Fury in Israel Over Obama's Mossad 'Lies'

Ancient Nubians:
The fraud of Afro centrism

White Eurocentric Lies

Idiot, Nubians WERE black, Egyptians weren't. This is another common LIE perpetuated by Afrocentrists, they mix the two to deceive and distort.

Ancient Nubians:



Ancient Egyptian:



Ramsees II:



Nubians also ruled Egypt twice moron. Your ancient Egyptians are all recreations by European artists trying to disqiuse the fact the Egyptians were Black. Come on now. I've actually been to Abu Simbel and seen the real ones. They are much darker than these recreations Try something more convincing at least. :laugh:

National Geographic issue

Sphinx Of Taharqa Black guy

Rameses II

Egyptian soilders.

Again, you are depicting Egypt as an entirely BLACK, when it wasn't a homogenous civilization. Because of it's proximity to Nubia and other parts of Africa, it would be natural for them to have blacks as part of the population. Black Egypt is simply a HYPOTHESIS at best, that has been unproven, with many many holes and questions.
Ancient Nubians:
The fraud of Afro centrism

White Eurocentric Lies

Idiot, Nubians WERE black, Egyptians weren't. This is another common LIE perpetuated by Afrocentrists, they mix the two to deceive and distort.

Ancient Nubians:



Ancient Egyptian:



Ramsees II:



Nubians also ruled Egypt twice moron. Your ancient Egyptians are all recreations by European artists trying to disqiuse the fact the Egyptians were Black. Come on now. I've actually been to Abu Simbel and seen the real ones. They are much darker than these recreations Try something more convincing at least. :laugh:

National Geographic issue

Sphinx Of Taharqa Black guy

Rameses II

Egyptian soilders.

Again, you are depicting Egypt as an entirely BLACK, when it wasn't a homogenous civilization. Because of it's proximity to Nubia and other parts of Africa, it would be natural for them to have blacks as part of the population. Black Egypt is simply a HYPOTHESIS at best, that has been unproven, with many many holes and questions.

You said they were servants. When do you build statues like the Sphinx to your servants? Get the fug out of here. :laugh:

I said they founded the civilization. You are wrong and I am right.
Nubia is approximately SUDAN-----sudan has been a colony
of arabs (real arabs---the ones from Arabia) for thousands
of years -----it is a colony that for thousands of years was devoted to TRADE-----the trade of sub-Saharan persons to
Egypt and later on to Greece and Persia to ultimately to
the rest of the world ------well known historic fact----it even
appears in the bible. It is why the Arabic word for a black
person is "ABED"----'slave' It is the reason why so many
real arabs and fake arabs get all bent out of shape if they find
themselves at the same cafeteria table at which a black
person is sitting
White / Caucasian / Arab ancient Egyptians are a fact. Quit your racist nonsense.

Nubia is approximately SUDAN-----sudan has been a colony
of arabs (real arabs---the ones from Arabia) for thousands
of years -----it is a colony that for thousands of years was devoted to TRADE-----the trade of sub-Saharan persons to
Egypt and later on to Greece and Persia to ultimately to
the rest of the world ------well known historic fact----it even
appears in the bible. It is why the Arabic word for a black
person is "ABED"----'slave' It is the reason why so many
real arabs and fake arabs get all bent out of shape if they find
themselves at the same cafeteria table at which a black
person is sitting
Nubia was Black long before Arabs were around. They were a great civilization in their own right before Egypt took them over. They were uneasy neighbors with Nubia ruling Egypt for long stretches of time and assisting in repelling the Hyskos a couple of times.
Asclepias seems not to know the british definition of
WHITE PERSON ------I do because I grew up in a WASPY
NAZI small town-------"swarthy Mesopotamian"----
<<<< I really like that one. Roudy---you are a
swarthy Mesopotamian------swarthy like my hubby who
was described as "brown"----as a student in London.
I have known LOTS of Iraqis-----never met a black
Iraqi-----how did they get so washed out so quickly?
Of course in London they would be "brown" too.
In my town people with black hair were SUSPECT
Nubia is approximately SUDAN-----sudan has been a colony
of arabs (real arabs---the ones from Arabia) for thousands
of years -----it is a colony that for thousands of years was devoted to TRADE-----the trade of sub-Saharan persons to
Egypt and later on to Greece and Persia to ultimately to
the rest of the world ------well known historic fact----it even
appears in the bible. It is why the Arabic word for a black
person is "ABED"----'slave' It is the reason why so many
real arabs and fake arabs get all bent out of shape if they find
themselves at the same cafeteria table at which a black
person is sitting
Nubia was Black long before Arabs were around. They were a great civilization in their own right before Egypt took them over. They were uneasy neighbors with Nubia ruling Egypt for long stretches of time and assisting in repelling the Hyskos a couple of times.

Nubia is not black any more-----it is ARAB-----now go
tell those "shaykhs" of northern NUBIA----that they
are "abed"--------go alone----I am not coming

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