FYI Raw Data VAERs site and the official VAERs site on vaccine adverse effects.

Since you have a primary physician, that's where you should have gotten those answers. From someone that KNOWS your med history. Not from a poker at a line of hundred arms behind you in a panic.
well yes that's true FCT , the problem is my doctor isn't privy to the details either, anything available is simply generic

well yes that's true FCT , the problem is my doctor isn't privy to the details either, anything available is simply generic


Well if you're generically that uninteresting medically -- LOL -- I'd get 3 doctors to answer your questions and take the answers that you LIKED the most. :biggrin:
Not before they changed the definition of it ......As my dad got the Flu which took him down and died from his pre-existing condition Emphysema. But it all started from the FLU...........Death certificate before this was Emphysema.

Now let's apply your same logic to the vaccine deaths reports........Man 88 is in a assisted care facility and has pre existing conditions..........Takes the Pfizer jab and has a heart attack and dies right after the shot. So by your own logic he DIIED OF THE VACCINE JAB.........

Had he not taken the jab he wouldn't have been dead right.

People like you make excuses for the do I at points.....but most of the Covid deaths had a mountain of issues before covid........Many were at deaths door already.......Then they die and you immediately put it in the COVID DEATH......

Do that for the Flu before this nonsense and you would see hundreds of thousands of deaths per year from the Flu.
Using your logic, a man, 88 is in an assisted care facility who has pre existing conditions takes an aspirin as prescribed by his doctor and drops dead. Therefore by your logic, the aspirin was the cause of death. The problem with this analogy is it is illogical because aspirins just like taking the covid vaccine, very rarely results in death, about 5 deaths out of 500 million vaccinations.

Death certificates will almost always list multiple causes. On line 1 on the death certificate, the immediate cause of death is listed, organ failure, repertory failure, cardiac arrest etc. On line 2, the chain of events that lead up to the immediate cause of death is listed with the last item being the event that started the chain of events that lead to death. This event is what the bureau of vital statistics records as cause death.

For example: Suppose you went to the ER because you're having severe chest pains and also have been tested positive for Covid but you are not having breathing problems. The ER does a chest x-ray, EKG, and number of tests. Your lungs are reasonable clear but tests show you have damage to a heart value. So the ER diagnosis is a mild case of Covid and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy. After several days in the hospital you die of Cardiac Arrest. The death certificate will list immediate cause of death as Cardiac Arrest. The chain of events that lead to death will begin with the Cardiac Arrest, listing all events that lead to the death. The last item would be Ventricular Hypertrophy and that would be considered the cause of death. Corvid, COPD, Diabetes, etc might be listed as contributing factor but not the cause of death.

BTW the change in death certificates was long before covid. In 1990, the CDC standardized death certificates with a line for immediate clause of death, and the chain of events that lead to the death. The event that started the chain was recognized as the cause of death for both legal and statistical purposes.
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This website contains analyses of VAERS data. The Government should provide this level of info, but doesn't.

This website is also published anonymously. "I am just a concerned citizen reporting on often overlooked public data regarding adverse events related to the new Covid-19 vaccines."

Also the analysis is slanted and likely to be misunderstood.
"*Note that the total number of deaths associated with the COVID-19 vaccines is more than double the number of deaths associated with all other vaccines combined since the year 1990."
There are couple things that are not being mentioned that are significant.
Since the database was not really used until 2010 and it was not extensively publicized till 2020, Covid vaccination adverse effects would be expected to be a large percent of the database.

The reason the CDC does not offer an analysis of the VAERS database is because it contains unverified reports, duplicates, bad data, and entries from anti-vaxers.

The purpose of the database is to provide the CDC with an early warning of a potential problem, not that problems acutely exist. That can only be determined by researching individual cases.
The event that started the chain was recognized as the cause of death for both legal and statistical purposes.

As it SHOULD be. Because everyone with an impaired immune system or organ degradation is TOLD that they likely will not die directly from that cause. It will likely be a systemic infection or virus or other communicable disease.

Sorry ass state of affairs, that all that guidance was TORTURED by local/state/Fed govt during Covid because of the financial incentive of DECLARING covid as the cause at the hospitals and having the govt reporting reflect that in too many places in the US.
Using your logic, a man, 88 is in an assisted care facility who has pre existing conditions takes an aspirin as prescribed by his doctor and drops dead. Therefore by your logic, the aspirin was the cause of death. The problem with this analogy is it is illogical because aspirins just like taking the covid vaccine, very rarely results in death, about 5 deaths out of 500 million vaccinations.

Death certificates will almost always list multiple causes. On line 1 on the death certificate, the immediate cause of death is listed, organ failure, repertory failure, cardiac arrest etc. On line 2, the chain of events that lead up to the immediate cause of death is listed with the last item being the event that started the chain of events that lead to death. This event is what the bureau of vital statistics records as cause death.

For example: Suppose you went to the ER because you're having severe chest pains and also have been tested positive for Covid but you are not having breathing problems. The ER does a chest x-ray, EKG, and number of tests. Your lungs are reasonable clear but tests show you have damage to a heart value. So the ER diagnosis is a mild case of Covid and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy. After several days in the hospital you die of Cardiac Arrest. The death certificate will list immediate cause of death as Cardiac Arrest. The chain of events that lead to death will begin with the Cardiac Arrest, listing all events that lead to the death. The last item would be Ventricular Hypertrophy and that would be considered the cause of death. Corvid, COPD, Diabetes, etc might be listed as contributing factor but not the cause of death.

BTW the change in death certificates was long before covid. In 1990, the CDC standardized death certificates with a line for immediate clause of death, and the chain of events that lead to the death. The event that started the chain was recognized as the cause of death for both legal and statistical purposes.
Not when there is a $77000 incentive to call it Covid. That is in the Cares Act. Was later reduced to $66000 i believe.

By the same token of your aspirin Narrative....same to the Covid deaths. You apply that pre-existing killed from vaccines then it should apply to Covid in the exact same way. I do not trust the 800k plus numbers when ive seren manipulation if those numbers with local people.
So you blame the dead person. While that may not he the normal she is just as dead.

Allergic reaction?? Maybe, but that also means the jab killed her.

We ask ourself at work what is the worst thing that can happen to do the job. You could fall to your death, get crushed. And every time something actually happens someone says had they done this or that they wouldnt be dead. For primarily legal purposes if sued.

Bottom line these few cases I posted are enough me to say they died from the jab. I dont care if it was fear of a needle or an allergic reaction. They died because they gotbthe jab. Had they not done so theyb might very well still be here.

Hey eagle, did you see that insurance company showing deaths up 40 percent?
As it SHOULD be. Because everyone with an impaired immune system or organ degradation is TOLD that they likely will not die directly from that cause. It will likely be a systemic infection or virus or other communicable disease.

Sorry ass state of affairs, that all that guidance was TORTURED by local/state/Fed govt during Covid because of the financial incentive of DECLARING covid as the cause at the hospitals and having the govt reporting reflect that in too many places in the US.
I read a novel not to long ago about a doctor in the early 20th century. He was filling out a death certificate and the young interne ask, what was the cause of death. The doctor said heart attack. The young intern listed off the events that occurred after entry to the hospital, pneumonia, stroke, etc. The old doctor stop him and said "He came to hospital with a heart attack. If he had not had a heart attack, he would be alive today so that's the cause of death." The chain of events that lead to death on a death certificates usually agree with the old doctors method.
I read a novel not to long ago about a doctor in the early 20th century. He was filling out a death certificate and the young interne ask, what was the cause of death. The doctor said heart attack. The young intern listed off the events that occurred after entry to the hospital, pneumonia, stroke, etc. The old doctor stop him and said "He came to hospital with a heart attack. If he had not had a heart attack, he would be alive today so that's the cause of death." The chain of events that lead to death on a death certificates usually agree with the old doctors method.

Except in places where the Coroner's office is in on "never letting a crisis go to waste" mentality and the Medical Examiner decides to UP the covid mortality rate so that -- for instance -- courts can fuck with the security and accuracy of an upcoming election, or make the INCUMBENTS look more incompetent.

This happened OFTEN around the country. Not widespread, but it did. I think Oakland Ca was one example where after the reported excess had a damaging effect on the news cycle -- they quietly went back in and reversed several hundred deaths.

Also the CDC APPARENTLY ALLOWS that if Covid is put down on the hospital as a contributing cause -- THEY (the CDC) can count that as a "covid death".

How death causes are recorded​

Part I and II of a death certificate ask what caused a death and what other factors contributed to it. If COVID-19 appears among the causes and contributors, CDC guidance counts that as a COVID-19-related death.

Part I asks for the “immediate cause” of death, followed by any “conditions that led to the immediate cause,” the CDC explains in guidelines for certifying COVID-19 fatalities. For example: In some COVID-19 cases, the immediate cause is an affliction that arose from the disease, such as pneumonia, while COVID-19 gets listed under that as an underlying condition that led to death. In other words, COVID-19 caused the pneumonia.

Part II asks for conditions that did not set off medical events that led to death but contributed in some other way. Here, COVID-19 appears as sort of an accomplice to a fatality that was probably going to occur from something else (such as a preexisting, terminal disease), albeit later than if the person had not contracted COVID-19.

For instance: In Aiken’s example of a patient near death from Alzheimer’s disease before contracting COVID-19 (which she described as taken from several cases, not one in particular), COVID-19 would be a contributing condition, not a cause. “She was already in decline, had a short life expectancy, and COVID-19 may have tipped her over, but just barely,” Aiken says.

The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services explains on its website why the disease is cited if it played any role at all:

“Whether COVID-19 shortened a life by 15 years or 15 minutes; whether COVID-19 is an underlying or contributing condition, the virus was in circulation, infected an Alaskan, and hastened their death.”


Yeah, it's complicated. And some calls are not easy. But the CDC and some local Medical Examiners took ADVANTAGE of the crisis to bend protocols and increase the anxiety.

Before the pandemic - that person "15 minutes from death by other causes" would NEVER have died from a cold.

Same thing done on case reporting. As there's a matter of the 2020/21 flu season that by CDC RECORDS -- simply did not happen.
Except in places where the Coroner's office is in on "never letting a crisis go to waste" mentality and the Medical Examiner decides to UP the covid mortality rate so that -- for instance -- courts can fuck with the security and accuracy of an upcoming election, or make the INCUMBENTS look more incompetent.

This happened OFTEN around the country. Not widespread, but it did. I think Oakland Ca was one example where after the reported excess had a damaging effect on the news cycle -- they quietly went back in and reversed several hundred deaths.

Also the CDC APPARENTLY ALLOWS that if Covid is put down on the hospital as a contributing cause -- THEY (the CDC) can count that as a "covid death".

How death causes are recorded​

Part I and II of a death certificate ask what caused a death and what other factors contributed to it. If COVID-19 appears among the causes and contributors, CDC guidance counts that as a COVID-19-related death.

Part I asks for the “immediate cause” of death, followed by any “conditions that led to the immediate cause,” the CDC explains in guidelines for certifying COVID-19 fatalities. For example: In some COVID-19 cases, the immediate cause is an affliction that arose from the disease, such as pneumonia, while COVID-19 gets listed under that as an underlying condition that led to death. In other words, COVID-19 caused the pneumonia.

Part II asks for conditions that did not set off medical events that led to death but contributed in some other way. Here, COVID-19 appears as sort of an accomplice to a fatality that was probably going to occur from something else (such as a preexisting, terminal disease), albeit later than if the person had not contracted COVID-19.

For instance: In Aiken’s example of a patient near death from Alzheimer’s disease before contracting COVID-19 (which she described as taken from several cases, not one in particular), COVID-19 would be a contributing condition, not a cause. “She was already in decline, had a short life expectancy, and COVID-19 may have tipped her over, but just barely,” Aiken says.

The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services explains on its website why the disease is cited if it played any role at all:

“Whether COVID-19 shortened a life by 15 years or 15 minutes; whether COVID-19 is an underlying or contributing condition, the virus was in circulation, infected an Alaskan, and hastened their death.”


Yeah, it's complicated. And some calls are not easy. But the CDC and some local Medical Examiners took ADVANTAGE of the crisis to bend protocols and increase the anxiety.

Before the pandemic - that person "15 minutes from death by other causes" would NEVER have died from a cold.

Same thing done on case reporting. As there's a matter of the 2020/21 flu season that by CDC RECORDS -- simply did not happen.
Regardless of prexisting conditions if the event that kicked off the chain of events that lead to the death is Covid, the health department will record the death as a Covid death. This is essential what doctors have done since the first death certificate. In other words, if the patient had not caught Covid, he or she would likely be alive today. Essentially all cases counted as covid deaths have two things in common. When you go back to the reason they came to the hospital and got so sick, it’s COVID. If you go back to the root cause of the death, it’s COVID.

The results from several studies conclude that the number of Covid deaths have been under reported. The major reason is that the 20% of Americans that die at home are rarely tested for Covid therefore Covid will not appear on the death certificate. Also some state and local health departments will not count a covid death if there is no evidence that the disease was confirmed in a lab. That occurs if a rapid self test is run by the patient but no pcr test was found in the records. Likely the death certificate will record acute respiratory failure.
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Regardless of prexisting conditions if the event that kicked off the chain of events that lead to the death is Covid, the health department will record the death as a Covid death. This is essential what doctors have done since the first death certificate.

That's not true at all. They never put down "flu" if the patient was in end stage CHeart or Renal Failure. And that patient WAS TOLD by their doctors -- that ANY serious infection would be a mortal threat to their lives. And what I just told you above is epitomized by motorcycle head injuries being logged as Covid deaths. True story.
The results from several studies conclude that the number of Covid deaths have been under reported. The major reason is that the 20% of Americans that die at home are rarely tested for Covid therefore Covid will not appear on the death certificate.

Not probable that this 20% at home would NEVER outweigh the 80% that died WITH Covid in hospital when they REPORTED TO THE HOSPITAL for other SERIOUS reasons.

That's the same with the Hospitalization stats. All those 10s of thousands of kids the media declared were "filling up the hospital" when they simply were there for other reasons and only THEN discovered they tested positive. Which they MIGHT have contacted just HOURS BEFORE in the waiting/admissions lines when a couple fragments of CV went up their noses.
Get out of jail Free Card.

Look at this.

From the 12/17/2021 release of VAERS data:​

Found 20,622 cases where Vaccine is COVID19 and Patient Died​

VAERS ID:921768 (history)
Form:Version 2.0

Days after vaccination:0

Write-up: Vaccine received at about 0900 on 01/04/2021 at her place of work, Medical Center, where she was employed as a housekeeper. About one hour after receiving the vaccine she experienced a hot flash, nausea, and feeling like she was going to pass out after she had bent down. Later at about 1500 hours she appeared tired and lethargic, then a short time later, at about 1600 hours, upon arrival to a friends home she complained of feeling hot and having difficulty breathing. She then collapsed, then when medics arrived, she was still breathing slowly then went into cardiac arrest and was unable to be revived.
She was ALREADY in cardiac arrest from being 58 years old!
That's not true at all. They never put down "flu" if the patient was in end stage CHeart or Renal Failure. And that patient WAS TOLD by their doctors -- that ANY serious infection would be a mortal threat to their lives. And what I just told you above is epitomized by motorcycle head injuries being logged as Covid deaths. True story.

Not probable that this 20% at home would NEVER outweigh the 80% that died WITH Covid in hospital when they REPORTED TO THE HOSPITAL for other SERIOUS reasons.

That's the same with the Hospitalization stats. All those 10s of thousands of kids the media declared were "filling up the hospital" when they simply were there for other reasons and only THEN discovered they tested positive. Which they MIGHT have contacted just HOURS BEFORE in the waiting/admissions lines when a couple fragments of CV went up their noses.
The motorcyclist who was killed in a traffic accident if Florida also tested positive for COVID-19, and was initially listed among Florida’s COVID-19-related deaths last summer. But officials from the Florida Department of Health said that person has since been removed from the count.

Whether the doctor puts down Influenza as the event that lead to the death (the underlying cause of death) would be determined by the events that lead to the death. For example if the influenza lead to pneumonia and lung sacs fill with fluid leading to respiratory failure then Influenza would be listed as the initial event that started the chain of events that lead to the death. This what the health dept uses in tabulating causes of deaths ESRD might be listed as contributing factor or might not.

However, suppose the Influenza was limited to nasal cavity with only mild lung involvement but the patient had missed dialysis and the patient had developed hyperkalemia, cardiovascular disease followed by heart failure. Clearly the ESRD would be listed as the event that began the chain of events that lead to the death(Underlying Cause of Death). Influenza might or might be listed as contributing a contributing factor.

It is common to hear a person died of cancer but this is may not be the case. Often a person dies with cancer, not of cancer. Cancer weakens the body so much that something like pneumonia comes along and kills the person. This can be a tricky a thing for the doctor doing the death certificates. Did the cancer really weaken the person so he or she could not survive or did cancer play a minor role in the death.
Whether the doctor puts down Influenza as the event that lead to the death (the underlying cause of death) would be determined by the events that lead to the death. For example if the influenza lead to pneumonia and lung sacs fill with fluid leading to respiratory failure then Influenza would be listed as the initial event that started the chain of events that lead to the death. This what the health dept uses in tabulating causes of deaths ESRD might be listed as contributing factor or might not.
Which is what happened to my father. His death was not by the FLU. Put a payment of $77000 from Cares there for each FLU case then we'd end up like COVID where everything is the FLU. The hospitals wanted that money............and don't tell me they weren't told to call everything they could Covid. I was in hospitals with my wife trying to get her surgery. Many different ones as they didn't want to do it And we heard from them in the hospitals .......nurses and doctors.....saying the same thing. They called it the COVID GAME. One Doctor said to us........why would I do these high risk surgeries when I can go play golf and make the same money. I kid you not.

We will never know the extent of how many really died of Covid versus with in this country.

However, suppose the Influenza was limited to nasal cavity with only mild lung involvement but the patient had missed dialysis and the patient had developed hyperkalemia, cardiovascular disease followed by heart failure. Clearly the ESRD would be listed as the event that began the chain of events that lead to the death(Underlying Cause of Death). Influenza might or might be listed as contributing a contributing factor.
One of the local cases I know about had gangreen and this caused her death. That is from the family. Death Certificate said Covid..........Imagine that.

It is common to hear a person died of cancer but this is may not be the case. Often a person dies with cancer, not of cancer. Cancer weakens the body so much that something like pneumonia comes along and kills the person. This can be a tricky a thing for the doctor doing the death certificates. Did the cancer really weaken the person so he or she could not survive or did cancer play a minor role in the death.
Same as last......Final stages of Cancer. Family said died of Cancer. Death Certificate said Covid.

You play this game over and over again. You deny Vaccine deaths because of their pre-existing conditions but favor covid in those who died from pre-existing conditions. Again we will never know the true REAL COUNT OF THOSE who died with Covid and not from.

On August 26, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a report showing that in 94 percent of the roughly 180,000 deaths that have been attributed to COVID-19, “on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.”

As the CDC report notes, “For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned.”

In other words, 94 percent of Americans who have died from coronavirus from the week ending February 1, 2020 to the week ending August 22, 2020 had, on average, almost three comorbidities that played a role in their death.

According to CDC’s report, the leading comorbidities among these deaths were respiratory diseases, circulatory diseases, sepsis, malignant neoplasms, diabetes, obesity and Alzheimer’s disease, respectively.

Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, many have questioned whether death counts attributed to the pandemic have been inflated.

If the same application of comorbidities are applied to the Covid many deaths would there really be...........given most of the Covid deaths were in the same area as deaths from the jab..............

We discount the deaths from the vaccine........but don't with Covid deaths..........IMAGINE THAT.
The effeminates of the CDC. Where do they get the balls to reify American statistics over all others for the planet?
Which is what happened to my father. His death was not by the FLU. Put a payment of $77000 from Cares there for each FLU case then we'd end up like COVID where everything is the FLU. The hospitals wanted that money............and don't tell me they weren't told to call everything they could Covid. I was in hospitals with my wife trying to get her surgery. Many different ones as they didn't want to do it And we heard from them in the hospitals .......nurses and doctors.....saying the same thing. They called it the COVID GAME. One Doctor said to us........why would I do these high risk surgeries when I can go play golf and make the same money. I kid you not.

We will never know the extent of how many really died of Covid versus with in this country.

One of the local cases I know about had gangreen and this caused her death. That is from the family. Death Certificate said Covid..........Imagine that.

Same as last......Final stages of Cancer. Family said died of Cancer. Death Certificate said Covid.

You play this game over and over again. You deny Vaccine deaths because of their pre-existing conditions but favor covid in those who died from pre-existing conditions. Again we will never know the true REAL COUNT OF THOSE who died with Covid and not from.
Yes, as Kennedy documents, they were making $100,000 from each commievirus prisoner.
Which is what happened to my father. His death was not by the FLU. Put a payment of $77000 from Cares there for each FLU case then we'd end up like COVID where everything is the FLU. The hospitals wanted that money............and don't tell me they weren't told to call everything they could Covid. I was in hospitals with my wife trying to get her surgery. Many different ones as they didn't want to do it And we heard from them in the hospitals .......nurses and doctors.....saying the same thing. They called it the COVID GAME. One Doctor said to us........why would I do these high risk surgeries when I can go play golf and make the same money. I kid you not.

We will never know the extent of how many really died of Covid versus with in this country.

One of the local cases I know about had gangreen and this caused her death. That is from the family. Death Certificate said Covid..........Imagine that.

Same as last......Final stages of Cancer. Family said died of Cancer. Death Certificate said Covid.

You play this game over and over again. You deny Vaccine deaths because of their pre-existing conditions but favor covid in those who died from pre-existing conditions. Again we will never know the true REAL COUNT OF THOSE who died with Covid and not from.
I deny vaccine deaths when the only evidence offered to support the claim is dying sometime after being vaccinated. No doubt there are some deaths do to vaccines but we want know that until there is medical/scientific evidence to support the claim.
I deny vaccine deaths when the only evidence offered to support the claim is dying sometime after being vaccinated. No doubt there are some deaths do to vaccines but we want know that until there is medical/scientific evidence to support the claim.
Well then. I deny the number of Covid deaths in this country for the same reason. Most had pre existing conditions and most were already in nursing homes, assisted living centers, and etc.

You can't have your cake and eat it to. You always deny claims based on the Narrative at hand. And I have provn that the VAERS site has filtered the data.
Well then. I deny the number of Covid deaths in this country for the same reason. Most had pre existing conditions and most were already in nursing homes, assisted living centers, and etc.

You can't have your cake and eat it to. You always deny claims based on the Narrative at hand. And I have provn that the VAERS site has filtered the data.
You say you deny the number of Covid deaths in this country. We only know of 9 confirmed deaths which were due to the J&J vaccine. It seems likely that there are more, maybe hundreds. I doubt that there are thousands because the CDC monitors the VAERS database for patterns as well as vaccine manufacture databases.

From the VAERS database the CDC confirmed that there have been 57 cases of Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) after taking the Johnson & Johnson vaccine out 17 million vaccinations. Of the 57, the CDC has confirmed that 23 were caused by the vaccine or in conjunction with other preexisting conditions and there were 9 deaths due to J&J vaccine.

Out of 1947 reported cases Myocarditis and pericarditis and after vaccination, the CDC has been able to verify 1124 cases. Of these there were only few deaths reported and verified. The CDC and FDA has not been able to determine that any deaths from Myocarditis and pericarditis were due to the vaccines.

After more than 17.2 million J&J/Janssen COVID-19 vaccine doses administered, there have been around 283 preliminary reports of GBS identified in VAERS as of December 16, 2021. There is no report yet that vaccines are the cause of any cases.

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