G O P United in What They Don't Want - Faces Bloody Civil War Over What They Want

The American people respond to clarity. They respond to real fairness, except they have been exposed to nothing but bogus ideas of fairness from the Left and Right for so long it will be a bit of an uphill battle.

Everyone, left and right, is infected with a poison. The "gimme, gimme, gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it" poison.

Yes, the left and right are infected with this poison.

This is the very first thing which must be addressed and cured.

You don't speak for the American people.

You need to shut the fuck up.

neither do you.....
There is no civil war. We have RINO issues and I suspect they're plants by the democrat party.

Either way, these degenerates need to be removed from the platform.

Rubio, McCain, Christie. All RINOs and they need to be booted from the GOP. They are essentially liberal republicans and liberalism is degenerate and sub-human.

yea just keep all the far righties in your party,kick out the moderates and liberal Republicans....see how many elections you win.....in ten years time you guys will be footnotes in history.....and that is fine by me....good riddance....oh and please take the far left assholes with you wherever you end up.....you guys deserve each other....Dean would be a good roommate for ya.....

Obama is a moderate to you. :lol:

Sorry but calling liberals with an R next to their name moderates isn't something I'm going to fall for.

See that's the problem...you guys expect us to become more left and call it being moderate. I got a better idea. How about you ditch some of your principles and adobt mine and we'll call YOU a moderate.

Yeah that's good. How about you get tough on immigration and obamacare. C'mon do it. You should be more moderate.

See how that works?

Get out of here you pile of steaming shit.
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The American people respond to clarity. They respond to real fairness, except they have been exposed to nothing but bogus ideas of fairness from the Left and Right for so long it will be a bit of an uphill battle.

Everyone, left and right, is infected with a poison. The "gimme, gimme, gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it" poison.

Yes, the left and right are infected with this poison.

This is the very first thing which must be addressed and cured.

You don't speak for the American people.

You need to shut the fuck up.

neither do you.....

I never said I did you sub-human animal. You fucking dreg.
The American people respond to clarity. They respond to real fairness, except they have been exposed to nothing but bogus ideas of fairness from the Left and Right for so long it will be a bit of an uphill battle.

Everyone, left and right, is infected with a poison. The "gimme, gimme, gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it" poison.

Yes, the left and right are infected with this poison.

This is the very first thing which must be addressed and cured.

You don't speak for the American people.

You need to shut the fuck up.

hey there, be more reasonable and less hostile and vulgar..this only creates more hate for Republicans on this board....you could of stopped with your first sentence

just my two cents dear
The American people respond to clarity. They respond to real fairness, except they have been exposed to nothing but bogus ideas of fairness from the Left and Right for so long it will be a bit of an uphill battle.

Everyone, left and right, is infected with a poison. The "gimme, gimme, gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it" poison.

Yes, the left and right are infected with this poison.

This is the very first thing which must be addressed and cured.

You don't speak for the American people.

You need to shut the fuck up.

hey there, be more reasonable and less hostile and vulgar..this only creates more hate for Republicans on this board....you could of stopped with your first sentence

just my two cents dear

No, fuck them.

They are enemies to the united states.
You don't speak for the American people.

You need to shut the fuck up.

hey there, be more reasonable and less hostile and vulgar..this only creates more hate for Republicans on this board....you could of stopped with your first sentence

just my two cents dear

No, fuck them.

They are enemies to the united states.

No not all of them here are, a few maybe...please take my advice into concideration
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The Coming Republican Civil War

The last two Republican Party presidential candidates—John McCain in 2008 and Mitt Romney last year—have something in common. Neither one could ever qualify as a true life-long conservative. And a lot of self-described “real conservatives” want Republicans to keep that in mind as they begin to mull the field of White House contenders for 2016.

Conservative activists no doubt see the 2016 battle for the Republican presidential nomination as their best chance, perhaps since Ronald Reagan won in 1980, to put forward a real conservative candidate.

The Coming Republican Civil War « USA Politics

the old guard gop doesn't want to share power with people that love the country more than power, so they spew hate on them and join the dems in an attempt to get more power to the Fed.

We are slowly winning, killing the power mongers off, one by one. All we need to do is get some reps to stop voting for who they know.

dems keep the wh in 16
Rdean and his politics of color..

I guess whites can't have a political party even if what the hater Rdean claims..

Hell we don't have a Congressional white Caucus in our own Government..we need to demand affirmative action I guess


We will have a party for ourselves, I'm not even concerned about winning elections at this point.

Only a party that represents me and my principles. Having principles is more important than going along to get along.

Fuck you liberal sacks of sub-human trash.

By yourselves, you mean "whites"? Just curious.
The Coming Republican Civil War

The last two Republican Party presidential candidates—John McCain in 2008 and Mitt Romney last year—have something in common. Neither one could ever qualify as a true life-long conservative. And a lot of self-described “real conservatives” want Republicans to keep that in mind as they begin to mull the field of White House contenders for 2016.

Conservative activists no doubt see the 2016 battle for the Republican presidential nomination as their best chance, perhaps since Ronald Reagan won in 1980, to put forward a real conservative candidate.

The Coming Republican Civil War « USA Politics

the old guard gop doesn't want to share power with people that love the country more than power, so they spew hate on them and join the dems in an attempt to get more power to the Fed.

We are slowly winning, killing the power mongers off, one by one. All we need to do is get some reps to stop voting for who they know.

dems keep the wh in 16

yep, but to Democrat sheep this is a civil war because their party walks in that Socialist lockstep they think Republicans should too...You notice how they worry over Republicans and never have anything BAD to post about their party?
that shows the cultish sheep and why they belong to that type of party
Rdean and his politics of color..

I guess whites can't have a political party even if what the hater Rdean claims..

Hell we don't have a Congressional white Caucus in our own Government..we need to demand affirmative action I guess


We will have a party for ourselves, I'm not even concerned about winning elections at this point.

Only a party that represents me and my principles. Having principles is more important than going along to get along.

Fuck you liberal sacks of sub-human trash.

By yourselves, you mean "whites"? Just curious.

Sure why not. Minorities get the Democrat party and the Democrats are obviously working at the detriment to whites and the benefit of minorities.

That's the whole reason why I'm not a democrat!
The Coming Republican Civil War

The last two Republican Party presidential candidates—John McCain in 2008 and Mitt Romney last year—have something in common. Neither one could ever qualify as a true life-long conservative. And a lot of self-described “real conservatives” want Republicans to keep that in mind as they begin to mull the field of White House contenders for 2016.

Conservative activists no doubt see the 2016 battle for the Republican presidential nomination as their best chance, perhaps since Ronald Reagan won in 1980, to put forward a real conservative candidate.

The Coming Republican Civil War « USA Politics

the old guard gop doesn't want to share power with people that love the country more than power, so they spew hate on them and join the dems in an attempt to get more power to the Fed.

We are slowly winning, killing the power mongers off, one by one. All we need to do is get some reps to stop voting for who they know.

dems keep the wh in 16

yep, but to Democrat sheep this is a civil war because their party walks in that Socialist lockstep they think Republicans should too...You notice how they worry over Republicans and never have anything BAD to post about their party?
that shows the cultish sheep and why they belong to that type of party

the gop has almost always been at odds with itself

dems only argue about how far left they can pull the country and get away with it.

it's simple physics really

It's far easier to slide down into a deep hole than it is to climb out.

The dnc has been working to undo America since Wilson, at least. and fdr put such horrors on us we will never be a free people again.
the old guard gop doesn't want to share power with people that love the country more than power, so they spew hate on them and join the dems in an attempt to get more power to the Fed.

We are slowly winning, killing the power mongers off, one by one. All we need to do is get some reps to stop voting for who they know.

dems keep the wh in 16

yep, but to Democrat sheep this is a civil war because their party walks in that Socialist lockstep they think Republicans should too...You notice how they worry over Republicans and never have anything BAD to post about their party?
that shows the cultish sheep and why they belong to that type of party

the gop has almost always been at odds with itself

dems only argue about how far left they can pull the country and get away with it.

it's simple physics really

It's far easier to slide down into a deep hole than it is to climb out.

The dnc has been working to undo America since Wilson, at least. and fdr put such horrors on us we will never be a free people again.

Unfortunately I think the Democrats have succeeded...You can see brainwashing from their base...we get more threads like this... and they elected Obama a man who was nobody to anyone but them, but he spewed the socialist vision and promised to Transform Amercian..I'm afraid we are in for a world of hurt and they are now going to vote for anyone who want's to suck this country dry
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The problem is that Republican candidates are forced to sound like reactionary simpletons to get through the primaries. Then they have to seem more moderate for the general election, which makes them come off more wooden and fake than Al Gore.

The candidates are forced to pander to the Sara Palin/Tea Party wing of the base, which is filled with under-educated people who have never studied history or policy. Try asking these people to talk intelligently about Ronald Reagan's policies towards Saddam Hussein's Iraq, or energy, or amnesty and your mind will be blown. They possess zero facts. They get all of their information from the Republican pundit class. They've been manipulated to believe that their country has been stolen and converted into a welfare state for the undeserving poor. They don't realize that the country is run on behalf of large corporations, who staff government through election funding and write policy through lobbying pressure.

They've been taught to believe that the Wall Street CEO making 40 million a year is being persecuted, while the guy living under a bridge owns a Cadillac.

God help us.
The problem is that Republican candidates are forced to sound like reactionary simpletons to get through the primaries. Then they have to seem more moderate for the general election, which makes them come off more wooden and fake than Al Gore.

The candidates are forced to pander to the Sara Palin/Tea Party wing of the base, which is filled with under-educated people who have never studied history or policy. Try asking these people to talk intelligently about Ronald Reagan's policies towards Saddam Hussein's Iraq, or energy, or amnesty and your mind will be blown. They possess zero facts. They get all of their information from the Republican pundit class. They've been manipulated to believe that their country has been stolen and converted into a welfare state for the undeserving poor. They don't realize that the country is run on behalf of large corporations, who staff government through election funding and write policy through lobbying pressure.

They've been taught to believe that the Wall Street CEO making 40 million a year is being persecuted, while the guy living under a bridge owns a Cadillac.

God help us.

oh great, here we are with the UNDER EDUCATED...have you seen the people who voted for OBama? the man had NO RECORD, no experience in anything but being a lowly State Senator and not even ONE TERM in congress...so shut up with you snobby asses...the Democrat party is full of low information voters, they elected OBAMA who is turning out to a FAILURE with the American people...now you uppity educated Democrats will have that STAIN on you...wear it PROUD.

and that line of yours fits you brilliant oh so educated Democrats
you vote for some of the RICHEST Democrats in congress TO BE YOUR MASTERS...SIX out the top TEN is DEMOCRATS...
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you are just as obsessed with these jerks as Dean and your brother Dudley is....Obsession is a mental disorder....

You are obsessed with your phony scandals, we are obsessed with your civil war.

Political obsessions are sometimes cured at election time !


MY phony scandals?....what the hell are you talking about?.....my Civil War?.....you are just a tad out there aint ya?....

A tad? A tad? Are you reading the same posts I am?:)

He's a tad out there much like Australia is just a tad off the Coast of the United States.
Republicans can't be the party of "white" forever. Look at what they've done to the Southern States. What a mess.

Yes we can and that's exactly what we're going to do.

Whether we win elections or not is irrelevant. All that matters is that whites have a political party that represents them and their interests just like the Democrat party represents minorities and minority interests.

There's ample evidence that suggests the United States is divided among racial lines and politics is no exception.

Get your order in early for champaign, folks! The next election is in the bag! We will have at least 8 more years after this administration!
Republicans can't be the party of "white" forever. Look at what they've done to the Southern States. What a mess.

Yes we can and that's exactly what we're going to do.

Whether we win elections or not is irrelevant. All that matters is that whites have a political party that represents them and their interests just like the Democrat party represents minorities and minority interests.

There's ample evidence that suggests the United States is divided among racial lines and politics is no exception.

Get your order in early for champaign, folks! The next election is in the bag! We will have at least 8 more years after this administration!

I'd rather give you indefinite presidency than abandon my principles. Fuck you.
Stop with the bloody civil war crap- the GOP has always included the ignorant red neck racist gun and bible clinging fools- they're just loudmouth instead of silent "majority" now, and disappearing in the age of information, and blatant GOP failure and idiocy.
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