GA Special Election: Complete, Utter, and total failure of Liberalism

what a slaughter a Republican won in a red state .... from what I read and heard she distanced herself from Trump.

prolly why she won.
whoa wait, I thought the 25 million invested in that election was to show support for the liberal way of life. It just fell fking flat on its face. let me take a moment and tell you how fking sweet this is. fking 25 million flushed in a toilet. Only in a libs mind that is productive.
How many hungry children could have been fed with the Democrat's $30 million they wasted on this election?
Yeah that is the constant worry of conservatives what are poor children going to eat ...
Ah yes, the obligatory conservatives want children to starve rant.

Must be why an overwhelming number of people who volunteer and donate to help the poor are conservative.
How many hungry children could have been fed with the Democrat's $30 million they wasted on this election?
Yeah that is the constant worry of conservatives what are poor children going to eat ...
Ah yes, the obligatory conservatives want children to starve rant.

Must be why an overwhelming number of people who volunteer and donate to help the poor are conservative.

They're predictable
The mandate continues. GOP leaders, the people just told you again, do your fking jobs and implement the peoples agenda that Trump is pushing.

They didn't vote for Trump, Trump wasn't even running.... go figure.
Instead of running on an "I Love Pelosi and Progressives Platform", Jon Ossoff (D) has borrowed a page from Obama and is sounding like a fiscal Conservative and political Moderate. If Liberalism is a success, why is he running as a Republican?

"Local economic development and cutting wasteful government spending are Ossoff's talking points in a race against Republican Karen Handel that has shattered records as the most expensive congressional contest in U.S. history. Polls show it is headed for a tight finish in Tuesday's special election."

Do you have any doubt that if he's elected he'll vote 100% Liberal/Socialist? Why isn't he running on a Progressive platform?

In House race in Georgia, Democrats look for new path to power

The main reason is that the political systems in the US are slanted towards the right. If the US had a proper system that was FAIR, then liberalism would be more liberal and conservatism would be less conservative. But the dinosaurs have decided they don't want to die, they trumpet democracy, and prevent it from happening.
Ah yes, the obligatory if everyone was a leftist like me the world would be great rant.
right? all that money from the left to help the constituents move toward left land. dominance and control it is all leftists have. It fails because people simply don't want it.
The Congressional Leadership Fund, a Super PAC closely aligned with House GOP leaders that is dedicated to electing Republicans to the House of Representatives, is leading the way in spending in support of Handel and against Ossoff—totalling well over $7 million, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission. The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has poured in another nearly $6.7 million, while the Republican National Committee and America First Policies (a Trump-aligned Super PAC) have spent a combined $2 million.

All told, groups supporting Handel are behind the vast majority—by more than $19 million—of the roughly $27 million in outside spending that’s been reported in the race.

With Georgia's runoff going down to the wire, Republicans pour money into Ossoff attacks

That means Ossoff raised perhaps $8 million from outside sources compared to more than twice that at $19 million by Handel..

Keep in mind Ossoff is a thirty year old Political neophyte running in a district that last went Democrat in 1979 and that elected a GOP Congressman 7 months ago by 24 points
Yes. Not exactly a conclusive, end of world scenario for the Democratic Party.

wait until healthcare votes from the entire country decides who wins ...
?? IMO, no one is going to "win" this one. Obamacare is circling the drain. Trumpcare is a big disaster for the rural and older folks. So who is going to win? Only the parties. Not us.
?? IMO, no one is going to "win" this one. Obamacare is circling the drain. Trumpcare is a big disaster for the rural and older folks. So who is going to win? Only the parties. Not us.
some say the good thing about this is how bad things will get ....
Ah yes, the obligatory if everyone was a leftist like me the world would be great rant.
If we distribute guns throughout a society its all good even if schizos get their hands on them ...BUT Blacks are exempted from being allowed to own guns Black in Minnesota had Legal gun carry papers hah like that means anything ...
by the way regarding the OP contention that this Election result is "Armageddon" for Liberals

Jonathan Chait:
“It’s certainly true that Jon Ossoff’s underperformance of the polls (he was nearly tied in the polling average, and is losing by almost 4 points) should incrementally adjust one’s view of the Democrats’ prospects. But the reason the party has lost all four special elections is glaringly simple. It is not some deep and fatal malady afflicting its messaging, platform, consultants, or ad spending allocation methods. Republicans have won the special elections because they’ve all been held in heavily Republican districts.”
Ah yes, the obligatory if everyone was a leftist like me the world would be great rant.
If we distribute guns throughout a society its all good even if schizos get their hands on them ...BUT Blacks are exempted from being allowed to own guns Black in Minnesota had Legal gun carry papers hah like that means anything ...
by the way regarding the OP contention that this Election result is "Armageddon" for Liberals

Jonathan Chait:
“It’s certainly true that Jon Ossoff’s underperformance of the polls (he was nearly tied in the polling average, and is losing by almost 4 points) should incrementally adjust one’s view of the Democrats’ prospects. But the reason the party has lost all four special elections is glaringly simple. It is not some deep and fatal malady afflicting its messaging, platform, consultants, or ad spending allocation methods. Republicans have won the special elections because they’ve all been held in heavily Republican districts.”
It was such a lost cause Democrats dumped $30M into the campaign with the expectation of losing.
How many hungry children could have been fed with the Democrat's $30 million they wasted on this election?
Yeah that is the constant worry of conservatives what are poor children going to eat ...
Ah yes, the obligatory conservatives want children to starve rant.

Must be why an overwhelming number of people who volunteer and donate to help the poor are conservative.
says you ....
Trump's cuts to nutrition programs will put older adults at risk | TheHill
Trump Budget Guts Programs for Poor and Elderly
Proposed Trump Budget: More Military; Less for Social Programs
?? IMO, no one is going to "win" this one. Obamacare is circling the drain. Trumpcare is a big disaster for the rural and older folks. So who is going to win? Only the parties. Not us.
some say the good thing about this is how bad things will get ....
When Obamacare first passed, some folks were predicting that Obama's end game was single payer by destroying the private insurance market. Seems to be working. Good on him. I just wish we'd been smart enough to vote for it in the first place. There's a lot of struggle and suffering involved this way.
The mandate continues. GOP leaders, the people just told you again, do your fking jobs and implement the peoples agenda that Trump is pushing.

They didn't vote for Trump, Trump wasn't even running.... go figure.
sure he was, why else does a party invest 25 million into one fking district across the country? This was all fking about trump and his agenda. sorry friend, Trump Won, Again.
Ah yes, the obligatory if everyone was a leftist like me the world would be great rant.
If we distribute guns throughout a society its all good even if schizos get their hands on them ...BUT Blacks are exempted from being allowed to own guns Black in Minnesota had Legal gun carry papers hah like that means anything ...
by the way regarding the OP contention that this Election result is "Armageddon" for Liberals

Jonathan Chait:
“It’s certainly true that Jon Ossoff’s underperformance of the polls (he was nearly tied in the polling average, and is losing by almost 4 points) should incrementally adjust one’s view of the Democrats’ prospects. But the reason the party has lost all four special elections is glaringly simple. It is not some deep and fatal malady afflicting its messaging, platform, consultants, or ad spending allocation methods. Republicans have won the special elections because they’ve all been held in heavily Republican districts.”
It was such a lost cause Democrats dumped $30M into the campaign with the expectation of losing.
How much did the GOP dump into the campaign for a Republican safe district?
Instead of running on an "I Love Pelosi and Progressives Platform", Jon Ossoff (D) has borrowed a page from Obama and is sounding like a fiscal Conservative and political Moderate. If Liberalism is a success, why is he running as a Republican?

"Local economic development and cutting wasteful government spending are Ossoff's talking points in a race against Republican Karen Handel that has shattered records as the most expensive congressional contest in U.S. history. Polls show it is headed for a tight finish in Tuesday's special election."

Do you have any doubt that if he's elected he'll vote 100% Liberal/Socialist? Why isn't he running on a Progressive platform?

In House race in Georgia, Democrats look for new path to power

The main reason is that the political systems in the US are slanted towards the right. If the US had a proper system that was FAIR, then liberalism would be more liberal and conservatism would be less conservative. But the dinosaurs have decided they don't want to die, they trumpet democracy, and prevent it from happening.
so if liberalism is so great, why did this dude Ossoff run a campaign as a conservative? Dude that doesn't follow any logic. Either promote your ideas during a campaign or shut up.
Ah yes, the obligatory if everyone was a leftist like me the world would be great rant.
If we distribute guns throughout a society its all good even if schizos get their hands on them ...BUT Blacks are exempted from being allowed to own guns Black in Minnesota had Legal gun carry papers hah like that means anything ...
by the way regarding the OP contention that this Election result is "Armageddon" for Liberals

Jonathan Chait:
“It’s certainly true that Jon Ossoff’s underperformance of the polls (he was nearly tied in the polling average, and is losing by almost 4 points) should incrementally adjust one’s view of the Democrats’ prospects. But the reason the party has lost all four special elections is glaringly simple. It is not some deep and fatal malady afflicting its messaging, platform, consultants, or ad spending allocation methods. Republicans have won the special elections because they’ve all been held in heavily Republican districts.”
It was such a lost cause Democrats dumped $30M into the campaign with the expectation of losing.
How much did the GOP dump into the campaign for a Republican safe district?
not 25 million like the libs. LOL
?? IMO, no one is going to "win" this one. Obamacare is circling the drain. Trumpcare is a big disaster for the rural and older folks. So who is going to win? Only the parties. Not us.
some say the good thing about this is how bad things will get ....
When Obamacare first passed, some folks were predicting that Obama's end game was single payer by destroying the private insurance market. Seems to be working. Good on him. I just wish we'd been smart enough to vote for it in the first place. There's a lot of struggle and suffering involved this way.
It will be great when everyone has healthcare like the VA
While it's nice to be on the winning side WE on the right should use this moment WISELY.....
(and not just to gloat on our victories)

It's important to note that not everyone on the left is onboard with the radical left. We have to embrace those on the left who see the hatred and have seen past the elitist media propaganda and have also rejected the lies of the elitist and their media lap dogs. Many on the left are rethinking their stances on issues.

In order for the right to win in the long run, we need the support of every person, white, black, brown, yellow or ANY skin color that recognizes the danger the radical left presents. If we do not embrace those on the left who are willing to compromise, we will eventually push them to the radical left.
Going around saying things like "Black people are animals" is ignorant and repulsive. SOME black people are indeed animals. And so are SOME white people.
If you hate...just because of skin color, how are you any different from the radical left that hates because of party affiliation or race?

We have to be willing to be sympathetic to opposing views as long as they are not destructive to our society.
Destructive radical left views include open borders, accepting corruption in order to win political power and trade policies that hurt American among others.

Please - let's NOT be like the radical left. Instead, let's use this moment wisely. Let's rise above and turn this into the moment the radical left was permanently defeated. We can only do this if we embrace and unite with those on the left who are not in support of the RADICAL left like many of the lose cannons that post the anti-Trump hatred daily.

If you oppose this train of thought would you please explain why?

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