GA Special Election: Complete, Utter, and total failure of Liberalism

Even after spending $20 million in Georgia.

Democrats now 0-4 in special elections.

Thanks to Uncle Vlad and his Vote Changing Mind Control Ray

Instead of running on an "I Love Pelosi and Progressives Platform", Jon Ossoff (D) has borrowed a page from Obama and is sounding like a fiscal Conservative and political Moderate. If Liberalism is a success, why is he running as a Republican?

"Local economic development and cutting wasteful government spending are Ossoff's talking points in a race against Republican Karen Handel that has shattered records as the most expensive congressional contest in U.S. history. Polls show it is headed for a tight finish in Tuesday's special election."

Do you have any doubt that if he's elected he'll vote 100% Liberal/Socialist? Why isn't he running on a Progressive platform?

In House race in Georgia, Democrats look for new path to power

how does a 4 point win in a place where you should have won by 20 points show a failure of liberalism?

you've truly become a dumbass frankie


when wasnt he a dumbass ?

a Republican won in a Red districit, in a Red state ..

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ FUCKING SHOCKING ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

true. :true:
Instead of running on an "I Love Pelosi and Progressives Platform", Jon Ossoff (D) has borrowed a page from Obama and is sounding like a fiscal Conservative and political Moderate. If Liberalism is a success, why is he running as a Republican?

"Local economic development and cutting wasteful government spending are Ossoff's talking points in a race against Republican Karen Handel that has shattered records as the most expensive congressional contest in U.S. history. Polls show it is headed for a tight finish in Tuesday's special election."

Do you have any doubt that if he's elected he'll vote 100% Liberal/Socialist? Why isn't he running on a Progressive platform?

In House race in Georgia, Democrats look for new path to power

how does a 4 point win in a place where you should have won by 20 points show a failure of liberalism?

you've truly become a dumbass frankie


when wasnt he a dumbass ?

a Republican won in a Red districit, in a Red state ..

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ FUCKING SHOCKING ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

true. :true:

In that district for over 20 years the republicans had easily won,until now. as the slackjawed southern hick white goyim continue to die off, ,going forward should be interesting, Time is on our side
Frank apparently sees a need to make excuses for losing ahead of time. Interesting.

Me, I'm not confident in any outcome, so I won't be making any predictions. It's a solid red district, after all. Ossoff shouldn't even be close, yet he is.

You obviously know nothing about Atlanta and the surrounding area. This is not 1950
In that district for over 20 years the republicans had easily won,until now. as the slackjawed southern hick white goyim continue to die off, ,going forward should be interesting, Time is on our side

Your racism, bigotry and hatred will be your downfall...just like the political race the left just lost.

The elitist globalist (Democrats) have you totally fooled into believing that Republican = Bigot. WRONG WRONG WRONG and WRONG!!!!
If it wasn't for Republicans you might still be on a Plantation. Did you even know that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican? Probably not.
Republicans have ALWAYS been the party of personal liberty and empowering individuals.

Are there some bigoted, racist white people? Yep. Plenty. And there are also plenty of bigoted, racist black people? Yep. (surprise!!!)

I doubt you'll ever be smart enough to think and research HONESTLY for yourself, but it is the DEMOCRATS that are the true racists and bigots. Always have been.
But people are so easy to fool and manipulate. The Clintons would spit on black people if they didn't need their votes so desperately. Bill Clinton did not like blacks at all. Hillary either. But they tricked you.

I can tell for 100% certain that when all the conservatives have died off things will be MUCH worse off. Everyone will. But you just keep staying ignorant ok?
When all conservatives are gone, America will be one great big "Democratic" Chicago.

Ignorance will ensure your "wonderful" future. BANG!!!!!!!!
Last edited:

In that district for over 20 years the republicans had easily won,until now. as the slackjawed southern hick white goyim continue to die off, ,going forward should be interesting, Time is on our side

Actually the Republican easily won last night despite the filthy Democrat Pajama Boy spending tens of millions more dollars than the Republican. .

That is a upscale community of Atlanta. Mostly high income professionals. The demographics have changed because a lot of high tech firms and businesses have moved in and brought Liberals form other states with them. The Republican still won.

There is no good news in the election at all for the Moon Bats.

They really need to get off that hate Trump obstructionism extreme far Left agenda at they have if they expect to win any more elections. That campaign of hate and lies that they are doing now isn't winning anything.

They are not going to win elections by only appealing to the welfare queens, inner city ghetto dwellers, illegals, Muslims and bat shit crazy hate mongers.
As a democrat, I will begin to worry when we lose elections in majority democratic districts,
It's clear Dems can no longer win pretending to be Republicans; they need to openly embrace their inner Mao. Bernie was the rightful winner of the 2016 nomination. No more dry-humping Socialism, just come out openly for redistribution, government control,


bread lines,


single payer health care like Cuba

The Communist Party no longer runs their own candidate, they've endorsed the Democrats the last 3 cycles, maybe more.

Instead of running on an "I Love Pelosi and Progressives Platform", Jon Ossoff (D) has borrowed a page from Obama and is sounding like a fiscal Conservative and political Moderate. If Liberalism is a success, why is he running as a Republican?

"Local economic development and cutting wasteful government spending are Ossoff's talking points in a race against Republican Karen Handel that has shattered records as the most expensive congressional contest in U.S. history. Polls show it is headed for a tight finish in Tuesday's special election."

Do you have any doubt that if he's elected he'll vote 100% Liberal/Socialist? Why isn't he running on a Progressive platform?

In House race in Georgia, Democrats look for new path to power

how does a 4 point win in a place where you should have won by 20 points show a failure of liberalism?

you've truly become a dumbass frankie


when wasnt he a dumbass ?

a Republican won in a Red districit, in a Red state ..

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ FUCKING SHOCKING ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

true. :true:

In that district for over 20 years the republicans had easily won,until now. as the slackjawed southern hick white goyim continue to die off, ,going forward should be interesting, Time is on our side

isn't it cute how the rightwingnuts think if they keep repeating lies and laughing at truth that it somehow makes their insanity not insane?

delusional wack jobs
As a democrat, I will begin to worry when we lose elections in majority democratic districts,

They did lose in traditional Democrat areas in 2016. They lost Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio West Virginia. They just barely won in Minnesota.

They have a terrible agenda. It is an agenda of welfare, redistribution of wealth, higher taxation, more regulation, environmental wackoism, anti right to keep and bear arms, foreign policy weakness, letting illegals flood in and kissing the ass of the Muslims. Who, in their right mind, would ever vote for that agenda?
Ohhhh Dem's go down in flames again lmao! I'm in the business of rubbing salt in the left's wounds and let me tell you, business is booming! :eusa_dance: Poor libs again you were denied, rejected, thrown under the bus by voters. $24 million down the drain Trump whooped your ass again :laugh:
Instead of running on an "I Love Pelosi and Progressives Platform", Jon Ossoff (D) has borrowed a page from Obama and is sounding like a fiscal Conservative and political Moderate. If Liberalism is a success, why is he running as a Republican?

"Local economic development and cutting wasteful government spending are Ossoff's talking points in a race against Republican Karen Handel that has shattered records as the most expensive congressional contest in U.S. history. Polls show it is headed for a tight finish in Tuesday's special election."

Do you have any doubt that if he's elected he'll vote 100% Liberal/Socialist? Why isn't he running on a Progressive platform?

In House race in Georgia, Democrats look for new path to power

Q. If Republican's support cutting Federal Spending, why aren't the members of the Freedom Caucus cutting their income, benefits and perks; isn't leading by example the sign of good leadership?
Nobody votes for democrats anymore. They are vile, dirty, immoral, helpless, lazy, perverted, disgusting society suckers who enjoy killing unborn children. What's to like?
Instead of running on an "I Love Pelosi and Progressives Platform", Jon Ossoff (D) has borrowed a page from Obama and is sounding like a fiscal Conservative and political Moderate. If Liberalism is a success, why is he running as a Republican?

"Local economic development and cutting wasteful government spending are Ossoff's talking points in a race against Republican Karen Handel that has shattered records as the most expensive congressional contest in U.S. history. Polls show it is headed for a tight finish in Tuesday's special election."

Do you have any doubt that if he's elected he'll vote 100% Liberal/Socialist? Why isn't he running on a Progressive platform?

In House race in Georgia, Democrats look for new path to power

how does a 4 point win in a place where you should have won by 20 points show a failure of liberalism?

you've truly become a dumbass frankie


when wasnt he a dumbass ?

a Republican won in a Red districit, in a Red state ..

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ FUCKING SHOCKING ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

true. :true:

In that district for over 20 years the republicans had easily won,until now. as the slackjawed southern hick white goyim continue to die off, ,going forward should be interesting, Time is on our side
California used to be solid Republican too. First in schools, balanced budget, excellent economy and jobs. Today it is Democrat controlled. 49th in education, $200B in unfunded mandates, $72B budget deficit, companies are fleeing, and the only jobs are flipping burgers.
Instead of running on an "I Love Pelosi and Progressives Platform", Jon Ossoff (D) has borrowed a page from Obama and is sounding like a fiscal Conservative and political Moderate. If Liberalism is a success, why is he running as a Republican?

"Local economic development and cutting wasteful government spending are Ossoff's talking points in a race against Republican Karen Handel that has shattered records as the most expensive congressional contest in U.S. history. Polls show it is headed for a tight finish in Tuesday's special election."

Do you have any doubt that if he's elected he'll vote 100% Liberal/Socialist? Why isn't he running on a Progressive platform?

In House race in Georgia, Democrats look for new path to power

how does a 4 point win in a place where you should have won by 20 points show a failure of liberalism?

you've truly become a dumbass frankie


when wasnt he a dumbass ?

a Republican won in a Red districit, in a Red state ..

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ FUCKING SHOCKING ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

true. :true:

In that district for over 20 years the republicans had easily won,until now. as the slackjawed southern hick white goyim continue to die off, ,going forward should be interesting, Time is on our side
California used to be solid Republican too. First in schools, balanced budget, excellent economy and jobs. Today it is Democrat controlled. 49th in education, $200B in unfunded mandates, $72B budget deficit, companies are fleeing, and the only jobs are flipping burgers.

Don't worry they will just raise taxes again (sarcasm)
Instead of running on an "I Love Pelosi and Progressives Platform", Jon Ossoff (D) has borrowed a page from Obama and is sounding like a fiscal Conservative and political Moderate. If Liberalism is a success, why is he running as a Republican?

"Local economic development and cutting wasteful government spending are Ossoff's talking points in a race against Republican Karen Handel that has shattered records as the most expensive congressional contest in U.S. history. Polls show it is headed for a tight finish in Tuesday's special election."

Do you have any doubt that if he's elected he'll vote 100% Liberal/Socialist? Why isn't he running on a Progressive platform?

In House race in Georgia, Democrats look for new path to power

Q. If Republican's support cutting Federal Spending, why aren't the members of the Freedom Caucus cutting their income, benefits and perks; isn't leading by example the sign of good leadership?
Trump gets a $1 a year salary.
But thanks for bringing that up.

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