the continent."
You can go with whatever you choose. My intent is not to change your mind. I dont really care what you think. My intent is to put the information out there. Fillipinos are not exactly Asian They are Spanish and Asian. They also are not the indigenous people of the Philippines. The Aeta people are. Guess what? They are Black people as well. Trust me....I will make you look like a fool with every deflection you give.


There are loads of Filipinos living here in Southern California, and none of them look like the person in your picture. In fact, my daughter's mother-in-law is Filipina, and I think she would be insulted to see someone claiming she was somehow related to that woman. Now since you are on a Middle East forum and not an Anthropology Forum,. have you anything to tell us about what is going on in at least one Middle East country? What's the latest going on in Kuwaiit or Oman? Perhaps you are not interested in the Middle East and only about Anthropology. Perhaps the owners of the US Message Board can set up a special forum for you.
Thats not really of any importance to me. I have Fillipinos in my family so I know what the real ones look like and what the ones that are mixed with Spanish look like. I'm sure she would be insulted. The name Aeta is actually a slur. The real name for these people is the Ageta. (Original People). The internet is free so look it up. No I have nothing more to say on the subject unless you want to keep spreading falsehoods which I will shoot down.

I am just waiting for you to stop with your Anthropology lessons and get back to the Middle East which this forum is supposed to be about. None of us can stop you from being distrustful of Whites. That is your choice. However, this is not what this forum was set up for. Why not find yourself a nice soapbox on a busy street and give the Whites "what for" and maybe that will make you feel better.
I dont care what you are waiting for me to stop doing. If you dont want an anthropology lesson then dont try to tell me something you dont know anything about. i will correct you.

Did everyone here realize that this is not the Middle East forum anymore, but is the Anthropology forum where we are going to learn all about the Blacks? Poor me, and here I thought people came here to discuss current events in the Middle East.
You contributed so dont complain. You tried to tell me Filipinos were not Black on this Middle East thread. I think you are just sore because I shut that down pretty quickly.
I think I will go with the Icons. After all, they were painted by the early descendents of the original Christians. By the way, the Filipinos are Asian, and they parade around with a Black Jesus. Does this make the Filipinos Black? Listening to your blabbering, I wonder if you have Voodoo dolls that depict Whites that you jab every night.
You can go with whatever you choose. My intent is not to change your mind. I dont really care what you think. My intent is to put the information out there. Fillipinos are not exactly Asian They are Spanish and Asian. They also are not the indigenous people of the Philippines. The Aeta people are. Guess what? They are Black people as well. Trust me....I will make you look like a fool with every deflection you give.


There are loads of Filipinos living here in Southern California, and none of them look like the person in your picture. In fact, my daughter's mother-in-law is Filipina, and I think she would be insulted to see someone claiming she was somehow related to that woman. Now since you are on a Middle East forum and not an Anthropology Forum,. have you anything to tell us about what is going on in at least one Middle East country? What's the latest going on in Kuwaiit or Oman? Perhaps you are not interested in the Middle East and only about Anthropology. Perhaps the owners of the US Message Board can set up a special forum for you.
Thats not really of any importance to me. I have Fillipinos in my family so I know what the real ones look like and what the ones that are mixed with Spanish look like. I'm sure she would be insulted. The name Aeta is actually a slur. The real name for these people is the Ageta. (Original People). The internet is free so look it up. No I have nothing more to say on the subject unless you want to keep spreading falsehoods which I will shoot down.
oh ok you took the middle east out of Africa-----Yemen is part of the ARABIAN PENNINSULA you can stick it
in either asia or Africa------the African jews of Israel Judea
traveled and settled there something like 700 BC because it
was on the SILK ROAD------all of this stuff is confirmed by history written at that time and also by DNA analysis. Yemen had a very good relationship with ETHIOPIA ----the countries
are but a hop, skip and jump from each other over a very narrow strait. DNA analysis confirms their romantic
relationship which created the jews of Ethiopia and
the Ethiopian genes in Yemenites. Ethiopians are black.---
ie real blacks

Sorry but whites stuck Yemen in the middle east to confuse people like you. I know the entire area was originally Black people all the way to India. Its amusing you want to suddenly admit what I have been saying all along. :laugh:

oh it was not in the middle east when the black
"god" allah invented both the universe and the cosmic
There was no such thing as the middle east until white people made up the term in the early 1900's. Do some research please. You are killing me.

I am communicating in English. There was no such thing as
AFRICA until some white guys decided to call a big chunk of land------AFRICA------it's derived from Latin-----a white language. I use the English term. ----
Africa is what it was called later. I'm using the term because there is no real consensus on what it was actually called. Most likely there was no term for the entire mass. The Greeks referred to it as Aethiopia but they had no idea how big it was and neither did the Romans who gave it the name Africa. However, you deflection is noted. What is your point in saying that?. You didnt even know that the middle east is a new term made up by whites in the 1900's

your comment is idiotic------the MIDDLE EAST is a designation for an area of the earth now in use in the English language------you have no idea what a HAPLOTYPE , yet you cite "HAPLOTYPE" as if you have some knowledge of
population genetics ----which you don't -------you also insist
that cold weather turns large populations WHITE----in the course of a few hundred years. You do not even know that the GENUS HOMINID developed in Africa----and clearly do not understand what a GENUS is. Your best show of stupidity has been-------Europeans are the result of
Neanderthal, homospien interbreeding but the
offspring of that match cannot reproduce because they are
like mules
There are loads of Filipinos living here in Southern California, and none of them look like the person in your picture. In fact, my daughter's mother-in-law is Filipina, and I think she would be insulted to see someone claiming she was somehow related to that woman. Now since you are on a Middle East forum and not an Anthropology Forum,. have you anything to tell us about what is going on in at least one Middle East country? What's the latest going on in Kuwaiit or Oman? Perhaps you are not interested in the Middle East and only about Anthropology. Perhaps the owners of the US Message Board can set up a special forum for you.
Thats not really of any importance to me. I have Fillipinos in my family so I know what the real ones look like and what the ones that are mixed with Spanish look like. I'm sure she would be insulted. The name Aeta is actually a slur. The real name for these people is the Ageta. (Original People). The internet is free so look it up. No I have nothing more to say on the subject unless you want to keep spreading falsehoods which I will shoot down.

I am just waiting for you to stop with your Anthropology lessons and get back to the Middle East which this forum is supposed to be about. None of us can stop you from being distrustful of Whites. That is your choice. However, this is not what this forum was set up for. Why not find yourself a nice soapbox on a busy street and give the Whites "what for" and maybe that will make you feel better.
I dont care what you are waiting for me to stop doing. If you dont want an anthropology lesson then dont try to tell me something you dont know anything about. i will correct you.

Did everyone here realize that this is not the Middle East forum anymore, but is the Anthropology forum where we are going to learn all about the Blacks? Poor me, and here I thought people came here to discuss current events in the Middle East.
You contributed so dont complain. You tried to tell me Filipinos were not Black on this Middle East thread. I think you are just sore because I shut that down pretty quickly.

Tell all the Filipinos in Southern California that they are Black, and they will laugh in your face. Now tell us, what are you going to contribute to this Middle East forum when many things are happening in this area? If you are still stuck on Blacks and Whites on a Middle East forum, I suggest you find yourself a good Black psychiatrist.
You can go with whatever you choose. My intent is not to change your mind. I dont really care what you think. My intent is to put the information out there. Fillipinos are not exactly Asian They are Spanish and Asian. They also are not the indigenous people of the Philippines. The Aeta people are. Guess what? They are Black people as well. Trust me....I will make you look like a fool with every deflection you give.


There are loads of Filipinos living here in Southern California, and none of them look like the person in your picture. In fact, my daughter's mother-in-law is Filipina, and I think she would be insulted to see someone claiming she was somehow related to that woman. Now since you are on a Middle East forum and not an Anthropology Forum,. have you anything to tell us about what is going on in at least one Middle East country? What's the latest going on in Kuwaiit or Oman? Perhaps you are not interested in the Middle East and only about Anthropology. Perhaps the owners of the US Message Board can set up a special forum for you.
Thats not really of any importance to me. I have Fillipinos in my family so I know what the real ones look like and what the ones that are mixed with Spanish look like. I'm sure she would be insulted. The name Aeta is actually a slur. The real name for these people is the Ageta. (Original People). The internet is free so look it up. No I have nothing more to say on the subject unless you want to keep spreading falsehoods which I will shoot down.
Sorry but whites stuck Yemen in the middle east to confuse people like you. I know the entire area was originally Black people all the way to India. Its amusing you want to suddenly admit what I have been saying all along. :laugh:

oh it was not in the middle east when the black
"god" allah invented both the universe and the cosmic
There was no such thing as the middle east until white people made up the term in the early 1900's. Do some research please. You are killing me.

I am communicating in English. There was no such thing as
AFRICA until some white guys decided to call a big chunk of land------AFRICA------it's derived from Latin-----a white language. I use the English term. ----
Africa is what it was called later. I'm using the term because there is no real consensus on what it was actually called. Most likely there was no term for the entire mass. The Greeks referred to it as Aethiopia but they had no idea how big it was and neither did the Romans who gave it the name Africa. However, you deflection is noted. What is your point in saying that?. You didnt even know that the middle east is a new term made up by whites in the 1900's

your comment is idiotic------the MIDDLE EAST is a designation for an area of the earth now in use in the English language------you have no idea what a HAPLOTYPE , yet you cite "HAPLOTYPE" as if you have some knowledge of
population genetics ----which you don't -------you also insist
that cold weather turns large populations WHITE----in the course of a few hundred years. You do not even know that the GENUS HOMINID developed in Africa----and clearly do not understand what a GENUS is. Your best show of stupidity has been-------Europeans are the result of
Neanderthal, homospien interbreeding but the
offspring of that match cannot reproduce because they are
like mules
I never said that. Your boy Roudy made the claim white people were white due to weather. i said it was a genetic mutation and posted the link proving it. i know for a fact homo sapien sapiens originated in Africa. I told you this from the beginning. I think you have managed to confuse yourself. I never told you neanderthals and and humans couldnt interbreed. I even told you thats why whites and Asians have neanderthal DNA. You may want to take a deep breath and try again.
do your own research------current knowledge is that HOMINIDS ((the GENUS of which sapien and Neanderthal
are the subset SPECIES-----remember? genus/species --all came about in AFRICA)))

Neanderthals were in Africa before they got to Europe and Asia------like 150,000 years ago. right down from the trees and UP NORTH
So if Neanderthals were in Africa why cant you provide a link to one scientist saying so? i'll even take a stormfront link.

I have. There is no proof at all they were in Africa. No DNA and no bones. If you have a link please provide it.

nope------you did not even try -----you lied
Yep I did. You still havent posted even one link to support your claim. Show me something that says neanderthals were in Africa. This is the best I found. Nothing about Africa though.

"Thomas Higham of the University of Oxford performed the most comprehensive dating of Neanderthal bones and tools ever carried out, which demonstrated that Neanderthals died out in Europe between 41,000 and 39,000 years ago - this coincides with the start of a very cold period in Europe and is 5,000 years after Homo sapiens reached the continent."

so? Neanderthals are a branch "species" of the genus
HOMINID which developed in Africa

“Neanderthal” admixture seems to be higher in West Africans than in East Africans. How come? (Source)When modern humans began their expansion from a small core somewhere in East Africa, the continent probably had several different archaic populations.

It now seems that one of them was related to the Neanderthals in Europe. In an ongoing study of Neanderthal admixture in present-day humans, John Hawks has found an apparently higher level of admixture in the Yoruba of Nigeria than in the Luhya of Kenya (see chart above).
Thats not really of any importance to me. I have Fillipinos in my family so I know what the real ones look like and what the ones that are mixed with Spanish look like. I'm sure she would be insulted. The name Aeta is actually a slur. The real name for these people is the Ageta. (Original People). The internet is free so look it up. No I have nothing more to say on the subject unless you want to keep spreading falsehoods which I will shoot down.

I am just waiting for you to stop with your Anthropology lessons and get back to the Middle East which this forum is supposed to be about. None of us can stop you from being distrustful of Whites. That is your choice. However, this is not what this forum was set up for. Why not find yourself a nice soapbox on a busy street and give the Whites "what for" and maybe that will make you feel better.
I dont care what you are waiting for me to stop doing. If you dont want an anthropology lesson then dont try to tell me something you dont know anything about. i will correct you.

Did everyone here realize that this is not the Middle East forum anymore, but is the Anthropology forum where we are going to learn all about the Blacks? Poor me, and here I thought people came here to discuss current events in the Middle East.
You contributed so dont complain. You tried to tell me Filipinos were not Black on this Middle East thread. I think you are just sore because I shut that down pretty quickly.

Tell all the Filipinos in Southern California that they are Black, and they will laugh in your face. Now tell us, what are you going to contribute to this Middle East forum when many things are happening in this area? If you are still stuck on Blacks and Whites on a Middle East forum, I suggest you find yourself a good Black psychiatrist.

Why would I waste my time telling them that? I'm just telling you that the original Filipinos are Black. I told you before I'm not trying to convince you. Just letting you know I know. So the next time you try to claim something that uninformed you will remember this conversation. Now tell us... when are you going to learn to research before you speak? If you are going to go off topic at least know what you are talking about.
There are loads of Filipinos living here in Southern California, and none of them look like the person in your picture. In fact, my daughter's mother-in-law is Filipina, and I think she would be insulted to see someone claiming she was somehow related to that woman. Now since you are on a Middle East forum and not an Anthropology Forum,. have you anything to tell us about what is going on in at least one Middle East country? What's the latest going on in Kuwaiit or Oman? Perhaps you are not interested in the Middle East and only about Anthropology. Perhaps the owners of the US Message Board can set up a special forum for you.
Thats not really of any importance to me. I have Fillipinos in my family so I know what the real ones look like and what the ones that are mixed with Spanish look like. I'm sure she would be insulted. The name Aeta is actually a slur. The real name for these people is the Ageta. (Original People). The internet is free so look it up. No I have nothing more to say on the subject unless you want to keep spreading falsehoods which I will shoot down.
oh it was not in the middle east when the black
"god" allah invented both the universe and the cosmic
There was no such thing as the middle east until white people made up the term in the early 1900's. Do some research please. You are killing me.

I am communicating in English. There was no such thing as
AFRICA until some white guys decided to call a big chunk of land------AFRICA------it's derived from Latin-----a white language. I use the English term. ----
Africa is what it was called later. I'm using the term because there is no real consensus on what it was actually called. Most likely there was no term for the entire mass. The Greeks referred to it as Aethiopia but they had no idea how big it was and neither did the Romans who gave it the name Africa. However, you deflection is noted. What is your point in saying that?. You didnt even know that the middle east is a new term made up by whites in the 1900's

your comment is idiotic------the MIDDLE EAST is a designation for an area of the earth now in use in the English language------you have no idea what a HAPLOTYPE , yet you cite "HAPLOTYPE" as if you have some knowledge of
population genetics ----which you don't -------you also insist
that cold weather turns large populations WHITE----in the course of a few hundred years. You do not even know that the GENUS HOMINID developed in Africa----and clearly do not understand what a GENUS is. Your best show of stupidity has been-------Europeans are the result of
Neanderthal, homospien interbreeding but the
offspring of that match cannot reproduce because they are
like mules
I never said that. Your boy Roudy made the claim white people were white due to weather. i said it was a genetic mutation and posted the link proving it. i know for a fact homo sapien sapiens originated in Africa. I told you this from the beginning. I think you have managed to confuse yourself. I never told you neanderthals and and humans couldnt interbreed. I even told you thats why whites and Asians have neanderthal DNA. You may want to take a deep breath and try again.

“Neanderthal” admixture seems to be higher in West Africans than in East Africans. How come? (Source)When modern humans began their expansion from a small core somewhere in East Africa, the continent probably had several different archaic populations.

It now seems that one of them was related to the Neanderthals in Europe. In an ongoing study of Neanderthal admixture in present-day humans, John Hawks has found an apparently higher level of admixture in the Yoruba of Nigeria than in the Luhya of Kenya (see chart above).
So if Neanderthals were in Africa why cant you provide a link to one scientist saying so? i'll even take a stormfront link.

I have. There is no proof at all they were in Africa. No DNA and no bones. If you have a link please provide it.

nope------you did not even try -----you lied
Yep I did. You still havent posted even one link to support your claim. Show me something that says neanderthals were in Africa. This is the best I found. Nothing about Africa though.

"Thomas Higham of the University of Oxford performed the most comprehensive dating of Neanderthal bones and tools ever carried out, which demonstrated that Neanderthals died out in Europe between 41,000 and 39,000 years ago - this coincides with the start of a very cold period in Europe and is 5,000 years after Homo sapiens reached the continent."

so? Neanderthals are a branch "species" of the genus
HOMINID which developed in Africa

“Neanderthal” admixture seems to be higher in West Africans than in East Africans. How come? (Source)When modern humans began their expansion from a small core somewhere in East Africa, the continent probably had several different archaic populations.

It now seems that one of them was related to the Neanderthals in Europe. In an ongoing study of Neanderthal admixture in present-day humans, John Hawks has found an apparently higher level of admixture in the Yoruba of Nigeria than in the Luhya of Kenya (see chart above).
What do you mean so? That means you didnt know what you were tallking about claiming neanderthals were in Africa. They werent. They came about in europe. If they were in Africa why no DNA evidence or bones?
I am just waiting for you to stop with your Anthropology lessons and get back to the Middle East which this forum is supposed to be about. None of us can stop you from being distrustful of Whites. That is your choice. However, this is not what this forum was set up for. Why not find yourself a nice soapbox on a busy street and give the Whites "what for" and maybe that will make you feel better.
I dont care what you are waiting for me to stop doing. If you dont want an anthropology lesson then dont try to tell me something you dont know anything about. i will correct you.

Did everyone here realize that this is not the Middle East forum anymore, but is the Anthropology forum where we are going to learn all about the Blacks? Poor me, and here I thought people came here to discuss current events in the Middle East.
You contributed so dont complain. You tried to tell me Filipinos were not Black on this Middle East thread. I think you are just sore because I shut that down pretty quickly.

Tell all the Filipinos in Southern California that they are Black, and they will laugh in your face. Now tell us, what are you going to contribute to this Middle East forum when many things are happening in this area? If you are still stuck on Blacks and Whites on a Middle East forum, I suggest you find yourself a good Black psychiatrist.

Why would I waste my time telling them that? I'm just telling you that the original Filipinos are Black. I told you before I'm not trying to convince you. Just letting you know I know. So the next time you try to claim something that uninformed you will remember this conversation. Now tell us... when are you going to learn to research before you speak? If you are going to go off topic at least know what you are talking about.

The best advice you can take is go to a Black psychiatrist and tell him that all you want to do on forums is talk about the bad, bad Whites and to give the Whites an Anthropology lesson which they of course could go to a college and take one from a person who is a professor in anthropology.
I am just waiting for you to stop with your Anthropology lessons and get back to the Middle East which this forum is supposed to be about. None of us can stop you from being distrustful of Whites. That is your choice. However, this is not what this forum was set up for. Why not find yourself a nice soapbox on a busy street and give the Whites "what for" and maybe that will make you feel better.
I dont care what you are waiting for me to stop doing. If you dont want an anthropology lesson then dont try to tell me something you dont know anything about. i will correct you.

Did everyone here realize that this is not the Middle East forum anymore, but is the Anthropology forum where we are going to learn all about the Blacks? Poor me, and here I thought people came here to discuss current events in the Middle East.
You contributed so dont complain. You tried to tell me Filipinos were not Black on this Middle East thread. I think you are just sore because I shut that down pretty quickly.

Tell all the Filipinos in Southern California that they are Black, and they will laugh in your face. Now tell us, what are you going to contribute to this Middle East forum when many things are happening in this area? If you are still stuck on Blacks and Whites on a Middle East forum, I suggest you find yourself a good Black psychiatrist.

Why would I waste my time telling them that? I'm just telling you that the original Filipinos are Black. I told you before I'm not trying to convince you. Just letting you know I know. So the next time you try to claim something that uninformed you will remember this conversation. Now tell us... when are you going to learn to research before you speak? If you are going to go off topic at least know what you are talking about.

you are using SKIN color as a racist marker again. ---eskimos have dark skin too. and all HOMINIDS did
originally come from the continent of Africa-----you want to
DEFINE what "BEING BLACK" means to a fascist racist like you? I think like BIOLOGY------but if you wish to explain it in your own form of Nazi racist pig------go right ahead Tell us about your theory that white skin renders people ----"LIARS" and "UNTRUSTWORTHY"------I understand------I read your crap way back in the 60s-----a decade after reading islamo Nazi pig propaganda from the ORIGINAL NAZIS out of Germany-----your best friends
I dont care what you are waiting for me to stop doing. If you dont want an anthropology lesson then dont try to tell me something you dont know anything about. i will correct you.

Did everyone here realize that this is not the Middle East forum anymore, but is the Anthropology forum where we are going to learn all about the Blacks? Poor me, and here I thought people came here to discuss current events in the Middle East.
You contributed so dont complain. You tried to tell me Filipinos were not Black on this Middle East thread. I think you are just sore because I shut that down pretty quickly.

Tell all the Filipinos in Southern California that they are Black, and they will laugh in your face. Now tell us, what are you going to contribute to this Middle East forum when many things are happening in this area? If you are still stuck on Blacks and Whites on a Middle East forum, I suggest you find yourself a good Black psychiatrist.

Why would I waste my time telling them that? I'm just telling you that the original Filipinos are Black. I told you before I'm not trying to convince you. Just letting you know I know. So the next time you try to claim something that uninformed you will remember this conversation. Now tell us... when are you going to learn to research before you speak? If you are going to go off topic at least know what you are talking about.

The best advice you can take is go to a Black psychiatrist and tell him that all you want to do on forums is talk about the bad, bad Whites and to give the Whites an Anthropology lesson which they of course could go to a college and take one from a person who is a professor in anthropology.
If you dont know what you are talking about regarding Filipinos I think I will pass on your advice. Sorry.
I have. There is no proof at all they were in Africa. No DNA and no bones. If you have a link please provide it.

nope------you did not even try -----you lied
Yep I did. You still havent posted even one link to support your claim. Show me something that says neanderthals were in Africa. This is the best I found. Nothing about Africa though.

"Thomas Higham of the University of Oxford performed the most comprehensive dating of Neanderthal bones and tools ever carried out, which demonstrated that Neanderthals died out in Europe between 41,000 and 39,000 years ago - this coincides with the start of a very cold period in Europe and is 5,000 years after Homo sapiens reached the continent."

so? Neanderthals are a branch "species" of the genus
HOMINID which developed in Africa

“Neanderthal” admixture seems to be higher in West Africans than in East Africans. How come? (Source)When modern humans began their expansion from a small core somewhere in East Africa, the continent probably had several different archaic populations.

It now seems that one of them was related to the Neanderthals in Europe. In an ongoing study of Neanderthal admixture in present-day humans, John Hawks has found an apparently higher level of admixture in the Yoruba of Nigeria than in the Luhya of Kenya (see chart above).
What do you mean so? That means you didnt know what you were tallking about claiming neanderthals were in Africa. They werent. They came about in europe. If they were in Africa why no DNA evidence or bones?

Neanderthal is an HOMINID ------all hominids ORGINATE
I dont care what you are waiting for me to stop doing. If you dont want an anthropology lesson then dont try to tell me something you dont know anything about. i will correct you.

Did everyone here realize that this is not the Middle East forum anymore, but is the Anthropology forum where we are going to learn all about the Blacks? Poor me, and here I thought people came here to discuss current events in the Middle East.
You contributed so dont complain. You tried to tell me Filipinos were not Black on this Middle East thread. I think you are just sore because I shut that down pretty quickly.

Tell all the Filipinos in Southern California that they are Black, and they will laugh in your face. Now tell us, what are you going to contribute to this Middle East forum when many things are happening in this area? If you are still stuck on Blacks and Whites on a Middle East forum, I suggest you find yourself a good Black psychiatrist.

Why would I waste my time telling them that? I'm just telling you that the original Filipinos are Black. I told you before I'm not trying to convince you. Just letting you know I know. So the next time you try to claim something that uninformed you will remember this conversation. Now tell us... when are you going to learn to research before you speak? If you are going to go off topic at least know what you are talking about.

you are using SKIN color as a racist marker again. ---eskimos have dark skin too. and all HOMINIDS did
originally come from the continent of Africa-----you want to
DEFINE what "BEING BLACK" means to a fascist racist like you? I think like BIOLOGY------but if you wish to explain it in your own form of Nazi racist pig------go right ahead Tell us about your theory that white skin renders people ----"LIARS" and "UNTRUSTWORTHY"------I understand------I read your crap way back in the 60s-----a decade after reading islamo Nazi pig propaganda from the ORIGINAL NAZIS out of Germany-----your best friends
I'm not just using dark skin. I'm using DNA. Eskimos do have relatively dark skin compared to whites. However, they also group with Amerindians via DNA too. What is your point?
I have. There is no proof at all they were in Africa. No DNA and no bones. If you have a link please provide it.

nope------you did not even try -----you lied
Yep I did. You still havent posted even one link to support your claim. Show me something that says neanderthals were in Africa. This is the best I found. Nothing about Africa though.

"Thomas Higham of the University of Oxford performed the most comprehensive dating of Neanderthal bones and tools ever carried out, which demonstrated that Neanderthals died out in Europe between 41,000 and 39,000 years ago - this coincides with the start of a very cold period in Europe and is 5,000 years after Homo sapiens reached the continent."

so? Neanderthals are a branch "species" of the genus
HOMINID which developed in Africa

“Neanderthal” admixture seems to be higher in West Africans than in East Africans. How come? (Source)When modern humans began their expansion from a small core somewhere in East Africa, the continent probably had several different archaic populations.

It now seems that one of them was related to the Neanderthals in Europe. In an ongoing study of Neanderthal admixture in present-day humans, John Hawks has found an apparently higher level of admixture in the Yoruba of Nigeria than in the Luhya of Kenya (see chart above).
What do you mean so? That means you didnt know what you were tallking about claiming neanderthals were in Africa. They werent. They came about in europe. If they were in Africa why no DNA evidence or bones?

Neanderthal is an HOMINID ------all hominids ORGINATE
Youre getting confused. Neanderthal developed in europe. You are thinking about Heidelbergensis which both homo sapiens and neaderthal man evolved from and was out of Africa. Homo sapiens is the branch that stayed in Africa. Neanderthal is out of europe and died out..
Did everyone here realize that this is not the Middle East forum anymore, but is the Anthropology forum where we are going to learn all about the Blacks? Poor me, and here I thought people came here to discuss current events in the Middle East.
You contributed so dont complain. You tried to tell me Filipinos were not Black on this Middle East thread. I think you are just sore because I shut that down pretty quickly.

Tell all the Filipinos in Southern California that they are Black, and they will laugh in your face. Now tell us, what are you going to contribute to this Middle East forum when many things are happening in this area? If you are still stuck on Blacks and Whites on a Middle East forum, I suggest you find yourself a good Black psychiatrist.

Why would I waste my time telling them that? I'm just telling you that the original Filipinos are Black. I told you before I'm not trying to convince you. Just letting you know I know. So the next time you try to claim something that uninformed you will remember this conversation. Now tell us... when are you going to learn to research before you speak? If you are going to go off topic at least know what you are talking about.

you are using SKIN color as a racist marker again. ---eskimos have dark skin too. and all HOMINIDS did
originally come from the continent of Africa-----you want to
DEFINE what "BEING BLACK" means to a fascist racist like you? I think like BIOLOGY------but if you wish to explain it in your own form of Nazi racist pig------go right ahead Tell us about your theory that white skin renders people ----"LIARS" and "UNTRUSTWORTHY"------I understand------I read your crap way back in the 60s-----a decade after reading islamo Nazi pig propaganda from the ORIGINAL NAZIS out of Germany-----your best friends
I'm not just using dark skin. I'm using DNA. Eskimos do have relatively dark skin compared to whites. However, they also group with Amerindians via DNA too. What is your point.

somehow Amerindian are called "red" by skin color fascists
You contributed so dont complain. You tried to tell me Filipinos were not Black on this Middle East thread. I think you are just sore because I shut that down pretty quickly.

Tell all the Filipinos in Southern California that they are Black, and they will laugh in your face. Now tell us, what are you going to contribute to this Middle East forum when many things are happening in this area? If you are still stuck on Blacks and Whites on a Middle East forum, I suggest you find yourself a good Black psychiatrist.

Why would I waste my time telling them that? I'm just telling you that the original Filipinos are Black. I told you before I'm not trying to convince you. Just letting you know I know. So the next time you try to claim something that uninformed you will remember this conversation. Now tell us... when are you going to learn to research before you speak? If you are going to go off topic at least know what you are talking about.

you are using SKIN color as a racist marker again. ---eskimos have dark skin too. and all HOMINIDS did
originally come from the continent of Africa-----you want to
DEFINE what "BEING BLACK" means to a fascist racist like you? I think like BIOLOGY------but if you wish to explain it in your own form of Nazi racist pig------go right ahead Tell us about your theory that white skin renders people ----"LIARS" and "UNTRUSTWORTHY"------I understand------I read your crap way back in the 60s-----a decade after reading islamo Nazi pig propaganda from the ORIGINAL NAZIS out of Germany-----your best friends
I'm not just using dark skin. I'm using DNA. Eskimos do have relatively dark skin compared to whites. However, they also group with Amerindians via DNA too. What is your point.

somehow Amerindian are called "red" by skin color fascists
Are you ok? What does that have to do with the indigenous Filipinos being Black people via skin color and DNA?

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