GA Special Election: Complete, Utter, and total failure of Liberalism

Frank apparently sees a need to make excuses for losing ahead of time. Interesting.

Me, I'm not confident in any outcome, so I won't be making any predictions. It's a solid red district, after all. Ossoff shouldn't even be close, yet he is.
Frank apparently sees a need to make excuses for losing ahead of time. Interesting.

Me, I'm not confident in any outcome, so I won't be making any predictions. It's a solid red district, after all. Ossoff shouldn't even be close, yet he is.
Dude, with all the money in that race, don't you see it?

It doesn't matter who wins, the people in that district have already lost.
right? all that money from the left to help the constituents move toward left land. dominance and control it is all leftists have. It fails because people simply don't want it.
right? all that money from the left to help the constituents move toward left land. dominance and control it is all leftists have. It fails because people simply don't want it.
The Congressional Leadership Fund, a Super PAC closely aligned with House GOP leaders that is dedicated to electing Republicans to the House of Representatives, is leading the way in spending in support of Handel and against Ossoff—totalling well over $7 million, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission. The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has poured in another nearly $6.7 million, while the Republican National Committee and America First Policies (a Trump-aligned Super PAC) have spent a combined $2 million.

All told, groups supporting Handel are behind the vast majority—by more than $19 million—of the roughly $27 million in outside spending that’s been reported in the race.

With Georgia's runoff going down to the wire, Republicans pour money into Ossoff attacks

That means Ossoff raised perhaps $8 million from outside sources compared to more than twice that at $19 million by Handel..

Keep in mind Ossoff is a thirty year old Political neophyte running in a district that last went Democrat in 1979 and that elected a GOP Congressman 7 months ago by 24 points
right? all that money from the left to help the constituents move toward left land. dominance and control it is all leftists have. It fails because people simply don't want it.
The Congressional Leadership Fund, a Super PAC closely aligned with House GOP leaders that is dedicated to electing Republicans to the House of Representatives, is leading the way in spending in support of Handel and against Ossoff—totalling well over $7 million, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission. The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has poured in another nearly $6.7 million, while the Republican National Committee and America First Policies (a Trump-aligned Super PAC) have spent a combined $2 million.

All told, groups supporting Handel are behind the vast majority—by more than $19 million—of the roughly $27 million in outside spending that’s been reported in the race.

With Georgia's runoff going down to the wire, Republicans pour money into Ossoff attacks

That means Ossoff raised perhaps $8 million from outside sources compared to more than twice that at $19 million by Handel..

Who cares. He lost. The liberal message was resoundingly rejected again for the 6th time. Thats all that matters really.
Congratulations to the GOP....Now you can be comforted to see that you needn't be worried about any races in 2918.
Instead of running on an "I Love Pelosi and Progressives Platform", Jon Ossoff (D) has borrowed a page from Obama and is sounding like a fiscal Conservative and political Moderate. If Liberalism is a success, why is he running as a Republican?

"Local economic development and cutting wasteful government spending are Ossoff's talking points in a race against Republican Karen Handel that has shattered records as the most expensive congressional contest in U.S. history. Polls show it is headed for a tight finish in Tuesday's special election."

Do you have any doubt that if he's elected he'll vote 100% Liberal/Socialist? Why isn't he running on a Progressive platform?

In House race in Georgia, Democrats look for new path to power

There have always been conservative Dems and liberal Repubs...and that's a good thing, might keep the parties from being to far to the left or right. I don't think he'll vote differently - IF he wins, he will be representing a conservative district.
i love it when the libs have to hide their true agenda in an effort to win a seat. How patriotic.It's why he lost. everyone knew the money was Russia Russia we want you on welfare agenda.
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right? all that money from the left to help the constituents move toward left land. dominance and control it is all leftists have. It fails because people simply don't want it.
The Congressional Leadership Fund, a Super PAC closely aligned with House GOP leaders that is dedicated to electing Republicans to the House of Representatives, is leading the way in spending in support of Handel and against Ossoff—totalling well over $7 million, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission. The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has poured in another nearly $6.7 million, while the Republican National Committee and America First Policies (a Trump-aligned Super PAC) have spent a combined $2 million.

All told, groups supporting Handel are behind the vast majority—by more than $19 million—of the roughly $27 million in outside spending that’s been reported in the race.

With Georgia's runoff going down to the wire, Republicans pour money into Ossoff attacks

That means Ossoff raised perhaps $8 million from outside sources compared to more than twice that at $19 million by Handel..

Who cares. He lost. The liberal message was resoundingly rejected again for the 6th time. Thats all that matters really.
Yes...the GOP will have it easy to retain and gain seats in 2018 based on watching this race.
right? all that money from the left to help the constituents move toward left land. dominance and control it is all leftists have. It fails because people simply don't want it.
The Congressional Leadership Fund, a Super PAC closely aligned with House GOP leaders that is dedicated to electing Republicans to the House of Representatives, is leading the way in spending in support of Handel and against Ossoff—totalling well over $7 million, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission. The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has poured in another nearly $6.7 million, while the Republican National Committee and America First Policies (a Trump-aligned Super PAC) have spent a combined $2 million.

All told, groups supporting Handel are behind the vast majority—by more than $19 million—of the roughly $27 million in outside spending that’s been reported in the race.

With Georgia's runoff going down to the wire, Republicans pour money into Ossoff attacks

That means Ossoff raised perhaps $8 million from outside sources compared to more than twice that at $19 million by Handel..

Who cares. He lost. The liberal message was resoundingly rejected again for the 6th time. Thats all that matters really.
Yes...the GOP will have it easy to retain and gain seats in 2018 based on watching this race.

Libs are in the wilderness. Hopefully all the old ones get consumed. A perfectly timed mass stroke would do fine.
Instead of running on an "I Love Pelosi and Progressives Platform", Jon Ossoff (D) has borrowed a page from Obama and is sounding like a fiscal Conservative and political Moderate. If Liberalism is a success, why is he running as a Republican?

"Local economic development and cutting wasteful government spending are Ossoff's talking points in a race against Republican Karen Handel that has shattered records as the most expensive congressional contest in U.S. history. Polls show it is headed for a tight finish in Tuesday's special election."

Do you have any doubt that if he's elected he'll vote 100% Liberal/Socialist? Why isn't he running on a Progressive platform?

In House race in Georgia, Democrats look for new path to power

Q. If Republican's support cutting Federal Spending, why aren't the members of the Freedom Caucus cutting their income, benefits and perks; isn't leading by example the sign of good leadership?
If Democrats support feeding and clothing Illegals why aren't they giving their homes to them
what a slaughter a Republican won in a red state .... from what I read and heard she distanced herself from Trump.

prolly why she won.
Instead of running on an "I Love Pelosi and Progressives Platform", Jon Ossoff (D) has borrowed a page from Obama and is sounding like a fiscal Conservative and political Moderate. If Liberalism is a success, why is he running as a Republican?

"Local economic development and cutting wasteful government spending are Ossoff's talking points in a race against Republican Karen Handel that has shattered records as the most expensive congressional contest in U.S. history. Polls show it is headed for a tight finish in Tuesday's special election."

Do you have any doubt that if he's elected he'll vote 100% Liberal/Socialist? Why isn't he running on a Progressive platform?

In House race in Georgia, Democrats look for new path to power

Q. If Republican's support cutting Federal Spending, why aren't the members of the Freedom Caucus cutting their income, benefits and perks; isn't leading by example the sign of good leadership?
If Democrats support feeding and clothing Illegals why aren't they giving their homes to them
Barbara Streisand lives in a little cramped 12,000 sq ft home in Malibu, how can she possibly take in anyone?
right? all that money from the left to help the constituents move toward left land. dominance and control it is all leftists have. It fails because people simply don't want it.
The Congressional Leadership Fund, a Super PAC closely aligned with House GOP leaders that is dedicated to electing Republicans to the House of Representatives, is leading the way in spending in support of Handel and against Ossoff—totalling well over $7 million, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission. The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has poured in another nearly $6.7 million, while the Republican National Committee and America First Policies (a Trump-aligned Super PAC) have spent a combined $2 million.

All told, groups supporting Handel are behind the vast majority—by more than $19 million—of the roughly $27 million in outside spending that’s been reported in the race.

With Georgia's runoff going down to the wire, Republicans pour money into Ossoff attacks

That means Ossoff raised perhaps $8 million from outside sources compared to more than twice that at $19 million by Handel..

Keep in mind Ossoff is a thirty year old Political neophyte running in a district that last went Democrat in 1979 and that elected a GOP Congressman 7 months ago by 24 points
Yes. Not exactly a conclusive, end of world scenario for the Democratic Party.
right? all that money from the left to help the constituents move toward left land. dominance and control it is all leftists have. It fails because people simply don't want it.
The Congressional Leadership Fund, a Super PAC closely aligned with House GOP leaders that is dedicated to electing Republicans to the House of Representatives, is leading the way in spending in support of Handel and against Ossoff—totalling well over $7 million, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission. The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has poured in another nearly $6.7 million, while the Republican National Committee and America First Policies (a Trump-aligned Super PAC) have spent a combined $2 million.

All told, groups supporting Handel are behind the vast majority—by more than $19 million—of the roughly $27 million in outside spending that’s been reported in the race.

With Georgia's runoff going down to the wire, Republicans pour money into Ossoff attacks

That means Ossoff raised perhaps $8 million from outside sources compared to more than twice that at $19 million by Handel..

Keep in mind Ossoff is a thirty year old Political neophyte running in a district that last went Democrat in 1979 and that elected a GOP Congressman 7 months ago by 24 points
Yes. Not exactly a conclusive, end of world scenario for the Democratic Party.

wait until healthcare votes from the entire country decides who wins ...
Instead of running on an "I Love Pelosi and Progressives Platform", Jon Ossoff (D) has borrowed a page from Obama and is sounding like a fiscal Conservative and political Moderate. If Liberalism is a success, why is he running as a Republican?

"Local economic development and cutting wasteful government spending are Ossoff's talking points in a race against Republican Karen Handel that has shattered records as the most expensive congressional contest in U.S. history. Polls show it is headed for a tight finish in Tuesday's special election."

Do you have any doubt that if he's elected he'll vote 100% Liberal/Socialist? Why isn't he running on a Progressive platform?

In House race in Georgia, Democrats look for new path to power

The main reason is that the political systems in the US are slanted towards the right. If the US had a proper system that was FAIR, then liberalism would be more liberal and conservatism would be less conservative. But the dinosaurs have decided they don't want to die, they trumpet democracy, and prevent it from happening.
It is "highly Illogical" to posit as it is done in the OP that the result of this Election equals "Complete Utter and Total failure of Liberalism" would be as illogical as had Ossoff won saying "this means the utter total and complete failure of Conservatism"

This District has not seen a Democratic Congress person in 38 years (1979) and the last Election for Congress in this District 7 months ago was won by the GOP Congressman Price by over 24 points. Fact: rather than being outspent 7 to 1 as is being claimed from a filing in May the GOP out spent Ossoff in outside funds by more than twice as much ...Ossoff was a thirty year old politcal neophyte whose lack of resume politically made it easy to tie him to much maligned Nancy Pelosi..the final margin was Handel 51.9 Ossoff 48.1...
The mandate continues. GOP leaders, the people just told you again, do your fking jobs and implement the peoples agenda that Trump is pushing.

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